Re: [DX] Lisää aloittelijakysymyksiä (FM)

2013-06-20 Thread Markku Jussila
Koitapa katsoa täältä MNY

Varsin tyhjentävä ohje, itse en kyllä oikein ymmärrä kaikkea. Ilmankos en
ole muuta kuin K-kauppiaaksi päässyt..

19. kesäkuuta 2013 21.53 ilkka suni kirjoitti:

 Tuossa kun online logiin ryhdyin FM:ltä tuubaa suoltamaan. Mikä on ns.
 oikea tapa lokata online logiin FM-asemia?

 Kun kyseessä on ketjulähetin eli ketjurele, tuleeko lähetinpaikkakunta
 jättää pois lokauksesta? Tuleeko lähetinpaikkakunta mainita lokauksessa
 vain silloin, kun kyseessä on yhden lähettimen paikallisasema (tai ketjun
 ns. päälähetin)?

 Kysymykseni yritin asettaa tuonne, mutta rekisteröityminen
 toistuvasti herjasi virhettä.

 Kas kun ihanpihalla olen. Pisteistä viis, kuuntelu lienee hauskaa siis.

 73, IS .

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Re: [DX] Antennikysymys (FM)

2013-06-20 Thread Juha Solasaari


1) Elementin pitää olla sähköisesti oikean mittainen, joten hyvä 
galvaaninen yhteys liitoskohdassa ei liene pahitteeksi.
2) Mikä tahansa. Sähköä johtavan heijastajaelementin (putken) sisällä 
oleva materiaali ei vaikuta asiaan, koska johteen pinta on se joka pelaa 
suurtaajuussignaaleilla. Pinnalle lisätty eristemateriaalikin voi sen 
sijaan vaikuttaa jotain.
3) Mitä ohmimittari näyttää VKN:n tapauksessa? Tasavirtaresistanssista 
ei voi päätellä kovin paljoa.

Oletko varmistanut, että antennin syöttökohta ei ole vaurioitunut 
keikauksessa? Onko kaapeli voinut kastua sisältä tai muuten vaurioitunut 
(vai onko upouusi)?

Ilkka (IM) varmaan tietäisi tästä aiheesta yhtä ja toista.

73 de JTS

- - -
On 19.6.2013 22:10, ilkka suni wrote:

Pahoittelen, yhä jupisen ulalla. Kiitollinen olen, jos joku neuvoo
antenniongelmassa eli korjaamisessa.

Syksyllä 1997 tuli tuuli tuima ja repi kattotemonttini pressun sekä
siinä samalla 8-elementtisen Visini persauksen. Puomi poikki, samoin oli
poikki yksi heijastajaelementti.

En enää muista, mitä korjatessani laitoin puomin sisään vahvikkeeksi.
Mutta heijastajan sisään muistaakseni ymppäsin passelin kokoista
kupariputkea (oli jotain jarru- tai kaasuputkea). Saumakohtaan, päälle
kieputin itsevulkanoituvaa eristysnauhaa. Ja nyt olen todennut, että ei
toimi Visi, ei. Vahvistus on olematon ja suuntakuvio mitä sattuu, kun
vertailen Visiä rikkumattomaan 8-el. VKN:ääni.


1) Tuleeko korjauskohtaan eli katkeamiskohtaan etenkin elementissä
varmistaa ns. galvaaninen kytkentä?

2) Mikä vahvikemateriaali eli sisäputki korjauskohtaan olisi sopiva?
Alumiiniputki, muoviputki, puutappi, kupariputki? Voiko olla niin, että
tuo heijastajan sisällä oleva kupariputki häiritsee antennin toimintaa?

3) Mitä arvoa eli vastusta (noin) antennin tulisi antaa, mitattuna
alastulojohdon alapäästä? Alastulojohto on noin 10-metrinen,
tuplasuojattua kotimaista eli kunnollista koaksiaalia. Vai kertooko tuo
ohmiluku mitään antennin kunnosta?

