[HCDX] Vanuatu on 7260 until 0630 when closed and continue on 5040

2019-12-22 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

VANUATU, 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Porto Vila, active on this frequency, 
yesterday 22th and today 23th December, heard via SDR Kiwi remote 
receivers in the Pacific zone, very good signal in northern New Zealand, 
 0555-0630*,  with program in Bislama, a languages with a lot of English 
words, mentioned multiple times "Vanuatu", "Radio Vanuatu" and closed at 
0630, at this time open and continue the program on 5040 kHz, later on 
English.  7260 kHz eclipsed today in Europe by China on the same 

5040 kHz, heard in Europe via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in Czech 
Republic, Swiss, Sweden, etc., with weak signal, especially after 0700, 
when closed Radio Habana Cuba on the same frequency. 5040 usually closes 
at 1100 and continue at that time on 3945 kHz.

I could't check with my receiver today for not being in Friol.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 204, Issue 23

2019-12-22 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. AIH106 DXpedition Report from Finland (Mika Makelainen)
   2. Logs for Dec 15th (Zacharias Liangas)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs December 22, 2019 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. JRX Logs_ December 16 & 18, 2019 (Jota Xavier)
   5. LOG 18, 19, 20, 21 y 22 DE DICIEMBRE (Claudio Galaz)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019 20:03:37 +0200
From: Mika Makelainen 
To: Suomalaisten DX-lista , sdxl...@groups.io,
hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com, Webmaster ,
d...@yahoogroups.com, IRCA ,
a...@yahoogroups.com, News BDXC ,
Subject: [HCDX] AIH106 DXpedition Report from Finland
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Here's my latest DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi in the Finnish 
Lapland: http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/aih106rep.htm. It was a bit 
delayed due to a reporting assignment in the Amazon, but here it is, 
finally. Neat catches especially from North America keep on coming now 
that we are reviewing recordings with fellow DXer Jim Solatie. I promise 
to try to get the full log published within a decade or so... ;)

In addition to fervent DXing, I snapped loads of photos and videos, also 
with a drone. I have inserted three drone videos in the report. Just 
click the still image, and you get redirected to Youtube to view the 
videos. They're all HD quality, so set your video quality as good as 
your internet connection allows. These as well as older videos from 
Aihkiniemi can be found also directly at 

73 & Season's Greetings!
Mika M?kel?inen
DXing.info on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297973940712631/ 
(only MW DX)


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019 18:33:10 + (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas 
To: Zacharias Liangas 
Subject: [HCDX] Logs for Dec 15th
Message-ID: <1798293603.2558716.1577039590...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Logs for 15th 
#DX #shortwave? #MW #broadcasting #SW


Zacharias LiangasRSP1a? with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom? R75 /PL380 /? De1103? radios
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019 19:44:14 + (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser 
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening 
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 22, 2019
Message-ID: <1392405253.1627507.1577043854...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CUBA. 5040, 6145, and even 6060, UT Sun Dec 22 at 0721, unusual
combo of RHC frequencies in English at this late hour, during Arnie
Coro`s other show as Science Editor, `Breakthru`. Usually only 6145 is
on after 0700. Not 6000 or 6100. Something`s always wrong at RHC

** CUBA. 13768 approx., Dec 22 at 1433, spurblob from RHC 13700,
matched by a weaker one around 13632; `En Contacto` soon starts, Arnie
remarking about lack of manchas solares. By 1445 already filling with
theme music, Marta claiming meterbands they are on but lacking 41m ---
what does she know? Then I confirm on JBA 7340. 1446 back to AC about
lack of sunspots. Really short of material this week, more theme music
fill in show introduced as ``15 minutos``, 1449 over a minute early to
`En C?a. del Dr.` Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Dec 22 at 1439, chanting music, presumed
Deng? Welat via PRIDNETROVYE; weaker similar music on 11540: could
that be the Turkish jammer? Then 11530 into talk, while music
continues on 11540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17655, Dec 22 at 1713, VOA Portuguese Portuguese is S9+20/30
and the OSOB, proving that 16m can still work. But I think this be

