[DX] Aor sai uuden omistajan

2012-06-19 Thread Jose
Kiitokset Anssille ilmoituksesta. Hieman jännitti mitä tuli ostettua mutta ei 
hullumpi kuitenkaan. 
Aor 7030 näköjään on saanut lisukkeita mm. Notch,cpu, muistia 400, 3 isohkoa 
filtteriä voisi olla hertz ja kaksi Kiwan tekeleitä. Aivan kun olisin joskus 
nähnyt laitteen sisäkuvan kuuntelijassa.
Kukkuu Ilpo, kerropas hieman miten ijl-797 toimii? Nappulaa on enemmän kuin Eu 
sallii. Perässä näyttää olevan ilpon rf amp 697-1.
Terv KTU

Lähetetty iPhonesta
Tilaa WRTH 2011 nyt:
DX mailing list

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Re: [DX] Aor sai uuden omistajan

2012-06-19 Thread Ilpo J Leppänen

Että pitäisi muistaa mitä on 15 vuotta sitten tehnyt
No olikohan siinä vasemmalla antennin valinta, sitten jokunen (3) 
vipukytkintä impedanssin ja vaimennuksen valintaan, bandikytkin ja 
viritysnuppi ja virtakytkin.  Eli preselektori vahvistimella.  Siis 
nappuloitahan on vähän.

Olen siihen AOR:ään joskus filttereitäkin laittanut tms. 90-luvulla.

73,s IJL

Kiitokset Anssille ilmoituksesta. Hieman jännitti mitä tuli ostettua mutta 
ei hullumpi kuitenkaan.
Aor 7030 näköjään on saanut lisukkeita mm. Notch,cpu, muistia 400, 3 
isohkoa filtteriä voisi olla hertz ja kaksi Kiwan tekeleitä. Aivan kun 
olisin joskus nähnyt laitteen sisäkuvan kuuntelijassa.
Kukkuu Ilpo, kerropas hieman miten ijl-797 toimii? Nappulaa on enemmän 
kuin Eu sallii. Perässä näyttää olevan ilpon rf amp 697-1.

Terv KTU

Lähetetty iPhonesta
Tilaa WRTH 2011 nyt:
DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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Tilaa WRTH 2011 nyt:
DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 114, Issue 19

2012-06-19 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs June 17-18, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Calendar of SW Specials, Farewells (Glenn Hauser)
   3. New on RNZI - Urban Radio from Noumea (Radio Heritage Mail)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 08:59:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser wghau...@yahoo.com
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: NASWA na...@yahoogroups.com, s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 17-18, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


Since a lot is happening in the next few weeks, I have put together a 
day-by-day schedule so we don`t miss important events in the history of 
broadcasting. Besides re-posting it to various DX groups, the latest updates 
will be here:

** BRAZIL. 6180 and 11780, June 18 at 0433, RNA missing from both frequencies; 
11780 usually manages to stay on, if 6180 does not. Brazilian DXers are 
exasperated with this behavior (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 15330, 15235, 17735, Sunday June 17 at 2005-2059, the 
penultimate `Maple Leaf Mailbag` from RCI again presented by Terry Haig, 
substituting for Ian Jones. More mail from distressed listeners about the 
imminent demise of RCI, and some ironic musical selexions. At 2049, plugs the 
RCI Action Committee website, and a listener who is trying to set up a `Save 
RCI` website, allananderson91...@yahoo.com --- except he did not spell 
Alan/Allen/Allan/Alun or Anderson/Andersen, so you may have to try all the 

I *must* listen to this on SW, but if you missed it, you will be forgiven for 
listening to the archived audio on demand via http://www.rcinet.ca This 
transmission is expected to be the very last English broadcast from RCI next 
Sunday June 24.