Kiitos jo etukäteen, jos joku osaa valistaa. Ennen kuin kaadan tuon
maston ja samalla rymäytän pilkkeiksi molemmat yagit.

73, IS

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Re: [DX] Hannu Romppainen

2013-06-20 Thread Jukka Kotovirta
Tili on hakkeroitu. 

ÄLKÄÄ MISSÄÄN TAPAUKSESSA klikatko linkkiä, tuhotkaa se maili.

73 de JTK

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Reijo Alapiha
Sent: 20. kesäkuuta 2013 8:22
To: Hannu Romppainen; Suomalaisten DX-lista
Subject: Re: [DX] Hannu Romppainen

Mikäs idea tässä on? Linkin klikkaus vie jollekin laihdutustuotesivuille.

Reijo Alapiha

DX mailing list

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Re: [DX] Antennikysymys (FM)

2013-06-20 Thread Jari Lehtinen

At 22:10 19.6.2013, ilkka suni wrote:

poikki yksi heijastajaelementti.
Ja nyt olen todennut, että ei toimi Visi, ei. Vahvistus on olematon ja 
suuntakuvio mitä sattuu, kun vertailen Visiä rikkumattomaan 8-el. VKN:ääni.

Myrskyssä kärsineellä haravalla, jossa on yhdestä suuntaajasta jäljellä 
puolikas, kuunneltiin kuuleman mukaan viikolla Maakeskessä israelilaista 

Veikkaisin minäkin, että antennissa voisi olla jotakin perusteellisemmin 
pielessä kuin yksi haavoittunut heijastaja. Etu-takasuhteeseen se vaikuttaa 
ilman muuta.

73's JLN

DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] ITU Monitoring

2013-06-20 Thread Akbar Indra Gunawan
ITU Monitoring files now in .xls and .pdf formats
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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 126, Issue 20

2013-06-20 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs June 19, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. ITU Monitoring (Akbar Indra Gunawan)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:59:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 19, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH. 15505, June 19 from *1356:05 carrier and tone; 1358:15 change to 
Bangladesh Betar IS; final iteration stopped before complete at 1359:55 but no 
timesignal, just opening Urdu; very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6070, June 19 at 0519, no signal from CFRX: little station leaves a 
big hole when it`s off. Harold Sellers told the DXLD yg June 18 at 2122 UT: 
``Just received this from Steve Canney VA3SC: I just noticed CFRX was off the 
air. I e-mailed the engineer a few minutes ago who informed me the the PA Mixer 
in the transmitter was faulty and is being sent back to the manufacturer. I'll 
keep you posted when news comes in. Harold Sellers`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake, June 19 before 1300:
13795, fair at 1252

All the rest are CNR1 jammers instead:
17170, JBA at 1253; none in the 16s or 18s
15800, very poor at 1254; none in the 14s
13830, poor at 1256 with noise
12370, very poor at 1257

** CONGO DR [non]. 11690, June 19 at 0452, no signal detectable from R. Okapi; 
but 11700 RFI direct from France is sufficient. It appears the Okapi service is 
still suspended, as HFCC registration shows it effective only from 1 July, via 
11690 0400 0500 52E MEY 250 340 0 416 1234567 010713 271013 D 11875 French AFS 
BAB BAB 19051. Earlier info showed it supposedly resuming 1 June (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA [and non]. RHC missing frequencies: 6150, June 19 at 1247, just R. 
Australia, but probably a fluke as avoiding CCI is not a prime objective of 
either. 9850 also missing at 1247. Both are supposedly scheduled until 1300. 
The following frequency scheduled after 1300, 13780, is also absent at 1320 
check. 9850  13780 had been the transmitter suffering from wobbling and 
rumbling. Meanwhile, these frequencies are on at 1247: 9540, 9550, 11690, 
11760, 11860, 15230, 17580, 17730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** EGYPT. 13850, June 19 at 0508, strong signal, but distorted, very suppressed 
Arabic modulation: R. Cairo, of course, as usual, prolonging many years of 
totally incompetent transmission; in HFCC as 02-07, 250 kW, 315 degrees from 
Abis. Suffers by comparison to much weaker but clearer R. Farda on 13860; see 
IRAN [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 13860, June 19 at 0509, ME pop music, fair signal and good 
modulation. I guess it`s R. Farda, and am confirmed by HFCC: 0430-0830, IBB 
Farsi, 100 kW, 92 degrees via Lampertheim, GERMANY; compare to EGYPT 13850 

