[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

2012-09-23 Thread Stewart MacKenzie

ASCENSION    BBCWS Relay    6145  0310 GMT  English  333  Sept 23  Two YLs with 
comments on world events.  OM with comments 0312 GMT .  MacKenzie-CA..

BONAIRE   Radio Netherland Relay   6175  0308 GMT  Spanish  444  Sept 23  YL 
with comments.    MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA   Radio Japan  NHK  Relay   5960  0335 GMT  Japanese  444  Sept 23  YL 
singing and Bells rringing 0336 GMT.  Audience clapping. Then more singing by 
an OM.  Two YLs singing 0340 GMT.  OM singing 0350 GMT.  YL singing 0355 
GMT.    Mackenzie-CA..

COSTA RICA   Radio Exterior Espana  Relay   REE   6125  0313 GMT  Spanish  333  
Sept 23  YL and OM with comments. Then some music in the background at times.  
YL and OM  singing 0323 GMT..//6055 [333].      Mackenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba  RHC   6180  0306 GMT  Spanish  444  Sept 23  OM 

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba  RHC   6120  0318 GMT  Spanish  444  Sept 23  yL and 
OM with comments and mentioned Cuba often.  Bongo music and YL singing 0329 
GMT.    MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba  RHC   6000  0332 GMT   English  333  Sept 23  YL and 
OM with comments and mentioning RHC Cuba often.      MacKenzie-CA..   .

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

ASWLC: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 22-23, 2012

2012-09-23 Thread Glenn Hauser
** BANGLADESH. 15105, Sept 23 at 1252, no signal from Bangladesh Betar this 
Sunday, despite lots of ChiCom signals on the band; nor around 1335; nor on 
15505 from 1359 past 1401. Also absent Saturday, so we wonder if BB just takes 
the weekends off, or is something else wrong? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. 4940, Sept 23 at 1214 Chinese talk, very poor in noise but best/only 
signal from Asia on 60m, i.e. per Aoki, V. of Strait, 50 kW, 140 degrees from 
Fuzhou, way offbeam USward. 

At 1217 on 90m searching for PNG, N Korean carriers, also one on 3280, 
presumably V. of Pujiang, 15 kW southward from Shanghai (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA [non]. 9890, Sept 23 at 0332, CRI English with echo. This is produced 
in my FRG-7 receiver only, tnx to overload from super-strong signals on 9690 
via Spain and 9790 via Cuba, eliminable by attenuation. FYI: this is not a log 
of something axually transmitted, so not quoting it would be understandable; 
yet someone might be misled by an anomaly like this if they hear it (Glenn 

** CHINA. 11975 & 12005, Sept 23 at 1250, filthy FM spurs from CNR1 jammer on 
11990 have moved in closer to the fundamental, instead of 11970 & 12010 as 24 
hours earlier; now with dramatic yelling program. And once again both gone 
after 1300 as the offending unit on 11990 has closed, while other CNR1 jamming 
against VOA remains.

21590, Sept 23 at 1303, equally poor mix of CNR1 jamming and presumed BBC Uzbek 
via CYPRUS as scheduled this semihour, since the ChiCom interfere in the 
internal affairs of Uzbekistan, just because Uzbek is a Turkic language 
understood by some in East Turkistan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 23, before 1300:
1, very good at 1253; none in the 17s, 16s, 14s, 13s, 12s
15795, JBA at 1253, mixing with echo CNR1 jamming vs AIR Mandarin 
17705, at 1255 the // AIR Mandarin with no FD, just CNR1 jamming over Indian 

Before 1400:
 7445, JBA at 1338, under CNR1 jamming, RTI
 9680, poor at 1338 in the mix with CNR1 jamming, RTI and RRI // 16100 
14960, poor at 1334; none in the 12s or 13s
15495, poor at 1334
15940, poor at 1334
16100, good at 1335
16920, fair at 1335
16980, fair at 1335
18200, poor at 1337 with flutter; none in the 17s

