Re: [DX] SDXL:n kesäkokous 2011

2011-07-30 Thread Markku Jussila
Morjens kaikille!

Ajattelin yhdistää kesiksen, viinimarjat ja kenties suomalaisen ohran
Keravan seudulta. Ajansäästöä!

73 MJ

30. heinäkuuta 2011 0.05 Ari Kilponen kirjoitti:

 Jopas jotakin! Viinimarjat voittavat dx-kuuntelun oleellisen osa-alueen!
 yhtään ihmettelisi jos häitä ynnämuita pikkutapahtumia olisi vuosien

 siirretty kelihuipun, kesäkokouksen yms. tieltä. Varsinkin LEM-konkarit
 voisivat varmaan kertoa

 Mahtaako Raimo niinsanotusti kerätä
 pisteitä talven kuunteluita varten? :)

 73's Portimãosta, ARK

 Alkuperäinen viesti
 29.7.2011 23:29
 Vastaanottaja: Suomalaisten

 Aihe: Re: [DX] SDXL:n kesäkokous 2011
 Kiitos, varmaankin vietän ko.
 viikonlopun Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla, poimimattomat viinimarjat kutsuvat!
 koska Korpilahden kokous olisi ollut noinkin lähellä, viereisessä kunnassa,
 nykyisessä Jyväskylässä! No, tarkoitus olisi nostella muutama lanka ilmaan
 viikonlopun aikana syksyä ajatellen, joten dx-hengessä ollaan, ja tietysti
 kesisradiota SWR:ää kuunnellaan!
 Kari Kivekäs [] kirjoitti:
  Enää viikko aikaa kesikseen Toivottavasti tapahtuma on jo
  kalentereissa. Uskon, että vielä ehtii mukaan ao. kaavalla.
 Olette kaikki tervetulleita tänäkin vuonna :-).

 Tutustu Saunalahden edullisiin liittymiin osoitteessa



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Re: [DX] Radio Krajina, Novi Sad?

2011-07-30 Thread Reijo Alapiha
Korjaan vielä tämän jutun.

Kuuntelin tämän Novi Sadilaisen aseman puhtaaksi ja kuuluttaja
sanookin aseman nimeksi  Suton Radio. Tuo krajinan tapainen maininta on
jotain muuta, jonka olin kuulevinani lennosta.

Reijo Alapiha

Lähettäjä: [] 
k#228;ytt#228;j#228;n Lintujärvi Pentti [] 
Lähetetty: 29. heinäkuuta 2011 9:56
Vastaanottaja: Suomalaisten DX-lista
Aihe: Re: [DX] Radio Krajina, Novi Sad?

Asema lienee piraatti, ja oliskohan nyt sitten viranomaiset sulkeneet 
webbisaitin. Asemalla on facebook -sivu täällä:
Ja sieltä löytyy myös tuo sijaintilinkki.

Taitaa olla vaikea löytää postiosoitetta tälle, aseman luonteesta johtuen ... 

73 de PUL

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Reijo Alapiha
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 9:41 AM
Cc: Reijo Alapiha
Subject: [DX] Radio Krajina, Novi Sad?

Kesäkuun keleillä kuului R. Krajina 104.20 MHz. Vilkaisin silloin
aseman kotisivunkin ja kaikki näytti olevan OK.

Kun myöhemmin rupesin kirjoittelemaan raportteja, en löytänytkään
aseman osoitetta. Mitkään tarjotut kotisivut eivät enää toimi:

Mikähän näitä asemien kotisivuja pudottelee pois käytöstä serbiassa?

Kokeilin etsiä osoitetta jos jonkinlaisella hakukoneeella. Yksi kone
tarjosi tällaisen osoitteen:

Heh Heh  Miten tämä on mahdollista?

Peditionmiesten kannattaisi käydä asemavierailulla ja tehdä juttu lehteen.

Sattuuko kukaan tietämään oikeaa postiosoitetta tälle asemalle?