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening ramping up at tune-in 1440 UT June 19:

1440 on 2, algo with antenna south, but language not clear yet

1455 on 2, Spanish, studio discussion in and out; no bugs visible; 1457 
mentions Mazatl?n, and signal improves rotating toward SW; CCI 

1504 on 2, crime news about a state, Ixtapa mentioned, which is in Guerrero

1507 on 3, f bug in LR = Foro TV from net-4, and Grupo Pac?fico bug in UR, 
italic 3 in an oval, i.e. XHQ, Culiac?n, Sinaloa

1507 on 4, toons from net-5, bug LR

1516 on 4, net-2 bug UR, costume show; clock 10:16 in LL. Probably XHBS-TV Los 
Mochis, Sinaloa

1537 on 4, net-2 again, photoed but bug may not show up

1541 on 5, net-5 toons, CCI from my cable leak; opening intensifies

1542 on 3, XHQ mostly clear and weak while 2 and 4 have stronger signals and CCI

1543 on 6, video starting to show here. 

1558 on 4, more attempts at 

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 19-20, 2013

2013-06-20 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA. 6150, June 20 at 1201 check, RA is still clear of spurs, but RHC 
is back to CCI it underneath. I never heard any spurs surrounding strong 15240 
around 0500 UT, the same transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15505, June 20 propagation is very poor, but BB detectable JBA 
from *1358:30, traces of IS by 1359:15, unable to tell if there was a 
timesignal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9420, June 20 at 1227, no Voice of Greece audible, but Firedrake-like 
music, which is definitely not Firedrake jamming since 1230 announcement in 
Chinese, and then vocal music. Aoki shows the only other occupants of 9420 at 
any time are: CNR13 at 1057-1805, 100 kW, 298 degrees from Lingshi 725 site in 
Uyghur; and CNR6 at 2155-0100  0900-1605, 100 kW, 163 degrees from Beijing 491 
site including 1100-1605 in Chinese = Mandarin. I think it`s the latter, altho 
EiBi shows the Lingshi broadcasts only. Another instance of self-collision by 
the ChiCom if they really run both at once (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake, June 20 before 1300:
13795, poor at 1237 with Kuwaiti CCI. All the rest are CNR1 jammers:

12870, poor at 1237
13970, poor at 1237 with het; none in the 14s
15970, JBA at 1239
16360, JBA at 1241

June 20 before 1400:
13130, fair at 1353 with flutter
13920, very poor at 1353
14700, very poor at 1355 with hets
15900, very poor at 1356 with flutter; none in the 16s, 17s

** CUBA. 17730, June 20 at 1242, RHC is the OSOB, with 17580 missing (Glenn 

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening continued from previous report, June 19 UT:

1609 on 4, previous signal of net-2 transfers to an infomercial about 
cicatrices (scars)

1609 on 5, net-5 toon, very good but video only, MUF not up to audio

1609 on 4, Televisa net-2 is back, talk show in studio; several fotos around 
1616 UT with clock 11:16 in LL, and star bug in UR:

I thought it would be XHBS-TV, Los Mochis, Sinaloa, but local time there (MDT) 
is an hour earlier. Could still be XHBS with the wrong time clock relayed from 
the DF? A few other 2s-on-4 but not from probable target area, such as XHD-TV 
in Tampico. Soon faded out

1658 on 2, still CCI up to here as opening fitfully continues

1705 on 2, title DEJA QUE TE CUENTE [Let me tell you --- gossip show?]

