[HCDX] BBC World Service Turns 90 and evolves with the times

2022-04-08 Thread Mike Terry via Hard-Core-DX

Radio World
By James Careless
April 6, 2022
It began in 1932 as the “BBC Empire Service” — making radio broadcasts 
via globe-girdling shortwave to the far-flung territories ruled under 
the British Crown.
Subsequently, what is now the BBC World Service served as a wartime 
inspiration and a conduit of coded messages to Nazi-occupied Europe, and 
a trusted voice of news to Soviet-dominated states. Today, it is once 
again serving war-torn Europe with English news broadcasts targeted at 
Ukraine and Russia.
“Created 10 years after the BBC itself was founded, the BBC World 
Service was there to send ‘voices out of the air,’ which sounds like a 
poem by Keats but are actually the words of King George V,” said Stephen 
Titherington, senior head of content for BBC World Service English.
“Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall it has had a different relevancy 
to people in terms of sharing what is happening within the world, with 
also a chance for people to add their voice to what needs to be heard.”
After the Berlin Wall’s fall in 1989 and the rise of satellite 
television and then the web, the BBCWS struggled with its role before 
refocusing on local broadcasts and streaming media — and cutting back on 
shortwave, including ending shortwave service to North America — in 
But despite all these changes, “one thing that has been consistent over 
the years is the BBC’s commitment to independent news,” said Dr. Kim 
Andrew Elliott, retired Voice of America audience research analyst/radio 
host and now producer/presenter of “Shortwave Radiogram,” heard on 
shortwave stations WINB and WRMI.
“To be sure, the BBC European services had partisan commentaries during 
World War II, but the news remained factual, mostly. Since World II, BBC 
World Service has been the de facto standard for comprehensive and 
objective news.”

New reality :
The BBCWS’s 2001 reinvention came at a time when the Cold War raison 
d’etre for international shortwave radio had long subsided.
“What had seemed like a very static sense of the world changed, and many 
long-term conflicts ended, and societies changed,” Titherington said.
“But then new complexities emerged, and there was a huge amount of 
accelerated globalisation and much changed socially as well as 
politically. At the same time, access to people and their own access to 
the world’s media changed immensely.”
In fact, this retrenchment began soon after the Soviet Union fell in 
“The World Service stopped shortwave broadcasting to many areas of the 
world starting in the early ’90s,” said Andy Reid, owner of 
canadianradiodirectory.com, co-host of “The Two Wallies” satire program 
and a shortwave listener/expert for 50-plus years.
“Before then World Service could be easily heard on any modest shortwave 
To keep the BBCWS relevant to global audiences and the U.K. governments 
that fund it, the World Service updated its presentation style in 2001 
while revamping its programming, choice of target audiences and 
distribution platforms. (And in 2012, the BBCWS left Bush House, the 
iconic London building from which it had broadcast since 1941.)
“We massively increased the range, depth and nature of our news 
programming — creating the 24/7 spine of News Bulletins and long-form 
program like ‘Newshour’ and ‘Newsday,’” said Titherington.
“But of course the audience expect more than news, and so we have grown 
a wide range of programs that include music, debate, food and many more 
programs that look at how we live, how things work, how we can learn 
about things.
“Our programs are much more conversational, and we have many more series 
— such as ‘The Inquiry,’ ‘The Assassination’ and ‘A Wish for 
Afghanistan’ — which we also release as podcasts — that tell a story 
over time so we can really explain the intricacies and the drama of 
world events.”
In terms of target audiences, the U.K. government’s shift away from Cold 
War priorities, combined with funding cuts, compelled the BBCWS to 
temporarily reduce its non-English programming.
“But I am glad to say we are now back to more than 40 [as of late 2021]. 
These include a wide range of African and Indian languages including 
Amharic, Gujarati, Igbo, Korean, Marathi, Pidgin, Punjabi, Serbian, 
Telugu, Tigrinya, and Yoruba.
“So there are less European languages than 20 years ago, but important 
new languages for us which have brought strong audiences and new and 
exciting people to work with.” (This being said, the BBCWS has not 
restored Ukrainian or Russian language broadcasts.)
Finally, the advent of the web combined with government funding cuts 
motivated the BBCWS to add new distribution channels alongside costlier 
shortwave to get its content to listeners.
One major change has been the retransmission of BBCWS programming by 
various means.
“We now have built up 200 FM relays, which are a great way of making 
sure our entire output is heard in quality,” said Titherington. “And 
more people are listening via the inter

