[HCDX] Chritsmas at the Bottom of the World

2014-12-26 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Tune-in today, for Christmas at the bottom of the world. Details at Shortwave 
Central http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
CEO Teak Publishing
International Shortwave Broadcast Guide-e Pub/Amazon Kindle 
QSLing the World Kindle Book http://amzn.com/B0083M2O4W
Shortwave Central Blog http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @QSLRptMT
Global 24 Radio Corporate Sponsor

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Spying for Cuba - via shortwave radio

2009-06-11 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Interesting story just broke from Reuters about a former U.S. State Department 
official and his wife arrested
for spying - and "received messages from Cuba via shortwave radio". 

I have posted the story at my Shortwave Central Blog 
at: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/

can you say "number stations?"

Ex- U.S. State official, wife face Cuba spy charges 

Gayle Van Horn, W4GVH/Teak Publishing
Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Editor
Monitoring Times
Shortwave Central Blog:
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[HCDX] Hot Spot DXing

2009-06-11 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Monitoring North and South Korea on shortwave radio

Shortwave Central Blog

Gayle Van Horn, W4GVH/Teak Publishing
Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Editor
Monitoring Times
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[HCDX] Voice of Russia - B08 English Service

2008-10-29 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Have just posted the Voice of Russia B08 English Service schedule on my 
shortwave blog. Have yet to see this posted else where,
so may be of interest to DXers.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Monitoring Times Frequency Manager
Shortwave Central Blog http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Teak Publishing
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[HCDX] Trends in Tropical Bands broadcasting 2008

2008-08-06 Thread Gayle Van Horn
I have just posted, courtesy of Anker Petersen, his new feature,
Trends in Tropical Bands broadcasting 2008, on my shortwave
radio blog.
An excellent in-depth work, one that will likely generate
much conversation. Enjoy!
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] Media Broadcast Expands Email Contacts

2008-06-29 Thread Gayle Van Horn
To hobbyists that correspond with Media Broadcast, I have posted on my blog
a set of revised email contacts for reception reports. This update is via 
Walter Brodowsky.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report Editor/SW Frequency Manager 

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[HCDX] Radio New Zealand revised A08

2008-04-06 Thread Gayle Van Horn
The following is a repost of March 24, for the current Radio New Zealand 

Special thanks to Adrian Sainsbury, for this afternoons schedule revision. 
11725, replaces 9615 from 0459-0658 UTC as indicated below in red.
Gayle Van Horn

Effective: 30 March 2008
All broadcast targeted to Pacific regions

All times UTC for Analogue and DRM broadcast

-0100 13840
0100-0200 13840
0200-0300 13840
0300-0400 13840
0400-0458 13840

0459-0500 11725 ex9615
0500-0600 11725 ex 9615
0600-0658 11725 ex 9615

0659-0700 7145
0700=0800 7145
0800-0900 7145
0900-1000 7145
1000-1058 7145

1059-1100 9655
1100-1200 9655
1200-1258 9655

1300-1400 6095
1400-1500 6095
1500-1550 6095

1551-1600 7145
1600-1700 7145
1700-1800 7145
1800-1850 7145

1851-1900 9615
1900-1950 9615

1951-2000 11725
2000-2050 11725

2051-2100 15720
2100-2200 15720
2200-2240 15720

2241-2300 13840
2300- 13840

-0100 15720
0100-0200 15720
0200-0300 15720
0300-0400 15720
0400-0458 15720

0459-0500 9890
0500-0600 9890
0600-0700 9890
0700-0758 9890

0759-0800 6095
0800-0900 6095
0900-1000 6095
1000-1100 6095
1100-1158 6095

1200-1550 NO DRM SERVICE

1551-1600 6095
1600-1700 6095
1700-1800 6095
1800-1850 6095

1851-1900 9890
1900-1935 9890

1936-2000 11675
2000-2050 11675

2051-2100 13840
2100-2200 13840
2200-2240 13840

2241-2300 15720
2300- 15720
(Source: R. NZ Intl via Adrian Sainsbury/Gayle Van Horn-Monitoring Times SW 

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] Voice of America - A08 English service

