[HCDX] 657 KHZ Ticking

2011-10-02 Thread Richard Brock
   I received a report on another radio forum of a European beacon on 
500KHZ. I tuned there at 0200 UTC and copied the same ticking and tone but much 
stronger. I stand corrected on the time and date of the reception of it on 657 
KHZ. It was October 3 at 0145 UTC. Perhaps this ticking and tones are a spur or 
harmonic of the 500 KHZ beacon if that's what I was hearing. Location unknown 
but on 500 best reception is with my loop antenna set at 70 degrees at my 
location. I'm baffled.

Rich Brock
Near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
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[HCDX] Relays

2010-12-16 Thread Richard Brock
  To answere Luigi's question about relays, many broadcasters relay their 
programming through Radio Canada Int'l, but I don't think that Voice of Greece 
is one of them. I'm not positive on this so perhaps someone with more knowledge 
on this subject will reply and provide more information.


Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Relays

2010-12-16 Thread Richard Brock
   To answere Luigi's question, Many broadcasters relay their programming 
through Radio Canada Int'l, but I don't think that Voice of Greece is one of 
them. I'm not positive on this and surely not an expert. Perhaps someone with 
more knowledge on this subject will reply to this.


Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Relays

2010-12-16 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Group,
I'm sorry, I accidentally double posted on the subject of 

Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Hi end of AM broadcast band

2010-09-24 Thread Richard Brock
  I want to report what I'm hearing per Glenn Hauser's report of strange 
tones and hets in this range of frequencies. I tuned from 0439 until 0522 UTC 
on september 24, 2010. I heard no test tones in this range, I listened to KHRW, 
Sikeston, Mo. on 1520 KHZ and tuned off to 1521 and didn't hear tones. WDJZ on 
1530 religious with an ESPN station underneath. 1540, Waterloo, Iowa. I tuned 
to 1539 and heard a het underneath them. On and near 1550 I was hearing a weak 
signal in Spanish. Cuba? There is a mish mash of broadcasting in this range 
making Identification of broadcasters difficult. In the mess a couple of times 
I could hear unidentifiable weak foreign broadcasting. I don't know if this 
information is helpful or not. Off topic but I'm not familiar with the regions. 
Is North America including Canada region 1? Thank you in anticipation of 
replies, Wishing good DX to all.

Rich Brock
Beaver, Pa.
(near Pittsburgh)
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[HCDX] Antarctica LRA36 Finally

2010-09-11 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Fellow Members,
   I'm going to report my probable reception of 
LRA36, Antarctica, after months of trying. My reception was on Saturday, 
September 11, 2010 on 15476 KHZ at 1348 UTC. The broadcast was very weak and 
unintelligible, I lost them at 1402 UTC. I coud hear a male, and I think, a 
female announer. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that this was LRA36. I 
tuned above and below the frequency and heard nothing. I'm going to keep trying 
hoping for a clear enough reception so that I can send a report to them, hoping 
for a QSL card. I don't know if they QSL at all? Here's wishing good DX to all.

Rich Brock
Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA

Grundig Satellit 750 receiver
Zepp longwire 
MFJ Versa Tuner  II
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[HCDX] A Few Catches

2010-06-13 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   Here's a few catches, nothing exotic though:

June 4, 2010
Voice of Russia World Service, new frequency of 7440 KHZ @ 0005 UTC (Radio 
Ukraine frequency and transmitter?) I sent VOR an e-mail asking whether this is 
temporary or a pemanent addition to their schedule. Although they know me from 
having sent many reception reports over the years, I still haven't got a reply??

June 10, 2010
USA, WINB, Red Lion, York, Pa. - 9330 KHZ @ 2112UTC, discussing something about 

USA, Radio Marti - 9565 KHZ @ 2126, Spanish via Greenville.

June 12, 2010
New York Radio, Gander Radio - 6605 KHZ, USB @ 0005 UTC and 0025 UTC 
respectively, Aviation weather.

