[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-08-07 Thread Stewart MacKenzie
BONAIRE    Radio Japan NHK  Relay   15265  2322 GMT  Japanese  444  Aug 5  OM 
with comments.  YL with comments 2322 GMT.   Mackenzie-CA..

CUBA    Radio Havana Cuba  RHC   15230  2332 GMT  Spanish  444  Aug 5  YL with 
comments followed by a group singing with Bongo Music.  YL and OM RHC ID 2358 
//11840[333], 11750[333], 11680[444].  MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA   China Radio Intl Relay   CRI   13650  2343 GMT  Chinese  333  Aug 5  YL 
and OM with comments.  MacKenzie-CA..

JAPAN   Radio Japan  NHK   13640  2345 GMT  Japanese  333  Aug 5  YL and OM 
singing. Then YL with comments.  Mackenzie-CA..

SPAIN   Radio Exterior Espana  REE   15160  2335 GMT  Spanish   333  Aug 5  
Group singing then OM with comments.  MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES    WWCR-3    13845  2337 GMT  English  444  Aug 5  YL preaching 
from the Bible. Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Greenville    Radio Marti   11930  2353 GMT  Spanish  433  Aug5  
OM with comments.  Frequency is noisy  via a Jammer.  Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee   WTWN   9480  0010 GMT  English  433  Aug 6  OM 
preaching from the Bible.  MacKenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 6-7, 2012

2012-08-07 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA. 9580, August 7 at 1330, RA pulls away from Olympicism, for 
programming of significance, but not matching their own schedule! Online, both 
Pacific and Asian streams claim that this Tuesday at 1330 they were airing 
`Jazz Notes`, but instead I heard a program start about the Hazara, persecuted 
minority in Afghanistan, some of whom try to escape to Australia via Xmas 
Island. Could not catch name of show, and no hits searching RA website. Instead 
found `Rear Vision` on Radio National, whence it originated, with transcript, 
comments, audio OD:
Fortunately, since KOSU was starting `The Living Room` at same time I wanted to 
hear; see OKLAHOMA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake August 6, after 1700:
13780, fair at 1707 mixing with Chinese, RFA and/or CNR1 jamming
13780, fair with flutter at 1915 recheck, now FD music only

August 7, after 1300, without full bandscan:
15570, good at 1306 with het on lo side
15485, fair at 1306 with het on hi side

Before 1400:
16920, very good at 1342
16100, poor at 1342
15970, fair at 1342
15490, good at 1344

After 1400:
15610, fair-good at 1411 with added noise jamming, aside WEWN 15615
17565, fair at 1412 vs V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR on this frequency today 
splitting the difference between 17560 and 17570. Obviously it makes no 
difference to jump among these three, as the ChiCom monitors will find which 
one is in use (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. 9765, August 7 at 0526, REE relay is here // stronger 9630, 
5965, and missing from 3350 where the third transmitter is supposed to be. This 
happens periodically; just not paying attention at Cariari? 9765 is a frequency 
for them at other dayparts. Fortunately, no one else is trying to use it now 

** CUBA. 6125, August 7 at 0519, at first it seems RHC English is once again 
dead air, but turning the volume way up, I can tell it`s JBM // synchronized 

7370-7430, August 7 at 0523, DentroCuban Jamming Command buzz field extends out 
to here from wall-of-noise jamming centred upon 7405 R. Martí (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDIA. 9690, August 7 at 1417, still no signal from AIR GOS English 
sesquihour to SE Asia, but a frequency which used to make it here on good days 
from 1330. Jose Jacob reports that AIR has deliberately closed down this and 
some other frequencies from Bengaluru in order to install a new DRM 
transmitter. Try // 11620 and 13695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9680, August 7 at 1327, RRI with Indonesian talk and music, the 
Chinese radio war only causing a weak SAH; at 1417 in Qur`an even less CCI; 
cantor has quite a hi-pitched voice: could it be a child, eunuch, or 
Allah-forbid, a woman? Those straying IndoMoslems!