Reijo Alapiha

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[HCDX] La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: Entrevista a Jose Hollowaty

2011-07-30 Thread Arnaldo
La Rosa de Tokyo es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de 
la radio y del diexismo que se  transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de 
LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.

En el programa de este fin de semana (que en días sucesivos puede escucharse 
en entrevistaremos a un gran 
comunicador y emprendedor en materia de medios de comunicación como lo es el 
pastor José Hollowaty, quien se hiciera conocido en la comunidad de 
radioescuchas por su paso en la desaparecida KGEI y actualmente desarrolla 
un importante proyecto mediático y pastoral en Paraguay. No se pierda las 
grabaciones historicas que ilustrarán el programa.

Puede ser escuchada los días sábados de 12: 00 UTC a 13:00 Tiempo Universal 
Coordinado (09:00 a 10-00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por

Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la 
República Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en 
diferentes días y horarios.

La Rosa de Tokyo también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades 
brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (

También puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la página 
ProgramasDX y haciendo click en

Desde este vínculo también podrán acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones 
anteriores del programa.

La Rosa de Tokyo es producida y conducida por Omar José Somma y Arnaldo 
Leonel Slaen y cuenta con la colaboración habitual de Rubén Guillermo 
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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 103, Issue 30

2011-07-30 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs July 27-29, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   3. Latin American MW logs JUL 28 JUL 29 UTC (Mirela Chiochiu)
   4. La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: Entrevista a Jose
  Hollowaty (Arnaldo)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 08:03:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 27-29, 2011
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ANGUILLA. 11775, July 29 at 1219, Caribbean Beacon still absent. Apparently 
has been off both 11775 and 6090 for a few days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, another week past, and Friday July 29 at 1304 check, 
still no LRA36 carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. I e-mailed this report to MBC, heard July 27 on CJLR3, 88.1 Prince 

MBC heard directly in Oklahoma

``Harry and Abel, On July 27 at 1:12-1:25 pm CST I heard your show on Prince 
Albert 88.1, 1220 miles away in Enid, Oklahoma, via sporadic-E ionospheric 

I thought you might like to know you were getting out this far without
benefit of the internet, altho I brought up your stream later to match to the 
content. Of course I don`t speak Cree, but I found what you were talking about 
interesting, with English words here and there.

Recording of parts of my reception for 7 minutes is at:

You can tell by the fading and imperfect reception that it came off the radio, 
not the internet.

This was on a portable DX-398 AM/FM/SW receiver, using only the built-in whip 
antenna. Not bad for 250 watts, right?

I also pick up lots of Canadian TV stations. Channels 2-6 from Sask, Alta and 
Manitoba were coming in before this, leading me to check the low end of the FM 

I have also posted a full report of this event in my DX Listening Digest, under 

If you are familiar with QSLing, verification, I would appreciate a reply 
confirming that I heard MBC via CJLR-FM-3, either by e-mail or postal, to P O 
Box 1684, Enid OK, 73702 USA.

Thanks, Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO``

And got these replies from the two Cree hosts:

Wow, this is harry of mbc, that is cool. Not familiar QSLing, but I will 
notify. Thank u Glen. Sent from my BlackBerry? wireless handheld (Harry 
Opikokew, July 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Thanks Glen, we get a few people that come from Oklahoma to fish in northern 
Saskatchewan, I have had the chance to guide some of them. It's my 
understanding that we are currently doing some testing with our Prince Albert 
transmitter. I believe the watts have been increased so our signal can go out 
further. (The technical is not my area of expertise). In my younger days when I 
used to live out on the trapline around the 70's, we would put up an Ariel for 
our transistor radio, and we could reach stations from the states on the AM 
band, including Baton Rouge Louisiana, good country stations some of them (Abel 
Charles, July 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 21580, July 29 at 0545, pays to check 13m even in the 
nightmiddle: Chinese here peaking at S9+8 along with SAH from a second signal. 
Altho R. Free Asia from Pacific islands sometimes makes it, this time the CNR1 
jamming is dominant. Victim is via TINIAN at 03-06. Same thing // on 17855 
where RFA via SAIPAN at 03-07 normally is atop, and here RFA has more of a 
signal under CNR1. The CNR1 hype-style is pretty easy to recognize now (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake July 29, after 1200:

