Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 106, Issue 1

2011-10-01 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs September 30, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Radio Cancao Nova 9675 - Happening Now! (Albert Muick)
   3. DX Listening Digest 11-39; World of Radio 1584 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 08:17:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 30, 2011
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 30, before 1300:
10300, fair at 1254
11500, poor at 1254; none in the 12s
13920, poor at 1256; none in the 14s, 15s
16100, poor at 1258
16980, very poor at 1258

After 1330:
16100, JBA at 1332
11500, JBA at 1337
10300, very poor at 1337

** CUBA. 11435, Sept 30 at 0605, huge S9+25 open carrier, interrupted by loud 
data bursts at 0608-0608:44 or so, and again at 0613-0613:44 or so, every five 
minutes onward? Previously pinned on the Cuban spy numbers operation, altho 
without the analog numbers.

13805 & 13835 approx., Sept 30 at 1335 I am hearing lite pulse jamming, which 
must be spurs from the wall of noise on central 13820 vs R. Mart? (Glenn 

** INDIA. 15050, Sept 30 at 1258, open carrier with hum and tone, flutter but 
S7-S9+10. 1300 cut off tone and Sinhala opening of AIR without any IS or theme 
music; 1302 a song; 1305 to OM chanting. Is that for a religion of some sort 
from the state broadcaster? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Friday Sept 30 at 0611, IGIM is on and chanty (Glenn 

** NIGERIA. 15120, Sept 30 at 0607, VON with ID, Nigerian news in English, 
fading S9 to S9+12 peaks along with big hum. With BFO on, carrier is obviously 
unstable too. Still no sign here of a test on 15200 too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. 102.3, the pirate in SE OKC carrying farrightwingnut programming, 
I have heard with spotty reception in NW OKC, so when I was in SE OKC I made a 
point of monitoring its local-quality signal. Previously I had heard a *local 
commercial* go by at the top of an hour, so listened for it again UT Sept 30 at 
0300, and there it was: 

Red Dawn Hunting & Survival at 6103 SE 15 in Midwest City, ``across from Rose 
State College``. (I was listening from the RSC campus, by coincidence, after a 
Paul Winter+ performance.) Phone 405-732-0717, http://www.reddawnok.com website 
also given. Slogan ``when zombies come knockin`, you`re the one rockin```. 

Don`t they realize this flashmob stuff is not for real? Or is it? Google on 
``zombie apocalypse`` including CDC which has more of a sense of humor about 
it, but that`s the big bad government:

0301 cut back into Republic network programming of Alex Jones. The local 
commercial transitions are not smooth, evidently automated.  Among products on 
Red Dawn website, which doesn`t mention the pirate, is ``Tacticle nylon gear``; 
are those related to testicals? I would not be surprised if Red Dawn is 
responsible for running the pirate. If not, they certainly know who is, in 
order to advertise on it. 

This was previously reported in DXLD 11-31, from July 27 posts on the 
radio-info.com Oklahoma board:

``It's on the SE side of town off of Sooner Rd. (Ryan Beam, ibid.) That's 
pretty good coverage. Is it a legitimate station or translator? 
(Scooby214, ibid.) Try 6215 SE 89th. Been there, DF'ed that. Tinfoil hat not 
included. LOL! (OKCRadioGuy, ibid.)``

However that would be 74 blox due south of Red Dawn. A frequent `national` 
advertiser on 102.3 from Republ

[HCDX] La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: la radiodifusión Libia en la era post Khadaffy

2011-10-01 Thread Arnaldo
La Rosa de Tokyo es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la 
radio y del diexismo que se  transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 
Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.


En el programa de este fin de semana (que en días sucesivos puede escucharse en 
http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm) visitaremos Libia, país que está 
registrando profundo cambios políticos como consecuencia de la guerra civil los 
que también abarcan la radiodifusión. Conoceremos las nuevas emisoras radiales 
de la era post-Khadaffy y revisaremos el papel de la radio durante el violento 
conflicto que azota a este país.


No se pierdan los valiosos archivos históricos que ilustrarán el programa.


Puede ser escuchada los días sábados de 12: 00 UTC a 13:00 Tiempo Universal 
Coordinado (09:00 a 10-00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por 


Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República 
Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y 


La Rosa de Tokyo también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades 
brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (http://www.wrmi.net/).


También puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la página 
ProgramasDX y haciendo "click" en http://programasdx.com/larosadetokio.htm

Desde este vínculo también podrán acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones 
anteriores del programa.

