[HCDX] Sept 10 Logs

2011-09-10 Thread Brian Alexander
** MADAGASCAR. 4910 USB, Radio Madagasikara, *0227-0310, sign on 
to local African instrumental music. IS at 0227:25. National Anthem at
0227:47. Instrumental music and announcements in listed Malagasy at 
0230. Afro-pop music at 0233. Malagasy talk. Weak at sign on, but 
improved to a fair level by 0243. Sept 10. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** UGANDA [non]. via FRANCE. 15410, Radio Y’Abaganda, *1700-1715*,
sign on with local African music. Choral anthem at 1702. Talk at 1702:30
in listed Swahili. Mentions of Abaganda. Local tribal music at 1710. Abrupt
sign off. Poor in noisy conditions. Sat only. Sept 10. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

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[HCDX] September, 09, 10 logs

2011-09-10 Thread Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
3985, Korea, South, Echo of Hope, Hwaseong. September, 09, 0919-0928 male and 
female in Korean talks. 25522, (lob-B).
9705, Niger, Voix du Sahel, Niamey. September, 09 2102-2111 non stop male talks 
in an uncertain language. Consistent adjacent QRM, 22532 (lob-B).
7255, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu. September, 09 2113-2123 male and female in 
English talks "Voice of Nigeria, www...; democracy", female on Bill Evans 
music. QRM seems from PBS Xizang, 22532 (lob-B).
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. September, 10 0839-0902 male and female in English 
talks, male seems in local language segment, short island music, female 
segment, back island music. This time Vanuatu won the battle agaisnt R. Nikkei 
2 until 0853, when both stations were same signal level, but from 0856 Vanuatu 
returned over Japanese station; until 0853 rated as 32533, (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec 
Embu SP Brasil 
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
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[HCDX] QSL Report from Al Muick

2011-09-10 Thread Albert Muick
Greetings all,

USA  WHKW (Ohio), 1220 Cleveland, very friendly f/d letter in 4 days (!)
from Brett Patram, Director of Engineering.  He states that he enjoys
receiving DX Reports from the US and parts of Europe.  he included a
sheet with pictures of the antenna field and the Harris 3DX50
transmitter.  English report and 1 first-class stamp.

Mr. Patram went on to write that WHKW's history was best summarized on
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHKW) and that more facts and
history about the station and its historical RCA BTA 50F transmitter
(which is still intact!) could be found at

Our hobby sure could use more DX'er-friendly engineering staff like
Brett Patram at radio stations around the globe!

Al Muick
Whitehall, Pennsylvania USA
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 9-10, 2011

2011-09-10 Thread Glenn Hauser
** BRAZIL. As we`re almost to equinox, European summer signals on 25m in the 
nightmiddle are dying out, but with K-index-5 boost, I could detect poor 
southerly signals on three Brazilian frequencies at 0522 Sept 10, 11765, 11815 
and 11925 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6205, Sept 10 at 0528, VTC/BaBCock music loop fill after Vietnam 
relay from 6175 is weakly mixing with CRI English audio from 6190, i.e. 
Sackville leapfrog another 15 kHz higher until 6175 and 6205 both go off at 
0529* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. 6165, Sept 10 at 0530, news in French by M&M announcers, ``Bonjour``, 
fair signal, S9+15 or SINPO 35433; in the clear once Bonaire finishes at 0527 
and it`s not too late for Ndjamena to propagate, and whose window will continue 
improving fallward. Bonaire and Portugal also occupy 6165 at 0400-0500, 
supposedly with a 3-minute break at 0427 when you might hear Chad for a bit if 
it`s really on before listed *0430 in WRTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 10:
 7970, very poor at 1224
A thoro bandscan at 1240-1255 found: nothing 10-19 MHz
14700, JBA at 1447; so JBA it could have been imaginary
15280, JBA at 1309 with flutter

** EGYPT. Following the Sept 8 anomaly on 17625, I want to check again Sept 9, 
but at 1900 I am out accessing only the DX-398 portable with whip. On BFO, I 
can detect there is a very weak and fluttery signal on 17625, and an even 
weaker one on 15270. The only thing in HFCC on either is Cairo`s English to WAf 
at 1900-2030 on 15270. So now I`m thinking they have just added another 
frequency rather than switched to a wrong one.