6080, June 18 at 0512 check, Sackville again tonight has put CRI English on 
wrong frequency instead of 6190, colliding horribly with NHK Spanish via 
Bonaire (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA [non]; VATICAN 

** CHINA. Firedrake June 18 before 1300:
13920, poor at 1247 mixing with fax
13970, very poor at 1247
No others audible 10-18 MHz during very disturbed propagation. 
WWV reported at 1200 and 1500:
``Solar-terrestrial indices for 17 June follow.
Solar flux 124 and estimated planetary A-index 39.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1200 UTC on 18 June was 2.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level occurred.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.``

** CUBA. 9830, June 18 at 0429, weak RHC signal here // 9810, evidently spur 
from that, or mixing with 9790 China relay transmitter. 

9965  9945, June 18 at 0430, matching pulsing spurs from wall of noise jamming 
centered on 9955 against WRMI. Neighbors of any jammed frequency, beware! 

9820  9880, June 18 at 1219, RHC 9850 bigsig is putting modulation spike spurs 
out here.

9270, June 18 at 1222 as I tune across, hear a trace of RHC audio matching 
another receiver in the background on 9850, but this may have been receiver 
overload as could not get FRG-7 preselector to peak on it. The 9850/9550 mixing 
products should be on 9250, 10150 at 300 kHz intervals (the weaker transmitter 
on 9540 cannot mix with them as it`s from the other site an echo apart) (Glenn 

** CUBA [non]. 13820, June 17 at 2003, big open carrier, with some noise --- is 
it jamming or a b?isbol crowd? But never any talk, unlike 9565, 11930 R. Mart? 
Greenville which is play-by-play. 13820 goes off at 2003.5* uncovering a 

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 18-19, 2012

2012-06-19 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA. 17750, June 19 at 0510, RA in English saying ``it was a bit 
long``, long pause, then Indonesian, so it`s a LL; 0511 jingle and says 
``English lesson from Australia``, I think. Poor signal way offbeam here (Glenn 

** BRAZIL. 11780, June 19 at 0506, RNA madrugada show with only fair instead of 
usual bigsig --- QRP or propped down? While nosig on 6180 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake June 19, before 0500:
16100, poor at 0454; no others audible

Before 1300:
11500, fair at 1238 with CCI, SOH or VOR? None in the 10s, 12s
11970, fair at 1238
13920, very good at 1242
13970, very good at 1242
14700, good at 1242, with lo audible het, QRM: hi-power Sound of Hope?
14950, very good at 1243
1, good at 1244, het on lo side
16100, fair at 1245
17250, very poor at 1245
17450, JBA at 1246; none in the 18s

** KUWAIT. 15540, June 18 at 2036, R. Kuwait English service is again in Arabic 
instead, Qur`an // weaker 17550. And again today cut off the Q for English news 
headlines at 2050-2053 by YL with accent who speaks too fast (showing off her 
fluency?) and is hard to copy, and not // 17550; then back to Arabic, 
apparently with two or three program shifts by 2100 timesignal. 15540 stayed on 
the air with Arabic news until cut off at 2112*. I wonder if they also switch 
to English for the 1830 newscast when I am seldom listening (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MEXICO. 6185, June 19 at 0458, Dixieland music, quite undermodulated, 
blocked at *0459:20 by 6190 CRI English via Sackville, on the correct frequency 
for a change, but XEPPM is about to sign off, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1, June 19 at 0504, upcoming leap second announcement by YL 
voice, for 2359:60 UT June 30. Must be mentioning this more than once an hour. 
Since she doesn`t say ``aloha``, and is not masculine, this one was from WWV, 
tho following time announcement was equally well heard from WWVH (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 13570, June 19 at 1241, no signal at all from WINB (nor on 9265; nor 
at 1327), which last week started BSing us starting at 1200 weekdays filling 
unsold time with The Last Day Prophet of God; is that an experiment over 
already? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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[HCDX] Calendar of SW Specials, Farewells June 19 update

2012-06-19 Thread Glenn Hauser

Dates, days and times are strictly UT


This is the final week for Radio Canada International, probably also for CBC NQ 
9625, and relays via Sackville. You may want to make an effort to listen more 
than usual before the Last Days scheduled below.