La Rosa de Tokyo es producida y conducida por Omar José Somma y Arnaldo Leonel 
Slaen y cuenta con la colaboración habitual de Rubén Guillermo Margenet y 
Marcelo Arias.
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[HCDX] MV Baltic Radio is on this Weekend

2011-10-01 Thread tom taylor
MV Baltic Radio is on this Weekend
Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 2nd of October 2011
MVBR Schedule:  

   0800 to 0900  UTC  on 9480 KHz,  1 KW  Repeat of Radio Gloria
from last Sunday
   0900 to 1000  UTC  on 6140 KHz,  100 KW  MV Baltic Radio
   0900 to 1000  UTC  on 9480 KHz,  1 KW  MV Baltic Radio   
   1200 to 1300  UTC  on 9480 KHz,  1 KW  Repeat of  MV Baltic Radio

Good listening and good reception!  73s Tom
PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for 2011
   1stSunday – MV Baltic Radio  0900 utc
   3rdSunday – European Music RadioTo be announced (on 9480
   4thSunday – Radio Gloria International1300 utc 
NEW EMR Postal Address: 
 European Music Radio, 
 c/o M.V. Baltic Radio,
 Seestraße 17,
 D-19089 Göhren,



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[HCDX] DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 1 Oct

2011-10-01 Thread Ralph Perry
PERU -  4774.95, thanks to all for help in determining that R Tarma is 
apparently the Peruvian here in the mornings.  Was hoping for something more 
surprising  /interesting than this favorite Andes station, but IDs of R Tarma 
by several fellow DXers of the broadcasts on this precise fqy seem to leave 
little in doubt.  Thanks to Thomas N, Dario M, Pedro A and Henrik K!   Last 
winter I was able to hear R Tarma with very nice signals, quite often, so 
eventually I also should be able to hear an ID to set my mind at ease, too, 
hi.   Yesterday hrd this station again, not  even a third as strong as I've 
heard R Tarma in the past, but with clear "cinco de la manana . . . " t/cks 
during the 1000 hour and also references to " . . . nuestra programacion de la 
musica nacional . . ."   One other question remains to be answered, though:  
just how many live pgm streams does R Tarma produce?  I previously would have 
thought just one, relayed on AM, FM and
 onda corta.  But at least one morning this week, I noted unique, independent 
programming 'live' on onda corta versus the live webcast's program.  Surprising 
to hear a morning folklorico pgm with live t/cks on the 
shortwave fqy, and then a second, unique (not the O.C. being relayed) 
morning folklorico pgm with live t/cks on the webstream. The shortwave 
programming was the beloved, very funky tuba huayno type, featuring what could 
only be recordings of a small Andean village's folkloric marching band.  On the 
other hand, the webcast carried music that I'd call techno-folklorico, being 
very fast-paced huaynos, staccato and endlessly repetitive, on synthesizer with 
electronic percussion.   Rather unpleasant stuff, at least for my ears, as I am 
a traditionalist in this regard, hi.   What is this world coming to?  hi    The 
R Tarma website seems to indicate shared programming for AM and FM.   I have 
written them to try and sort this out . . .  (Perry, Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 1, 2011

2011-10-01 Thread Glenn Hauser
** CAMBODIA [non]. 9960, Oct 1 at 1255, romantic-sounding Cambodian song by M 
singer, over RTTY on 9960, but bothered by ACI from the DentroCuban Jamming 
Command on both 9955 and 9965. At 1259, 9960 is hit by a low het as habitually 
off-frequency Tainan, Taiwan turns on its transmitter for YFR in Vietnamese, 
and at 1259:40 there is an brief announcement but can`t tell from which. Palau 
goes off at 1300* and immediately reappears on 9965 with R. Australia in 
Chinese mixed with the Cuban jamming. 

9960 until 1300 is the new clandestine via T8WH PALAU that Ludo Maes of TDP 
told me about at HFCC Dallas, Saturdays only at 12-13 since Sept 17, but the 
first chance I have had to log it, KPPM Radio, for Khmer People Power Movement. 
For more about it see http://www.kppmradio.org 
and Ron Howard also references:

** CHINA. Firedrake October 1, before 1300:
10300, good at 1256
11510, good at 1256 --- Sound of Hope finally wised up and got off 
VOR/Tajikistan frequency 11500?! See RUSSIA [non]
12500, good at 1256
13920, fair at 1256
No time to scan further up as I had to get back to 9960 for the Cambodian 

Around 1330:
16980, very poor at 1326
16100, good at 1327
15900, JBA at 1326
15525, very poor at 1344
15275, fair at 1330, but gone at 1346
14970, very poor at 1330
13920, fair at 1330
13850, fair at 1331
10300, fair-good at 1332

** GREECE. 9420, Oct 1 at 0544, nothing audible from VOG; tho propagation makes 
it iffy, Romania was in OK on 9655, so suspect VOG was really off. Not audible 
on 11645 either. At 1328, 15630 had a very poor carrier, but not even that at 
1344. At 1557 again a carrier and bits of modulation, presumably VOG, edged by 
horrible DRM noise from 15640. Perhaps VOG is becoming sporadic?