Kuwait, Radio Kuwait (presumed) - 15540 KHZ @ 1932 UTC, weak, barely 

USA, WTJC, Newport, N. Carolina - 9370 KHZ @ 2247 UTC.

June 13, 2010
Italy, CVA, Radio Vaticana - 7305 KHZ @ 0346 UTC, Spanish to N. America, Relay 
via Radio Canada.

England, BBC, Rampisham - 9410 KHZ @ 0428 UTC, English to Russia. (Probable 
skip conditions?) I believe that this is an accurate report as possible.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa. USA
(near Pittsburgh)

Grundig Satellit 750
Zepp Longwire Antenna
MFJ - 941 Versa Tuner II

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[HCDX] Voice of Russia with interference

2010-06-13 Thread Richard Brock
   At 2259 UTC on 9890 KHZ I tuned to VOR World Service. There was a steady 
bird chirping sound in with them, almost as strong of a signal. This sound 
seemed to cover 9890 to 9898 KHZ. I seem to remember this back in the 1960's, 
the same sound but on various frequencies. The word was then that it was over 
the horizon radar? I haven't scanned to find out if it's on other freq's now 
and I haven't heard that for many years. It's fading in and out now at 2318 UT. 
Just wondering.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa. 
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[HCDX] Antarctica

2010-06-03 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXer's,
 Every day I'm tuned and listening to 15476 for Antarctica 
if and when they broadcast between 1200 to 1500UTC. So far nothing that I can 
hear except open air and a lot of times a motorboating sound. Will keep trying, 
I need to hear a broadcast from them thats readible enough to send a reception 
report to them, hoping for a reply and I really want a QSL card, that's if they 
QSL. Has anyone heard the station lately?

Rich Brock
Near Pittsburgh, Pa. USA
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[HCDX] Antarctica Station

2010-05-17 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   For weeks now when I'm not DXing I leave my receiver tuned 
to 15476 KHZ hoping to hear the station. I've been monitoring this frequency at 
random, night and day with no results, just open air. Right now at 1758 UTC 
There's a fairly strong carrier with a motorboating sound. Could this be 
jamming from an unknown source? Since I'm near Pittsburgh, Pa. USA, my problem 
might be that I need more antenna. I sure would like to be able to get a QSL 
card from them, that's if they QSL. Good DX to all!

Rich Brock
Beaver, Pa. (near Pittsburgh)
Random longwire antenna
Many receivers
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[HCDX] Syria 594 KHZ

2010-01-15 Thread Richard Brock
The report of the Syrian station sounds interesting so on Jan. 16 at 
0430 UTC I tuned to 594 KHZ and all I can hear is a mish mash of heterodynes 
and a preacher splashing from somewhere near 594. At one point I heard what 
sounded like Mid-East type music and a female that was speaking what sounded 
like Arabic. The signals are so weak with a lot of fading so I can't claim what 
I heard. It's still early so maybe conditions will improve. My home made loop 
antenna is getting the best results on that frequency. Perhaps it's time to 
switch over to my Zenith Transoceanic radio? Good DX to all!.

Rich Brock
Beaver, Pennsylvania
Grundig S350 receiver
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[HCDX] Holidays

2009-12-23 Thread Richard Brock
Happy Holidays to all members of this great DX group!

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pennsylvania,

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[HCDX] 530 KHZ

2009-12-15 Thread Richard Brock
Ok, I think I'm tuned on the Cuban station. 12-16-09 @ 0015 UTC. Weak 
signal here in Western Pennsylvania due to my poor loop antenna.No reception on 
50 foot long wire. I can hear a woman announcer with possibly news, some 
unknown music, but with fairly strong background pulsating lower frequency type 
het. Best I can do.

Rich Brock
Grundig S350
Loop antenna
Near Pittsburgh, Pa.
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[HCDX] Radio Reloj

2009-11-01 Thread Richard Brock
Thank You Proffessor Coro and Bill Harms for the information. I thought that I 
was listening to Radio Reloj but not sure and didn't know that it was a relay 
via Santa Clara.

Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Iran

2009-01-14 Thread Richard Brock
January 14, 2009, presumed Iran according to the broadcast schedule posted on 
HCDX. 6120, 7160 KHZ @ 0130 UTC. Very weak with Middle Eastern Music. No ID but 
the frequencies and time match Sakthi Vel's posted English schedule of 10/21/08.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pennsylvania
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[HCDX] Latest Loggings

2008-12-19 Thread Richard Brock
USA, WWCR, Nashville, TN., 7465 KHZ @ 0104 UTC
Cuba, Radio Havana, 6140 KHZ @ 0108 UTC with news
Germany, Deutsche Wella, 9545 KHZ @ 0115 UTC, beamed to Central America via 
Ascension, in German
Equador, HCJB, 11625 KHZ @ 0119 UTC in Spanish
Croatia, Voice of Croatia, 7375 KHZ @ 0130 UTC, beamed to Central and North 
America via Werachtal, Germany, in Croatian
Portugal, RdP, Radio Portugal, 9455 KHZ @ 0136 UTC, in Portugese
USA, Radio Marti, 9825 KHZ @ 0142 UTC, beamed to Cuba via Greenville, North 
Carolina, in Spanish
Russia, Russian Int'l Radio, 7125 KHZ @ 2323 UTC, in Russian
Egypt, ERTU General Program, (I forgot to log the frequency and time), beamed 
to Western Europe, in Arabic
Chile, Voz Cristiana, 11805 KHZ @ 0210 UTC, in Spanish
Greece, Voice of Greece, 7475 KHZ @ 2315 UTC, beamed to Europe in Greek
Russia, Radio Rossi, 7345 KHZ @ 2323 UTC, beamed to Siberia so I must have been 
getting the signal over the pole?
USA, WYFR, Ocachobee, Florida, 5950 KHZ @  UTC with sign on followed by 
open forum

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pennsylvania
End fed Zepp antenna with MFJ Versatuner II
Loop antenna fed with 300 ohm open line
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[HCDX] WRNO Testing

2008-07-20 Thread Richard Brock
 On July 19 I was tuned to 15590 KHZ at 2350 UTC checking for WRNO 
testing. I heard an unidentified station playing Country music then at 0004 UTC 
they switched to Spanish sounding music and abruptly went off the air at 0030 
UTC, I never heard a station ID but can't imagine that it was WRNO. For some 
reason I couldn't get into the EIBI website to check what stations are on that 
frequency at that time.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
(Near Pittsburgh)
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2008-03-29 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
   I see that Alokesh Gupta has posted the BBC A08 broadcast 
schedule and I know that they have stopped broadcasts to North America , they 
have also stopped broadcasts to Central and South America. I could pick them up 
here in Pittsburgh Pa. in the United States when they were still broadcasting 
to Central America but now they have stopped that. Does anyone know any tricks 
to pick them up via shortwave? I know that I can listen via their streaming 
audio but I consider that cheating since I've been an avid shortwave listner 
since 1965 and I feel jilted.

Richard Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa.
(Near Pittsburgh)
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[HCDX] New York Radio

2008-02-18 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   February 18, 2008, according to Glenn Hauser's Listening 
Digest, New York radio is not off the air. I'm listening to them with aviation 
weather for various cities with a signal swinging my S-meter to 5 db on 3485 
KHZ USB at 0420 UTC.

Rich Brock
Pittsburgh, Pa. USA
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2008-01-19 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   On January 19 at 1040 UTC, 6050 KHZ, I picked up, a Spanish 
(I think)  speaking station with birds chirping at the top and bottom of the 
hour. I know that I've seen posts on this site mentioning chirping birds but 
the station eludes my memory. I did an internet search and found this to 
probably be RAI, but several different countries are listed as relaying this 
and I couldn't find it listed anywhere on the EIBI site. Can someone enlighten 
me as to what I was listening to? Thank you in advance.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
Near Pittsburgh 

Grundig S350
Long wire antenna
MFJ Versatuner
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[HCDX] Frequency Offset

2008-01-07 Thread Richard Brock
  Thank you to everyone who explained the frequency offset thing as 
listed in the MWDX Station List. I understand how it works now. Good DX to you 


Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
(Near Pittsburgh)
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[HCDX] Update of MY KEVT Test Post

2007-12-17 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Again,
   In my last post I forgot to thank Chief Engineer Frank Luna, 
and the test arrangement by Paul Lotsoff, assisted by Patrick Martin. At the 
least it gave me something to try for other than the run of the mill DXing.