[HCDX] 6030 kHz 9580 kHz https:\www.kulturwerk.info/Classic-meets-Jazz-694265.html benefit concert via MBR Nauen and ORS Moosbrunn transmission.

2022-04-08 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

AUSTRIA/GERMANY   6030 kHz  SW broadcast center ORS Moosbrunn special
broadcast benefit concert for Ukraine, invated by Russia's forces.
Just received the following e-mail from ORS frequency planning FMO:

"At short notice, we (ORF/ORS, note) have been commissioned with the live
broadcast of the benefit concert for Ukraine from Koenigs Wusterhausen,

Friday 8 April 2022, 16:00-18:00 UT on 6030 kHz in 49mb 100 kW
LPH - log periodic horizontal antenna in use.

Simultaneous transmission from MBR Nauen Germany on 9580 kHz and on
MW 810 kHz by 'Wave 370 (museum radio Funkerberg)'. The latter MW outlet
at Koenigswusterhausen with only 9 Watt, will not be heard in our country
(Vienna and Austria in total).

(Ernst, Engineer Ernst Vranka OE3EVA,
via Harald Suess-AUT, AGDX - Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX Austria, April 6;

ORS  Mr. Ernst Vranka, FMO Frequency Manager,
ORS Austrian Broadcasting Services
Wuerzburggasse 30
A-1136 Wien Austria Europe

phone +43 1 8704012629

Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1
D-51103 Cologne, Germany

Please send your inquiries and reception reports to:
E-Mail:   https://www.media-broadcast.com/hoerfunk/kw-sendernetze> )

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at


2022-04-08 Thread Les Rayburn

The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the International Radio Club of 
American (IRCA) and the National Radio Club (NRC) are pleased to announce the 
2022 “Dual Test” from the Bluegrass State! Stay up late with us on Saturday 
night/Sunday morning as WWKY 990 in Winchester, KY and WMST 1150 in Mount 
Sterling, KY will both be conducting maintenance tests for two full hours. 

The test starts at midnight, Sunday morning April 10th (0400 UTC) and lasts 
until 2 AM EST (0600 UTC). Both stations will run at their daytime power and 
pattern. That’s 2,500 watts for WMST and 350 watts for WWKY. Snagging this 
dynamic duo will be a challenge. To help make it easier, the station is 
broadcasting some of the best DX test material available. 

The test will consist mostly of sweep tones, Morse code at 20WPM & 12 WPM (1 
kHz), 1kHz long tones, and proven sound effects to cut through the noise. We’ve 
also uncovered some vintage jingles from both stations that they’ll mix in for 
even more fun. 


This springtime DX test is a direct result of the outreach efforts of Harry 
Dence and the generosity of Hays McMakin of Gateway Radio Works, Inc. who own 
both stations. Scheduling this test around high school basketball and March 
madness means that it has literally been months in the making. Kudos to our 
all-volunteer CPC team  as well! 

Thank you Hays McMakin! 


The usual rules for a CPC-scheduled test apply: 

Email reception reports to l...@highnoonfilm.com 
Reception reports must be received within 30 days (May 10, 2022) 
QSLs for all DX Tests from the 2021-2022 will be answered when the season is 
over. Be patient. (Yes, this includes KJJR and KQKD)
Reception reports must include a recording of no more than two minutes in 
length. .MP3, .WAV or .MP4 video accepted. 


If you think a late-season dual test is unusual, wait till you hear what is 
coming next. We have arranged yet another test
for this Spring. We can’t reveal it yet, but it’s a rarely-heard daytime-only 
station on the East Coast. And this same station will provide 
even more goodies next Winter! 



Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman

Perseus SDR, Elad FDM-S2 SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP-2 Pro, Sony 
XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Dennon TU-1500RD, Sangean HDT-1X, Ray Dees RDS 
Decoders, Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, 
Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active 

“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…” 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio SE-TA 2 eQSL received

2022-04-08 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

GERMANY, 6095, Radio SE-TA 2, Nauen, received eQSL in 3 day. Reception 
report sent to:

se-ta (at) web.de

Attached is a reduced size file of the eQSL.

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 8, 2022

2022-04-08 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** COLOMBIA. The ``it`` in my last report was of course:
La Voz de tu Conciencia = The Voice of Thy Conscience:

``6010, April 7 at 0700, JBA signal in Spanish? Yes, later April 7 at
2230, Rafael Rodríguez reported it reactivated after a long time with
preaching by Stendal, NA at 2300; and RR is the 100% e-QSL manager to
rafaelco...@yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2133)``

6010, April 8 at 0705, heard LVC again, better S8/S9 with song in
Spanish. No, nothing on 5910, its former sibling station, Alcaraván
Radio. Might that revive too from Puerto Lleras? (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 9778-9833, April 8 at 0613, approx. range of bleed from
wall-of-noise jamming against nothing on 9805, i.e. plus/minus 27/28
kHz, overkill. Always incompetent and unconcerned about collateral
damage, the DentroCuban Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** GERMANY [and non]. 6030, April 8 at 1559.5, Artists for Peace
special event, live benefit concert from Königswusterhausen, via
AUSTRIA on this frequency, VG S9+35/40 into UTwente, much better than
// 9580 via Nauen. Opening with orchestra and chorus but not the
now-familiar Ukrainian national anthem. Huge variety of music and
performers, instruments, with lots of commentary mostly in German, but
occasional Ukrainian. One English heard at 1656 about power of music,
with frequencies. 1646 accordion. 1747 a Russian pianist with a
flutist. Publicity said there would be 31 performers from seven
nations. Could hardly fit all those into only two hours scheduled,
1600-1800. Both continue past 1800, but those tuned to 9580 find it
soon off. 6030 keeps on going as I listen via UTwente. 1832 YL in
Ukrainian; 1840 finally wrapping up in German, 1842 Ukrainian, 1842.7*
uncovering something else weakly on 6030. See
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** GREECE [and non]. 9420, Fri Apr 8 at 1659, S9+45 unGreek music with
heavy reverb, very exotic so presumably China already? No, must have
been ERT since this chops off at 1700 uncovering what is really a
China minority service on 9420.002, S9+30/40 into UTwente (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** IRAN [non]. (5910), we`ve lost track of the weekly Friday-only
clandestine at 1730-1800v of Channel 1 TV, which had been regular in
B21; but in A22, Romania has overtaken that slot, in Serbian. Did Ch 1
move to another frequency and/or time due to DST in Iran? Lots of luck
finding anything about radio, let alone SW, even if converted to
English, at https://ch1.cc/

I`m far too busy at 1730 April 8 to go on a random hunt for it by
tuning, but I do check the latest HFCC for any likely-looking
replacement from TAChkent site at 1730 on day 6: No fits. Then I
search on all the broadcasts starting at 1730 from all sites: no fits
either. So is the SW relay of this still going anywhere? (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ITALY. 918 kHz, Fri April 8 at 1915, Spanish PSA from OMS = WHO,
1916 `Counterspin` on IRRS via AM Italia, not only on MW 1323 kHz
Villa Estense, but reactivated on 918, which is much better with no
QRM into nearby Noale SDR, since Madrid 918 has gone dark. See also
USA [and non] WOR monitoring. Counterspin is chopped off only halfway
thru at 1930 for IRRS Milan ID and Feature Story News. Airing
fragments of programs is the most annoying thing about IRRS even when
not done to WOR. 

