Re: [HCDX] Log March 8th, 23.00 til March 9th at 00.30 UT, log at 11.45 - 12.03 UT

2020-03-09 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

CUBA   log at 11.45 - 12.03 UT in North America, Bonaire Antilles
and Sao Paulo Brazil.

6000even CUB  Seldom seen this days, LIKELY Quivican site on even fq,
 at 11.45 UT on March 9. RHC Spanish nx, talk on
 'virus influencia theme ...'
 8 kHz wideband signal noted in remote Rochester NY state.
 S=9+15dB strong.
6100even CUB  RHC Bauta outlet, 11.50 UT on March 9, S=9+15dB too.
7340.003 CUB  RHC weak signal from Bejucal 50 kW center, S=4 at 11.52 UT
11760even CUB  RHC Bauta Spanish at 11.53 UT S=8-9 in Rochester NY.
13740.001 CUB  RHC Bejucal site, S=9+10dB in remote Rochester NY SDR.
 S=9+15dB or -71dBm observed in remote Sao Paulo Brazil KiwiRX.
15140even CUB  RHC Bauta center, much distorted audio noted, 11.54 UT
 S=3-4 poor backlobe in NY state, S=9+10dB or -74dBm, audio
 is 6 kHz wideband.
15230even CUB  RHC likely Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site,
 audio S=3-4 poor backlobe in NY state, S=9+15dB or -63dBm,
 at 11.59 - 12.02 UT on March 9.

9570even CUB  CRI North America relay via RadioCuba, in Cantonese
 language at 12.04 UT on March 9:
 S=9+10dB -74dBm backlobe in SDR rx at Bonaire Antilles.
 S=9+30dB in remote Rochester NY state.
 S=9+15dB in remote Massachusetts state.
 S=9+35dB in New Jersey state.
 S=9+30dB in Detroit MI.
 S=8 in dark propagation path into Alberta Canada.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 9 )

- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"

Sent: Monday, March 09, 2020 3:24 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Log March 8th, 23.00 til March 9th at 00.30 UT

5129.997 USA  WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 2301 UT on
 March 8. Pop mx played S=8-9 in remote Alberta-CAN SDR rx
5085even USA  WTWW Lebanon TN, English "Amateur Radio License reached
 in age of 14 years ..." talk, S=8-9, 23.05 UT on March 8.
5800even USA  S=9+5dB one of the stronger signals out of Okeechobee FL
 into Alberta. At 23.07 UT WRMI English, public annmt, batch
 online annmt, on Middle East ... ?
5850even USA  WRMI Okeechobee, TOM BS roarer, but many voices talk on
 air mixed, S=9+15dB at 23.11 UT.  \\
5950even same program, terrible to listen though, some male voices,
 and female complaint. Lower S=6 strength in Alberta CAN.
5990even CUB  CRI English program via RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe
 TITAN bcast relay site, S=9+5dB noted in Edmonton Alberta
 remote SDRrx. Low modulated -
 but much stronger next channel
5995even MLI  RTVM Bamako French service, powerful modulation level,
 S=9+10dB strong signal, excellent modulation across the
 Atlantic Ocean path. Maybe repaired recently by China's
 engineer service on that MLI African relay of CRI.
6000 kHz RHC not on air in 23 - 00 UT time slot.
6060even CUB  RHC Bauta Spanish sce heard on S=9+20dB level, 23.22 UT
 nice modulation and audio quality this night on DST.
 Cuban amore canciones at 23.23 UT. 10 kHz wideband audio
 seen on screen. Stn annmt at 23.24 UT, and also checked at
 00.04 UT on March 9, S=9+25dB in Massachusetts remote SDR.
6069.982 CAN  CFRX Toronto domestic sce, S=7 in Edmonton Alberta.
 Female voices talk at 23.26 UT.
6115even USA  WWCR En sermon rather TOM BS program relay, S=8 at
 23.29 UT, 9 kHz wide audio block visible on Perseus software
6180.014 BRA  RN da Amazonia, Brasilia, BrasPort px, at 23.37 UT
 tremendous S=9+35dB powerhouse, real 30 ! kHz wideband
 signal noted tonight. \\ also on
11780.007 BRA  RN da Amazonia, Brasilia, BrasPort px, at 00.03 UT
 on March 9th, only tiny S=5-6.
6185.700 MEX ?? empty signal string visible, S=5-6 poor 23.36 UT.
7490.097 USA  WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 23.39 UT
 English talk program, '...on China's stable power, ... and
 China - US relationship...'. S=9+20dB powerful signal in
 Edmonton Alberta.
7570even USA  TOM BS overmodulated from WRMI relay at Okeechobee Florida
 S=9+50dB twist the needle level, at 23.55 UT, BS heard and
 some barking dog in background, noted over and over again.
9330even USA  WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 23.52 UT
 S=8 signal in Alberta CAN. Smooth Bras-Portuguese presenter,
9395even USA  WRMO Okeechobee, Hard Rock memories played, around 23.56
 UT S=9+25dB powerful noted in Edmonton Alberta remote SDR rx.
9455even USA  WRMI Okeechobee site, TOM BS at 23.53 UT, then organ +
 singer at 23.54 UT. Powerhouse S=9+30dB, 10 kHz wideband audio
 block visible.
9504.994 USA  WHRI En sermon, S=6 at 23.58 UT.
9535.005 CUB  RHC Bejucal site towards Central America, Caribbean target
 Spanish sce fair S=6-7 at 23.59 UT.
9640.004 CUB  RHC Spanish sce from RadioCuba Bejucal former 