2008-03-29 Thread Gayle Van Horn
USA, Voice of America - A08 English schedule

Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008

English to Europe, Middle East, and North Africa 
0100-0130 UTC 1593   
1400-1500 UTC 15530 17740 
1500-1600 UTC 15130 15530   
English to Africa 
0300-0330 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 7340 9885 12080 15580   
0300-0400 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 9885 12080 15580   
0400-0430 UTC 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9575 11835 12080 15580   
0430-0500 UTC 909 4930 4960 6080 9575 11835 12080 15580   
0500-0600 UTC 909 4930 6080 6180 12080 15580   
0600-0700 UTC 909 1530 6080 6180 12080 15580   
1400-1500 UTC 4930 6080 13570 15580 17530 
1500-1600 UTC 4930 6080 13570 15580 17895
1600-1700 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 15580  
1700-1730 UTC 6080 11835 15580  
1700-1800 UTC 15675 
1730-1800 UTC 6080 15410 15580  
1800-1830 UTC 6080 15410 15580 17865 
1800-1830 UTC 909 4930   
1830-1900 UTC 909 4930 6080 9885 15410 15580 17895 
1900-2000 UTC 909 4930 4940 6080 9885 15410 15580 17895 
2000-2030 UTC 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 15580 17895 
2030-2100 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 15580 17895 
2030-2100 UTC 11720 
2100-2200 UTC 1530 6080 15580 
English to Zimbabwe 
1730-1800 UTC 909 4930 13755 15775 
1720-1740 UTC 909 4930 13755 15775 
English to Afghanistan 
-0030 UTC 1296 7555  
2030-2400 UTC 1296 7555  
English to Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania 
0100-0200 UTC 7430 9780 11705   
0200-0300 UTC 9780 11705   
1100-1130 UTC 1575 
1130-1200 UTC 1575  
1200-1300 UTC 1170 6140 9360 9645 9760 12075 
1300-1400 UTC 9645 9760  
1400-1500 UTC 7125 9760 15185  
1500-1600 UTC 7125 7480 12150 13735   
2200-2300 UTC 6105 7120 7460 9415 11725 15185  
2230-2400 UTC 1575 
2300-2400 UTC 6105 7120 9415 11725 15185   
-0030 UTC 1575 1593
0030-0100 UTC 1575 1593 9715 9780 11725 15185 15205 15290 15560 17820   
0130-0200 UTC 1593 6040 9820  
1330-1400 UTC 9465 11725 15130 15565 
1500-1600 UTC 6160 9590 9695 9760 15550 
1600-1700 UTC 12080 13600 17895  
1600-1700 UTC 13600 13615 15445 
1600-1700 UTC 1170 
1730-1800 UTC 5980  6110 9520 11805  
1830-1900 UTC 6110 9520 11755 11805  
1900-2000 UTC 7480 9670   
2230-2300 UTC 9570 11705 15145 
2300-2330 UTC 1593 9570 13755 15145
2330-2400 UTC 1593 7350 9570 13755 15145 15340   
(Source: VOA website: http://www.voanews.com/english/about/frequenciesAtoZ_e.cfm

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] Hot Spot DXing: Cuba - Castro Resigns

2008-02-19 Thread Gayle Van Horn
This mornings post on developements in Cuba

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] Is WLW AM 700 For Sale ?

2008-02-16 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Is WLW AM 700 For Sale ?
The U.S. Department of Justice today ordered Clear Channel to sell stations in 
Cincinnati, Houston, Las Vegas and San Francisco in order for a group of 
private equity investors led by Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners to 
proceed with purchasing a controlling interest in Clear Channel.
More on this story from:

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Hot Spot DXing: Israel

2008-02-15 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Hot Spot DXing: Israel Goes on High Alert 

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] KREX TV Fire Coverage

2008-01-20 Thread Gayle Van Horn
I normally restrict my bog to items covering shortwave, but I have posted a 
story this evening on today's fire at KREX TV in Grand Junction, Colorado. 
Thanks to contributor Patrick Griffith.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog:
Monitoring Times: SWBC Logs/
QSL Report/SW Guide Editor
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[HCDX] Bible Voice B07 English Service

2007-11-03 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Bible Voice released their B07 schedule last week, which as many of you may 
know, is a mass of freqs, hours and days to decipher. I was able to spend some 
quiet and uninterrupted time to get it organized, and have posted it to my 
blog. For those of you that were looking for it - I hope you find it useful.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist
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Re: [HCDX] Kenwood R2000 question

2007-10-27 Thread Gayle Van Horn
  Chuck Ripple did some tune up work for us quite a few years ago on an 
R2000 and an R5000.  Their still gems and terrific back up receivers. The 
Navy kept us on the move for many years - which can do some real battering.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing 

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[HCDX] T-Systems B07 Schedule

2007-10-27 Thread Gayle Van Horn
After several request via email concerning the T-Systems schedule, I have 
reposted the B07 schedule to my blog at http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/ 
effective Sunday October 28. Thanks for the request and good luck with this 
weekends DXing.. 
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Radio Japan - B07 English service

2007-10-24 Thread Gayle Van Horn
I have posted the English service B07 schedule for Radio Japan, on my shortwave 
blog at: 
It is effective 28 October, 2007.