[HCDX] LOG 18, 19, 20, 21 y 22 DE DICIEMBRE

2019-12-22 Thread Claudio Galaz via Hard-Core-DX
** CUBA. 15140. RHC. Diciembre 22. 1400-1450 UTC. Boletín de noticias
acerca de Cuba, Chile y Colombia. A las 1410, se emite: “Amigos de Cuba”
con lectura de saludos de navidad, mensajes de los oyentes, lectura de
informes de recepción y música. Desde las 1430, boletín noticioso sobre
Cuba y Bolivia. A las 1435, se emite el programa “En Contacto” con
informaciones acerca del comportamiento actual del ciclo solar, banda de 2
metros, la ISS, solicitud de grabaciones, mención a informe de recepción
llegado desde Chile en la frecuencia de 11850 y 13740 Khz, anuncio de
pruebas de RHC para América del Sur en la banda de 31 metros en la
frecuencia de 9550 Khz, luego información del uso de piezas musicales para
el uso de transmisores usados por RHC y sus ajustes. Luego espacio de
música, lectura de todas las bandas y frecuencias en que la emisora
transmite e informaciones desde CO2KK acerca del pronóstico del clima solar
hasta las 1450. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660;
Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** CUBA. 15370. RHC. Diciembre 20. 2235- 2300 UTC. Noticias del deporte. Desde
las 2239, noticias de Venezuela; luego se habla de una catedra y del día
del educador en Cuba con reconocimiento de docentes universitarios. Desde
las 2255, se emite un comentario acerca de Trump en los Estados Unidos
hasta las 2258, luego identificación de la emisora. SINPO: 55333 con leve
ruido constante y desvanecimiento permanente. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle,

**IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Diciembre 19. 0035- UTC. Programa “Foro abierto” acerca
de la economía de China y la guerra comercial con Estados Unidos. SINPO:
45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30
metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA NORTH. 11735. VOK. Diciembre 21. 0300-0358 UTC. Himno de Corea,
Canción del General Kim IL Sung y Canción del General Kim Jong Il. Luego
informaciones acerca de las Obras del General Kim Jong Il sobre los
residentes coreanos en Japón, Saludos desde el extranjero por motivo del 8°
aniversario del fallecimiento del General Kim Jong Il, Jóvenes suben al
monte Paetku, Reconstrucción de instituto agricola, Campaña de
reforestación para el año 2020, Investigación en educación, Visita de
delegación de Laos, Periódico surcoreano exige retirada de tropas
estadounidenses y la expulsión del embajador norteamericano. A las 0316,
espacio musical hasta las 0345, lectura de artículo de análisis acerca de
Japón, su presidente y las luchas política. Luego fin del servicio en
español con horarios y frecuencias. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle,

** KOREA NORTH. 11735. VOK. Diciembre 22. 0433 - 0457 UTC. Servicio en
inglés. Espacio de música hasta las 0455, luego lectura de horarios y
frecuencias del servicio. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA NORTH. 11735. VOK. Diciembre 21. 0500-0557 UTC. Servicio en
español. Himno de Corea, Canción del General Kim IL Sung y Canción del
General Kim Jong Il. Luego informaciones acerca del Partido del Trabajo de
Corea, Elogios a Kim Jong Il, Proceso de geotransformación nueva base
pesquera, uso de energía natural, Declaración sobre la resolución en contra
de Corea en la 74ª Asamblea General de la ONU y condena de entidades
surcoreanas. A las 0523, espacio musical hasta las 0535 cuando se emite un
artículo acerca de saludos internacionales de elogios a la figura de Kim
Jong Il. A las 0538 se vuelve a la música hasta las 0555, luego lectura de
horarios y frecuencias. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH 15575. KBS. Diciembre 22. 0200-0300 UTC. Programa de
noticias “destacados” acerca de las inversiones en la Inteligencia
Artificial, estado de los Derechos Humanos en Corea del Norte, desigualdad
de genero en Corea del Sur. A las 0210, “Cine en la Radio” con los
recuerdos de las películas y bandas sonoras destacadas del 2019. Desde las
0225, se emite el programa: “Buzón del radioescucha” con saludos y las
anomalías de la planta transmisora de Cypress Creek en Estados Unidos,
solicitud de mensaje de audio hasta el 24 de Diciembre para el programa de
fin de año y de los programas preparados para el fin de año 2019, y luego
lectura de informes de recepción. A las 0234, se emite el segmento:
“Literatura en audio: Barí, la princesa abandonada” acerca de la búsqueda
de los padres de la protagonista, luego espacio de música y a las 0243,
vuelta a la lectura de informes de recepción. Desde las 0251 se emite el
programa: “Todo sobre Corea” con la descripción sobre La Navidad en Corea
del Sur, luego espacio musical y despedida de la emisora. SINPO.35333 (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 