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 29-30, 2011

2011-07-30 Thread Glenn Hauser
** CHINA. Firedrake July 30; poor propagation at first, but came up with some 
`new` frequencies, prompted by choices of jamming victims, as SARFT is totally 

Before 1200:
16100, JBA at 1150. NO others found 10-19 MHz, altho CNR1 and CRI had some 
signals on 13590, 13720, 15250, 15480, 15670. Only poor signals from anywhere 
at this hour above 15 MHz 

Before 1230:
11500, fluttery carrier at 1221, but no music. NO others found up to 18 MHz by 

Before 1330:
15280, fair with flutter at 1327 [see 15290 below]

15425, poor at 1327. Yes, not 15430 as previously; had to make sure on YB-400 
rather than parallax on the FRG-7; no others below 16 MHz. July 30 Aoki has V. 
of Tibet on 15427 at 1300-1306 via Tajikistan; 15430 at 1330-1400 via UAE. 
Close enough. Probably was same target when on 15445

Before 1400:
16100, very good with flutter at 1335
15525, very poor at 1345

15290, poor at 1347; was 15280 20 minutes earlier, above. July 30 Aoki almost 
accounts for these in reverse with V. of Tibet via Tajikistan at 1330-1401 on 
15292, 1401-1430 on 15283; no such hets audible here

12900, very good with flutter at 1337; same site as 16100?
12025, poor at 1337 mixing with Chinese, CNR1 jammer
11500, good at 1338; no others 10-19 MHz

Before 1430:
17560, poor at 1421. Unusual spot: Nothing in July 30 Aoki to account for this 
but HFCC has: V. of Tibet, 250 kW, 45 degrees via Madagascar at 1400-1430

15790, poor at 1421 // 17560. Nothing in HFCC to explain it but Aoki July 30 
has Sound of Hope via Tajikistan on 15795 at 1400-1430

14950, good at 1427; no others 10-19 MHz

** CUBA [and non]. More missing transmissions:

17560, July 29 at 2003, 2019, RHC to Europe absent (allowing unimpeded 
spash-free reception of ME music on R. Kuwait 17550 Arabic to CW NAm). 17560 
back on next day July 30 at 1936 in French.

13740, July 30 at 1428, CRI relay in English is missing. It had been on 9570 in 
the 12-13 hour. Now RHC itself on 13680, 13780 as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** FRANCE [and non]. 17610, July 30 at 1152, blues song in English, poor with 
fades, then reggae until abrupt 1200* without any announcement; how rude! 
Scheduled here is RFI, 500 kW due west from Issoudun in French at 11-12 to 
CIRAF 7S, 8S, 10E, 11 and 12N, i.e. Enid and vicinity southward! The 270 degree 
bearing heads more toward Mexico/Central America. This may be another frequency 
for the Météo Marine weather broadcasts at 1133, more easily heard via GUF on 
13640, and always filled out with RFI musique.

15515, July 30 at 1202, RFI via GUIANA FRENCH, good with clip of Pres. Obama, 
voice-over translation to Spanish with heavy gringo accent. Wonder who did 
that, the White House? Surely RFI could do better, as then followed by more 
news announced in proper Spanish: YL refers to US debt as ``14 billones de 
dólares`` --- oh oh, are they using the confusing alternate million/billion 
notation instead of trillion? Everybody, abandon that for unequivocal metric 

15300, July 30 at 1650, RFI weak in French. Mike Cooper and I are wondering 
what the current hours on this frequency are: is it really all the way from 04 
to 20 TU as HFCC-registered, and also in Aoki, EiBi? Plus with overlapping 
transmissions, apparently more than one transmitter/antenna at times.