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Radio New Zealand - B07 Schedule

2007-10-24 Thread Gayle Van Horn
I have posted the just released Radio New Zealand B07 schedule on my shortwave 
blog at http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/. 
The schedule is effective 01 November, 2007.

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist
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[HCDX] Taiwan Rocked by 6.6 Earthquake/Radio Taiwan Intl

2007-09-06 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Fox News is reporting that Taiwan has been jolted in the Taiwanese capital, 
Taiwan, early Friday, shaking buildings and waking residents.

The Central Weather Bureau said the 6.6 magnitude temblor struck at sea, 44 
miles southeast of the eastern city of Ilan at 1:51 a.m. local time. Ilan is 
about 50 miles east of Taipei.

I have posted additional information as well as Radio Taiwan's current English 
service schedule from Monitoring Times SW Guide on my blog.

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Legend of WOWO dies

2007-09-04 Thread Gayle Van Horn
For those that follow medium wave and are familar with either WOWO or Bob 
Sievers, the following may be of interest.

Legendary WOWO Radio Announcer Bob Sievers dies

Former WOWO morning host Bob Sievers has died at the age of 90. According to 
friends of the Sievers family, he was taken to the Emergency Room and died at 
around 7 AM Monday morning. Sievers hosted the Little Red Barn morning show on 
WOWO for decades, and has been on the air in one way or the other for over 
seventy years. You can read stories and memories from Bob's closest friends and 
co-workers throughout the day onTuesday on Newstalk 1190 WOWO.

I have also posted a partial article about him on my blog.
Thanks for your time.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
World QSL Book
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist

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[HCDX] More on Internet Radio

2007-08-09 Thread Gayle Van Horn \(MT\)
I received quite a bit of feedback from my Quattro radio post of 8/6. The 
following is another source of Internet Radio stations, posted on my blog. 
Thanks to those that responded.
Kind Regards,
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing, Brasstown, NC
Shortwave Central Blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
Monitoring Times: SW Guide Frequency Manager
Broadcast Logs/QSL Report Columnist
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[HCDX] A few words on Quattro radio

2007-08-06 Thread Gayle Van Horn \(MT\)
I have posted an item about the Quattro Radio on my shortwave blog. An 
interesting concept for those
interested in Internet radio stations. 
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Teak Publishing

Frequency Manager
SWBC Logs/QSL Report Editor
Monitoring Times: www.monitoringtimes.com 
MT Shortwave Central blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
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[HCDX] radio New Zealand schedule update

2007-07-23 Thread Gayle Van Horn \(MT\)
I have posted the updated Radio New Zealand schedule on my blog. It is 
effective July 23.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Frequency Manager
SWBC Logs/QSL Report Editor
Monitoring Times: www.monitoringtimes.com 
MT Shortwave Central blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
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[HCDX] The Radio Monitor Blog Report

2007-03-16 Thread Gayle Van Horn \(MT\)
The newest means to deliver radio information to the masses is via the 
blogsphere. They are the fastest and easiest way to pass along radio news. 
For those of you interested in investigating what is out there, I have 
compiled my first Radio Monitor Blogspots Report. You can see the links to 
all 20 blogs at 

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Frequency Manager
SWBC Logs/QSL Report Editor
Monitoring Times: www.monitoringtimes.com 
MT Shortwave Central blog: http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/
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[HCDX] Intl Radio of Serbia & Montenegro Query

2003-09-14 Thread Gayle Van Horn
Does anyone on the list have a website address for Serbia & Montenegro's
International Radio?
Thanks in advance for any assist.

Gayle Van Horn
Frequency Manager
SWBC Logs/QSL Report Columnist
Monitoring Times Magazine
Grove Enterprises, Brasstown, N.C.
1-800-438-8155; 1-828-837-9200
FAX: 828-837-2216
you're "Number One" source for shortwave news and frequencieswhy look
anywhere else?

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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

Re: [HCDX] QSL Filing Plastic Sheet

2003-09-03 Thread Gayle Van Horn
The best source I have found for ordering oversized (and acid free) document
protectors is through Light Impressions www.lightimpressionsdirect.com
Not only do they have various sized sheets, they also have storage
containers, albums and a wealth of produtcs that DXers can use.
Good luck with your collection.
Gayle Van Horn
Frequency Manager
SWBC Logs/QSL Report Columnist
Monitoring Times Magazine, Brasstown, NC

 I am receiving cards from SWL Stations that are larger in zize than usual.
Is there any place I could buy larger zize sheets?