2130-2145 British Antarctic Survey special, 9850  5950 Skelton UK, 7360 
Ascension; or may be 2130-2200, and possibly on WED JUNE 20 instead

UPDATE: Wolfgang Bueschel asked Martin Goulding of BaBcoCk Woofferton which 
date is correct, and he replied June 22 = Friday! We can only suggest trying 
June 20, 21 and if still not heard, 22. BTW, HFCC shows that KBS in French via 
France is on 5950 at 20-22, but EiBi and Aoki say only 20-21.


2100 until 2100 SATURDAY JUNE 23 MidsummerRadio, special from Scandinavian 
Weekend Radio, Finland, low power on 25 and 49m; hard to hear beyond Europe


UPDATE: Alan Pennington refers to this page


which says the 25m frequencies will not be used for this (since they are in 
white), but shows which hours for 6170 and 5980


1200-1214, final Vatican Radio English via Sackville: 13730


-0059 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 11700 via Kunming

1500-1559 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 11675 via Kunming; 15125 via 
Urumqi, East Turkistan

1800-1859 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 17810 Skelton UK (should be 
audible in NAm), 11765 Skelton, 9530 Kashi, East Turkistan

2000-2059 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale2 from RCI Sackville: 17735, 15330, 15235

RCI Chinese, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese final broadcasts should also 
be June 24, ending at 2330* UT on 11990, 13760, 15455:


June 24 also appears to be the final day on air for Sackville relays of other 
stations. It is unclear whether all of these will be gone once the UT day June 
25 starts, but assuming they are, listen UT June 24:

NHK World Radio Japan: English 0500-0530 on 6110, 1200-1230 on 6120; Japanese 
0200-0500 5960; 1300-1500 11655

Vatican Radio: English 0250-0315, Spanish 0320-0400 both on 7305, 9610; Spanish 
1130-1214 13730

Voice of Vietnam: English 0100-0130, 0230-0300, 0330-0400 on 6175

KBS World Radio, English: 0230-0300 9560, 1200-1300 9650; Spanish 0200-0230 
9560, 0600-0700 6045; Korean 1400-1500 9650

China Radio International: who cares? Too many and plenty will be left from 

Radio República, 2300-0200 on 9490 [or only until ?]

1100-1127 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 9895  6165-Bonaire

1130-1157 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

1200-1227 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 9715  6165-Bonaire


-0057 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

0100-0157 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

0830-0900 Fiji Democracy  Freedom Movement, 11565 via WHRI, weekly

This is the final week for Radio Netherlands. You may want to make an effort to 
listen before the Last Show special scheduled below


0200-0400 PCJ Radio Special farewell to RNW, on WRMI 9955

For more details visit http://www.pcjmedia.com

A bit cheeky to schedule this at the same time as RN`s own Last Show!

0159-0257 RNW`s Last Show special to ENAm, 6165-Bonaire [not 11640]

0259-0357 RNW`s Last Show special to CNAm, 6165-Bonaire

0459-0557 RNW`s Last Show special to WNAm, 6165-Bonaire; NZ/SEAu 12015-Bonaire

In case there are any further changes from the `final` schedule:


Will Tom Meyer appear on this one? He does in Spanish:

1000-1057, RNW farewell broadcast in Indonesian: 17840  21485 Madagascar, 
15300  15565 Sri Lanka; maybe also at 1100, 2100 [or June 28]

1330-1430 RNW Spanish farewell program with live video stream, including 
interview with Tom Meyer; repeated on SW the following evening on usual 
frequencies; see SAT

1400-1457 RNW`s Last Show special to Asia, 9800-Sri Lanka

1800-1957 RNW`s Last Show special to Africa, 17605-Vatican [audible in NAm]

1859-2057 RNW`s Last Show Special to Eu 6065

1900-2057 RNW`s Last Show Special to Af 7425-Madagascar

1900-2057 RNW`s Last Show Special to Af 11615-France

1900-2057 RNW`s Last Show Special to Af 15495-Vatican [maybe audible in NAm]. 
2057 UT is really The End, for English


-0057  0100-0157, RNW Spanish Farewell program [that`s what they say, 
unlike English which will end the previous night. Also check UT Friday June 29 
in case that is correct date for Spanish too], 6165- Bonaire. See


VATICAN RADIO is also canceling most of its SW and MW broadcasts to Europe, and 
SW to Americas as of July 1. Presumably many of them will last be aired on June 
30, altho 


2012-06-19 Thread Glenn Hauser

Dates, days and times are strictly UT


This is the final week for Radio Canada International, probably also for CBC NQ 
9625, and relays via Sackville. You may want to make an effort to listen more 
than usual before the Last Days scheduled below.