17850, July 30 at 1701, about equal collision between RFI in French direct and 
REE in Spanish via COSTA RICA; meanwhile, 17855, 17860, 17865, 17870, 17875, 
17880, 17885, 17890 are all vacant plus many more on the lower side (Glenn 

** KOREA NORTH. 6230, July 30 at 1134, noise jamming here, presumably against 
unnamed S. Korean clandestine, which however, S. Hasegawa says is not on until 
1200-1240 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA [and non]. 6050.0, July 30 at 1130, RTM apparently back here from 
spate on 6049.6, as no audible het, just a subaudible one on HCJB 6050.0 with 
automatic 3+1 timesignal and Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15310, July 30 at 1706, hard rock with screaming, typically 
eclectic music of RRI, as soon IDed in passing at 1708, in Romanian, 300 kW, 
285 degrees via Galbeni for France at 17-20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** TAIWAN. 6220, July 30 at 1134, weak signal sounds like kids singing. Per 
Aoki, only here at 11-12 is YFR via Hu Wei, in Burmese.

6240, July 30 at 1134, weak signal with music, maybe Korean? No, Aoki says this 
one is YFR in Chinese via BauJong at 11-16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U K [non]. 15370, July 30 at 1332, 168.5 hours after last log of this weekly 
Saturday BBC transmission: vocal music, uncertain language but could be Somali. 
It`s mostly music, break at 1352 for brief announcement could have been in 
French; 1400 accurate 5+1 timesignal, and talk, also sounds like French 
intonation but can`t be sure, and signal 

[HCDX] July 28-30 Logs

2011-07-30 Thread Brian Alexander
** BAHRAIN. 9745, Radio Bahrain, 0200-0220, July 30, carrier + USB.
Local chants. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** ERITREA. 9830.03, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, 0319-0335,
July 30, vernacular talk. Horn of Africa music. Weak but readable. 
// 7174.99 - poor to fair with occasional HAM QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** GUINEA. 7125, Rdif Nationale, 2235-2353*, July 28, local Afro-pop 
music. French and vernacular talk. Abrupt sign off. Fair to good. On the
air about 1 hour later than usual. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** U.S.A. 7449.43, 7480.57, WWCR Spurs, 0050-0058*, July 30, weak
but readable WWCR spurs from 7465. Spurs +/- 15.57 kHz away from
7465. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** U.S.A. 7504.44, 7535.56, WWCR Spurs, *0059-0115, July 30, weak
but readable WWCR spurs from 7520. Spurs +/- 15.56 kHz away from
7520. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

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[HCDX] July 29-31 logs

2011-07-30 Thread Mikhail Timofeyev
2325 1944-1958 AUS ABC Northern Territory, Tennant Creek, 29/07,  
English, OM talk with other OM by phone, pop songs - poor with local  
noise, // 2310 weak-poor, 2485 poor-fire and as ABC Darwin on 
 with 40 seconds delay

3200 1805-1817 SWZ TWR, Manzini, 29/07, English, Thru The Bible with  
Dr. J. Vernon McGee - fair with local noise

3325 0129-0148 B R Mundial, Sao Paulo, 31/07, Portuguese, OM talk,  
0030'17 song - poor with local noise, then weak due to downward  
propagation, tentative //

3345 2019-2034 INS RRI Ternate (tentative), 29/07, Koran YL singing,  
then local music - poor, then weak under local noise (it seems the  
modulation is not OK), also stream is out of work on

3365 0150-0202 B R.Cultura, Araraquar, 31/07, Brazilian songs - weak  
under local noise and best in LSB

4814.97 0204-0218 B R.Difusora de Londrina, 31/07, Portuguese, OM/YL  
religious talk, songs - fair-poor with local noise and best in LSB

4935.24 0018-0029 B R. Capixaba, Vitoria, 31/07, Portuguese, OM public  
speech - weak and then almost inaudible in local noise, tentative //

