2014-06-13 Thread SDXL Bulletin
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Päiväys:  : 13/06/2014  12:16
Kirjoittaja : OH6001SWL
Kategoriat  : yleistä

Suomen DX-Liiton vuoden aseman valinnan toinen vaihe on käynnistynyt. Tehtävänä 
on nyt valita ehdokkaiden joukosta Suomen DX-Liiton Vuoden Asema 2013. 
Parhaiten äänestys onnistuu netissä olevalla äänestyslomakkeella osoitteessa 
http://www.sdxl.org/vuodenasema2013/aanesta.php. Äänestys vaatii 
rekisteröitymisen, joka varmistaa kunkin äänestäjän sähköpostiosoitteen ja 
samalla rekisteröi hänen jäsennumeronsa.

Vaihtoehtoisesti voit äänestää postitse kirjoittamalla valitsemasi aseman nimen 
postikorttiin ja lähettää sen SDXL:n toimistoon osoitteeseen Suomen DX-Liitto 
ry, Vuoden Asema, Annankatu 31-33 C 49 c, 00100 HELSINKI. Aseman nimen 
lisäksi postikorttiin tulee laittaa äänestäjän nimi ja SDXL:n jäsennumero, 
sillä vain jäsenet voivat äänestää.

Äänestys päättyy perjantaina 11.7.2014. Tuolloin kaikki postikortit tulee olla 
SDXL:n toimistossa ja nettiäänet jätetty puoleenyöhön UTC mennessä.

Vuoden 2013 ehdokkaat ovat seuraavat:

1) Anhui Renmin Guangbo Dientai (RGD), Kiina: harvinainen kiinalainen 
paikallisasema, koska sillä on kuuntelijapalvelu, vastaa myös raportteihin, 
asemalla on monia kanavia keskipitkillä, joista osa kuuluu silloin tällöin jopa 

2) IRIB World Service, Iran: aseman ulkomaanpalvelu on yksi maailman 
DX-ystävällisimmistä, pitävät aktiivisesti yhteyttä kuuntelijoihinsa, pyytävät 
haastatteluihin ym, maassa on lukuisia hyvin kuuluvia paikallisasemia, joiden 
kuunteluraportit asema tunnollisesti vahvistaa taajuus ja paikkakuntamerkinnöin

3) R Merkurs, Latvia: lähettää mukavaa musiikkia vuorokauden ympäri, 
kuultavissa Etelä-Suomessa matkaradiollakin, aivan kuten Radio Nord kaudella 

4) R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia: asema jakaa taloudellista ja 
yhteiskunnallista tietoa Pohjois- ja Koillis-Brasilian asukkaille, vaikka ei 
osaisikaan portugalia, voi nauttia monenkirjavasta brasilialaisesta musiikista

5) R Verdad, Guatemala: aktiivinen lyhytaaltoasema, vastaa kaikkiin 
raportteihin, vaikka siitä koituu asemalle paljon kustannuksia, 
DX-ystävällisyytensä osoitukseksi asema kuuluttaa lopetuksessaan lukuisilla 
kielillä, aseman omistaja Dr Edgar Amilcar Madrid on monialainen ja 
kielitaitoinen persoona

6) Voice of America, Radiogram-lähetykset (Greenville, NC), USA: asema on 
mielenkiintoisella tavalla yhdistänyt yleisradiolähetykseen hyötyliikenteen 
digitaalisia lähetelajeja, ovat olleet Suomessakin vastaanotettavissa, 
ohjelmien toimittaja Kim Andrew Elliott vastaa raportteihin

Toivomme tänäkin vuonna innokasta osanottoa äänestykseen.


Vuoden asema –toimikunta

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[DX] DX-kuuntelua kuninkaan pitäjässä?

2014-06-13 Thread ilkka suni
Tuossapa juolahti mieleeni, kun muistelin viime 
vuosikymmenien potentiaalisia tuottamuksellisia 
kuuntelueliminatiivisia tapahtumia. Onkiniemeltä 
kun kerran, sähköistetyn koivun sateella. Tuohan 
toki oli ratkikkaan illan yötä jo, kun 
kotokutoista liikennevastaanotintakin 
hämmästelleet olimme, ja ukonilma selätti kuunteluyön..

Onkos Hartolassa nykyisin tai ennenkään enää 
DX-kuuntelijoita? Vai olimmeko Vain Me, niitä harvoja edes lähestulkoon pitäen?