[HCDX] JRX Logs_ December 16 & 18, 2019

2019-12-22 Thread Jota Xavier via Hard-Core-DX

JRX Logs_ December 16 & 18, 2019Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808Antenna (s)_ Mini 
Loop to SW

ALBANIA** 7385. Dec 18, 2019. 1801-1815, China Radio International, Cerrik-ALB, 
in French. Woman announcer presents news; 1809 Man talks, ID and a commentary 
about chinese economy. Fair reception, 35433.
BOTSWANA** 9775. Dec 18, 2019. 0401-0410, Voice of America, Selebi-Phikwe-BOT, 
in English. Woman and man announcer talk news; ID. Poor reception, 25422.
BRAZIL** 6180. Dec 18, 2019. 0022-0036, Radio Nacional da Amazônia, 
Brasilia-DF, in Portuguese. Program "I´m over here, you over there !" presented 
by Mauricio Rabello: Music, conversation by phone and listener messages. Fair 
reception, 35433.
Parallel log on 11780kHz: Collision between Radio Nacional and CRI, relay 
Jinhua, in chinese.
** 11780. Dec 16, 2019. 1845-1858, Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia-DF, in 
Portuguese, Woman announcer presents a music and information program and a 
conversation, by phone, with many listeners; ID.Fair reception this afternoon, 
CHINA** 7415. Dec 18, 2019. 1817-1827, China Radio International, 
Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Farsi. Man announcer talks; A song; 1825 Woman talks 
about CRI sked in farsi language and a CRI IS on background. Fair reception, 
** 7350. Dec 18, 2019. 1858-1912, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in 
French. Man announcer talks about chinese development; 1902 Woman talks, ID and 
a song; 1906 Woman voice says about chinese folk music; Pieces of the folk 
songs. Good reception, 45544.
** 7435. Dec 18, 2019. 1848-1856, China Radio International, Jinhua-CHN, in 
Italian language. Man and woman announcers present a chinese lesson; 1852 Man 
talks; 1854 A instrumental song; 1856 Ends programming. Fair reception, 45533.
Parallel log on 7340kHz, relay Kashgar, 45544.
** 9580. Dec 18, 2019. 0214-0226, PBS Xizang, Tibet-CHN, in Tibetan. Woman 
announcer present a musical program: Talks and songs. Good reception, 45444..
CLANDESTINE** 6015. Dec 18, 2019. 0341-0353, Radio Tamazuj, 
Talata-Volonondry-MDG, in Sudanese. Man and woman announcers talking; ID 
sometimes during this log. Poor reception, 35322.
FRANCE** 7315. Dec 18, 2019. 1914-1924, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in 
Arabic. Woman announcer talks;  The Qur´an chant. Fair reception with good 
signal and muffled and distorted modulation, 45533.
GREAT BRITAIN** 5875. Dec 18, 2019. 0354-0354, BBC, Woofferton-G, in Arabic. 
Man and woman voices present news, presumed; 0358 ID and ends programming at 
0359. Fair reception to this five minutes short log, 35433.
NIGERIA** 11770. Dec 16, 2019. 1900-1910, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-Lugbe-NIG, in 
French. Woman talk; IS drums and man announcer says ID: N i g e r i a a a;  Man 
talks news. Poor reception with good signal and poor modulation with muffled 
audio, 45422.
SAUDI ARABIA** 7425. Dec 18, 2019. 1829-1845, Saudi Radio International, 
Riyadh-ARS, in Arabic. Holy Qur´an chant during all log. Poor reception, 25422.
USA** 9425. Dec 18, 2019. 0038-0052, WRMI, Okeechobee-FL, in English. Music; 
Woman and man announcers talking; 0047 Woman announcer talks about this new 
WRMI 9425 frequency test; Man talks too.Fair reception, 35433. New frequency 
test !
** 9425. Dec 18, 2019. 0100-0130, WRMI-RAE Argentina, Okeechobee-FL, in 
Spanish. Man and woman voices present news; ID; 0115 A song; 0118 Man talks, ID 
and begin program about Tecnology and Environment. Fair reception, 35533. New 
frequency test !
** 13845. Dec 18, 2019. 1928-1938, WWCR- The Overcomer Ministry, Nashville-TN, 
in English. Pastor talks, preaching, presumed, playing a religious song with a 
assistance manifestation; Preaching continues. Fair reception, 35533.

