Re: [DX] auringonpilkkumaksimi ei tunnu missaan

2013-10-26 Thread Ilkka Martikainen
Mielenkiintoista tosiaan, että pilkkuluvun ollessa näinkin korkea (nyt SSN =
148), tämä ei ole tuottanut tämän parempia HF-kelejä (nyt SSNe = 78). Tuo
ns. Boulderin pilkkuluku, jota esim. Ionoprobe käyttää, antaa tosin hieman
ylipositiivisen vaikutelman ... näyttää siis noin 30 % liikaa. 28 MHz on
ollut auki usein - ja on tänäänkin ja bandi täynnä CQWW-kilpailun asemia.

Voi toki olla, että nyt on sitten se toinen kaksihuippuisen maksimin
huipuista. Kovin pieniä nämä huiput kuitenkin ovat vanhaan hyvään aikaan
verrattuna. Ja ennusteiden mukaan olemme hyvää vauhtia menossa tasaisempaan
suuntaan päin. Nyt on parhaillaan menossa R3 eli kohtalainen blackout -
tämän vaikutus ei juurikaan yläbandeilla näy.

IPS:n mukaan jakson 24 huippu on ollut helmikuussa 2012 ja pilkkuluku 66,9
(ns. tasattu pilkkuluku).  Ei muuten ollut mitenkään ihmeellisiä HF-kelejä
ko. aikaan! Tämä ennusteen mukaan siitä sitten laskeudutaan hitaasti
alaspäin - ei kahta huippua.  Mutta nämä syksyn muutoinkin hyvät HF-kelit
ehkä meitä vähän hämäävät ... ja pilkkuluvusta ei suoraan saada radiokelejä
- on monta muutakin vaikuttajaa tähän. Melkoista arvausleikkiähän tämä
tiedemiesten työ tällä osa-alueella tuntuu nykyisin olevan.

73 de SDXL1398/OH5MD, Ilkka M.

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: DX [] Puolesta Jari Lehtinen
Lähetetty: 25. lokakuuta 2013 15:47
Aihe: [DX] auringonpilkkumaksimi ei tunnu missaan

Onkohan auringonpilkkumaksimi lopultakin tässä ja nyt?

Tämän viikon aikana tiivis auringonpilkkurykelmä 11875 osui auringon
pinnalla suoraan kohti maapalloa osoittavaan napakymppiin. Tuloksena on
ollut useita, aina X-luokan tasoisia flareja, ja 21-22.10. 
auringonpilkkuluku kohosi arvoon 220. Se on korkein arvo vuoteen.

Jännittävää sinänsä, että radiokeleihin tällä ei näytä olleen (vielä)
ihmeempää vaikutusta. Eilen kuului NHK-kakkosia paikallis-id:n aikaan 1319
ja yöllä bandilla oli solkenaan jenkkejä. Olisin toivonut Puerto Ricoa...

Tromssan K-indeksi on pysytellyt tämän rähinöinnin aikana ihmeen matalalla. 
22.10. huippu jäi yksinäiseksi piikiksi törröttämään. Muuten indeksi on
pysytellyt vakaasti 0-1:n tasolla.

Maksimi, joka ei ollut maksimi. Kyllä tämän bandillakin kuulee, että 2002
oli aivan toisenlaiset oltavat. Silloin väylä itään ja länteen oli ajoittain
totaalisen poikki. Tänä syksynä on ollut kelejä johonkin suuntaan
periaatteessa joka yö.

73's JLN

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Updated WRMI schedule - 17 October 2013

2013-10-26 Thread Akbar Indra Gunawan
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 26, 2013 [more]

2013-10-26 Thread Glenn Hauser
** CUBA. 6165, Oct 26 at 0513, RHC English quite undermodulated and even weaker 
signal than 6125; 6060 is poor, and 6000 is very good. Just another anomaly to 
note (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. It takes the CQ Worldwide SSB DX Contest to fill up the hambands 
(not including 12, 17 m) --- Normally hardly anyone ventures above 28500 on 
10m, but Oct 26 at 1348-1350 I am hearing a couple of USB Germans as high as 
28969, DP9Z, and 29012, DL2IAN both calling CQ Contest with plenty of contacts, 
plus one US station a little higher. 