73, IS 

DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html

Re: [DX] Tallinnan radion lähettimien muutostyöt

2014-06-13 Thread Ilkka Martikainen
Klassikaraadio 106,6 MHz kuuluu täällä Vantaalla (matkaa 91 km) 4 -el
Triaxilla ja TGN-etuvahvistimella 1) pelkällä antennilla tasolla -105 dBm
(n. S7) ja 2) antennilla ja etuvahvistimella tasolla -89 ... -92 dBm (n.
S9). Hyvänlaatuinen stereo ja RDS. Antennin korkeus jotain 12-13 metriä
maanpinnasta, muu systeemi: Dientronik konvertteri,  NetSDR sekä SDR-Radio
(v. 2).  Tämäntasoisella laitteistolla ei siis ongelmia kuuluvuudessa .
Kävin myös kokeilemassa yläkerrassa taajuutta SONY
ICF-SW7600GR-vastaanottimella. Hyvä laatuinen, kohinaton stereo omalla
piiska-antennilla - laitteessa ei valitettavasti ole S-mittaria. Joten
täälläpäin ei ko. aseman kohdalla ole ongelmia kuuluvuudessa.
73 de SDXL1398/OH5MD, Ilkka M.

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: DX [mailto:dx-boun...@hard-core-dx.com] Puolesta
Lähetetty: 13. kesäkuuta 2014 21:13
Vastaanottaja: dx@hard-core-dx.com
Aihe: [DX] Tallinnan radion lähettimien muutostyöt

Alkuperäinen viesti
Lähettäjä: vytautas.martino...@err.ee
Päivämäärä: 13.6.2014 12:53
Vastaanottaja: simo.soini...@pp.inet.fi
Aihe: Re: Fw: [klassika] Taajuuden 106.6 MHz kuuluvuus


ERR-in radiokanavien lähettimien antennid Tallinnassa uusitan. 
Lähtokohta on see, että Viron aluelle pitäisi saada parempilaatuinen
Tälla hetkellä on toiminassatilapäiset antennid. Uusien antennien käytönotto
on suuniteltu 1. heinäkuulle 2014a.
Silloin muutu lähettimien voimakus, kattavuus ja möys polarisointi. 
Vanhassa järjestelmassa on antennid horisontaaliset, uudet tule olemaan
Tosiasia on, että emme voi enää pohjoista kohti radiolähetyksiä lähettää
samalla voimakuudella, kuin aikaisemin.
Rajotukset tulevat teknisen valvontaviranomaistelta Suomesta.

1. heinäkuun jälkeen selviää, mitkä on ERR-in radiokanavien kuunteluun
mahdolisuuten todelinnen tilanne Helsingissa ja lähialuella.
Kotitaloissa pitäsi silloin olla mahdollinen kuunnella Viron radiokanavia
ulkoisella antennilla. Autoissa on FM-signaali varmasti kuitenkin heiko.

Kind regards

Vytautas Martinonis
Head of Radio Technical and Sound Recording Department Estonian Public
Broadcasting Gonsiori 27, 15029 Tallinn, Estonia vytautas.martino...@err.ee
tel. +3726114489 gsm. +3725170087

 -Original Message- From: simo.soini...@pp.inet.fi
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 8:39 AM
 To: klass...@err.ee
 Subject: [klassika] Taajuuden 106.6 MHz kuuluvuus


 Taajuuden 106.6 MHz kuuluvuus on nyt perin heikko täällä Helsingin 
 Laajasalossa. Onko varalähetin käytössä vai onko antennin 
 suuntakuviota muutettu? Vika ei ole täällä vastaanottopäässä, koska 
 olen alan harrastaja eli DX-kuuntelija ja vastaanotin on laadukas Etón 
 E 1. Taajuus 104.1 MHz kuuluu moitteettomasti. Tosin Suomenlahdella on 
 ollut ukkosrintamaa, joka joskus lähes katkaisee FM-yhteyden.

 Klassikaraadion ystävä

 Simo S. Soininen
 Laajasalo, Helsinki

DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html

[DX] Essi vilahti

2014-06-13 Thread ilkka suni
Pikaessin hutaisi tuossa noin 0530-0536 UTC. 
Vaikutti ensin lupaavankin vakaalta [MDR JUMP],

mutta häippäisi sitten töhäyttäen poistuessaan
Radio 2 -idin Balkanilta.

Yrittää parhaillaankin tunkea 91.5:llä asemaa, mutta ei aivan jaksa.

