GUAM KTWR test on 25 & 26 Nov. KTWR testing 200 kW analog 25 & 26 Nov 1500-1515 UT on 11580 KHz. Reports to <info -at->

Test was also scheduled on 24th, already over.
(Alokesh Gupta-IND, DXasia Nov 24)

maybe 250 kW unit on lower power, due of curtain dipol antenna signal matching limit?

Does the KTWR antennas of the 70ties handle real 250 kW of power,
or refurbished now ?

started with HARRIS transmitters in 1976,
and Ludo's list show also a HCJ 100 kW tx unit in 1995 year.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Terry Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:14 PM
Subject: [dxld] TWR Guam test transmissions

Mauno Ritola just wrote on the WRTH Facebook group:

Mike Sabin from TWR Guam informs about test transmissions:

Freq: 11580kHz
Power: 250kW
Heading: 290 degrees
Time: 1500-1515UTC
Dates: 23-26 Nov. 2014

They welcome reports from anywhere although the primary coverage area is South Asia.
Posted by: Mike Terry <>

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