[HCDX] Radio Northern Star QSL received

2020-03-09 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

NORWAY, 5895 kHz, 50 watts power, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, received 
eQSL card in five days. Reception report sent to:

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] KMMJ 750 Grand Island, NE History Question & Answer

2020-03-09 Thread Paul B. Walker, Jr.
KMMJ-AM 750 Grand Island, NE is licensed as “Limited Hours” and I was
curious what exactly this meant. I inquired, a search of FCC
History/Archived Records was made and yielded this answer:

Way back on September 19, 1968, KMMJ was issued a telegram for presunrise
authority to commence operation with its licensed facilities at the local
sunrise time of cochannel station WSB, Atlanta.  The authority was
conditioned subject to the outcome of a rulemaking proceeding (Dockets
17562, 18023, and 18036) relating to the “status of Class II stations [here
KMMJ] assigned to US I-A clear channels.”

Ultimately, the Commission settled on a 500 watt limitation on presunrise
operation nationwide.  That was less than KMMJ’s regular operating power
(10.5 kW directional away from WSB).   It appears too that WSB opposed
letting KMMJ keep the higher power presunrise authority (see paragraphs 31
and 32 at , July
29, 1969).

The solution the staff came up with was to issue the license for KMMJ with
“limited time” of operation.  In effect that replaced operation of the 500
watt presunrise limit applicable elsewhere in the country.  See the
Memorandum of June 12, 1974:

The changes on the license were included on the next renewal of license
authorization (BR-676, dated May 20, 1977).  The changes made KMMJ into a
“Limited Hours” station and specified the on-air times.  As a practical
matter, however, KMMJ continued to operate unchanged.(This is the
origin of the comment in the AM Query:  LIMITED TIME OPERATION: SEE BR-676,
MAY 20, 1977.)  BR-676:

KMMJ is still licensed to operate in this manner.

 It is likely that there is no other station in the country licensed in
this manner.
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 8-9, 2020

2020-03-09 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CANADA. 284-MCW kHz, March 9 at 0626 UT, dash and ND beacon Ya-S,
i.e. dit-dah-dit-dah, dit-dit-dit. As discussed in detail with my last
November 15 log this is really QD in The Pas, Manitoba, miskeying the
Q which should be dah-dah-dit-dah.

Despite storm crashes from southern Nebraska and local line noise
level, I proceed:

326-MCW kHz, March 9 at 0628 UT, dash and NDB VV, which is 133 watts
from Wiarton, Ontario (once a channel 2 TV DX city), per ``To be decommissioned 2020-03-26`` but William
Hepburn also says, 

``Beacons are being decommissioned at such a rapid rate that many
listed here may already be off the air. By 2026, most of these beacons
will be gone with only a few left, __mainly in remote areas. Also, it
has been noticed recently that many decommissioned beacons have been
unexpectantly returning to the air (I call them "zombie beacons").``
I, gh, was tuned to 325-USB.

340-MCW kHz, March 9 at 0630 UT, dash and YY, 500 watt NDB at Mont
Joli, Québec. I was tuned to 339-USB; yet QRM from local 341, EI

351-MCW kHz, March 9 at 0631 UT, dash and YKQ, 500-watt NDB at Fort
Rupert - Waskaganish, Québec. I was tuned to 350-USB, yet no sign of
RG at Will Rogers World Airport, OKC; off?