DP9Z is ``Contestcall of DF9ZP: Hans-Joachim Burger; Südring 24; 64832 
Babenhausen; Germany`` per --- condensing call from 6 to 4 characters 
saves valuable microseconds and inevitably increases score. Since call needs to 
be spoken fonetikally, he should really try for single-syllable letters instead 
of two syllables for two of them (if not ``nine-er``; and no escaping 
``delta``), e.g. M for mike, G for golf --- in fact those are the only two 
single-syllabers in the official fonetik alfabet, and several letters are even 
three-fers. What were they thinking in setting that up?

DL2IAN is: ``Thomas Schenk, Hintergasse 9, 76865 Rohrbach / Pfalz, Germany``. 
Not even named Ian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Oct 26 at 1142, R. Verdad in Chinese with musical 
background. Seems to be regular around this hour, 7:42 pm prime-time for all 
their listeners in China. But I`m afraid their online program schedule
as I copy it, but which shows in the address field with accented-o asón
is long-outdated, still showing nothing about Chinese, weekday start at 1100 UT 
instead of 0930, and El Tren del Evangelio at 1125-1200 --- it`s copyright 2009 

** IRAN. 15300, Oct 26 at 1422, VIRI IS, 1423 opening Hindi, NA, etc., poor 
with flutter.

13800, Oct 26 at 1425, VIRI not // 15300 but in Russian, fair. Not satisfied 
with being out of step with most of the world on a :30-minute timezone, 
official start time of broadcasts is now :23 or :53 past the hours. 13800 is 
Sirjan, 15300 Kamalabad. For B-13, all frequencies change to lower bands, but 
odd times remain the same.

The so-called ``Voice of Justice`` English to North America at 0320-0420 will 
be on Kamalabad 9710 and Sirjan 11770 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DFX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA [and non]. 15275, Oct 26 at 0524, DW English is inbooming, while no 
signals on 15190 EqGuinea or 15120 Nigeria. Sometimes Rwanda is not propagating 
either, but fine tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21610, Oct 26 at 1432, REE has good signal even with long-path echo, 
as a Belgian ``flamenco`` is attempting to read a statement in fraxured 
Castilian about the Euro, but the natives are pleased that he tried.

Much weaker on // 21515, which I see will be gone from tomorrow in B-13, with 
21630 added, registered 13-17 UT, despite BBC and WHRI still being on it during 
much of that span. Will they really collide? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 750, Oct 26 at 1211 UT, ranchera music from WSW/ENE, heavy CCI, 1213 
Spanish announcement mentions Tejas. Probably KAMA El Paso. 

Since NRC AM Log again in 2013 says 750 KMMJ Grand Island NE has some Spanish, 
I`ve been wary of logs here based on language, so I look at the 
website (why don`t stations` own sites show up at or near the top of Google 
searches? Instead lots and lots of streaming services, etc. Finally I find KMMJ 
site by going to Wikipedia). 

There looking at the entire program schedule for M-F, Sat and Sun, there are NO 
titles in Spanish, FWIW, just gospel huxters and Dave Ramsey in English. We 
also learn that the calls retroactively signify: ``Keeping your Mind on the 
Message of Jesus``. Nothing about ``The Bridge`` as in NRC Log, not even by 
internal search of the site. 

750 is also the home of a much-wanted OK station, KSEO in Durant, 220-watt ND 
daytimer, which I have never heard a trace of in daytime, SRS or SSS, and 
continue to wonder if it`s really on the air. If not closer to Durant, would 
someone on I-35 around the Red River please check for it? (Glenn Hauser, Enid 

** U S A. 1190, Oct 26 at 1222 UT, promo for Bob , ``The Grim Reaper`` not 
only M-F at 10 am but ``could be even worse when repeated at 4 pm``, on ``the 
all-new KQQZ, The Patriot``. This website:
linx only to streaming, no program schedule to look up his last name, but it`s 
really Insane, as ``Hot Talk, Kool Killer Kountry, The 1st Amendment and All 
American Station``. 