** COLOMBIA. 5910, Sept 23 at 0348 peppy music from reactivated HJDH, missing 
last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 9898-9923, Sept 23 at 0353, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, 
mainly blocking BBC Arabic on 9915, which until 0400 is definitely from Cyprus, 
then Woofferton UK. Wolfgang Büschel also reported this: ``CYPRUS/TURKEY?? OTHR 
on S=9+30dB powerhouse at 0420 UT 9896 to 9924 kHz range`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** DENMARK. 24940-USB, Sept 23 at 1344, 5Q4B, fonetik call from some exotic 
spot? Says using 3-element beam for 12 and 17m; apparently a contest is 
running, with quick exchanges of signal reports; bothered at 1346 by VFO 
sweeping up and down across. QRZ.com is sluggish today with everyone accessing 
it, but finally reveals it`s just Denmark. What`s wrong with a plain old OZ 
call? I would never have guessed 5Q = Denmark: 5Q4B, J. Vibaek, Box 83, Koege 
DK 4600, Denmark (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ESTONIA. 28521-USB, Sept 23 at 1355, ES1BA calling CQ, i.e. per 
http://qrzcq.com/call/ES1BA --- Vyacheslav (slava) Abramov, 10316 Tallin, 
Estonia, who must be an ethnic Russian lingerer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GUAM. 5765-USB, Sept 23 at 1222, JBA talk, presumably AFN still active, with 
NPR WESUN. Too weak to get a definite // to KOSU which is IBOC-delayed (Glenn 

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Sept 23 at 0336 the open carrier with hum, presumed 
from here, is on again this early, also at 0429 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** IRAN. 11920, Sept 23 at 0337, VIRI news theme and then English news by YL, 
having got the opening Qur`anic exercises out of the way preventing news 
promptly on the Iranian hour. Somewhat undermodulated and distorted audio, 
slightly better on synchronized // 13650. Tho from different sites: 11910 
Kamalabad 324 degrees, 13650 Sirjan 330 per HFCC. In B-12 they change to Sirjan 
11770, Kamalabad 9710, different than last winter. Will those avoid collisions? 

** IRELAND [non]. 17685 via UK, and 17540 via SOUTH AFRICA, Sunday Sept 23 at 
1459 check, RTE Football Final special is very poor on both; I can only tell 
that some irrational announcer is excited about a silly ballgame, and surely 
not worth further pursuit. They will be back one week later for hurling replay, 
then gone again until next September (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. 6973, Sept 23 at 0343, trolling the pirate band, first I find music 
on AM here, soon Hebrew announcement from Galei Zahal; fair signal. I never 
hear it after 0500,

[HCDX] 19-23 September Loggings

2012-09-23 Thread Dave Valko
SUDAN   7200   R. Omdurman   Suddenly on at 0232:40 w/native mx in progress but 
barely modulated.  Apparently V.O. Broad Masses also here starting at 0313.  (20 

SOMALIA   7120   R. Hargeisa   OC followed by HoA mx.  Finally a 1 min. anmnt by M 
at 0354:55 in which there were ments of what sounded like "Radio Ree-kah".  More 
mx, then diff. M again at 0405:22 w/more ments Radio "Ree-kah".  Mx again 0406. 
0414:15 more anmnts by same M starting w/ment of Radio Ree-Kah which must be an ID. 
Same thing again at 0423:04.  Odd though as I didn't hear this in Ron Howards 
recording.  Fading after 0400 of course and nearly inaudible by 0445.  (20 Sept.)

MAURITANIA   7245  R. Mauritania   Unlike yesterday, was not on all night. 
Suddenly on at 0621:48 in mid-Koran.  (20 Sept.)

BRAZIL   4785   R. Caiari   On at 0855:20 w/soft ZY ballad in progress.  Full ID at 
0858:34, followed by ID jingles mentioning AM freq.  (20 Sept.)

BOLIVIA   4716.7   R. Yura   Signal on well before 0955.  Audio finally up at 
1002:50 w/2 IDs and ment of Bolivia by W during tlk in Ayamara.  Mx at very very 
low level.  (20 Sept.)

MYANMAR??   7345   Rakhine BS?? (very tent.)   1056 finally getting a little mx at 
this time but audio ext. weak.  Was getting a carrier for about the previous 10 
min.  CNR blasted it out at 1100.   Don't see anything else listed here prior to 
CNR s/on.  (20 Sept.)