 Best to all

 Hector (Luigi) Perez

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] RFPI - Locked Out !!!!

2003-07-25 Thread Gayle Van Horn
For Immediate Release:
For More Information contact:  

* James Latham, General Manager, RFPI: 011 (506) 249-1821
* Naomi Fowler, Program Director, RFPI: 011 (506) 249-1821
* Emily Morales, Operations, RFPI: 011 (506) 249-1821
* US Contact: Jean Parker, Board of Directors: (303) 355-9935

On Monday, July 21, 2003 a University for Peace representative
delivered an eviction notice to Radio For Peace International (RFPI)
which has been operating since 1987 by mutual agreement on the
University campus in El Rodeo, Costa Rica. The Radio station's access
gate was locked with chains and patrolled by armed guards employed by
the University for Peace. In 
addition, the radio station was advised to vacate its facilities in two

Radio For Peace employees made a plea to the armed guards to allow them
to leave the locked premises on Monday night, although some have not
left the premises since the eviction notice.

According to General Manager James Latham, the unexplained and legally
questionable decision to evict RFPI endangers the livelihood of the
station's employees, and also threatens to silence the voice of peace
on international airwaves.   "This is more than an eviction, this is
about the right to free speech," says James Latham, Chief Executive
Officer of Radio for Peace international.  "What is most shocking and
sad is that this action comes from an international peace

University for Peace co-founder, former Costa Rican President Rodrigo
Carazo Odio, invited RFPI in 1985 to build and manage its own office
and studios on the university's Costa Rica campus. Consequently RFPI
constructed studios and transmitters, and has been broadcasting
messages of peace and social justice as well as daily United Nations 
programming.  RFPI is the only listener-supported shortwave radio

Latham says that Monday's eviction notice represents poor judgment on
behalf of the new administration at the University for Peace, a United
Nations mandated university established in 1980. "RFPI has always shown
goodwill toward the University for Peace and has worked harmoniously
with the pervious four administrations. Our shared goals to work toward
war is what brought our two organizations together,  and in the world
today there is still much work to be done.  Instead of focusing on how
to eliminate a fellow peace organization, we need to channel our energy
toward eliminating war, poverty and hunger."

To prevent the silencing of this important voice, we the Committee for
the Defense of Radio For Peace International encourages you to write
Kofi Annan in support of the radio station at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and/or to leave a message of concern with the Public
Inquiries office at 212.963.4475.

Gayle Van Horn
Monitoring Times Frequency Manager
QSL Report, SWBC Logs Columnist
Grove Enterprises, the publisher of Monitoring Times magazine
Telephone: 828-837-9200/ FAX: 828-837-6100
Your NUMBER ONE source for current worldwide English shortwave frequencies...updated 
Why look anywhere else ?

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Scott's Univ. Network

2003-07-14 Thread Gayle Van Horn

I was also hearing Doc Scott's University Network 
on 5030 // 6150, 7375, 9725 at 000-100; Didn't hear any of his Costa Rica 
freqs at my 1100-1200 bandscan; but was back up for the 1200 check, as well 
as1300-1400. Nary a peep at 1500 or 1600 checks, but on 9725 // 11870 at 
1700-2300 rechecks. BTW, all of these "Doc" programs are running parallel 
on the Anguilla, KAIJ and WWCR freqs, as well as his satellite feed on 
W3/20 University Network. 
Gayle Van HornMonitoring Times Frequency 
ManagerQSL Report, SWBC Logs ColumnistGrove Enterprises, the publisher 
of Monitoring Times magazineTelephone: 828-837-9200/ FAX: 
NUMBER ONE source for current worldwide English shortwave frequencies...updated 
monthly!Why look anywhere else ?
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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Query on Domestic Broadcast Survey

2002-07-18 Thread Gayle Van Horn

Wondering if anyone has 
any information on the 2002 Domestic Broadcasting Survey publication. Radio 
Netherlands had reviewed it earlier, but the DSWCI website has no information on 
it, and contains only a Directory that will not load. Infact, the only way to 
get to their website is through www.google.com. 

If any one has any 
information, I'd appreciate it. Perhaps someone can also send me Anker 
Petersen's email address.
Thanks for any direction or 
Gayle Van 
HornMonitoring Times Frequency ManagerQSL Report, SWBC Logs 
ColumnistGrove Enterprises, the publisher of Monitoring Times 
magazineTelephone: 828-837-9200/ FAX: 828-837-6100 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Your NUMBER ONE source for current worldwide English 
shortwave frequencies...updated monthly!Why look anywhere else 