Rich Brock
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2007-12-17 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   I regret to report that my attempt at hearing KEVT during 
the test was a flop. I had overwhelming QRM from WPHT in Philadelphia, Pa. and 
couldn't null them enough using my home brew directional outdoor loop. I 
switched to my long wire and managed to mostly null them using the MFJ 
Versatuner II but then all I ended up with was a mish mash of at least four 
stations down in the mud causing somewhat of a het and making all unreadable. I 
tuned up on 1210 KHZ at 0700 UTC and worked at receiving their signal for two 
hours before giving up. At least four times I briefly heard Spanish but not 
readable and at the top of each hour I couldn't copy any station Id's in 
English. Needless to say I couldn't get enough for a good reception report to 
send to them. I guess that there's too many miles between KEVT and me. I hope 
that other DXers had better results than I did. Good DX to all!


Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
(Near Pittsburgh)
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[HCDX] Reception Confirmation

2007-12-14 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
   I just received a QSL card confirming my reception of the 
WCHX DX Test. I had a lot of trouble hearing that one because of WBBM in 
Chicago on the same frequency. I started by using my directional loop but 
switched to my long wire and nulled WBBM out and caught WCHX although very weak 
with QRM from other stations.


Rich Brock
Near Pittsburgh, Pa.
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[HCDX] Aruba

2007-11-23 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
  Taking into consideration the message sent by Glenn Hauser 
and Frank Mezek, the station that I tentatively thought was possibly out of 
Aruba was actually the end of a news broadcast and sign off of HCJB in Equador. 
Sorry for the wrong information in my post.

Richard Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] WCXH DX test this weekend

2007-11-22 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
  The upcoming test of WCHX is going to be real tough for me, 
the las two nights I've tuned up on 780 KHZ and WBBM in Chicago is blasting and 
covering everything  from my QTH near Pittsburgh, Pa. No matter how I turn my 
loop antenna I can't null Chicago out. I'll not give up, if I have to I'll 
drive my car to the highest point around here that I can find and keep 
repositioning it and maybe get results that way. Good luck to all participants!

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Unid Arab Update

2007-11-22 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
  I can still copy the unid Arab station on 11965 KHZ @ 2208 
UTC. During one of the fade ups I could copy what sounded like Spanish with 
male and female announcers and music in with the mix of multiple stations. I 
checked EIBI and could not find any Arab speaking stations on this frequency at 
the time of my last post.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Unid Arab Station

2007-11-22 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Eike and All,
   As I type I'm listening to a similar broadcast of an 
Arab type station mixed up with at least one other station, language unknown on 
11965 KHz @ 2126 UTC on November 21, 2007. I can hear Arab style music, male 
and female announcers, stations unknown so far but haven't checked any 
schedules yet. Severe fading with weak to strong signals and a het which is 
understandable due to multiple stations.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa.
Near Pittsburgh
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[HCDX] Aruba?

2007-11-21 Thread Richard Brock
Greetings DXers,
 On November 21 at 0045 UTC I picked up a strong 
Spanish speaking station on 12000 KHZ. They apparently signed off at 0100 UTC, 
the last words I heard were distinctly Aruba. I didn't understand a word of 
the Spanish. This was done by a male announcer but there was a female too about 
five minutes earlier. After the presumed sign off there was nothing but open 
air and I listened for about 15 minutes more. According to the EIBI schedule by 
time, the only station on that frequency in Spanish listed to sign off at 0100 
was HCJB. Also according to EIBI, Radio Havana Cuba was running on that 
frequency but not scheduled to sign of for a few hours and I heard nothing from 
them or any other station that was listed to be operating on that frequency. 
Seems a little strange to me, could this actually been out of Aruba?