21 September  2012:  Decided to try a micro-DXpedition this morning.  I was 
disappointed with the propagation.  LAs were quite poor.  The Myanmar 
stations/freqs were hardly audible.  The PNGs were the only saving grace.  I wouldn't 
quite say they were good, but they were fairly good.  3235 and 3260 were best.  At 
330°, the BOG was actually situated perfectly for reception of both Pacific and 
Asia.  Pacific was much much better.  So I don't know if it had to do with 
propagation or if the antenna just needed to be laid out in a more northerly 

RX:  Microtelecom Perseus SDR with ARR preamp.
ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 330°.
QTH:  Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration:  0850-1200 UTC
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 117  A Index = 9  K Index = 2   No storms.
WX:   Partly to mostly cloudy.  Mid-50's.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   7324.97   Wantok R. Light   0906 NBC EG nx by M. 0908 "This is 
the NBC National news".  0915 nIce Wantok NBC nx/promo/ID, then PSA, and live 
studio M anncr w/upcoming sked.  Voice audio was a little distorted.  Another ment 
of Wantok R. Light at 0917.  0918 canned pgm promo, then messages, then into C&W 
style song.  (21 Sept.)

CANADA   6159.98   CKZU   0926 mostly stronger than CKZN.  CBC documentary w/M and 
W pgm host abt severely ill Autistic person to 0948.  "The Current Review" pgm., 
pgm notes and CBC Radio One ID, filler mx, then CBC nx.  Some heavy QSB.  (21 

BOLIVIA   6134.83   R. Santa Cruz   0939 Big rom. ballad.  M anncr w/TC and song 
anmnt w/ment of La Paz, Santa Cruz.  Not very strong this AM.  (21 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3235   R. West New Britain   1009 M anncr in muffled audio. 
Ment of PNG, poss. phone numbers, corporation.  Soft mx bridge at 1017, then M 
again w/ment of Friday night, and cont. mx.  1019 W anncr w/PSAs. Island mx agt 
1022.  1029:20 full ID by M over native wind instru. straight tone, canned M, W 
ancr w/FM freq, then live W w/ID 1030:30.  1114:40 canned W jingle.  1119:30 studio 
W w/what sounded like ID.  (21 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3260   R. Madang   1031 Reggae song.  1033 studio M anncr w/song 
anmnt.  Requests. Ment Friday night 1108:20 W w/vern. nx starting out w/item about 
NBC.  Studio M anncr at 1113 w/ID "...NBC station Madang...".  (21 Sept.)

3324.889 and 3325 two signals here noted at 1035.  Suspect the former is 
Palangkaraya and the latter is Bougainville.(21 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3365   R. Milne Bay   1035 "We Are the World".  "Take It Easy" 
by The Eagles at 1053.  (21 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3315   R Manus   1104:35 nice bird call and drums, then into nx 
by W.  (21 Sept.)

SOLOMON ISLANDS5019.88   SIBC/R. Happy Isles   1125 dedication and request 
call-in pgm w/W host who answered phone "Hello SIBC" quickly speaking and slurring 
words.  Rel. inspirational tlk at
1156.  1200 full closing ID, instru. NA.  Good and as strong as Rebelde.  (21 

AUSTRALIA   2368.48   R. Symban   Extremely weak but also peaking for 2 or 3 
seconds every once in a while, once strong enough to hear mx at 0842.  (22 Sept.)

MICRONESIA (POHNPEI)   4755.5   The Cross   0948 Rock and Pop mx.  Tuned away at 
0955.  Was already in EG rel. pgm at 1000 when I returned.  Went into Pop mx at 
1023, and then off the air at 1024.  (22 Sept.)

UNID.   9380   Sound of Hope (pres.)   1233 just missed s/on.  Getting a weak 
signal w/M tlk in what sounded like CH.  Oddly was getting more audio w/tuner 
bypassed.  (22 Sept.)

CHINA   Found Firedrake on 12320, 12670, 12980, 13920.  (22 Sept.)