73, IS

DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html

Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 138, Issue 16

2014-06-13 Thread Reijo Alapiha

Radio Asmara in Amharic to EaAf 1848 on 6090 Addis Ababa Gedja


This is not Amhara State Radio!!!  It is inactive.

I can heard ID at 0.14Radio Nigeria.

FRCN Kaduna

Reijo Alapiha
Joensuu Finland

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] log June 13 at 12-14 UT slot

2014-06-13 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX

Log June 13

AUSTRALIA   11594.992  HCJB's Hindi service via Kununurra-AUS center, ID and
phone number given in India at 1253 UT on June 13, S=9+10dB at -65dBm signal
strength at Nara-JPN remote SDR unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CHINA   11910.0   REE Madrid's Spanish service from 500 kW powerhouse unit
at Beijing-CHN relay site towards the Philippines target heard also on
Nara-JPN remote post unit. Scheduled 12-14 UT. S=9+15dB or -60dBm sidelobe
signal heard at 1245 UT on June 13. Report on Iranian muslim revolution fall
of the Shah in 1978-1979 era.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CHINA/PHILIPPINES   12150  Usual white noise scratching jamming of CHN govt
against VOA Tinang-PHL 12-13 UT outlet slot. Heard in English language at
1225 UT on June 13, news item comment on present Northern Iraq public muslim
war of Sunnis terrorist fraction. Comments of republican 'falcon' senator
McCaine and pres Obama comments on former pres Bush's family war against 
sunni Arabes pres Hussein ... in past decades.

(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CUBA/ARGENTINA   15230, 15340, 17580, and 17730 kHz  all nice clear signals
of RHC La Habana in Spanish, noted across the Pacific path into Nara-JPN
remote unit, at 1314 UT on June 13. Developments report on Cuban tourist
industry, contract with Colombian AVIANCA airlines and air transport into
Latin American states, also tourist figures from Canada, Germany tourist
industry etc. S=9 or -72dBm signals across the Pacific ocean path.

15340/15345  rather odd 15344.453 kHz, next door RAE Buenos Aires
transmission, Guajira Guantanamera popular song presented at 1315 UT on
June 13, rather less strength at S=6-7 level into Japan remote unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

GUAM   15445.038  AWR KSDA Agat Guam program in Burmese KACHIN sce ,
scheduled 1300-1330 UT, heard young boys religious singer group. S=9+10dB
or -60dBm strength into Tokyo-JPN remote SDR unit.

MARIANA ISLS  {Saipan}   12140.036  Odd frequency of RFA Khmer language
service heard from Saipan Mariana site at 1230 UT on June 13, S=9 strength
noted at Tokyo JPN remote SDR unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SAUDI ARABIA   13774.966  BSKSA Riyadh in Urdu language logged with endless
muslim HQ prayer presenter at 1303 UT on June 13, S=9+10dB or -63dBm.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SINGAPORE/CHINA   11740  HEAVY BAD MIXTURE of two co-channel signals, both
NHK Radio Japan Kranji-SNG relay and also CNR2 Business Radio from
Lingshi-CHN observed at 1250 UT, S=9+15 or -63dBm on remote unit at
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SOUTH AFRICA  {tentat.}  15420  via Meyerton-AFS Sentec broker. Strong
carrier only at 1318 UT on June 13, but noted CRASH start suddenly at
1318-1320 UT midst on BBCWS program with French translated interview, just
on soccer world cup games comment in Brazil, like forecast report at Dutch
Oranje team vv against Spanish soccer national team starts later coming UT
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SRI LANKA   15319.875  Extreme odd frequency signal of AWR Trincomalee-CLN
relay station, in Khmer language religious Bible reading at 1310 UT on June
13. S=9+10dB or -69dBm signal at remote Nara-JPN SDR post.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

TAJIKISTAN/CHINA   15542 and 15588 kHz both Voice of Tibet programming in
Tibetan at 1326 UT on June 13, both hit heavily by China mainland govt
jamming by CNR spoken jammer - not Firedrakce mx - on adjacents like even
frequencies 15540 and 15590 kHz channels, S=9+10dB or -61dBm.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

UZBEKISTAN/NoKOREA/UAE   15630  Korean language program, tentativelly Radio
Free Chosun from Tashkent UZB at 1329 UT on June 13. Signal strength
observed at Nara-JPN remote SDR unit at S=9+15dB or -60dBm. Jammed by North
Korean govt white noise scratchy jamming signal, broadband covered 15613 to
15648 kHz wide.