355-MCW kHz, March 9 at 0634 UT, dash and YWP, 200-watt NDB at
Webequie, Ontario. I was tuned to 354-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 15034-USB, March 9 at 1526, Trenton Military is JBA instead
of usual good signal; yet 14670 CHU is at normal good level, so I
suspect CHR is now underpowered. Also yesterday noticed it very weak
but still on air (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11880, March 8 at 2128-2130+, first day of DST to keep in
step with the Gusanos en Miami, this RHC only S5-S6 is not in Arabic
as before but Spanish during piano music and // 5040, 11760. Also //
15370 at 2132 S9+30 distorted. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Also
// weak 9535 & 9640 at 2136. Unfortunately did not get around to
confirming yet whether English have shifted from 22-23 to 23-24 on
11880 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. Further chex of RHC now that DST is in effect: UT Monday
March 9 at 0036, 6000 is in Spanish, 6145 not on; 5040 is squealing
and in Kriyol. At 0038, 11850 in Spanish and suptorted, 11760 OK,
11700 Spanish, 11670 distorted; 9640 and 9535 weaker all with
discussion of béisbol.

6000 & 6145, March 9 at 0130, now these are on in English but both
JBM. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

6060, March 9 at 0030, MUCH better signal and modulation in Spanish,
S9+30. `En Contacto` ending an hour earlier at 0150 UT Monday after
monthly AER DX report so starts at 0135; and also should be Sunday
1335 on all the morning frequencies, and Sunday 2245 on tarde channels
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6060, March 9 at 0610, checking all the RHC English
frequencies, this one is S9+20 of dead air; 5040, 6000, 6100 are OFF;
6145 is the only one still on, S9 but undermodulated; with `DXers
Unlimited` at 0613-0622, so I listen to it all and try to understand
Arnie: topic 1) 35 days with no sunspots; 2) lamenting lack of ham
activity except weekend contests; 3) something about broadcast
training?; 4) dipole antennas. DXUL is the most popular program on
RHC, as he frequently asserts. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13740, March 9 at 1429, RHC carrier still on with crackling,
rapid cutting off and on, 1430 goes off for good. 13700 is still
running OK with no spurs. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 11560, March 8 at 1941, Station YHWH is S7-S9 but
suptorted modulation; by 1959 a JBA carrier. Tnx to tip from Rick 
Barton, AZ to the WOR io group (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SCOTLAND [non]. 7490.05v, UT Monday March 9 after , WBCQ with
`Encore` classical music, also webcast, shifted without notice one UT
hour earlier as The Planet operates on local time, not UT. Good signal
direct anyway at 0040 check.

9455, UT Monday March 9 at 0215, the new `Encore` broadcast via WRMI
has also shifted a UT hour earlier to 0200 after debut last week at
0300, again without notice (and yesterday`s WRMI on 5850 was a
no-show). We hope everything will be back in sync next weekend. At
least the current playlist was already available on website (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 774, March 9 at 0456, of all the TA carriers (see unID),
this one manages some audio, Castilian talk from RNE synchros, 0500,
six-pip timesignal, talk and music. Still very heavy splash from 780
WBBM (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2024 monitoring: confirmed Sunday March 8 at
2130 on WRMI 7780, JBA here; at 2153, poor-fair via UTwente SDR.

Also confirmed UT Monday March 9 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, which has just
shifted one UT hour earlier from 0230; and still preceded at 0129.5
with far-outdated ``Son-power Radio`` ID with long-gone 7455
frequency, followed by some 10 seconds of dead air, and a note of
music fill before WOR start, but anyhow VG S9+10/20. And also at 0

[HCDX] LRA 36 on air now

2020-03-09 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol
Tecsun S-8800
Cable antenna, 8 meters

ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base 
Esperanza, 2018, 09-03, Spanish, female, comments about the Antarctica 
and Base Esperanza.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Log 6, 7 y 8 de marzo.