2130-2200 British Antarctic Survey special, 9850  5950 Skelton UK, 7360 
Ascension; or possibly on WED JUNE 20 instead [since this year the solstice 
occurs at 2309 UT June 20!]

UPDATE: Wolfgang Bueschel asked Martin Goulding of BaBcoCk Woofferton which 
date is correct, and he replied June 22 = Friday! We can only suggest trying 
June 20, 21 and if still not heard, 22. BTW, HFCC shows that KBS in French via 
France is on 5950 at 20-22, but EiBi and Aoki say only 20-21.

UPDATE: Christian Ghibaudo and Harry Brooks each asked BBCWS Audience Relations 
for the correct info, and they confirmed it would be as above on JUNE 21.


2100 until 2100 SATURDAY JUNE 23 MidsummerRadio, special from Scandinavian 
Weekend Radio, Finland, low power on 25 and 49m; hard to hear beyond Europe


UPDATE: Alan Pennington refers to this page


which says the 25m frequencies will not be used for this (since they are in 
white), but shows which hours for 6170 and 5980


1200-1214, final Vatican Radio English via Sackville: 13730


-0059 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 11700 via Kunming

1500-1559 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 11675 via Kunming; 15125 via 
Urumqi, East Turkistan

1800-1859 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale from RCI: 17810 Skelton UK (should be 
audible in NAm), 11765 Skelton, 9530 Kashi, East Turkistan

2000-2059 Maple Leaf Mailbag, finale2 from RCI Sackville: 17735, 15330, 15235

RCI Chinese, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese final broadcasts should also 
be June 24, ending at 2330* UT on 11990, 13760, 15455:


June 24 also appears to be the final day on air for Sackville relays of other 
stations. It is unclear whether all of these will be gone once the UT day June 
25 starts, but assuming they are, listen UT June 24:

NHK World Radio Japan: English 0500-0530 on 6110, 1200-1230 on 6120; Japanese 
0200-0500 5960; 1300-1500 11655

Vatican Radio: English 0250-0315, Spanish 0320-0400 both on 7305, 9610; Spanish 
1130-1214 13730

Voice of Vietnam: English 0100-0130, 0230-0300, 0330-0400 on 6175; Vietnamese 
0130-0230 6175; Spanish 0300-0330  0400-0430 6175; Vietnamese 0430-0530 9555

KBS World Radio, English: 0230-0300 9560, 1200-1300 9650; Spanish 0200-0230 
9560, 0600-0700 6045; Korean 1400-1500 9650

China Radio International: who cares? Too many and plenty will be left from 

Radio República, 2300-0200 on 9490 [or only until ?]

1100-1127 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 9895  6165-Bonaire

1130-1157 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

1200-1227 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 9715  6165-Bonaire


-0057 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

0100-0157 Cartas @ RN, finale of mailbag show on RN Spanish 6165- Bonaire

0830-0900 Fiji Democracy  Freedom Movement, 11565 via WHRI, weekly

This is the final week for Radio Netherlands. You may want to make an effort to 
listen more than usual before the Last Show special scheduled below

Just a timely reminder that the original schedule for the AWR relay from 
Trincomalee in Sri Lanka showed that these broadcasts would end on June 30. A 
special QSL card is available, and also a rare (these days) QSL stamp. 
Available only from the AWR address in Indianapolis.