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa.
(near Pittsburgh)
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2007-11-12 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
The test of this morning was a flop for me. 940 KHZ in 
Montreal broadcasting Coast to Coast was covering everything up. I managed to 
null them out a little but then I couldn't pull anything understandable out of 
the mud. Maybe I'll have better luck on the next test. Have to try anyway!

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa. USA
(Near Pittsburgh)
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2007-11-04 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
  The DX test of WIGG, 1420 KHZ, Wiggins, Mississippi didn't go 
well at my QTH. I listened to the frequency during the test hours of 0900 to 
1000 UTC and couldn't pull them out. I copied multiple stations on that 
frequency, for the most part not understandable, which created a high pitched 
het. What I could pull out was mostly talk radio stations and most of the time 
WHK out of Cleveland, Ohio covered them up. I managed to filter out the het but 
still with no results. Once I did hear country music but it was down in the mud 
but that might have been WIGG but not enough for a positive ID. I had my 
outdoor loop antenna aimed right at Mississippi. It was a big let down for me 
as I was geared up and ready with a blank reception report form. I guess that 
the frequency was just too congested for any kind of verifiable copy from here. 
I hope that the rest of you that tuned in for the test had better luck than I 
did! I wish to thank the station management for taking t!
 he time and effort to do this.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater/Beaver, Pa., USA
(Near Pittsburgh)
Grundig S350
Realistic DX300
Outdoor ferrite bar fed
with 300 ohm twin lead,
Random length longwire
MFJ Versatuner II

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[HCDX] HD Interference

2007-09-20 Thread Richard Brock
Hello all DXers,
   In referrence to the posts concerning interference from 
IBOC, HD, or whatever it is, I live in Pittsburgh. Pa. and listen to KDKA, 1020 
on a regular basis at different times of the night and day. I've not noticed 
any interference from WBZ, 1030 at all, maybe I'm just not tuning in at the 
right times. This interference thing has me worried since I DX the Meduim Wave 
Broadcast band as well as shortwave. I can see the writing on the wall. it's 
going to ruin our hobby eventually. Just my opinion, hope I'm wrong.

Rich Brock
Many Receivers
Longwire and
Loop antennas
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[HCDX] Cuban MW

2007-09-09 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
   I think that Arnie is towing the line like he's supposed to.

Rich Brock
Pittsburgh, Pa
Many Receivers
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[HCDX] Time Changes

2007-03-25 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
   This Summer Time thing has me confused. I've been using UTC, 
Zulu, etc, for radio communications since 1965. I am under the assumption that 
local time zones and such have no bearing on UTC for figuring time throughout 
the world and avoiding confusion for broadcasting. Am I understanding that UTC 
will change also?? Can someone enlighten me on this?

Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Radio Republica

2007-02-18 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Dxers,
   February 18, 2007, Radio Republica on 6185 Khz @ 0235 UTC. 
EIBI reports this as a Clandestine. I'm confused on the location of the 
broadcast. Most was in Spanish with quick interjections of an English speaking 
announcer. Could this be via Rampisham or Seychilles? S9 signal on the loop 
pointing south but a 10 over on the longwire east-west??

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
Near Pittsburgh
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[HCDX] Afganistan

2007-02-18 Thread Richard Brock
February 18, 2007. Radio Solh, Afganistan, 15265 Khz @ 1410 UTC until sign off 
at 1500 UTC. Static and Fading from the mud to very strong making ID difficult, 
mostly Mid East sounding music.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
Near Pittsburgh
Grundig S350
Realistic DX300
Hallicrafters S38
Longwire and loop antenna
MFJ tuner
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[HCDX] Post Correction

2007-02-18 Thread Richard Brock
My earlier post of February 18, 2007, Afganistan, Radio Sohl on 15265 Khz @ 
1410 UTC was actually broadcast via Rampisham, not Afganistan. I overlooked the 
broadcast location code when checking EIBI as a guide. I'll pay more attention 
to what I'm doing from now on.