John Babbis points out that Luca Botto Fiora, Rapallo (Genova), Italy, had 
reported at 2339 UT Sept 30 to playdx yg: ``Grecia in onde corte spenta. Ciao a 
tutti. Da qualche giorno osservo che la Grecia in onde corte è spenta. Non so 
se riaccenderà, può darsi, in caso contrario non mi meraviglio, anzi l'ho fatto 
quando era ancora accesa, visto che la crisi economica greca non è cosa di 

[translated] ``For several days I observe that Greece is off shortwave. I do 
not know if they will fire up again, maybe, otherwise I would not be surprised, 
indeed I have been that they were still on, as the Greek economic crisis is not 
something from yesterday.``

However, in his every-evening monitoring reports, John did log ERA, UT Sept 
30-Oct 1: 2200-0200+ on 7475 and 9420. Press reports previously quoted in DXLD 
asserted that despite all Greece`s problems, and cutbacks in domestic 
broadcasting, the external SW service was secure due to its popularity among 
mariners, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525-, Oct 1 at 1311, finally Voice of Indonesia with decent 
reception during English hour, S9+22, good if not full modulation, still marred 
by some hum and intermittent audio dropouts, but not too often. Talk about the 
batik industry, outro as having been `Press Review`; 1312 ``Sound of Dignity`` 
VOI slogan, `Today in History` starting with someone born this date in 1917, a 
singer/songwriter from Java whose father owned a batik factory. 1317 on to 
`Focus` segment but MEGO; 1321 `News in Brief`; 1333 ending `Miscellany` with 
long IAD of at least 5 seconds, next `Music Corner`. Hope October will continue 
to provide improved reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. 11500, Oct 1 at 1302, open carrier with flutter, maybe Just 
Barely Modulated? Once again, must be VOR, scheduled Hindi during this hour via 
TAJIKISTAN, which usually fails to modulate, also for English in previous and 
following hours. At least, no co-channel from Firedrake/SOH, which was on 11510 
today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 15230, Oct 1 at 1347, BaBcoCk music loop mixing about equally and with 
SAH against RHC; also in clear on stronger // 17505. These and unchecked 9795 
are scheduled 1315-1400 from Woofferton for staff training purposes. First time 
I have heard it on 15230; did Babcock assume the frequency was open since RHC 
refuses to participate in HFCC? Another set are scheduled from Woofferton at 
1300-1345 on 9605, 9800-DRM and 11640 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 15370, Saturday-only BBCWS, what language will it be in this 
week, Oct 1? At 1308, not French, not English, presumably Somali, frequent 
particle ``wa`` heard, by two OM periodically going into paroxysms over crowd 
noise, evidently a Saturday-afternoon stupid ballgame involving Somalis? HFCC 
shows Somali at 13-16 on day 7, Aoki shows French, both with site: CYPRUS. 
Other schedules have shown part of the trihour in English (Glenn Hauser, OK

[HCDX] SWR now on air

2011-10-01 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Log in Friol

FINLAND, 11690, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, 1550-1557, 01-10, 
SWR now on air with the last program of the year. Listened with pop 
music program, comments in Finish by male and identification: 
"Scandinavian Weekend Radio". At 1557 CRI began transmission on the same 
frequency and eclipsed SWR. SINPO 24322.
On the air till 2100 UTC, frequencies: 11720, 11690, 6170 y 5980 kHz, 
depending of the hour.

Web: http://www.swradio.net/index2.htm
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[HCDX] Oct 1 Logs

2011-10-01 Thread Brian384875
** ERITREA. 9820.03, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea,  0344-0355,
vernacular talk. Euro-pop music. // 7174.99. Both frequencies  fair. Oct 1.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MADAGASCAR. 5010, Radio Madagasikara, 0233-0250, carrier + USB.
Back  on this frequency again. Tune-in to Afro-pop music. IS at 0235.
National  Anthem at 0235:25. Lite instrumental music and Malagasy talk
at 0237.  Afro-pop music. Poor to fair with thunderstorm static. Oct 1.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** MAURITANIA. 7245, ORTM, *0609:40-0625, abrupt sign on with  Qur`an.
Local music and Arabic talk at 0623. Good. Oct 1. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6924.53, Captain Morgan  Shortwave,
0305-0307, blues music. ID. Email address. Fair to good. Oct  1.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ZAMBIA. 5915, ZNBC, 0244-0300, Tune-in to Fish Eagle IS.  Choral
National Anthem at 0251. Local African music and vernacular talk at  
0253. Weak. Poor in thunderstorm static. Oct 1. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 
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[HCDX] QSL Report for Al Muick, Week ending October 1 2011