Scheduling from the Trincomalee Relay Station, 125 kW

 - 0100 11955, 1100 - 1200 15540, 1200 - 1300 15490, 1300 - 1400 17635, 
1400 - 1500 12105, 1500 - 1530 15715, 1530 - 1600 7410, 1600 - 1630 11835, 1630 
- 1700 11740 ENGLISH, 2100 - 2200 11750, 2200 - 2230 9455 9545, 2230 - 2400 
9730 ENGLISH (Dr. Adrian M. Peterson, Co-ordinator - International Relations  
DX Editor, Adventist World Radio)

He didn`t include the languages, but only two are in English which I have 
added, per WRTH Update (gh)


0200-0400 PCJ Radio Special farewell to RNW, on WRMI 9955

For more details visit http://www.pcjmedia.com

A bit cheeky to schedule this at the same time as RN`s own Last Show!

Keith Perron on Facebook: Some of the voices you will hear include Jerry Cowan, 
Nevil Grey and John van den Steen plus many others. We will take a listen to 
some moments from RNW from the late 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. This includes a 
visit to the original Radio Netherlands building and more.

0159-0257 RNW`s Last Show special to ENAm, 6165-Bonaire [not 11640]

0259-0357 RNW`s Last Show special to CNAm, 6165-Bonaire

0459-0557 RNW`s Last Show special to WNAm, 6165-Bonaire; NZ/SEAu 12015-Bonaire


[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-06-19 Thread Stewart MacKenzie

Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 7:54 PM

CANADA    China Radio Intl Relay   6020  0433  English  444  June 17   YL with 
comments on bus driver who died on a vehicle crashing the bus. He saved his 
passengers,    Mackenzie-CA..

CANADA    Radio Japan NHK Relay   5960  0443 GMT  Japanese  444  June 17  Two 
comedian OMs having their audience laughing often.    Mackenzie-CA..

CHILE   CVC La Voz   6070  0418 GMT  Spanish  333  June 17  OM and YL with 
comments. A Noisy frequency.    MacKenzie-CA...

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba RHC   6060  0420 GMT  Spanish  333  June 17  OM with 
comments.  Music heard in the background plus
 some male vocal singing often.    MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba RHC   6050  0428 GMT  English  444  June 17  YL with 
comments on an upcoming Census info collection..  //6000[333].    MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba RHC   5965  0440  GMT  Spanish  433  June 17  YL with 
ongoing comments.    MacKenzie-CA..

SPAIN   REE   6055  0424 GMT  Spanish  333  June 17  Two OMs with comments.    

UNITED STATES   Radio Taiwan Relay   5950  0447 GMT  Chinese  444  June 17  YL 
and OM with comments.    MacKenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive

ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC

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[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-06-19 Thread Stewart MacKenzie

--- On Tue, 6/19/12, Stewart MacKenzie wdx...@yahoo.com wrote:

ANGUILLA    Caribbean Beacon    6090  0315 GMT  English  444  June 18  OM with 
speach on God's strength for us all.    MacKenzie-CA..

AUSTRALIA   Ra Shepparton   17795  2327 GMT   English  433  June 18      
Comments on subject of Love Your Family by two OMs.      MacKenzie-CA...

BOTSWANA   VOA Greenville  Relay   17895  1828 GMT  English  444 
 June 18  OM with comments.  IS and off the air at 1830 GMT.  MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA   Voice of Vietnam Relay   6175  0308 GMT  Spanish  433  June 18  YL 
with comments.    MacKenzie-CA..

COSTA RICA   Radio Exyerior
 Espana  REE   17850  1810 GMT  Spanish  444  June 18 OMs with comments and 
music in background.  MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba  RHC   6060  0314  GMT  Spanish  333  June 18  OM with 
choir music singing..  Mackenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba  RHC   6050  0318  GMT  English  433  June 18  OM with 
comments about building  new structures in Cuba!  //6000 [333] via Cuba.     

SPAIN   Radio Espana Exterior REE   6055  0317 GMT  Spanish  333  June 18  OM 
in a conversation with a YL. //6020 [333]via Costa Rica Relay,      

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive

ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC

SCADS:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
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