KQQZ Has two mascots: a yellow-devil wielding a trident(?) weapon; and a much 
cuter green double 6-gun-totin` saguaro cactus cowboy sheriff, a perfect match 
for St. Louis MO, roughly a kilomile from the nearest wild saguaro. At least 
KQQZ no longer confronts 

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27, 2013

2013-10-26 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ALBANIA. 7425, Oct 27 at 0327, R. Tirana IS and 0330 sign-on giving new B-13 
schedule, which unfortunately involves a last-minute change for reasons unknown 
from 0230 to 0330 for the only English broadcast to North America. Unfortunate, 
since 7425 is also occupied by DW Swahili via RWANDA during this hour, there is 
severe co-channel QRM, and a fast SAH, the two at about equal level here. I am 
strongly recommending that if R. Tirana has to be at 0330, it should switch 
immediately to 7465, a well-known frequency and which is clear of co- or 
adjacent-channel interference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, Oct 27 at 0112, AFN weak talk and music, mentions 
ESPN, ``game this Friday night, BYU vs ---``, so must be playback or review 
since this is Saturday night = Sunday morning in the BIOT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA. 11985, Oct 27 at 0052, AIR this time has a fair-good signal, but open 
carrier/dead air with some flutter, instead of scheduled Sinhala service; while 
11740 via GOA is poor with flutter, CCI. Hoping for that 36-37 note IS on 11985 
I heard once, but not even a tone test today, and goes off the air sometime 
between 0059 and 0100. There is some new ACI from 11980 China in B-13, i.e. 
+01-02 via Kunming. Nothing on 9910 tonight nor in B-13 schedule, altho AIR was 
on there last night. 

It seems there are NO AIR registrations yet in HFCC B-13, so we have no idea 
what their plans are, if any. They have been tardy or absent before.

Guess what: HFCC B-13 is full of listings for the defunct WYFR. Didn`t Family 
Radio tell their frequency manager or FCC not to bother? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Oct 27 at 0118, only pirate signal around 42m is 
some very weak talk here. A minute later, Joe Farley captured two SSTV IDs as 
Radio Ga-Ga:,13436.0.html

** PERU. 5980, Oct 27 at 0055, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, and cutoff comes at 
0101:14.5*, or 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1692 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, Saturday 
Oct 26 starting at 2327:19. Next: 0401v on WTWW-1, 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 5085, Oct 27 at 0054, WTWW-2 is missing, while usually on UT Sundays 
with QSO show; after WOR circa 2356 Oct 26 there was the QSY announcement to 
5085, but unchecked whether it really came up by  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 7490, Oct 27 at 0116, WBCQ is off, unlike last Saturday night when an 
old RNI tape was being played during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 27 at 0117, WRNO is off tho certainly still registered in 
B-13 from 22 to 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, Oct 27 at 0117, KJES is off, as happens unpredictably, still 
scheduled 0200-0330 in HFCC B-13 --- but time change from 0100-0230 should not 
happen here for one more week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 9640, Oct 27 at 0059 and 0108, no sign of VOV English to NAm 
via Woofferton, as in previous tentative B-13 schedule, despite confirmed 
deletion of DRM from 9630 Costa Rica. Nor on ex-A-13 channel 12005. Maybe they 
saw my comment that 9 MHz would be too high for winter, should be on 7 MHz. 

Looking up latest HFCC B-13 of Oct 26, I see that they went to 6 MHz instead, 
in fact their established 6175 channel, which continues via WHRI in English at 
0330 --- but now the Woofferton relay in English is also on 6175 at 0100  
0230, when I did not monitor yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture to 
the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on the 
caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in southern 
Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent now:

1220, Oct 26 at 1835 UT, KTLV Midwest City OK, ``clap yo hands`` pentecostal 
service, then a soul hymn. Tho no ID, I have no doubt it is my closest 1220, 
very weak, quite on the edge of its range. Adjacent splash from much stronger 
1230 WBBZ Ponca City is reduced a bit by a football game instead of mostly 
music. KTLV is no longer un-reported to NRC DX News.

