[HCDX] Free Radio Guides NZ & more

2015-11-03 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

November 4 2015

Free Radio Guides

Remember, you'll find our new NZ Radio Guide plus others now with no 
need to enter an email address or a password

You'll find our free radio guides at www.radioheritage.net:

* PAL classic guide to MW from Alaska to Afghanistan and absolutely full 
of details you need to monitor this exciting part of the world...over 50 
years of service to listeners the world over!

* Hawaii AM and FM with all the full power and translator stations 
showing program feeds, website links for more data and online 
listeninggreat for planning your Hawaii vacation...even Google maps 
to find station locations!

* Australian AM, FM and DAB guide with many low power local FM stations, 
brands, websites for full data and online listening worldwide from the 
ABC and big city stations and local community radio

* New Zealand AM & FM guide is the most complete and accurate guide 
available with even hundreds of low power local FM, all the brands, RNZ 
and local community radio...links to websites for full information, and 
global online audio streaming...useful Google maps too.


These guides are all free to use, no need to log in or enter a password 
or even your email address...just use them and enjoy them as a free 
community service of the Radio Heritage Foundation.

While you're at www.radioheritage.net spend some time with hundreds of 
stories, hundreds of photos and colorful logos and much more celebrating 
the amazing radio heritage of the world.

And catch up on the latest Tune In Radio Bulletin and learn more about 
this global community based project run entirely by volunteers!

Happy Listening!
Radio Heritage Foundation

Email us to be removed from this mailing list. Allow a few days for a 
volunteer to remove your email details. Thank you for your time this 
week and don't forget to contact us if you find any errors in the radio 
guides, missing stations, new information etc. Our guides are only as 
good as the information we get from real live monitoring!

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] This week at Radio Heritage

2015-03-10 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

March 11 2015


This week features: Radio Aeropuerto, Caracas, Venezuela; Johnny Murray 
DJ at WDSU-AM New Orleans, LA in the late 1940's; 2RO Prato Smeraldo, 
Rome; 3UZ Melbourne, Australia hits 90 years; KSL Salt Lake City, UT 
transmitter building along the Great Salt Lake; Radio Rangitane 89.8 FM; 
VPD Suva, Fiji confirms WWII reception; short term radio station 
stations in New Zealand; Jackie from Suva, Fiji; and $5 donation keeps 
radio memories safe this month.

Come and visit and see what you're missing!

Radio Heritage Foundation www.radioheritage.net is the home of the
global radio memories project. We're always on the look out for new 
supporters too.

Help us today so we can continue reaching more people? Full details at 

Email DX to be removed from this mailing list and allow 10 working
days to be removed. Celebrating 10 years of free community access at 
www.radioheritage.net and now at

See you soon..
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Newt his week at Radio Heritage

2015-03-16 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

March 17 2015


This week features: Radio Vanuatu not prepared for Cyclone Pam; 2ZW 
Wellington NZ; Radio Vanuatu Tam Tam; Mystery car sticker; Radio Monte 
Carlo; Chinese Local Radio in the 1930's

Radio Heritage Foundation www.radioheritage.net the home of the
global radio memories project. Visit us at www.radioheritage.net

Email DX to be removed from this mailing list and allow 10 working days 
to be removed. Celebrating 10 years of free community access at 
www.radioheritage.net and now at

See you soon..
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Memories in danger

2015-04-01 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

March 31 2015

Keep us out of danger this week

Hello...do you have a favorite radio memory? Did you know that as each 
year goes past, more memorabilia is lost and destroyed, and memories 
grow weaker?

Here at the Radio Heritage Foundation we've made it our mission for 10 
years now to keep radio memories safe.

It's a big project, and we've scored some successes. Over 350 stories 
now feature on our website www.radioheritage.net along with radio 
station guides to popular listening countries Australia, New Zealand and 
Hawaii as well as countless facts and figures to keep people occupied 
for hoursand that's just at our website and barely scratches 
the surface.

You see, the real work is what you can't see. Saving, finding, and 
collecting genuine radio memorabilia...thousands of letters, cards, car 
stickers, photos, hours of audio and video...storing them, and a handful 
of volunteers slowly sorting them out so we can share them with everyone 
worldwide for free.

We've started our 10th year with a new web server to host our website, 
and our emails, introduced a new email management system, and started 
moving our website content to a new system so that our site will look 
much fresher and easier to find content, and started testing our our new 
database system which will ultimately save and present many thousands of 
items of memorabilia.

But the project is in danger this week. On April 1 we begin a new 
financial year, but it looks like we'll be a long way behind in paying 
our office bills for storage and other operational costs. In fact, 
$4,500 or so behind.