Rich Brock
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[HCDX] Morocco

2007-02-12 Thread Richard Brock
Morocco, MRC, RTV, du Maroc, in Arabic, February 11, 2007, 7135 Khz @ 2336.UTC. 
I'm a little confused on this, I brought up their website and according to that 
the broadcast could have been coming from Spain, France, or New Zealand. Does 
anyone know more about this station?

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
Near Pittsburgh
Grundig S350
Realistic DX300
Longwire Antenna
MFJ Tuner

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[HCDX] Unid Numbers Station

2006-11-16 Thread Richard Brock
I also picked up a numbers station, November 16 at 1006 UTC on 9240 KHz and 
it's still ongoing at 1033. Woman sounds like she's using Italian.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Radio Republica

2006-11-16 Thread Richard Brock
November 16 at 0124 UTC on 5970 KHZ, assumed Radio Republica via WRMI, Miami, 
unknown location, according to Radio Republica website.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Log mistake

2006-11-16 Thread Richard Brock
This is an apology to all members for my mistake in my post of Radio Republica. 
I'll be more careful from now on.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] St Helena

2006-11-05 Thread Richard Brock
Hello All,
  November 5, 2006, best reception yet at my QTH of St Helena 
Island, Radio St Helena, 11092 KHZ USB @ 0017 UTC, low to fair signal with 
clear modulation, playing music Harper Valley PTA.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Logs

2006-11-04 Thread Richard Brock
November 2, 2006

Radio Republica, 6135 KHZ @ 2250 UTC (Website states via WRMI)

November 4, 2006

Unidentified steady bleeps, 4760 KHZ @ 0707 UTC (EIBI lists ELWA, Radio Liberia 
on this frequency beamed to Western Africa.

Liberia, Star Radio, 9525 KHZ @ 0719 UTC via ASC (Weak, mostly unreadable)

USA, AFRTS, 5448 KHZ USB @ 0739 UTC (Beamed to Caribbean)

Clandestine, as per EIBI, VoJammu-Kashmir Freedom, 7230 KHZ @ 0757 (In English) 
ID's stated Family Radio, Oakland, Cal. I may have made an error on this one, 

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Radio St Helena

2006-11-04 Thread Richard Brock
Hello DXers,
  I can just make out music followed by uninteligible talk on 
St. Helena's frequency in USB mode at 2330 UTC.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] November 2, 2006 Log

2006-11-02 Thread Richard Brock
National Radio of Sahara Arab Democratic Republic, 7425 Khz @ 2100 UTC. Woman 
singing in what souded like arabic with Station ID's at the top of the hour. 
Fair to good signal.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. USA
Realistic DX300 with random longwire
and MFJ Versatuner II
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Re: [HCDX] Log

2006-08-01 Thread Richard Brock
I tuned in the same station at 0235UTC. The English speaking woman was
playing music. The signal was weak here in Western Pa. Sign off or lost it
at 0300.

Rich Brock
Pittsburgh, Pa
- Original Message - 
To: Glenn Hauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]; hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com;
Cc: dswci anker Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 9:20 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Log

 Argentina, 11710.75, Radio Argentina, 0210-0300 Came in late for this.
 Caught a woman presenting
 news in English.  At 0216, Argentinean music. Sounded more or less like
 Tango music.  Signal was
 fair.  (Chuck Bolland, August 2, 2006)