1935 joins VOA News rather than `Flashpoint Ukraine` which follows VOA
news at 1930 on WRMI 15770. 1940, 918 into music; 1945 American PSA
for brushing teeth. 1946 starts `Shortwave Report` with Dan Roberts;
will it be halved as well? He starts with Sputnik Radio, then to be
NHK Radio Japan, Radio Habana Cuba --- seems Dan is still stuck on the
same old stations. Shortwave! indeed, Sputnik is not on SW, but
recorded from web probably like the others. Dan says he has now
completed 25 years of the `SW` Report. Starts NHK segment but has QRM
from Turkey`s `Feeling Supreme` theme! So maybe really from SW, or did
IRRS do that? 1958 anyway SWR chopped off by IRRS for more VOA News!
across hourtop; 2003 Feature Story News again. 2007 songs. Then
another talk program about pavilions, from UN? 2020 Spanish PSA about
COVID19/UNESCO/OMS, more songs until 2030 ID with PO Box address
otherwise discouraged, and WOR 2133.

Alfredo Cotroneo replies: ``Glen[n], There are and will be occasional,
unscheduled, tests on 918, but we are more interested in propagation
outside Italy into Central and Northern Europe, including the war
zones. 1323 is doing better than 918 for long time propagation. Good
news that the Spanish station in not interfering now on 918, but they
may come back, who knows? Alfredo`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 15785, Fri April 8 at 1508 in routine bandscan, I
discover anti-Christ pirate Station YHWH on new frequency, the
signature vocalizations of Josiah needing no explicit ID. No problem
from the 1 kW DRM in Germany allegedly 24h on 15780-15790 (Gl

[HCDX] JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 8, 2022

2022-04-08 Thread Jota Xavier via Hard-Core-DX


JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 8, 2022
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna (s): Sony AN-71
All times and dates in UTC/GMT

** 7345. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2111-2120, CNR7-Greater Bay Area, Beijing-CHN, in 
Cantonese. Cantonese traditional music; 2113 Man announcer talks, in cantonese, 
and more music. Poor reception: 35422.
** 9610. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2101-2110, CNR8, Beijing-CHN, in Mongolian. Man and 
woman talk with music background. Fair reception: 35533.

** 11745. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2010-2020, Al-Azm Radio, Jeddah-ARS, in Arabic. 
Arabic music; Man announcer talks; 2019 Music by male singer. Poor reception: 
35422. CLA.

** 7425. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2041-2050, NHK World Japan, Issoudun-F, in French. A 
japanese lesson by woman and man announcer. Good reception: 45544.

** 9800. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2133-2143, AWR Africa, Nauen-D, in Twi language. Men 
announcers talk, woman talks too; A conversation between them. Good reception: 
** 11790. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2051-2058, AWR Africa, Nauen-D, in Yoruba language. 
Woman talks, preaching; 2054 A short music by choral and returns woman; She 
says ID and address; 2057 Music; 2058 The end. Fair reception: 45533. 

** 15720. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2121-2131, RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. 
Woman announcer interviews a woman; 2126 Now, man and woman announcers talk 
with pieces of music background and a conversation with other woman, after 
2128UT. Fair reception: 35533. 

** 7360. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2029-2040, Radio Vaticana, SM di Galeria-CVA, in 
French. IS; 2030 ID and repeats; Man announcer talks news; 2035 Woman says ID: 
Man continues news; 2037 ID by woman; News continues. Fair reception: 35533,
Parallel log of Radio Vaticana in french, this time: On 9705smg, good 
reception: 45554.
** 9705. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2021-2028, Radio Vaticana, SM di Galeria-CVA, in 
English. Man announcer preaching, says Jesus and Amen; 2027 Says "Laudetur 
Jesus Christus", the end and a brief IS. Good reception: 45544.
** 11900. Fri, Apr 8, 2022. 2145-2200, Voice of America, SM di Galeria-CVA, in 
Bambara. Men announcers talk news and say about some african countries; 2149 
ID:VOA and news continues; 2153 A brief music and returns news; 2157 VOA jingle 
and returns men communication; 2159 Man says ID: VOA, sign-off; IS. Good 
reception: 45544.
Parallel logs of VOA in bambara language this time: 
On 7355bot, out; On 9490asc, poor reception, 25422; On 15120grv, very good, 

JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brazil (UTC-3)
QTH Locator HI22NX


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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 8-9, 2022

2022-04-08 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** BRAZIL. 28409 USB, April 8 at 2128, PT9SS calling CQ DX, only S3
about equal to noise level and one of only two or three signals
audible on 10m TE. QRZ.com with some photos:

PT9SS Brazil flag Brazil
Sandro Rodrigues Pereira (SAN)
Viela José Daniel, 1971
Jardim Cangalha cep 79604-214 Tres Lagoas, MS

His fonetix are ``papa tango nine sugar sugar`` --- look, the proper S
going with those P and T is sierra! So many hams mix up their fonetix
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 1430 kHz, April 8 at 2105 UT on caradio in Enid I am
finally checking out KALV, in the occasional spots where the powerline
and stoplight noise abates a bit. Two weak signals but the dominant is
country music, not sports or talk, making a SAH of about 5 Hz. By 2127
I`m on home rig with similar reception, slightly better on N/S
internal shortwire: ``Hometown radio station Stereo 1430, KALV; tell a
friend``. No mention of FM; they had a translator on 99.5.

FCC info in NRC DX News as of April 4 reported:

``KALV OK Alva – Granted STA, U1 60/60 (maybe using D1 60), wildfire

Its licensed parameters are U4 500 500 psra 500 per NRC AM Log.

Among all the wildfires around OK, I missed hearing about KALV when it
happened, but searching on wildfire Alva leads right to several
versions of March 21-22, including:

Own website does not load properly

But coverage maps are also at 

Day pattern is slightly pulled in from the east, presumably to protect
sportstalk KTBZ Tulsa but which is more like ESE, and Enid is more
like SE --- but KALV has never had much of a signal in Enid. Distance
is only 70 km = 43 statute miles.

Night pattern quite different, very pulled in from the NE, presumably
to protect St Louis, the 50/5 kW station whose license was canceled
two years ago and which I think is no longer on the air, most of the
KALV night signal broadly from NW to SW to SE.

So the question is, are KALV still running only 60 watts STA? That
much non-direxional might be better here than the old higher-power
direxional facility. What kind of antenna now? Stations under duress
sometimes even use longwires to transmit. Or maybe the towers survived
unlike the transmitter (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** UKRAINE [non]. 7730, Sat April 9 at 0500.6-0507.6, UR1 via WRMI
with now reliable English segment `Ukraine: Security Issues` leading
of course with the RuSSian airstrike on the train platform killing
many; VG S9+15 into Maryland remote (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [non]. 15580, April 8 at 2133, S3-S8 of VOA presumably `Music
Time in Africa` scheduled Fridays at 2105 tho the DJockesse has been
unaware of this airing; Via BOTSWANA, 100 kW at 350 degrees. And not
perceptibly off-frequency. The best we can do in A-seasons, lacking GB
11720 in B-seasons this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2133 monitoring: confirmed just in
time at 0158 UT Sat April 9 the 0130 on WRMI 9395, S5/S6 into UTwente
which I happen to have running after Ukraine check at  on 1386. 

Also confirmed UT Sat April 9 at 0400 on R Angela via WBCQ 4790, S9+15
into Maryland SDR. 

Once again there are uteblaaps QRMing, and I time them occurring on a
regular schedule other than exactly 4:00 minutes apart as last time.
Now there are two different cycles each exactly 3:00 minutes apart:
one at top of minutes 0415, 0418, 0424, 0427; and another at about :45
seconds past these minutes: 0416, 0419, 0425, 0428. (Assume I missed
the ones at 0421, 0422+.) I leave the same remote running after WBCQ
off at 0430* --- and no more blaaps! I had always assumed this was
some kind of external QRM, but now I am forced to wonder if they were
also coming out of a defective 4790 WBCQ transmitter? OR, if external,
they were not coincidental, accidental, but deliberately to annoy ---
hardly jam --- WBCQ? I have not been paying much attn to the SDR
waterfalls, but I do spot some rectangles a few kHz above and below
4790 line which could represent the blaaps. But there is no time
calibration on vertical scale of the H2Ofalls. Curious. Next: 

