[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-08-10 Thread Stewart MacKenzie
AUSTRALIA    Radio Australia,,Shepparton   21740  2132 GMT  English  444  Aug 
10  OM ancr very excited on results from various events in the O;ympica Games.  
Argentina wins a Gold Medal.  MacKenzie-CA..

CHILE    CVC VOZ   17680  17680  2205 GMT  Spanish  444  Aug 10  A Group 
Singing. Noisy freq.    Mackenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba  RHC   17750  2155 GMT  Spanish  444  Aug 10  OM with 
comments.  Mentions Cuca often.  YL with RHC ID 2200 GMT.  //17705 [444].  

FRENCH GUIANA   Radio France Intl Relay   21690  2137 GMT  French  433  Aug 10  
Two OMs with Olympic games results for France..  MacKenzie-CA..

GREECE   Foni Tis Helladas   15630  2216 GMT  Greek  333  Aug 10  OM's singing..
A Noisy Freq..   MacKenzie-CA..

KUWAIT   Radio Kuwait   17750  2207 GMT  Arabic  444  Aug 10  OM singing 
chantas and General Services.  Mackenzie-CA..

NEW ZEALAND    RNZI  15720  2214 GMT  English  433  Aug 10  YL and OM with 
comments about the Olympic Games.  Mackenzie-CA..

SAUDI ARABIA   Saudi Arab Radio   21510  2146 GMT  Arabic  444  Aug 10  YL with 
comments and Dancing style music.  Mackenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC

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2012-08-10 Thread Michael Bethge
The latest edition (10 August) of WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News,
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


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[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-08-10 Thread Stewart MacKenzie
AUSTRALIA    Radio Australia, Shepparton   9580  1740 GMT  English  333  Aug 7  
Two OMs with comments.  YL with comments 1805 GMT. //11880[333].  

CHINA   CPBS   9455  1738 GMT  Chinese  333  Aug 7  YL and OM with comments.  A 
Noisy freq.    Mackenzie-CA..

CHINA   China Radio Intl  CRI   11650  1753 GMT  Chinese  333  Aug 7  YL and OM 
with comments.  A Noisy Freq  MacKenzie-CA..

JAPAN   Radio Japan  NHK   9835 1745 GMT  Japanese  333  Aug 7  YL and OM with 
comments including a YL singing 1746 GMT.  MacKenzie-CA..

KOREA,  North   DPR   11680  1756 GMT  Korean  333  Aug 7  OM with comments. 
Music 1758 GMT and off the air 1758 GMT.  Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Maine    WBCQ  9335  1733 GMT  English   333  Aug 7  YL and OM 
in a conversation in the Planet program.   Noist Freq  MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WWCR #2   12160  1808 GMT  English  444  Aug 7  OM 
with comments on military taking over TV channels in the near future.  

UNITED STATES, Palau   Radio Free Asia-RFA   9905  1748 GMT  Chinese  333  Aug 
7  YL and OM with comments.    Noisy Freq  Mackenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC

SCADS:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS
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Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 9-10, 2012

2012-08-10 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

MOLDOVA   17870  R Xoriyo Ogadeniya in Somali, an Ethiopian opposite radio
program, brokered by TDP via Grigoriopol Maiac tx site, Tue/Fri only at
1600-1630 UT, heard today and accompanied WHITE NOISE jamming like 20 kHz
wide DRM signal was on high 17870 kHz.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 10)

- Original Message - 
From: "Glenn Hauser" Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 5:57 PM

Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 9-10, 2012

BANGLADESH. 15520, new transmitter test of Bangladesh Betar external
service is poorly audible Aug 10:

1322 tune-in to S Asian language, 1325 into singing, at first sounding
Qur`anish, but probably not; tenor with lite drumming.

There is also continuous noise along with it, and with BFO the carrier
seems slightly unstable. It also seems the noise is coming out of the same
transmitter, not jamming or QRM.

1329, announcement and different S Asia music

1344, YL announcement, drumming? Or just noise

1344.6, het starts – no, it`s not, but rather intentional DSB tone test
since peaks on both sides of carrier; pitch D#6 on my keyboard, circa 1245
Hz. Only the tone until:

1357.5, music starts, believe it is a 10-note IS, repeated, reminiscent of
AIR`s instrumentation

1359.8, 5+1 timesignal ends early, announcement, and news? Some S Asian
language, no doubt

1408, adds some ``frying`` buzz with bits of news

1412, to music again sounds Qur`anish at first; variety of music past
1425, always with the accompanying noise

1430, tone test again, and noise, altho the rumble could be taken for

1454, some talk starts, uncertain source

1500, once again, just tone and noise on the carrier

1514, IS and another fast 5+1 timesignal to 1514:37; music and apparently
opening another service

1530, talk and music continue, signal weakening

The continuous noise does not sound at all like DRM. There had been
theories that 15520 was bothered by Ethiopian jamming against something
else, but I doubt it. YFR via UAE supposedly uses 15520 from 14 to 16, but
I never heard any sign of it here.