15640  And hit also heavily DWL Dari sce to AFG target next channel spacing,
DWL coming from UAE relay site Al Dhabbaya at 1330 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

VIETNAM   12019.113  Extreme odd frequency signal of Vietnam's Son Tay site,
VoVTN Hanoi in English, S=7 in Tokyo-JPN remote unit. 1230-1300 UT operation
slot heard at 1240 UT on June 13.

12000.0  Another Son Tay site service at same time, VoVTN in Russian, some
comment on Ukraine political separation trouble, and immense Ukraine debts
in Earth Gas order purchases from Russia in the past.

Several times some feed break happened between Hanoi bcasting house and tx
center at Son Tay site.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] European Music Radio, HLR Radio city Relays

2014-06-13 Thread Tom Taylor
European Music Radio, HLR  Radio city Relays

Radio City:
Radio city will be on the air today Friday June 13th on 7290 kHz via IRRS
from Romania with 150 KW, and via Challenger Radio, Italy on 1368 kHz at
18.00 to 19.00 UTC with 10 KW.
Radio city will also have a repeat Transmission on Saturday June 14th
between 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz.
There is also the weekly transmission via Radio Mercurs in Riga, Latvia on
1485 kHz on Saturday evenings at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC.
The 4th Saturday of the month there is a transmission via Hamburger
Lokalradio on 7265 kHz (carrier and upper side band) at 12.00 to 13.00 UTC
Please send all reports to: citymorec...@yahoo.ca   Thank you!

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
05.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Every Sunday the programme of HLR
11.00 to 15.00 UTC program in German 0n 9485 kHz
Please send all reports to: redakt...@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!

EMR 15th of June (Testing for the summer conditions):
9485 KHz between 15.00 - 16.00 UTC
7265 KHz between 16.00 - 17.00 UTC
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:  stu...@emr.org.uk  Thank you!

Good Listening!
73s,  Tom
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logs for 13.06.2014

2014-06-13 Thread Ivan Lebedevsky
Logs for 13.06.2014:

15.28 utc, 15.090 kHz, Radio Ashna, in dari, poor signal
15.30 utc, 15.140 kHz, Radio Oman, in arabic, poor signal
15.32 utc, 11675 kHz, BBC, in english, good signal
15.34 utc, 17.895 kHz, VOA, in english, good signal
15.36 utc, 7.255 kHz, Belaruskoye Radio, in belorussian, good signal
15.38 utc, 15.550 kHz, Radio Dabanga, in arabic, good signal
15.40 utc, 21.610 kHz, Radio Exterior De Espana, in spanish, good signal
16.10 utc, 11.715 kHz, Radio Vaticana, in russian, good signal
73! Ivan Lebedevsky, Vyritsa, Russia

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 13, 2014

2014-06-13 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CHINA. 18980, June 13 at 1350, CNR1 jammer with fair-good signal, the OSOB, 
which isn`t saying much on ``15 meters`` (yes, this is about 15.8 m, while 
everything in the so-called 15-m hamband is 14.xx meters). 18980 per Aoki is 
the Fri  Tue 11-12  13-14 frequency for RFA Tibetan via Kuwait, the target 

17485, Friday June 13 at 1419, CNR1 jammer, very good, vs unheard RFA Tibetan 
14-15 M/W/F via Thailand; // only fair 17740, which Aoki lists as CNR1 jamming 
at 14-15 but no known target (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, circa 0600 UT June 13, RHC has achieved English modulation, 
unlike earlier 0441 open carrier, and 0147 not even that.

15370, June 13 at 1317 is today`s missing RHC frequency, hardly necessary with 
15340 on, but also depriving us of the leapfrogs. 

17730, June 13 at 1352, another missing RHC frequency, but hardly necessary as 
17580 is in well. IIRC, 17730 was on earlier in the hour as I tuned across; 
yes: Wolfgang Büschel had a ``nice clear signals`` via Nara, Japan remote unit 
at 1314 June 13 on 17730, 17580, 15340, 15230, presuming short-path across the 

13740, June 13 at 1354 open carrier, 1425 check CRI English relay as scheduled 
except in imaginary HFCC, so the Cubans have managed to get 13740 on the air 
today unlike yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Bits of sporadic E TVDX as MUF pokes above 55 MHz now and then, June 
13; nothing earlier circa 1430 UT but:

1633 on 2, tune-in finds fútbol from Azteca 7 per bug in UR; Mundial? 6m Es map 
shows hardly any activity and none of it from the south

1645 on 2, now a studio talk show with 3 women and one man

1707 on 2, silly ballgame again, most likely XHTAU Tampico; lunch

1758 on 2, Azteca-7 SBG in again, but mostly nothing

** TURKEY. Received in the p-mail June 12 another letter from TRT, sealed only 
with a cupric? mini-staple. It contains another gorgeous pouch, the third one I 
have received from them and they are all different. This one is mostly red with 
intricate golden filigree which the scans do not do justice to:
Zippered, could be used as coin purse, but never to be marred here.
The four previous images can be found at
to which all these are being added.