Loyal supporters have found 78% of the budget this last financial year, 
but it's not enough. We began the year about $4,500 down also, so we've 
been on the back foot all year long.

You know, we get no government funding or grants from the radio 
industry. It's just ordinary folks who gift some dollars here and there 
as they can afford to because they like what we do and want to help keep 
the memories alive. We name them all on our Roll of Honor, have a look 
at it on www.radioheritage.net and you'll see that we touch people all 
over the world.

If you can help us with a gift towards our project, you'll help us 
reduce that $4,500 shortfall...and most importantly, do something 
practical to keep radio memories safe.

On behalf of the Radio Heritage Foundation volunteers, supporters and 
radio memories, thank you for keeping us out of danger this week. You 
can make a gift today at www.radioheritage.net and we will acknowledge 
you with our heartfelt thanks.

Email us to unsubscribe from our mailing list and please allow 5 working 
days. We'll be sad, however, to see you go.

PS...See our latest stories from Denmark and South Africa, use our just 
updated PAL Pacific Asian Listeners Radio Guide, use our Australian, New 
Zealand and Hawaiian radio guides and enjoy the radio memories we 
continue to share for 10 years at www.radioheritage.net... and please 
keep us out of danger this week with a gift towards our $4,500 shortfall 
in funding the projectwe want to add you to our Roll of Honor!

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Big NZ Radio Guide Moves

2015-04-25 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

April 25 2015

Hi Radio Guide user

Major changes have taken place recently on the NZ radio scene:
* Kiwi FM network closes
* The Word network closes
* Radio LiveSport network closes
* Magic network opens
* TAB Trackside Radio network expands
* many AM frequency changes
* new FM stations
For all the latest information about these changes you'll find the NZ 
Radio Guide at www.radioheritage.net now has full details.

The NZ Radio Guide is provided as a free public service by the Radio 
Heritage Foundation, the people who have been keeping radio memories and 
memorabilia safe for future generations for over 10 years... and 
sharing hundreds of stories and hours of volunteer expert 
research..at no cost...

Please consider making a donation to help the work of the RHF continue. 
Choose from many options at www.radioheritage.net today...regular 
support is just $25 a year or less than 50c a week.

Supporters are recognized on www.radioheritage.net. We get no government 
grants, no funds from mainstream commercial or non-commercial radio and 
funds are used to keep memorabilia safe and provide office and storage 
space and daily operating expenses. We finished the last financial year 
on March 31 about $5,200 in the red and would really welcome a bit of 
help right now.

Please use the NZ Radio Guide to keep up to date with all the many 
changes today. Thanks for using our free service.

PS...also use our free Australian and Hawaiian AM and FM Radio Guides, 
and our world famous PAL Pacific Asia Guide for AM from Alaska to 
Afghanistan.also freeto be removed from our mailing lists, just 
email 'remove please' by return to this address. Thank you if you can 
make a donation today.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Nautel Memorable Radio series

2015-04-26 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

April 26 2015

Two new features from Nautel

Our new content partner has released two more features this April as 
part of the Nautel Memorable Radio series:

* Mix FM Midrand, South Africa www.radioheritage.net/story369.asp
* Danish Radio on Longwave

Check them out today at www.radioheritage.net. You'll also find earlier 
features Fresh 92.7 FM Adelaide [Australia] and XEUT Tijuana 1630 AM 
also from Nautel.

If you like what we're doing to preserve radio memories and original 
radio memorabilia from around the world, please join us as a supporter 
and continue making this project possible.

Radio Heritage Foundation

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] NBC Papua New Guinea

2015-04-27 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

April 28 2015

NBC Papua New Guinea

Latest update for NBC: $100m+ is needed to rebuild the national 
broadcaster says the Minister of Communications. In a related interview 
broadcast from Radio New Zealand International recently, the Institute 
of National Affairs makes the following points:

* shortwave continues to be the only way to reach all rural areas
* provincial and district administrations are expected to put more funds 
into local programs after years of no attention
* NBC is reconsiering if it should own and manage the infrastructure 
such as broadcast towers and transmitters
* sharing of facilities with mobile phone operators is being considered 
to reach more areas with FM signals
In the meantime, provincial shortwave stations continue to come back to 
life after months off air, or go silent without warning. Regular 
monitoring is needed to understand the situation day by day.

With thanks to ADXC/RNZI.
We continue to welcome monitoring reports of NBC Papua New Guinea 
shortwave and private shortwave stations in PNG to help us update the 
PNG country information in the World Radio TV Handbook [WRTH]. Details 
of FM outlets as relayed by provincial NBC stations is also needed. 
Please send information to i...@radioheritage.net and thank you in 

Radio Heritage Foundation
Wellington, New Zealand
Please become a supporter today.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] RHF has good news!