As for languages, old schedules and/or monitoring by Jose Jacob on the
other test frequency, 7250, included 1315-1345 Nepali, 1400-1430 Urdu,
1515-1545 Hindi. Ron Howard et al. heard English yesterday on 15520 at
1745-1900. Beware of Turkey in English on 15520 at 1630-1725v.

As for the noise, Wolfgang Büschel suggests: ``Maybe the BBEF Made in
China firm delivered that jamming audio option facility also on their
modulator PC, but engineers at Dhaka Khabipur CAN't HANDLE that properly?
73 wb``

The 1245 Hz tone I independently measured on 15520 makes the following
note from Eike Bierwirth yesterday pertinent: ``After 1600, 7250 had 1240
Hz tones which turned out to be AIR Panaji starting Farsi at 1615`` (Glenn

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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 9-10, 2012

2012-08-10 Thread Glenn Hauser
** BANGLADESH. 15520, new transmitter test of Bangladesh Betar external service 
is poorly audible Aug 10:

1322 tune-in to S Asian language, 1325 into singing, at first sounding 
Qur`anish, but probably not; tenor with lite drumming. 

There is also continuous noise along with it, and with BFO the carrier seems 
slightly unstable. It also seems the noise is coming out of the same 
transmitter, not jamming or QRM.

1329, announcement and different S Asia music

1344, YL announcement, drumming? Or just noise

1344.6, het starts – no, it`s not, but rather intentional DSB tone test since 
peaks on both sides of carrier; pitch D#6 on my keyboard, circa 1245 Hz. Only 
the tone until:

1357.5, music starts, believe it is a 10-note IS, repeated, reminiscent of 
AIR`s instrumentation

1359.8, 5+1 timesignal ends early, announcement, and news? Some S Asian 
language, no doubt

1408, adds some ``frying`` buzz with bits of news

1412, to music again sounds Qur`anish at first; variety of music past 1425, 
always with the accompanying noise

1430, tone test again, and noise, altho the rumble could be taken for drumming

1454, some talk starts, uncertain source

1500, once again, just tone and noise on the carrier

1514, IS and another fast 5+1 timesignal to 1514:37; music and apparently 
opening another service

1530, talk and music continue, signal weakening

The continuous noise does not sound at all like DRM. There had been theories 
that 15520 was bothered by Ethiopian jamming against something else, but I 
doubt it. YFR via UAE supposedly uses 15520 from 14 to 16, but I never heard 
any sign of it here.

As for languages, old schedules and/or monitoring by Jose Jacob on the other 
test frequency, 7250, included 1315-1345 Nepali, 1400-1430 Urdu, 1515-1545 
Hindi. Ron Howard et al. heard English yesterday on 15520 at 1745-1900. Beware 
of Turkey in English on 15520 at 1630-1725v.

As for the noise, Wolfgang Büschel suggests: ``Maybe the BBEF Made in China 
firm delivered that jamming audio option facility also on their modulator PC, 
but engineers at Dhaka Khabipur CAN't HANDLE that properly? 73 wb``

The 1245 Hz tone I independently measured on 15520 makes the following note 
from Eike Bierwirth yesterday pertinent: ``After 1600, 7250 had 1240 Hz tones 
which turned out to be AIR Panaji starting Farsi at 1615`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CHINA. Firedrake, August 10:
15500, fair open carrier at 1316 and I am paying more attention to the weaker 
het on 15502, when at 1317, FD music starts up on 15500, with noise added. 
15485, which had been on a bit earlier, is now gone

15560, fair at 1317, het on hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11760, Aug 9 at 1957 check, RHC`s initial English hour of the day is 
at first dead air; then some JBM music. The signal here is never strong on this 

6050, August 10 at 0519, RHC English is dead air instead, altho OK on 6010 and 
much weaker 6060, 6125 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LITHUANIA. My EDXC/RMRC pdf QSL for the June special via Sitkunai 11900 is 
now visible via the new last link at the bottom of:

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Aug 10 at 0521, IGIM is on and chanting. This sounds so 
much the same from one morning to the next that I suspect it`s a single 
recording played over and over. Indeed it sounds so much the same from one 
minute to the next, of limited tonality (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120, Aug 10 at 0509, S9+12 signal well from VON atop the CCI, 
but undermodulated with own whine added; deep-voiced OM newscaster was more 
readable than axuality clip inserted. Then report from YL correspondent whose 
voice came thru much better until she inserted a clip. And so it goes (Glenn 

** SOUTH AFRICA [and non]. 7230, Aug 10 at 0521, very poor signal with music, 
talk in English, no doubt Channel Africa as scheduled, so I compare it to the 
relay via WRN via WRMI on 9955, also very poor with pulse jamming added. By 
noting transition from talk to music or vice versa, I compute the delay as: 
9955 is 26 seconds behind 7230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1629 monitoring: confirmed during the Thursday August 
9 2100 broadcast on WTWW 9479; and on WWRB 5050 from 0331 UT or so Friday 
August 10 --- after the usual dead air for at least a minute; some seconds 
before WOR playback started, WWRB hum appeared on the signal and continued 
thruout WOR, also on the webcast.

Next: UT Saturday 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB.
On Hamburger Lokalradio: Sat 0630 on 7265; Tue 0930 on 5980
On WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830

** U S A. 13830, Aug 9 at 1950 check, WEWN Spanish has poor signal, but no QRM 
from the big ute blob circa 13832 

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 116, Issue 10

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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs August 9, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. DX Listening Digest 12-32; World of Radio 1629 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 09:00:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: NASWA , s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 9, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Thursday Aug 9 at 1345, RA is replaying the `Rear Vision` 
documentary heard earlier about the persecuted Hazara, now at the scheduled RV 
time. Seems they are subject to being killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan merely 
for looking ``oriental`` as they are easily separated visually from S Asian 
ethnicities. They are also despised for being more progressive than the 
Pashtuns, so some of them try to escape to Europe or Australia (Glenn Hauser, 

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake August 9, after 1300:
15485, very poor at 1315, also noise jamming
15570, fair at 1314, het on hi side

Before 1400:
15490, poor at 1353, also noise jamming, het on lo side; up from 15485
15600, poor at 1354
15900, good at 1354
16100, very good at 1355; none in the 17s, 14s, 13s, 12s

11615, August 9 at 1358, VOA in Yankee-Doodle-Dandy sign-on, fair signal and 
clear, but at 1400 sharp, hit by ChiCom Chinese language jamming, presumably 
CNR1 program. VOA is attempting to broadcast in Chinese this hour only, 250 kW, 
332 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES. And yet we allow the ChiCom to broadcast 
CRI over our domestic radio stations! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9810, Aug 9 at 0236, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, but an 
improvement over no modulation at all last night; also unusually poor signal 

11760, Aug 9 at 1303, RHC modulation is breaking up somewhat; 11750 not until 
*1303 with OC, then JIP programodulation. At 1305, 11760 dumps off the air.

11860, Aug 9 at 1308, undermodulated but not breaking up or distorted; however, 
bothered by bleed from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 11845 
against R. Mart?, but with noise field extending also down to 11830 (Glenn 

** EGYPT. 9280-9325, Aug 9 at 0232, big buzz out to here from extremely 
distorted monstrous R. Cairo Arabic frequency 9305, diminished only around 9315 
by the big very undermodulated R. Cairo English frequency with singing. 9265 
WINB and 9330 WBCQ escape it. By 0448, samebuzz from 9305 but weaker so the 
sidefields are inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Aug 9 at 0229, fair signal in Spanish with Chinese 
accent, i.e. RTI; also a lo hum on the transmitter, from Montsin?ry, 02-03, 500 
kW, 195 degrees to Chile & Argentina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 15195, Aug 9 at 0453, Japanese poor signal, i.e. NHK, 300 kW, 290 
degrees from Yamata at 01-07 per HFCC, yet seldom audible here. Also amid 
intruding OTH radar buzz QRM extending from 15190 to 15215, Cyprus? (Glenn 

** MADAGASCAR. 13765, Aug 9 at *0454:30, Talata turning on later than usual and 
thus avoiding the feed mixups we have heard lately, just open carrier until 
starting Vatican IS at 0457 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1140, Aug 9 at 0500 I suspend SW monitoring to try to catch a 
definite ID from XEMR. Initially good dominant signal belying the ``nothing to 
the north`` pattern, music which stops at 0500 with no ID, right into Mexican 
NA, choral multiverse lasting until 0505; finally, when it has faded a bit, 
very quick and hard to copy ID by YL, with self-imposed QRMusic, but includes 
XEMR, 1140-AM, 50 kilovat