1200, Oct 26 at 1836 UT, very weak talkshow about cars, 31 mpg. No doubt it`s 
WOAI San Antonio on groundwave. However, their Saturday schedule shows this 
should not be on until after 1900 = 2pm:
10AM-2PM The Mutual Fund Show
 2PM-3PM Belden Automotive's Under the Hood Show
Read more:
I mustn`t forget that there is a 1 kW daytimer in Bolivar, SW Missouri, which 
could possibly make it here, KYOO, ``Today`s Best Country``.

1110, Oct 26 at 1839 UT, mainly KFAB in English with a Nebraska ad; SAH of 3.4 
Hz, presumably 

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 130, Issue 27

2013-10-26 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Radio Progreso (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. Updated WRMI schedule - 17 October 2013 (Akbar Indra Gunawan)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs October 26, 2013 [more] (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 05:45:21 +
From: Manuel M?ndez
To: DX Listenig Digest
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Progreso
Message-ID: em98343a6d-3f68-4d85-b0c3-c61271ba30ca@manuel
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Cable antenna, 8 meters

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0217-0228, 26-10, male, Spanish, 
comments, Cuban songs, identification: Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacional, 
transmitiendo desde La Habana, Radio Progreso, female, comments. 
24322. (M?ndez)


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 21:33:15 +0800 (SGT)
From: Akbar Indra Gunawan
Subject: [HCDX] Updated WRMI schedule - 17 October 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 09:31:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 26, 2013 [more]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CUBA. 6165, Oct 26 at 0513, RHC English quite undermodulated and even weaker 
signal than 6125; 6060 is poor, and 6000 is very good. Just another anomaly to 
note (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. It takes the CQ Worldwide SSB DX Contest to fill up the hambands 
(not including 12, 17 m) --- Normally hardly anyone ventures above 28500 on 
10m, but Oct 26 at 1348-1350 I am hearing a couple of USB Germans as high as 
28969, DP9Z, and 29012, DL2IAN both calling CQ Contest with plenty of contacts, 
plus one US station a little higher. 

DP9Z is ``Contestcall of DF9ZP: Hans-Joachim Burger; S?dring 24; 64832 
Babenhausen; Germany`` per --- condensing call from 6 to 4 characters 
saves valuable microseconds and inevitably increases score. Since call needs to 
be spoken fonetikally, he should really try for single-syllable letters instead 
of two syllables for two of them (if not ``nine-er``; and no escaping 
``delta``), e.g. M for mike, G for golf --- in fact those are the only two 
single-syllabers in the official fonetik alfabet, and several letters are even 
three-fers. What were they thinking in setting that up?

DL2IAN is: ``Thomas Schenk, Hintergasse 9, 76865 Rohrbach / Pfalz, Germany``. 
Not even named Ian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Oct 26 at 1142, R. Verdad in Chinese with musical 
background. Seems to be regular around this hour, 7:42 pm prime-time for all 
their listeners in China. But I`m afraid their online program schedule
as I copy it, but which shows in the address field with accented-o as
is long-outdated, still showing nothing about Chinese, weekday start at 1100 UT 
instead of 0930, and El Tren del Evangelio at 1125-1200 --- it`s copyright 2009 

** IRAN. 15300, Oct 26 at 1422, VIRI IS, 1423 opening Hindi, NA, etc., poor 
with flutter.

13800, Oct 26 at 1425, VIRI not // 15300 but in Russian, fair. Not satisfied 
with being out of step with most of the world on a :30-minute timezone, 
official start time of broadcasts is now :23 or :53 past the hours. 13800 is 
Sirjan, 15300 Kamalabad. For B-13, all frequencies change to lower bands, but 
odd times