1728 on 2, Gala TV swirl bug in LR, within a square, but bug comes and goes 
replaced by illegible texts, during cooking show, apparently. Per, the 
only Televisa 9 on channel 2 is:
Hermosillo SO XHHMA-TV 3 ZH 29-04-29N 110-57-35W XLIC S:Televisa 9
but the usual advertence that it could still be some other Televisa local 
station relaying net-9 part-time.

1736 on 2, still Gala, now with soccer clips, then to anchors in studio with 
label behind them on set as Univision Deportes, i.e. the US net, apparently 
still with close ties to Televisa. Hermosillo fits as the opening is moving 
westward as follows:

1808 on 5, Azteca 13 making zero CCI with my cable leak of KOCO, gains when I 
rotate WSW, typical of XHAQ Mexicali BCN

1808 on 3, Mexicali ads, certainly XHBC, so both still analog

1808 on 6, algo as MUF ascends, soon at 1810 visibly net-5 with toons, perhaps 
Woody Woodpecker  Foghorn Leghorn (did they ever co-star?). Surely what has 
become of former English/San Diego station XETV Tijuana, which still hasn`t 
turned off channel 6 analog. 

Now trying FM but no DX heard in the few semi-open lower frequencies here. 
Opening dies even from TV by 1824, conveniently as I need to concentrate on 
producing World of Radio 1674.

2221 on 2, with WOR completed, CCI is starting to fade in again, this time Es 
peaking south

 on 5, zero-CCI video with local leak, again at 2244

2223 on 3, some Spanish audio, not much video

2320 on 2, +v bug in UR, i.e. Más Visión, i.e. XEWO-TV Guadalajara, in and out 
spotted again at 2349, 2359, and weak CCI most of the next hour.

Another opening in progress June 20 at 1425 tune-in on 2, algo;

1427 on 2, fade in enough to see f bug in LR = foro TV net-4 newscast; and 
TELEACTIVA in UR, i.e. XEFB-TV Monterrey NL; soon out

1456 on 2, another fade-in, studio show discussing weight loss, MTY bug in LR, 
so XHCNL Saltillo, Coahuila; see photo:
1459 audibly mentions Monterrey, which it is relaying from ch 34

1537 on 2, another brief fade-in seeming political talk, no bugs seen

1628 on 2, another brief video fade-in of algo 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 92.1, KAMG-LP Enid, after weeks of broadcasting nothing but dead 
air with some clix, noticed to be off the air June 19 at 1822 UT as I am 
searching for Es from Baja and Alta California. Still off at 1505 UT 

[HCDX] Latest news abt ERT

2013-06-20 Thread Zacharias LIangas
Please reply to

Latest news abt ERT 

Networking for yesterday local night : 
981 , 1179 , 1278 are off 666 still on but without content 
IN the new meeting from the government partners, the left party left the 
meeting . 
The prime minister and the head of the socialist party decided to sack all 
for the transitory state and temporarily recruit 2000 of 2700 employees with a 
month contract.

and  here news from my newsclipping . It is a  sub service. if soemone is 
please send a message  to my adress above  :
utm_source=twitterfeedutm_medium=twitter (all my pages )

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[HCDX] Latest news abt ERT -some corexions

2013-06-20 Thread Zacharias LIangas
Please reply to

Latest news abt ERT 

Networking for yesterday local night : 
981 , 1179 , 1278 are off 666 still on but without content 
IN the new meeting from the government partners, the left party left the 
meeting . 
The prime minister and the head of the socialist party decided to sack all 
for the transitory state and temporarily recruit 2000 of 2700 employees with a 
month contract. 

and here news from my newsclipping . It is a subscription  service. if soemone 
interested please send a message to my adress at yahoo :
utm_source=twitterfeedutm_medium=twitter (all my pages ) (all my pages )

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