0700 UT Saturday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB [new]
1930 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0430]
1324vUT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy
2230 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW [to be canceled? still Apr 3]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed]
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB [new]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 9395 to NNW

Full schedule including 

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 9

2022-04-08 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

Today's Topics:

   1. BBC World Service Turns 90 and evolves with the times (Mike Terry)
   2. 6030 kHz 9580 kHz
  https:\www.kulturwerk.info/Classic-meets-Jazz-694265.html benefit
  concert via MBR Nauen and ORS Moosbrunn transmission.
  (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  APRIL 10 MIDNIGHT-2AM EST 0400-0600 UTC (Les Rayburn)
   4. Radio SE-TA 2 eQSL received (Manuel M?ndez)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs April 8, 2022 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 8, 2022 (Jota Xavier)
   7. Glenn Hauser logs April 8-9, 2022 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 10:14:00 +0100 (BST)
From: Mike Terry 
To: Hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
Subject: [HCDX] BBC World Service Turns 90 and evolves with the times
Message-ID: <5886f434.33d00.1800873af03.webtop...@btinternet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Radio World
By James Careless
April 6, 2022
It began in 1932 as the ?BBC Empire Service? ? making radio broadcasts 
via globe-girdling shortwave to the far-flung territories ruled under 
the British Crown.
Subsequently, what is now the BBC World Service served as a wartime 
inspiration and a conduit of coded messages to Nazi-occupied Europe, and 
a trusted voice of news to Soviet-dominated states. Today, it is once 
again serving war-torn Europe with English news broadcasts targeted at 
Ukraine and Russia.
?Created 10 years after the BBC itself was founded, the BBC World 
Service was there to send ?voices out of the air,? which sounds like a 
poem by Keats but are actually the words of King George V,? said Stephen 
Titherington, senior head of content for BBC World Service English.
?Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall it has had a different relevancy 
to people in terms of sharing what is happening within the world, with 
also a chance for people to add their voice to what needs to be heard.?
After the Berlin Wall?s fall in 1989 and the rise of satellite 
television and then the web, the BBCWS struggled with its role before 
refocusing on local broadcasts and streaming media ? and cutting back on 
shortwave, including ending shortwave service to North America ? in 
But despite all these changes, ?one thing that has been consistent over 
the years is the BBC?s commitment to independent news,? said Dr. Kim 
Andrew Elliott, retired Voice of America audience research analyst/radio 
host and now producer/presenter of ?Shortwave Radiogram,? heard on 
shortwave stations WINB and WRMI.
?To be sure, the BBC European services had partisan commentaries during 
World War II, but the news remained factual, mostly. Since World II, BBC 
World Service has been the de facto standard for comprehensive and 
objective news.?

New reality :
The BBCWS?s 2001 reinvention came at a time when the Cold War raison 
d?etre for international shortwave radio had long subsided.
?What had seemed like a very static sense of the world changed, and many 
long-term conflicts ended, and societies changed,? Titherington said.
?But then new complexities emerged, and there was a huge amount of 
accelerated globalisation and much changed socially as well as 
politically. At the same time, access to people and their own access to 
the world?s media changed immensely.?
In fact, this retrenchment began soon after the Soviet Union fell in 
?The World Service stopped shortwave broadcasting to many areas of the 
world starting in the early ?90s,? said Andy Reid, owner of 
canadianradiodirectory.com, co-host of ?The Two Wallies? satire program 
and a shortwave listener/expert for 50-plus years.
?Before then World Service could be easily heard on any modest shortwave 
To keep the BBCWS relevant to global audiences and the U.K. governments 
that fund it, the World Service updated its presentation style in 2001 
while revamping its programming, choice of target audiences and 
distribution platforms. (And in 2012,