JRX_Jose Ronaldo XavierSWARL Callsign PR7036SWLCabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)Enviado 
do Yahoo Mail no Android
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 22, 2019

2019-12-22 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CUBA. 5040, 6145, and even 6060, UT Sun Dec 22 at 0721, unusual
combo of RHC frequencies in English at this late hour, during Arnie
Coro`s other show as Science Editor, `Breakthru`. Usually only 6145 is
on after 0700. Not 6000 or 6100. Something`s always wrong at RHC

** CUBA. 13768 approx., Dec 22 at 1433, spurblob from RHC 13700,
matched by a weaker one around 13632; `En Contacto` soon starts, Arnie
remarking about lack of manchas solares. By 1445 already filling with
theme music, Marta claiming meterbands they are on but lacking 41m ---
what does she know? Then I confirm on JBA 7340. 1446 back to AC about
lack of sunspots. Really short of material this week, more theme music
fill in show introduced as ``15 minutos``, 1449 over a minute early to
`En Cía. del Dr.` Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Dec 22 at 1439, chanting music, presumed
Dengê Welat via PRIDNETROVYE; weaker similar music on 11540: could
that be the Turkish jammer? Then 11530 into talk, while music
continues on 11540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17655, Dec 22 at 1713, VOA Portuguese Portuguese is S9+20/30
and the OSOB, proving that 16m can still work. But I think this be
winter sporadic E from Grimesland NC to here, as on 6m map with MUF up
to 26 MHz between us. Also stronger than anything on 19m, topped by
RHC 15140 at S9+20. Other USA signals on 15825, 15770 remain very
weak. AFAIK so far there has been hardly any winter Es activity
reaching VHF TV or FM bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7570, Dec 22 at 0726, WRMI-11 is still off the air, AWOL.
Latest skedgrid shows it supposed to be nothing but 22-11 TOMBS, 11-14

UNIDENTIFIED. 6018.85-USB, approx., Dec 22 at 0724, 2-way INTRUDERS in
unknown language (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7475, Dec 22 at 0727, S5-S6 open carrier again when
nothing is scheduled; ute? This was once a Voice of Greece frequency,
but for years nothing but 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. 9200-USB, Dec 22 at 1450, 2-way in Spanish with clix,
laughing, discussing putas and madres, still going past 1513 check

This report dispatched at 1944 UT December 22
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logs for Dec 15th

2019-12-22 Thread Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX
Logs for 15th 
#DX #shortwave  #MW #broadcasting #SW


Zacharias LiangasRSP1a  with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[DX] AIH106 DXpedition Report from Finland

2019-12-22 Thread Mika Makelainen
Here's my latest DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi in the Finnish 
Lapland: http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/aih106rep.htm. It was a bit 
delayed due to a reporting assignment in the Amazon, but here it is, 
finally. Neat catches especially from North America keep on coming now 
that we are reviewing recordings with fellow DXer Jim Solatie. I promise 
to try to get the full log published within a decade or so... ;)

In addition to fervent DXing, I snapped loads of photos and videos, also 
with a drone. I have inserted three drone videos in the report. Just 
click the still image, and you get redirected to Youtube to view the 
videos. They're all HD quality, so set your video quality as good as 
your internet connection allows. These as well as older videos from 
Aihkiniemi can be found also directly at 

73 & Season's Greetings!
Mika Mäkeläinen
DXing.info on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297973940712631/ 
(only MW DX)

DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html

[HCDX] AIH106 DXpedition Report from Finland

2019-12-22 Thread Mika Makelainen
Here's my latest DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi in the Finnish 
Lapland: http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/aih106rep.htm. It was a bit 
delayed due to a reporting assignment in the Amazon, but here it is, 
finally. Neat catches especially from North America keep on coming now 
that we are reviewing recordings with fellow DXer Jim Solatie. I promise 
to try to get the full log published within a decade or so... ;)

In addition to fervent DXing, I snapped loads of photos and videos, also 
with a drone. I have inserted three drone videos in the report. Just 
click the still image, and you get redirected to Youtube to view the 
videos. They're all HD quality, so set your video quality as good as 
your internet connection allows. These as well as older videos from 
Aihkiniemi can be found also directly at 

73 & Season's Greetings!
Mika Mäkeläinen
DXing.info on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297973940712631/ 
(only MW DX)

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at