2020-03-09 Thread Claudio Galaz via Hard-Core-DX
** Argentina. LU100 - Antena 10. Marzo 8. 0610-0615. Avisos ciudad de Santa
Rosa y provincia de la Pampa. 34333. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: RCA RP-1824a
Walkman AM/FM; Antena: TECSUN AN-20, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** Paraguay. 1000. Radio Mil. Marzo 7. 0330 - 0345. Llamados telefónicos.
33433. Con interferencia débil pero permanente de BBN, Chile. (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: RCA RP-1824a Walkman AM/FM; Antena: TECSUN AN-20, Lugar de
escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** Uruguay 770. R. Oriental. Marzo 7. 0310-0315. Transmisión en vivo de
festival de Tacuarembó. 44544. Con leve interferencia de otra emisora.(Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: RCA RP-1824a Walkman AM/FM; Antena: TECSUN AN-20, Lugar de
escucha: Ovalle, Chile)


** Bolivia. 5935. R. YURA. Marzo 6. 0001-0050. Música e identificaciones
esporádicas. 4 a 43433. archivo:
 (Claudio Galaz,
Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha:
Ovalle, Chile)

** Bolivia. 5953. R. Pío XII. Marzo 7. 2200 - 2210. Musica. 45444. (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de
escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** Brazil. 9630. R. Aparecida. Marzo 7. 2115 -. Misa. 4. Interferido
por Voz de Turquía en 9625 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena:
Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** Guinea. 9650. R. Guinea. Marzo 7. 2315 - 2320.  Música y comentarios en
francés. 45343. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo
de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

**Korea North. 15180. Vok. Marzo 7. 0300 -0308. Servicio en español. 45343.
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros,
Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

**Turkey. 7280. V. Of Turkey. Marzo 7. 0235- 0250. ID de la emisora, luego
inicio del servicio en ruso? a las 0239 con informaciones. 45433. ¿Cambio
del servicio en español? (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena:
Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

**Turkey. 9625. V. Of Turkey. Marzo 7. 2045 -. Espacio de música. 4.
Leve interferencia de Aparecida en 9630. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN
PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** USA. 17775. Kvoh. Marzo 6. 1530 - 1600. Música y mensajes cristianos.
45343. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30
metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 207, Issue 10

2020-03-09 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Log March 8th, 23.00 til March 9th at 00.30 UT, log at
  11.45 - 12.03 UT (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Radio Northern Star QSL received (Manuel M?ndez)
   3. KMMJ 750 Grand Island, NE History Question & Answer
  (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs March 8-9, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. LRA 36 on air now (Manuel M?ndez)
   6. Log 6, 7 y 8 de marzo. (Claudio Galaz)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 13:52:14 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" 
To: "wor" , 
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Log March 8th, 23.00 til March 9th at 00.30 UT,
log at 11.45 - 12.03 UT
Message-ID: <5A1E2C4FC3F5466BBAC9A36639400622@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

CUBA   log at 11.45 - 12.03 UT in North America, Bonaire Antilles
and Sao Paulo Brazil.

 6000even CUB  Seldom seen this days, LIKELY Quivican site on even fq,
  at 11.45 UT on March 9. RHC Spanish nx, talk on
  'virus influencia theme ...'
  8 kHz wideband signal noted in remote Rochester NY state.
  S=9+15dB strong.
 6100even CUB  RHC Bauta outlet, 11.50 UT on March 9, S=9+15dB too.
 7340.003 CUB  RHC weak signal from Bejucal 50 kW center, S=4 at 11.52 UT
11760even CUB  RHC Bauta Spanish at 11.53 UT S=8-9 in Rochester NY.
13740.001 CUB  RHC Bejucal site, S=9+10dB in remote Rochester NY SDR.
  S=9+15dB or -71dBm observed in remote Sao Paulo Brazil KiwiRX.
15140even CUB  RHC Bauta center, much distorted audio noted, 11.54 UT
  S=3-4 poor backlobe in NY state, S=9+10dB or -74dBm, audio
  is 6 kHz wideband.
15230even CUB  RHC likely Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site,
  audio S=3-4 poor backlobe in NY state, S=9+15dB or -63dBm,
  at 11.59 - 12.02 UT on March 9.