2011-10-01 Thread Albert Muick

BRASIL, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 11780, no data "thank you for your
report letter" in 30 days for Portuguese report and US $3.00 sent via
airmail.  Letter came back via "Registered Priority" mail, and my report
and $3.00 was returned.  Wow.  V/s.  Luciana Couto, Coordinadora de la
Radio Nacional da Amazonia.  Letter was on letter head showing coverage
maps of both shortwave frequencies, and I was invited to tune in live
via the internet and further enjoy their programs.  Check this out!: 
The reply was written in SPANISH!  Go figure

HONG KONG,  RTHK Radio 3, 567 kHz, frequency-only "Hong Kong Harbour and
FM Transmitting Mast" in 565 days for English report, and US $3 return
postage.  30 days after follow-up via registered mail with another US $3
which was returned.  This station was heard at my listening post on
Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan.  Accompanying letter from Mrs. Elsa Ng
(for the Director of Broadcasting) apologizes for the delay but states
my initial report was never received. (see comment below - Al)

USA, WBCQ The Planet, 9330, f/d "The Planet" postcard in 32 days for US
$1 and English report via first-class mail.  V/s. Allan H. Weiner

USA, WBT 1110 kHz, Charlotte, North Carolina, f/d logo and coverage map
card in 7 days for first-class stamp and English report.  V/s illegible,
but report was addressed to Chief Engineer.

USA, WHO 1040 kHz, Des Moines, Iowa, date/frequency logo card in 8 days
for English report and first-class stamp sent vis first-class mail.  No
V/s and returned the reception report.

So it seems my report to RTHK was another one of the victims of the Army
Post Office mailings at Kandahar Airfield.  As the count increases in
this matter, I am becoming very disappointed in the APO.  Perhaps it was
military intelligence folks that snapped up the mail addressed to
foreign places, but then one would imagine that I would have heard
something about it by now.  Also of note is the fact that this
particular APO is run by civilian contractors.

There seem to be a few stations issuing QSLs and then just sending the
report back with the QSL.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Perhaps
they scan them and digitally store things these days.  I wish I would
have had such luxuries during my days as a CE.

I hope next week brings even more results!

Al Muick
Whitehall, PA  USA

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[HCDX] Sept. 29 - Oct. 01 logs

2011-10-01 Thread Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. September, 29 0815-0825 English Pop 
ballad selections. No signal of Brazilian 4985, progessive enhancement, 25422 
15120, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu. September, 30 1743-1754 male and female in an 
uncertain language; from 1750 signal enhancement enough to identify Arabic 
talks by male, many mentions of "Nigeria". At tune in rated as 25432, but from 
1750 was 35433, (lob-B).
5995, R. Mali, Bamako. October, 01 0551-0609 at tune in English Pop music 
(Jimmy Cliff), then an Afropop, het noise but like a microphone close to a 
speaker, no music and talks, back music (Tribal African style), national 
anthem, female in French announcements "radiodifusión e television du Mali", 
frequencies info, back Tribal music. 35533, (lob-B).
9705, Niger, Voix du Sahel, Niamey. October, 01 0620-0630 male in French talks, 
short bridge instrumental music, back male "información; Africa". 35533, 
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec 
Embu SP Brasil (23°39'S-46°53'W)
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
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[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2011-10-01 Thread Stewart MacKenzie

ANGUILLA   Caribbean Beacon    6090  0413 GMT  English  444  Sept 26  OM with 
sermon on reading false letter daming the Bible.    MacKenzie-CA..

BONAIRE   Radio Netherlands Relay-RNI   6165  0418 GMT  Dutch  444  Sept 26  
Two OMs with comments.    Mackenzie-CA..

BULGARIA   Radio Bulgaria   7400  0448 GMT  Russian  333  Sept 26  Two OMs with 
comments and also a YL with comments 0450 GMT.    MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA   China Radio Relay-CRI   6020  0403 GMT  English  444  Sept 26  OM with 
World News.  OM with People In The Now program on Belgium splits on the Euro 
Funds.  //6080[433].    MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA   Voice of Vietnam Relay-VOV   6175  0422 GMT  Vietnamese  444  Sept  
26  YL singing  YL and OM singing 0425 GMT. Suddenly off the air 0429 GMT.  
Back on the air with OM with ID 0430 GMT  YL with comments 0431 GMT.

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba-RHC   6.000  0359 GMT  English  333  Sept 26  Band 
music then RHC ID 0400 GMT Then YL and OM with comments 0402 GMT  //'6125 
[333].    Mackenzie-CA..

TUNISIA   RTV Tunisienne   7275  0445 GMT  Arabic  444  Sept 26  YL and OM with 
comments.   Mackenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"
ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC
SCADS: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
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[HCDX] Top 5 October Radio Books

2011-10-01 Thread Radio Heritage Mail
Radio Heritage Foundation
October 2 2011

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