The latest HFCC info for ERTU does show a second channel for this sesquihour in 
English, at
but it`s 11510! With exactly same parameters from Abu Zabaal as 15270, 250 kW 
at 250 degrees. 

(It`s SOP for Cairo to register wooden alternatives without flagging them as 
such. The 1900-2245 service to Europe, concluding with another sesquihour in 
English, is listed with Abis both on 5770 and the real 6270.) 17625 does not 
work out to be a leapfrog mixing product, either.

Next check at 1953, also on the portable, same signals on 17625 and 15270. Back 
on the FRG-7 with full antenna at 2017, 17625 is gone (as it was yesterday 
after 1956), but 15270 is still there, very poor carrier until off at 2029:30* 
or so. 

I was hoping someone else would check this out 24 hours after my initial 
report, but nothing has come in. Maybe I`ll have a third chance Sept 10. Geomag 
storms are not the best situation for any such receptions; Kuwait 15540 was 
very poor too on Sept 9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 7295, Sept 10 at 0526, TDF Issoudun is back to Qur`an from Algeria 
rather than English from R. Japan as 48 hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** FRANCE [non]. 21690, Friday Sept 9 at 2035, frenetic dance party music and 
wild DJ; 2055 mentioned Sénégal, closing `Couleurs Tropicales`` show 
recommended by Mike Cooper, music right up to a few sex before 2100 R-F-I ID. 

Mike also forwards an announcement from RFI website
that they will have special 9/11 programming all day Sept 11, which I assume 
will be on 21690 via GUIANA FRENCH from 17 to 22; try 15300 elsewhen, but for 
best results better listen online (or onsatellite as Mike does). The K-index at 
21 Sept 9 was 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN is on today, Sept 10 at 1226 discussing bullying, not // 
KOSU with NPR `Weekend Edition Saturday` any more; 1228 string of PSAs and 
promos, including a special 9/11 show on AFN ``Sunday at 5`` [what zone??], 
also for VA, USN, etc. 1230 ``We are back on Saturday morning``, OM sounds like 
Lester Holt, with YL, so probably NBC-TV `Today` show reopening on the semihour 

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Sept 10 at 0526, IGIM is on early again with strumming 
music, marred by ham hets or whistles. Get used to it: any broadcaster in 
Region 1 has every right to be there as long as they aren`t targeting the 
Americas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 730, once owned by XEX, now degraded to only 100 kW, is now shared 
with an octet of other Mexicans, including:
730, Sept 10 at 0548 UT, ``Radio Viva Villa`` jingle atop SAH jumble:
730 XEHB Radio Viva Villa Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 50,000 1,000

850, Sept 10 at 1214 in KOA null with SAH, song ``Yo tengo un amigo que me ama; 
su nombre es Jesús``. Suspect it`s this one in Cantú with religious name:
850 XEM Radio Renacimiento Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 500
Yes, from his separate listings by state, link to its own website
confirms it`s one of Mexico`s few gospel-huxter format stations; hmm, XEM calls 
used to apply to Mexicali (G

[HCDX] EMR is on 6140 & 9480 khz Next Sunday

2011-09-10 Thread Tom Taylor
*EMR is on 6140 & 9480 khz Next Sunday*

Date  18th of September 2011

Time  0900 to 1000 utc
Channels6140 & 9480 khz

09.00 Tom Taylor programme

09.25  Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)

EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday

Programme repeats are at the following times:

09.00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00,  21:00 utc

Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to: stu...@emr.org.uk Good Listening73s

PS:   This is the Schedule for 6140 & 9480 Khz:
   1st Sunday M V B   0900 -1000 UTC
   3rd Sunday E M R  0900 -1000 UTC
   4th Sunday R Gloria  1300 -1400 UTC

 NEW EMR Postal Address:
 European Music Radio,
 c/o M.V. Baltic Radio,
 Seestraße 17,
 D-19089 Göhren,
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[HCDX] La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: la Radio y la Guerra Fria

2011-09-10 Thread Arnaldo
La Rosa de Tokyo es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la 
radio y del diexismo que se  transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 
Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.