Meanwhile, still no signal on 9526 from VOI English which during this Tuesday 
hour might have been on an `Exotic Indonesia` co-produxion with RRI 
Banjarmasin. Atsunori Ishida has no logs of this at any hour in August, last 
heard July 26 until 1500, and I cannot disagree. Also after 1400, CRI Russian 
9525.0 had no het at all. Of course, since VOI could not modulate it to any 
audible level, they might as well turn 9526 off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** KUWAIT [and non]. 15092 approx., August 7 at 1407, intermittent ute blasts 
atop 15090, IBB`s weak R. Free Afghanistan. Second one heard with BFO on was 
the ``running-water`` type. So there are utility users of this area despite the 
broadcast intrusion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, August 7 at 0521, IGIM is once again on and chanting, 
which they do anyway around this hour if on the air, Ramadan or not (Glenn 

** NEW ZEALAND. Just heard that Mt. Tongariro has erupted in the middle of 
North Island; it`s about 130 km from Rangitaiki, the RNZI transmitter site, so 
volcanic ash could disrupt transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, 1605 UT August 7, 

** NIGERIA. 15120, August 7 at 0514, VON fair with news in English of Nigeria, 
and a whine on the signal, but not too bad. This transmission last logged here 
on July 30, upon almost nightly chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Tuesday August 7 at 1330, KOSU breaks away from NPR `Morning 
Edition` for monthly `The Living Room` interview show by Gerry Bonds, ex-OETA. 
Her first guests, head of Devon Energy, and an industry lobbyist, extol the oil 
and gas industry and how wonderful horizontal drilling and fracking are, so I 
sent her this comment:

``Hi Gerry, I always try to catch your show, altho the strange scheduling on 
KOSU makes it a task. Good that they are now available online. BTW, I was sorry 
to see how OETA treated you, and glad for you that you have found a new outlet. 
However: when are we going to hear the other side from environmentalist 

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 116, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs August 5-6, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   3. Logs from NH-USA, August 2-6 (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 09:38:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: NASWA , s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 5-6, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake August 6, not full scans, just noticed:
15500, poor with flutter until 1340*
15610, poor with flutter at 1416 with ACI from 15615 WEWN, but not as bad as it 
would have been on 15605 vs the WEWN 15606 spur
17570, JBA at 1418, mixing with V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR, on this frequency 
today instead of alternating 17560 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6125, August 6 at 0500, no signal from RHC English which is supposed 
to start now; 0508 finally has reached open-carrier status, while the other 
three are modulating on 6010, 6050, 6060. I don`t keep listening as that would 
run into CO2KK. Just another night of SNAFU from RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, August 6 at 0603, ``In the Sweet Bye `n` Bye``, 
harmonious hymn with fiddle, good signal but lofi audio, 0605 into YL gospel 
huxter. More music, please, from R. Africa! Was not hearing it in the previous 
hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. 9410, August 6 at 0530, BBCWS via SOUTH AFRICA, 
news headlines that Curiosity was about to have landed on Mars, my cue to turn 
on CNN immediately, to witness the jubilation at JPL as the first low-res shots 
appeared. As a funder and space exploration enthusiast, I too am jubilant, 
altho somewhat less overtly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Sunday August 5 at 1900, R. Kuwait opening `Pioneers & 
Personalities of Kuwait`s Cultural Awakening`, i.e. the 24th episode about Emir 
al-Sabah, at the time of the Iraqi invasion, support from Pres. Mubarak of 
Egypt with whom he met on 7 August 1990 to thank him. Program must be about 
three times as long as necessary due to musical interludes between each 
sentence, but makes it more palatable for SWLs with ADD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MAURITANIA. 7245, August 6 at 0458, IGIM is on in very undermodulated 
Arabish, consistently for Ramadan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, Monday August 6 at 1329, RNZI playing music, as 
fortnightly `Mailbox` has started early as usual; poor signal and even worse at 
1333 about to outfade as Kevin Hand is starting his utility DX report; back to 
the audio on demand via 
Has lots of tips about information sources. Toward the end, Mike Bird in 
Australia, ex-Media Network, discusses propagation, having taken over from 
Adrian Sainsbury for this. Both of them are to return in two weeks. Opening 
music occupying more than a quarter of the program is a nice pro-peace anthem, 
``No More Fighting, No More Dying`` altho rather off-topic. Hmmm, no letters at 
all in this ``mailbox`` either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9665, Sunday August 5 at 2211, poor signal in Russian, must 
be Radio PMR as scheduled. I was noticing that there haven`t been any logs of 
this reaching my desk for many weeks and wondered if it had vanished without 
notice. First checked it Friday August 3 at 2201, but that was too late, as 
their broadcast week concludes at 2100 Fridays, resumes at 2100 UT Sundays. 
Best chance for us to hear English is at 2230 Sun-Fri, unchecked. Lack of 
reports must be due to abs