 Clewiston Florida

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[HCDX] Pirate from USA Test

2006-05-14 Thread Richard Brock
   I have possible information on the Channel Z pirate test of May 13 on 
6925.2 KHZ @ 0900 UTC. I noted a male announcer talking with an unreadable 
signal in with the noise level that wasn't even moving my S meter. At 0930 I 
was able to make out Family Radio's Open Forum program briefly. At 0937 I 
copied some Morse activity, but again just briefly. During all of this I could 
hear a het underneath Family Radio and still well in with the noise level, 
along with the heterodyne, could make out what sounded like a female announcer, 
but still unreadable. I checked with EIBI's listings by frequency and there was 
no broadcast listing for anything on that frequency at that time. I believe the 
activity that I heard under Family Radio could have been the Channel Z pirate. 
This went on until 1013 UTC when I lost anything that I had. I have an east - 
west long wire with a tuner and an open air loop aimed north - south, fed with 
300 ohm twin lead. I could copy the announcer and Morse !
 that was under Family Radio the best using the loop. I believe that the signal 
was to the south of me because the north facing part of the loop is more or 
less blocked by a brick building, so it's natural that I would hear better from 
the south. I was wondering if anyone else tried for this Channel Z pirate or if 
anyone copied the same thing that I did. believe it or not, the reception, if 
you want to call it that, was best with the Grundig.

Rich Brock
Realistic DX300
Grundig S350
Hallicrafters S38
Beaver, Pennsylvania
(near Pittsburgh)
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[HCDX] Unid Numbers Station

2006-04-21 Thread Richard Brock
Unidentified numbers station, 7887 KHZ @ 2022 UTC with female voice in Spanish, 
abruptly off @ 2044 UTC. Brings back memories of the 1960's.

Rich Brock
Beaver, Pennsylvania
Realistic DX300
Grundig S350
Hallicrafters S38
MFJ Tuner
End fed Zepp antenna
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[HCDX] Liberia

2005-08-28 Thread Richard Brock
Hello Radio Friends,
  On August 27 I was tuning around using the Eibi 
online schedule for a reference. At 2130 UTC I came across Star Radio out of 
Monrovia, Liberia on 11965 Khz.With a steady S-3 signal and good audio. I was 
able to glean enough information for a reception report that will go out of 
here on Monday morning via snail mail. I've not been able to pick up any 
African broadcasters except Radio Tunisia and Radio Cairo until now. I think 
conditions caused by hurricane Katrina helped out. I know that this isn't a CB 
radio forum but later on I worked Niagra Falls, Ontario, New York City, and a 
mobile unit in New Jersey with power output of only 75 watts!

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Radio Slovakia

2005-08-15 Thread Richard Brock
Hello All,
For some reason I was under the impression that Radio Slovakia was 
to shut down shortwave broadcasting at the end of July but I just logged them 
on 5930 Khz. at 0158 UTC.

Rich brock
Bridgewater, Pa.
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[HCDX] Double MY Pleasure

2005-08-12 Thread Richard Brock
Hello All,
 On August 9 I received a QSL card from Radio Slovakia confirming 
my report of July 15, 2005, and on August 11 I received another different card 
confirming the same report. I heard that they were going to cease shortwave 
operations at the end of July, so I thought  thatI should get a report off to 
them quickly. I'm not sure if they shut down or not.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pa. 
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[HCDX] Weekend Loggings

2004-10-11 Thread Richard Brock
Unid-6110 Khz @0434UTC, in English, barely audible
Unid-6155 Khz @ 0620 UTC in French
Radio Netherlands-8675 Khz @ 0450 UTC
NHK-5975 Khz @ 0545 UTC
BBC-15190 Khz @ 1310 UTC
Radio Canada Intl-5960 Khz @ 2329 UTC
Radio Bulgaria-9700, 11700 Khz @2357 UTC

Radio Prague-9440 Khz @ 0015 UTC
Radio Sweden-6010 Khz @0247 UTC

Radio Thailand-5890 Khz @ 0054 UTC
BBC-11835 Khz @ 0135 UTC
Radio Havana-6000, 9820 Khz @0248 UTC
China, CRI-9690 Khz @0313 UTC

Medium Wave
WGN, Chicago-720 Khz @ 0404 UTC
Unid-620 Khz @ 0716 in French, faded out at 0731 UTC

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[HCDX] Weekend Loggings

2004-10-03 Thread Richard Brock
Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pennsylvania, USA
Grundig S350
Flagpole disguise antenna on side of building---[Start Commercial]-