Plus a square coaster with rounded corners showing Topkapi Palace from the 
outside, different from previous ones, but with the same 3-D-ish overlay 
diffraxion grid:

I have won another Question of the Month contest! Last entered a few months 
ago. Do they keep track of each winner`s previous prizes? Also a card with TRT 
SW schedule on one side, satellite sked on the other. Nothing about programming.

The envelope itself is a keeper, really a cover with a real postage stamp on it 
honoring TRT on its fiftieth anniversary (is that all??): 

Stamp says Bir Asra Dogru (minus the diacritics) which Google immediately 
translates as ``toward a century``, but only halfway. 
Closeup of the stamp and postmark, 02.06.2014 which means it took only a 
dekaday to arrive (background not really bluish as this came out):

While I`m at it, also adding linx from the QSL page to older items:
Türkçe Vizion view of a collosseum event:
2013 calendar on other side of above:
Cappadocia coaster from 2012, with faces in the rocks?:

** U S A. 9955, June 13 at 0602, nice familiar filler music medley, polka from 
WRMI instead of BS, why? Over lite pulse jamming. BS remains blasting in on 
11825, 7570, but we`re grateful that some other BS/WRMI frequencies remain 
rather weak here, 5015, 5950 even in the nightmiddle; those must efficiently 
beam away from us.

17700, June 13 at 1418, surprised to hear a good signal here, ``Sweet Bye  
Bye`` instrumental hymn; 1420 some salsa with English lyrix, 1424 soul music. 
Guess what? 17790 is missing and this is the kind of fill music Radio Africa 
Network typically plays: yes, got to be that, mis-punched frequency, 1434 with 
preacher on I Corinthians. For now it doesn`t really matter as nothing else is 
on 17700, but at 1523 I can barely hear Vatican Radio SMG under it with SAH, 
Hausa scheduled 1500-1530. Catholix vs Protestants, or something! Clear again 
after 1530 per HFCC. 17700 is still running RAN/WRMI at 1810.

21525, June 13 at 1811, very poor signal from Brother Scare; tnx to tip from 
Bob LaRose in S California who IDed it as WRMI. He said it was very good, 
better than BS on 21600 WHRI, but not here, both VP: too close? 21525 still not 
on the WRMI frequency grid which has not been updated since June 4; nor is 
17700. WRMI initially planned to use 21525 when it took 

[HCDX] Additional wooden frequencies of World Harvest Radio

2014-06-13 Thread Ivo Observer
USA   Additional wooden frequencies of World Harvest Radio from June 12:
0800-0900 on  7365 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat
0800-0830 on 11565 HRI 250 kW / 245 deg to AUS  English Sun,(now 0830-1000)
1200-1300 on  7385 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Mon-Thu/Sat
1200-1300 on  9840 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Fri/Sun
1300-1500 on  9495 HRI 100 kW / 173 deg to SoAm Eng/Spa
1500-1600 on  9495 HRI 100 kW / 173 deg to SoAm Eng/Spa Tue-Sun
1500-1600 on 17610 HRI 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Sun
2000-2100 on  7315 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English
2100-2200 on  7315 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Tue-Sun
2100-2300 on  9840 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Mon
2200-2300 on  7385 HRI 100 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English Tue-Thu/Sat/Sun
2200-2300 on 17610 HRI 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Mon

Previous portion wooden frequencies of World Harvest Radio, all not active:
0500-0530 on  7385 HRI 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English
1000-1100 on 15660 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs English
1300-1400 on 17760 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English
2100-2200 on 15530 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu Mon-Sat
2200-2230 on 11775 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Sat/Sun
2200-2230 on 15670 HRI 250 kW / 260 deg to MEXI English Mon-Fri
2230-2400 on 11775 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] New shortwave schedule of Radio France Internationale in Chinese