4955 0108-0123 PRU R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 31/07, Spanish, OM  
religious-like long talk, 0022'48 music and OM ann - poor with local  
noise and utility QRM, best in LSB

4965 1736-1746 ZMB CVC 1Africa, Lusaka, 29/07, English, pop song, then  
Telecom, News and Sports with YL/OM talks about 2014 World Cup, etc.  
- fair and better with local noise only, // 13590 almost good

4949.76 0224-0232 AGL R.Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 31/07,  
unintelligible signal with pop music at least - weak under local noise  
(strong carrier with very low audio level)

5909.93 0049-0102 CLM Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, 31/07, Spanish,  
OM short ann, local songs - poor with local noise and CRI on 5905  
starting from 0057

5915 1725-1729'52, 2042-2047 ZMB Zambia NBC, Lusaka, 29/07,  
Vernacular, YL/OM dialogues, also at 2042 with Afropop music and OM  
talk - poor under Krasnodar carrier + tone starting from 1727'24,  
blocked by DW at 1729'53, fair signal at 2042 with local noise and  
splashes from 5920 (VOR)

5939.86 2314-2329, 0234-0238 B Voz Missionaria, Balneario Camboriuu,  
30/07, Portuguese, Brazilian song, 2319'51 OM/YL sermon in the  
cathedral with mention of Amém and Aleluia - fair with local noise, // 
/ with 36 seconds delay, also at 0234 with strong signal, but fair- 
almost good only due to het. (IRN)

6010v 2333-2341 B R.Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 30/07, Portuguese,  
OM talk - weak with local noise and het. (BHR), best in LSB, no any  
signal on 15190 under local noise at this time

6010 2342-0002 B BHR R.Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 30-31/07, non-stop western  
pop songs and instrumental music of the 80s - fair-almost good with  
slight het., weak station in the background and splashes from 6015 (CHN)

6015 0257'53-0312 TNZ R.Tanzania, Zanzibar, 31/07, Swahili, interval  
signals, pause, 0300'25 OM talk, then OM Koran-like singing without  
music, 0307'18 OM/YL talks - fair-poor at the beginning and then poor- 
weak due to downward propagation and splashes from 6010 (BLR) and 6020  

6055 1714-1724 RRW R.Rwanda, Kigali, 29/07, Vernacular, YL/OM talks  
with mention of Rwanda - unusually strong signal and almost good with  
slight local noise and splashes from 6050 (CHN)

6070 0243-0253 B R.Capital, Rio de Janeiro 31/07, Portuguese, YL/OM  
religious talk (very similar to cathedral sermon on 5939.86 at 2319) -  
poor-weak under BLR, //

6080 1703-1713 KWT R.Kuwait, Kabd, 29/07, Arabic, YL news with OM  
phone reports - strong signal, but fair only due to BLR, AUS and one  
more weak station in the background, // 13650 very good

6100 1625-1634 KRE KCBS, Kanggye, 29/07, Korean, national songs - poor  
with loca noise only, // 11679.83 fair-almost good

6398.72 1608-1618 KRE Pyongyang BS, Kanggye, 29/07, Korean, national  
songs - poor-fair, // 6250.36 fair

9515 2049-2057 B R.Marumby, Curitiba, 29/07, Portuguese, OM talk, two  
Brazilian YL songs - poor with local noise and empty carrier till  
2055, then weak under CNR2 (two more Brazilian stations were at this  
time on 9565.28 fair and 9586.68 weak)

9650 1635-1655* AFS R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 29/07, Afrikaans, OM  
dialogues with short musical pauses - poor at the beginning, then poor- 
fair with slight local noise and splashes from both sides (CHN and IRN)

9660 2110-2124 AUS R.Australia, Brandon, 29/07, English, YL/OM reports  
from Egypt with voices from the streets, and tentatively from  
Washington, etc. - poor with local noise, then poor-weak due to  
downward propagation

9705 2221-2235 NGR Voz du Sahel,