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[HCDX] Unid Arab Station

2004-09-10 Thread Richard Brock
Thank you to Robin Banneville for the response to my question of the unid Arabic 
station. It was indeed Radio Tunis on 12005 KHZ at 0327 UTC on September 5th.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater, Pennsylvania, USA
Grundig S350
Longwire antenna
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[HCDX] Unid Arad Station

2004-09-06 Thread Richard Brock
Hello everyone!
   On Sept 4th at 0327 GMT on 12005 KHZ  I copyied a station 
broadcasting in Arabic with a man and a woman announcer. There were some type of 
chants in Arabic with random music that I couldn't identify along with noises that a 
horse would make (?) There were never any station ID's that I heard and they seemed to 
shut down at 0459 GMT or I lost them. The signal was weak with fading along with a low 
frequency hum that made reception difficult. Does anyone know what this was?

Thank you
Rich Brock
Bridgewater Pa USA
Grundig S350
longwire antenna
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[HCDX] Unid Arabic

2004-06-27 Thread Richard Brock
I've been copying a loud station in Arabic with no ID's at 0530 UTC on 11580Khz. Does 
anyone have info on this?

Rich Brock
Western Pa USA
Grundig S350
Marconi longwire
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[HCDX] Unid Arabic

2004-06-27 Thread Richard Brock
My apologies!
I should have taken more time listening to the unidentified Arabic 
station that I copied at 0530 UTC. It turned out to be WYFR Family Radio out of 
Florida. No wonder it was so strong here. Sorry for taking up everyone's time!

Rich Brock
Western Pa USA
Grundig S350
Marconi longwire
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[HCDX] Reception Reports

2004-05-16 Thread Richard Brock
Hello fellow DXers,
   I started back into the hobby after being idle for quite a 
while. When I started DX'ing and sending reception reports again I have found that 
stations sending mail to me haven't included a QSL card and only one station verified 
that my information was correct. All seem to send program schedules and that's about 
all. Years ago all confirmations sent back to me included QSL cards, perhaps that's an 
item that must be requested? I always send International Reply Coupons, has anyone 
have any suggestions?

Rich Brock
Grundig S350
Various Hallicrafters rigs
National NC 303
Longwire antenna
Pittsburgh, Pa. USA
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[HCDX] Latest loggings

2004-03-07 Thread Richard Brock
March 6, 2004
NHK Tokyo, 5230 Khz, 00-0100 UTC, Discussing difference between UTC and Standard time.

Voice of Vietnam, 5260 Khz, 0100 UTC

BBC New Zealand Relay, 5980 Khz, 0200 UTC

March 7, 2004
KXEL, Waterloo Iowa, MW, 1540 Khz, 0826 UTC, Midnight Trucking Radio Network

Rich Brock
Grundig S350
Indoor Longwire
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[HCDX] Loggings for Feb 28, 2004

2004-02-28 Thread Richard Brock
HCJB, Quito, Equador, 9765Khz, 1230-1300 UTC-DX Party Line, strong signal with a lot 
of interference and fading.
WWCR, Nashville, Tenn. USA, 4155Khz, 0330 UTC, end of World of Radio with Glenn 
Hauser, then Christian Magazine until 0400 UTC. 
WYFR, Okachobee, Fla, USA, 6860 Khz, 0500 UTC, with station ID's

I'm just getting back into this after many years and yesterday replaced my 
Hallicrafters S-120 with a new Grundig S350. The digital display reads two KC high on 
all bands. Temporary indoor wire antenna.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater. Pa, USA

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[HCDX] Radio Havana

2004-02-15 Thread Richard Brock
 This is my first listing on your excellent site and I have been away from 
SWL'ing for a long time, but I still have my old rigs. I picked up Radio Havana, 
Cubas DXers Unlimited program on Feb. 14th at 0330 UTC on 9956 Khz. I am unsure of 
the frequency as I don't have digital equipment yet.

Rich Brock
Bridgewater Pa. USA
Hallicrafters S-120
Temporary indoor longwire
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