En el programa de este fin de semana (que en días sucesivos puede escucharse en 
http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm) revisaremos la actividad radiofónica 
durante la Guerra Fría. Revisaremos los casos más emblemáticos como los de 
Radio Liberty y Radio Free Europe, entre otras emisoras de destacada actuación 
durante esa época.


No se pierdan los valiosos archivos históricos que ilustrarán el programa.


Puede ser escuchada los días sábados de 12: 00 UTC a 13:00 Tiempo Universal 
Coordinado (09:00 a 10-00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por 


Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República 
Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y 


La Rosa de Tokyo también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades 
brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (http://www.wrmi.net/).


También puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la página 
ProgramasDX y haciendo "click" en http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm

Desde este vínculo también podrán acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones 
anteriores del programa.


La Rosa de Tokyo es producida y conducida por Omar José Somma y Arnaldo Leonel 
Slaen y cuenta con la colaboración habitual de Rubén Guillermo Margenet
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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 105, Issue 10

2011-09-10 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Radio Silence in China: VOA Abandons the Airwaves
  (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. QSL Report for Al Muick (Albert Muick)
   4. Re: QSL Report from Al Muick (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 18:05:03 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " 
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Silence in China: VOA Abandons the Airwaves
Message-ID: <4e6a2b1f.12518.360...@greekdx.otenet.gr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Radio Silence in China: VOA Abandons the Airwaves

By Huchen Zhang , Dan Dickey and David S. Jackson
September 8, 2011
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Abstract: On October 1, 2011, Voice of America?s (VOA) Chinese radio service 
will go silent, 
as U.S. international broadcasting abandons the airwaves and moves to the 
Internet. In the 
burgeoning age of new media, many, including the management at Voice of 
America, seem 
to be questioning the continued relevance of shortwave radio. Yet, while the 
Internet offers 
great potential, U.S. public diplomacy cannot rest exclusively on the use of a 
single platform. 
This is particularly true where the prevalence of Internet censorship is high. 
Just this past 
May, China announced the creation of its State Internet Information Office, 
intended to 
expand and enhance China?s information dissemination policy, and leading many 
to question 
whether abandoning the airwaves is truly the best way to reach America?s 
throughout the world. On May 25, 2011, three expert panelists-the senior editor 
at VOA?s 
China branch, the CEO of Continental Electronics Corporation, and VOA?s former 
director-discussed the current U.S. strategy for its international broadcasting.

HUCHEN ZHANG, Senior Editor, Voice of America China Branch: My name is Huchen 
Zhang; I?ve been working at Voice of America?s (VOA) China branch for 20 years. 
speaking to you today as a professional journalist and private citizen. What 
I?m going to say 
are my personal observations and opinions. They do not represent the official 
policy of the 
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the International Broadcasting Bureau 
(IBB), or 

On Valentine?s Day, the BBG announced to all the employees of the VOA?s China 
branch its 
proposal to eliminate VOA shortwave radio and TV broadcasts to China on October 
1. By 
switching to Web-only operations, the BBG told us, $8 million would be saved. 
journalists (38 Mandarin and seven Cantonese, 59 percent of the branch?s 
employees) would lose their jobs. In keeping with the spirit of Valentine?s 
Day, we were told 
that the decision had nothing to do with the performance of the China branch. 
In fact, we 
were told that we had been doing an excellent job. The decision was based, the 
BBG said, on 
the increase of the number of Internet users and decline in shortwave 
listenership in China.

More than three months have passed, but I?m still shocked and bewildered by the 
decision. Being a reasonable man, I?ve been looking at the issue from different 
angles. I have 
even tried to put myself in the BBG?s shoes. But no matter how I look at it, I 
always come to 
the conclusion that the BBG?s decision is based on faulty information and wrong 
judgment. It 
comes after the BBG has already abolished VOA radio and TV programming in 
Arabic and 
Russian, two vital strategic United Nations languages. If approved by Congress, 
shortwave transmissions to China would be the biggest blunder yet in the 
history of U.S. 
international broadcasting and