 9570even CUB  CRI North America relay via RadioCuba, in Cantonese
  language at 12.04 UT on March 9:
  S=9+10dB -74dBm backlobe in SDR rx at Bonaire Antilles.
  S=9+30dB in remote Rochester NY state.
  S=9+15dB in remote Massachusetts state.
  S=9+35dB in New Jersey state.
  S=9+30dB in Detroit MI.
  S=8 in dark propagation path into Alberta Canada.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 9 )

- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2020 3:24 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Log March 8th, 23.00 til March 9th at 00.30 UT

 5129.997 USA  WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 2301 UT on
  March 8. Pop mx played S=8-9 in remote Alberta-CAN SDR rx
 5085even USA  WTWW Lebanon TN, English "Amateur Radio License reached
  in age of 14 years ..." talk, S=8-9, 23.05 UT on March 8.
 5800even USA  S=9+5dB one of the stronger signals out of Okeechobee FL
  into Alberta. At 23.07 UT WRMI English, public annmt, batch
  online annmt, on Middle East ... ?
 5850even USA  WRMI Okeechobee, TOM BS roarer, but many voices talk on
  air mixed, S=9+15dB at 23.11 UT.  \\
 5950even same program, terrible to listen though, some male voices,
  and female complaint. Lower S=6 strength in Alberta CAN.
 5990even CUB  CRI English program via RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe
  TITAN bcast relay site, S=9+5dB noted in Edmonton Alberta
  remote SDRrx. Low modulated -
  but much stronger next channel
 5995even MLI  RTVM Bamako French service, powerful modulation level,
  S=9+10dB strong signal, excellent modulation across the
  Atlantic Ocean path. Maybe repaired recently by China's
  engineer service on that MLI African relay of CRI.
 6000 kHz RHC not on air in 23 - 00 UT time slot.
 6060even CUB  RHC Bauta Spanish sce heard on S=9+20dB level, 23.22 UT
  nice modulation and audio quality this night on DST.
  Cuban amore canciones at 23.23 UT. 10 kHz wideband audio
  seen on s

Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Good signal on 6010 kHz

2020-03-09 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

COLOMBIA   6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0636 UT, March 10
In peaks S=5-6 -89dBm signal, noted at remote SDR rx in Cape Canaveral FL.
Real Spanish language sce, on

EXACT 6010.000 kHz channel.
73 wb  df5sx

- Original Message - 
From: "Manuel Méndez" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Good signal on 6010 kHz

Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain
COLOMBIA, 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0448-0528, 10-03,
transmitting Alcaravan Radio program, Latin American songs, llaneras,
cumbias, identification “ Continue con nosotros, Alcaraván Radio”, “5910
onda corta, Alcaraván Radio"-

- Original Message - 
From: "Glenn Hauser via Groups.Io" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Good signal on 6010 kHz
I looked at that source, - don`t omit the hyphen. It doesn`t
show countries by name. You have to figure them out from map, callsign or

I kept listening until 0400 UT ID as Alcaravan Radio --- that`s the sibling
station to LV de tu Conciencia, nominally on 5910 but it was not unusual for
them to swap programming.

So at least one of the HJDHs has been reactivated. Long-winded sermon
continued until 0341 switch to another speaker with Bible reading, 0346 hymn
in Mexican style, 0349 anmts, more tunes including tropical rhythms; 0354
``continue con nosotros`` but no ID. 0358 song about carnaval. 0400 mentions
Mexico nortena and Colombia, finally definite ID in passing, more tropical

On Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 04:36:48 AM GMT+1, Mike Newland

Glenn, I was mistaken, source shows it is Colombia, not
Ecuador. Copy is much tougher now at 0336 UTC with a signal on 6005 kHz
On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 10:14 PM Glenn Hauser via Groups.Io
It is Spanish and it is religious "la palabra de dios", like La Voz de tu
Conciencia used to be. Also getting it on Colombia KiwiSDR. Does that source
really say it is in Ecuador? It`s Colombia if that is the reactivated
station. Stand by for any ID. Listening from 0308 past 0312, S9 to S9+10.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 10:56 PM -0400, "Mike Newland"
Currently listening to a good signal on 6010 kHz. shows two
broadcasts are on at this time (0251 UTC). One from Ecuador{sic} (Voz de tu
Conciencia) and one from Mexico City (Nucleo Radio Mil). Currently hearing
latin music with a male announcer. Not sure which station I am hearing as
the transmitter from Mexico City is shown to be 1 KW while the transmitter
from Ecuador is shown to be 5 KW, both ND. I will be surprised if this is
from Mexico as I thought only XEPPM (6185 kHz) was the only Mexico shortwave
station. Anyone have any ideas about this? Signal strength is very good, S-7
to S-9, steady with little fading.

ICOM IC-7300 and G5RV antenna
Mike NewlandMorgantown, KY

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at