2014-06-13 Thread Ivo Observer
FRANCE (non)   From Sunday June 8 Radio France Internationale make a time
and frequency changes for the Chinese broadcasts on shortwave as follows:
1100-1300 on  9955 PAO 250 kW / 352 deg to EaAs, new transmission
2200-2300 on  7310 TSH 300 kW / 325 deg to EaAs, no change
2200-2300 on  9660 PAO 250 kW / 352 deg to EaAs, addit. frequency
Cancelled broadcasts:
0930-1030 on  7325 PAO 250 kW / 352 deg to EaAs
0930-1030 on 11875 PAO 250 kW / 352 deg to EaAs
2300-2400 on  9955 PAO 250 kW / 352 deg to EaAs

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 138, Issue 17

2014-06-13 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 138, Issue 16 (Reijo Alapiha)
   2. log June 13 at 12-14 UT slot (Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX)
   3. European Music Radio, HLR  Radio city Relays (Tom Taylor)
   4. Logs for 13.06.2014 (Ivan Lebedevsky)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs June 13, 2014 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Additional wooden frequencies of World Harvest Radio
  (Ivo Observer)
   7. New shortwave schedule of Radio France Internationale in
  Chinese (Ivo Observer)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:26:54 +
From: Reijo Alapiha reijo.alap...@uef.fi
To: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com,
Reijo  Alapiha reijo.alap...@uef.fi
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 138, Issue 16
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Radio Asmara in Amharic to EaAf 1848 on 6090 Addis Ababa Gedja


This is not Amhara State Radio!!!  It is inactive.

I can heard ID at 0.14Radio Nigeria.

FRCN Kaduna

Reijo Alapiha
Joensuu Finland


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:09:03 +0200
From: Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX buesch...@email.de
To: DXLD d...@yahoogroups.com,  HCDX
Subject: [HCDX] log June 13 at 12-14 UT slot
Message-ID: E2289444951747088B628AF107262FD7@HNPC2
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Log June 13

AUSTRALIA   11594.992  HCJB's Hindi service via Kununurra-AUS center, ID and
phone number given in India at 1253 UT on June 13, S=9+10dB at -65dBm signal
strength at Nara-JPN remote SDR unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CHINA   11910.0   REE Madrid's Spanish service from 500 kW powerhouse unit
at Beijing-CHN relay site towards the Philippines target heard also on
Nara-JPN remote post unit. Scheduled 12-14 UT. S=9+15dB or -60dBm sidelobe
signal heard at 1245 UT on June 13. Report on Iranian muslim revolution fall
of the Shah in 1978-1979 era.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CHINA/PHILIPPINES   12150  Usual white noise scratching jamming of CHN govt
against VOA Tinang-PHL 12-13 UT outlet slot. Heard in English language at
1225 UT on June 13, news item comment on present Northern Iraq public muslim
war of Sunnis terrorist fraction. Comments of republican 'falcon' senator
McCaine and pres Obama comments on former pres Bush's family war against 
sunni Arabes pres Hussein ... in past decades.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

CUBA/ARGENTINA   15230, 15340, 17580, and 17730 kHz  all nice clear signals
of RHC La Habana in Spanish, noted across the Pacific path into Nara-JPN
remote unit, at 1314 UT on June 13. Developments report on Cuban tourist
industry, contract with Colombian AVIANCA airlines and air transport into
Latin American states, also tourist figures from Canada, Germany tourist
industry etc. S=9 or -72dBm signals across the Pacific ocean path.

15340/15345  rather odd 15344.453 kHz, next door RAE Buenos Aires
transmission, Guajira Guantanamera popular song presented at 1315 UT on
June 13, rather less strength at S=6-7 level into Japan remote unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

GUAM   15445.038  AWR KSDA Agat Guam program in Burmese KACHIN sce ,
scheduled 1300-1330 UT, heard young boys religious singer group. S=9+10dB
or -60dBm strength into Tokyo-JPN remote SDR unit.

MARIANA ISLS  {Saipan}   12140.036  Odd frequency of RFA Khmer language
service heard from Saipan Mariana site at 1230 UT on June 13, S=9 strength
noted at Tokyo JPN remote SDR unit.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SAUDI ARABIA   13774.966  BSKSA Riyadh in Urdu language logged with endless
muslim HQ prayer presenter at 1303 UT on June 13, S=9+10dB or -63dBm.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 13)

SINGAPORE/CHINA   11740  HEAVY BAD MIXTURE of two co-channel signals, both
NHK Radio