NIGER   9705.54   La Voix du Sahel   224

[HCDX] Logs

2012-09-23 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Sony ICF SW 7600 G,
cable antenna, 8 meters

4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0550-0605, 23-09, Brazilian songs. 
24322. (Méndez)

5970, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, 0602-06,18, 23-09, Brazilian 
songs, male, Portuguese, comments, identification: "3 horas nove 
minutes, Radio Itatiaia". 24322. (Méndez)

6180, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, 0545-0615, 23-09, male, comments, 
Portuguese, identification: "Radio Nacional". 34433. (Méndez)

9820, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0545-0610, 23-09, male with religious 
comments in Portuguese, program "Com a Mae Aparecida". 34433. (Méndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0548-0600, 23-09, Brazilian songs, 
identification: "Ondas medias, 1270 kHz, 50 kW, onda tropical, 4985 kHz, 
10 kW, ondas curtas, 25 metros, 11815 kHz, 7,5 kW, Radio Brasil Central, 
Goiania, Goias, Brasil". 24322. (Méndez)

15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0840-1001, 23-09, Brazilian 
songs, comments, Portuguese, male, identification: "Inconfidencia", 
23322. (Méndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0545-0622, 23-09, Latin 
American songs, identification, male: "Alcaravan Radio". 34433. (Méndez)

9480, Radio Gloria International, *0900-0930, 23-09, male, 
identification: "This is Radio Gloria International, 0900 to 1000 
UTC...". Pop music and comments. Parallel with 6140. 4. (Méndez)

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0548-0608, 23-09, religious 
songs in English, identification en various languages, anthem and close 
down. 14321. (Méndez)

PERU, 4790, Radio Visión, Chiclayo (presumed), 0055-0623, 23-09, male, 
comments. Very weak, best on LSB. 14321. (Méndez)

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 117, Issue 23

2012-09-23 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. EMR and Radio Gloria this Sunday (tom taylor)
   2. WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1083 (Michael Bethge)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. 6164.960 Chad at 1855 UT Sept 22 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   5. Shortwave RAdio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   6. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   7. morning log Sept 23 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   8. Re: [dxld] morning log Sept 23 (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 15:39:07 +0100
From: "tom taylor" 
To: "tom taylor" 
Subject: [HCDX] EMR and Radio Gloria this Sunday
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

EMR and Radio Gloria this Sunday




Sunday, 23rd of September 2012: 


08.00 to 09.00 UTC - E M Ron  6005 KHz via Radio 700   stu...@emr.org.uk

09.00 to 10.00 UTC - R Gloria on  6005 KHz via Radio 700

09.00 to 10.00 UTC - R Gloria on  9480 KHz via MVBR

09.00 to 10.00 UTC - R Gloria on  6140 KHz via Issoudun

11.00 to 12.00 UTC - R Gloria on  7265 KHz via MVBR


EMR now have "NEW design" Verification of Reception QSL's


EMR via the internet: 0800, 1300, 1600 1900 on Sunday and Monday



Good Listening


73s,  Tom




Message: 2
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 19:46:17 +0200
From: "Michael Bethge" 
To: , ,
"Fernando Luiz de Souza" 
Subject: [HCDX] WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1083
Message-ID: <46CC76DC566B475989032064F711EF2A@BETHGEZUHAUSE>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

The latest edition (22 September) of WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News,
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: m...@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 11:13:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: s...@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** AUSTRALIA. 4835, Sept 22 at 1233, very poor signal with talk, no doubt VL8A 
holding up this late after WWCR 4840 1200*. Need to try earlier before WWCR 
latens their QSY time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. No Bangladesh Betar this Saturday, altho 19m was hopping with 
signals from China:
15105, at 1240 Sept 22, a JBA carrier, maybe something else; nor sometime in 
the 1315-1345 period

15505, at 1400+ Sept 22, no signal either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 22, before 1300:
15795, good at 1254 mixing with CNR1 jamming and somewhere underneath, AIR in 
Chinese, which lasts until 1315 but at 1311 the FD is gone
1, very good at 1254; none in the 17s, 16s, 14s
13920, good at 1258
12980, very good at 1259
12670, fair at 1259
12320, very good at 1259

After 1300:
15560, very good at 1309 with het on hi side; ex-1
15485, good at 1309, with noise which is louder than the FD
 9680, fair at 1314, mixed in with RRI, RTI and CNR1 jamming
 7445, fair at 1318, along with CNR1 jamming and/or RTI Paochung

Before 1400:
15560, good at 1349, het on lo side
14700, very good at 1350
12980, good at 1353; none in the 13s, 11s or 10s
12500, very good at 1352
12320, very good at 1352

** CHINA [and non]. 11970 & 12010, approx.