2015-05-16 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

May 17 2015

Hello, thank you for having an interest in what we do to protect radio 
heritage...you may have used some of our free radio guides for 
instancenow, this is some good and important news we must share 

We've been quiet lately, but watch our website for news soon now that 
we've completed our latest annual report so we can share the bigger 
picture with youit's looking very good apart from not being able to 
fully cover our operational costs our volunteers report a lot of 
good news:

* donations up 20%
* expenses remain fixed for 5 years
* website users steady after decline a year ago
* new visitors now almost 82%
* Facebook fans up 300%
* successful migration to new web server
* WordPress version of site steadily advances towards launch
* First content partner achieved with Nautel from Canada
* Technical upgrade #1 achieved with community grant
* Collective Access database project testing started
* several new commercial partnerships
* continued use of the Australian, New Zealand and Hawaiian Radio Guides

The tough issues facing us right now are:

* getting donations to cover 100% of operating costs [currently 73%] 
which tick over at $450 every week

* new content has been limited to avoid duplication of effort
* cataloging and data entry of collections postponed because of the 
imminent launch of Collective Access, again we have to avoid duplication 
of effort from our limited volunteer base

* paying off our accumulated debts [$12,449]
* engaging more volunteers through use of the new systems
* more storage space

The heart of this project - where the costs continue to be - is the 
collection from destruction, damage and loss of memorabilia and 
memories, safe housing of physical memorabilia, cataloging, research and 
publication for free of our holdings and those of others. The website is 
a fairly small cost but invaluable to what we do with your support...it 
takes the memories global.

Our material has strength from the Pacific region [Australia, NZ, 
Pacific islands], the Americas, and with strong representation from 
Asia, Africa and Europe. All are original, many are rare. They have to 
be housed safely.

If you're helped us before, and some of you still do on a regular basis, 
you'll be aware we couldn't be here today without your help along the 
way. If you can show your support at this time, we will continue to be 
grateful to you for helping us overcome these challenges and move 

Our main donation option is Paypal at www.radioheritage.net, which is 
extremely safe and secure and donors get recognition on the Supporter 
Roll and if you live in New Zealand, we can provide a tax receipt for $5 
or more.

I'm sorry for the length of this note. However, we owe you, our friends, 
this information on the good news and our current financial status, but 
more importantly, to share with you how your continued support will help 
us make the breakthrough needed to save and share the stories of radio 
heritage and make it financially stable so our plans will come to 
fruition without more loss.

Warm regards, and thank you
David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation

Email us 'unsubscribe' by return to be removed from our mailing list. 
Please allow time for volunteers to find your address and remove it. 
PS..we'd love your support and donation at www.radioheritage.net as we 
move into our second decade keeping radio memories safe for the 
community worldwide to enjoyfor free.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Mambo Moto Moto & more

2015-05-23 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

May 23 2105

Kenya and Cambodia next up

The Radio Heritage Foundation has recently added stories about Pili Pili 
FM in Mombassa, Kenya and FEBC Family Radio in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to 
its free website www.radioheritage.net.

The stories are from the Nautel Memorable Radio Collection and continue 
to broaden the reach of stories shared on the global radio memories 

More than 350 stories, hundreds of photos and many rare memories and 
stories can be found at the New Zealand based and volunteer run Radio 
Heritage Foundation which is now in its 11th year of free community 

They share space with radio guides for everyone from Australia, New 
Zealand, Hawaii and the classic radio hobbyist PAL Pacific Asia Listener 
with many thousands of stations from Alaska to Afghanistan.

The Global Radio Memories Project
Community donor supported mot for profit
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Real good news this week!

2015-05-29 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

May 29 2015

Hi radio heritage friends:

There's a lot happening to make our website much better for you to use, 
and our radio heritage project stronger! We'll be adding some highlights 
from our recent annual report to www.radioheritage.net soon.

And, now read on.now we can start to focus on saving radio 
memories and memorabilia with less worries...we hear every day of people 
and stations just trashing their history, their heritage..tossing it all 
out when they're moving, when they end a hobby or interest...so much is 
irreplaceable and we could weep at what's still being lost...for 10 
years now we've started just one memory at a time, one piece of 
memorabilia..and yes, it's worth saving. It really is.

