[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2024-02-08 Thread Bill Smith
If you are interested in the 40 mhz experimental band, a recap of my January 
loggings is to be found at the EI7GL Diary on the internet. Interest in this 
band has been waning of late. I believe that the USA licenses have expired, and 
I don’t know if any licenses in the USA have been renewed. Bill Smith, Douglas, 

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2024-01-03 Thread Bill Smith
EI2IP, Ireland logged this morning(Jan. 3,2024) calling CQ on 40.680 mhz FT8. 
Signal strength -20 to -10DB between 1338 and 1356 UTC. RX: Yaesu FT-847. ANT: 
5 ele 6M Beam. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA.

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[HCDX] 40 mhz experimental band

2023-12-27 Thread Bill Smith
New country logged - Luxembourg - LX5JX heard on December 27, 2023 on 40.680 
mhz using FT8 mode. At 13:36 strength was heard at -17 DB. Experimental license 
granted to LX1JX . Receiver is a Yaesu FT-847 and the antenna is a 5 element 6M 
Beam at 25 feet. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA.
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[HCDX] 40 Mhz Experimental band

2023-06-30 Thread Bill Smith

QSL received for January 18th, 2023 logging of S57A Slovenia; Also, allegedly, 
Cayman Islands has been granted access to 40 mhz. ZF1DM reportedly has been 
active.  Bill Smith, Douglas, MA
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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band USA

2023-05-29 Thread Bill Smith
According to Tom, WM2XEJ in GA, the FCC is not renewing his experimental 
license leading to the demise of the 40 mhz band in November. He has hopes 40 
mhz will be incorporated in the Part 15 rules as per the 22M or 13 mhz band.  
The FCC  only licensed a very few stations on 40 mhz anyway.  The rest of the 
world will struggle on without us. Further scuttlebutt(Via EI7GL)  has Belgium 
authorizing use of 40 mhz.  Bill Smith, Douglas, MA

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-03-23 Thread Bill Smith
March 22: PJ4MM(Bonaire) logged at 15:40UTC  3db; VA2CY(Canada) at 16:51 -18db; 
WM2XCC (CA) at 19:20 -7db. On March 23rd: ZR6ADI(So Africa) at 15:40 -9db.  
Bill Smith, Douglas,MA  Yaesu FT847 and 5 ele 6M Beam.

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-03-20 Thread Bill Smith
The following additional countries have granted privileges to 40 mhz: Azores, 
Cuba, Israel, Lebanon, and Spain.  4X1TI and EA1TX have been logged here. The 
USA has not granted any additional stations in the past two years  Bill Smith, 
Douglas, MA

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-03-06 Thread Bill Smith
Logging of 4X1TI (Israel) working EI2IP (Ireland) on 40.680 mhz FT8 mode at 
13:32UTC March 6th. Bill Smith,Douglas,MA FT847 & 5 ele beam.

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-02-16 Thread Bill Smith
Irish experimental station EI2IP noted on Feb. 16th at 1800UTC.  Signal 
strength -18DB on 40.680 mhz in FT8 mode. This station has been heard in the 
USA on SSB. Receiver Yaesu FT847 with a 5 element 6M Beam. Bill Smith, 

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-02-06 Thread Bill Smith
In Australia and New Zealand anyone can use up to 1 watt on the 40 mhz 
experimental band. No license required.  In contrast only 7 or 8 stations have 
been granted permission by the FCC none recently. VK2AZ in Australia and ZL1RS 
in New Zealand are active “down under”.

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[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-01-30 Thread Bill Smith
Look for radio beacon WM2XCS/B, New Jersey, on 40.685 mhz using 30 watts with a 
CW (Code) identification. Antenna is a 4 element yagi. Has been heard in 
Arizona, Alberta, and Europe. Program your scanner. Reports to N2CG. Bill 
Smith, W1OW, Douglas, MA

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-01-24 Thread Bill Smith
EI2IP (Ireland) was heard from 1625 to 1653 UTC on 40.680 mhz FT8 mode January 
23rd. RX: Yaesu FT-847 with a 5 element 6M Beam. Bill Smith, Douglas,MA

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-01-19 Thread Bill Smith

January 18 Band was open here from 1443 – 1510UTC.  S50B, Slovenia worked 
WM2XEJ, GA and called WM2XAN, MI and VA2CY but no contact; 9A5CW called WM2XEJ 
but no contact; S57A,Slovenia and WM2XEJ made calls with no contacts.  There 
was much more Europe to NA Activity not heard here.  Google: Ei7GL Diary for 
further information.Bill Smith, W1OW 5 element 6 meter beam, Douglas,MA
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band

2023-01-18 Thread Bill Smith

Canadian experimental station VA2CY , Orleans Island, Quebec heard on 40.860 
FT8  January 16th at 1603UTC. Orleans Island is just below Quebec City in the 
St. Lawrence River and is designated NA-128 for the Islands on the Air (IOTA) 
awards.  Bill Smith, W1OW,Douglas, MA Yaesu FT847 and 2 phased 5 element 6M 
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 40 mhz experimental band

2023-01-16 Thread Bill Smith
Yesterday, Jan 15, 1500 UTC 40.680 mhz heard US 


   experimental station 
WM2XEJ Georgia and at 1515 UTC
British experimental station GR9B, Leyland, England.

Both were in FT8 digital mode.RX: Yaesu FT847
Antenna: 5 element 6M Beam