More Good News

Finally after months of delays, we now have confirmation that 50% of the 
weekly costs should be underwritten from July 1.it's a very generous 
arrangement. It should take a big pressure off us, even though we'll 
still require $225 each week from elsewhere. So please consider joining 
the journey with us so finally we can do more to keep the radio memories 
and share the wonderful stories and other memorabilia in our 

The next few weeks

For April 1 -June 30 [our first quarter] our operational costs are 
$A5,834, and so far we have $A3,470 thanks to generous ongoing donors. 
But, that leaves us with $A2,364 still to find to make these good news 
events start to happen in the coming weeks. Will you help be able to 
help us? It's less than $1 each from the people on this mailing list, 
over 225 of whom continue to give generously year after year to help 
fund this global radio memories project.

As you know. we accept donations at www.radioheritage.net, acknowledge 
donors by name on the honor roll, and remind you that we get no 
government or institutional grants...we're independent, and free for the 
community to use. But we rely on the community to fund us, it's as 
simple as that. We're a non-profit, run by volunteers. We meet the many 
needs of the thousands of people who visit www.radioheritage.net each 

Again, thanks for staying true!

Thank you so much for your patience! I'm sure you almost as frustrated 
getting these sorts of emails as we are sending them out. The reality is 
that few businesses want to partner us because we're too small, it's an 
issue facing thousands upon thousands of non-profits everywhere.

If you've heard from us recently and/or responded already, thank you for 
your patience. It is sincerely welcomed.

Radio Heritage Foundation

Unsubscribe by sending us an email by return and allow our volunteers 
time to find and remove your email address. Don't forget, donating is as 
easy as going to www.radioheritage.net right now. Please do it! From 
July 1 things are looking so much better! We can finally get on with our 

PS.you can also follow us on Facebook, nearly 3,300 fans do already. 
Always something new and interesting, and, of course, free for the 

Now, over 10 years of service to radio heritage memories...
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Heritage Grows Globally

2015-05-31 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

May 31 2015

Radio Heritage Grows Globally

Since it's establishment some 10 years ago, the New Zealand based global 
radio memories project best known for its popular website 
www.radioheritage.net continues to grow.

Over 360 stories [the latest being FM in Cambodia and Kenya], many 
hundreds of rare photos and images, and an ever expanding range of 
helpful radio guides [the latest is Hawaii USA] make the website a 
special place for all kinds of people: radio hobbyists, nostalgia buffs, 
historians, family history researchers, tourists, and thousands of 
ordinary people worldwide looking for something interesting to read or 
learn related to radio history and heritage...and today's radio.

So far in 2015, visitors to the website come from such places as 
Australia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, China, Iran and over 100 other 
countries across the Pacific, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North, South 
and Central Americaall finding something of interest. The top 25 
cities they live in include New York, Los Angeles, New Delhi, Mumbai, 
Dhaka and Suva.

Have you visited us yet? Just come to www.radioheritage.net and enjoy 
this free community project of the non-profit Radio Heritage Foundation. 
The real project work is behind the scenes, and we're only scratching 
the surface.but we're sure you'll find our website 
fascinating, entertaining, educational and, of course, fun!

If you like us, please tell a friend to come say hello!

See you soon!

Radio Heritage Foundation
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Heritage Grows Globally

2015-06-30 Thread Radio Heritage Foundation

June 30 2015

Radio Heritage Grows Globally

Since it's establishment some 10 years ago, the New Zealand based global 
radio memories project best known for its popular website 
www.radioheritage.net continues to grow.

Some 400 stories [the latest being FM in Cambodia and Kenya], many 
hundreds of rare photos and images, and an ever expanding range of 
helpful radio guides [the latest is Hawaii USA] make the website a 
special place for all kinds of people: radio hobbyists, nostalgia buffs, 
historians, family history researchers, tourists, and thousands of 
ordinary people worldwide looking for something interesting to read or 
learn related to radio history and heritage...and today's radio.

So far in 2015, visitors to the website come from such places as 
Australia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, China, Iran and over 100 other 
countries across the Pacific, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North, South 
and Central Americaall finding something of interest. The top 25 
cities they live in include New York, Los Angeles, New Delhi, Mumbai, 
Dhaka and London.

Thank you for supporting this free community project of the non-profit 
Radio Heritage Foundation. The real project work is behind the scenes, 
and we're only scratching the surface.but we're sure you'll 
find our website fascinating, entertaining, educational and, of course, 

We're completely community funded and we'd love to have you join us this 
month. From $25 for regular supporters, that's just 48c a week over a 
year for our complete project to keep radio memories safe. Our website 
is just a small but vital part of this global project.

We're still needing $A906 to fund our first quarter expenses [full 
details at www.radioheritage.net] ending on June 30, so if you're able 
to contribute towards this.thank you in advance.

See you again soon!

Radio Heritage Foundation

Unsubscribe by simply emailing 'unsubscribe' to us.
PS..join us on our Facebook page...over 3300 friends and growing...and 
reaching an entirely new audience...

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at