UNID/PERU? - 4955.00, call it unid but extremely likely R Cultural Amauta, 
Huanta, at 1038 9/11 with segued instl MOR selections leading up to OM SS anmts 
1045 over the front end of a pop song.  More OM SS anmts at 1049.   First 
decent opening to the Andes in a bit -- other regional stations noted coming in 
well, see next item.   Very nice fqy precision if indeed Amauta, as they've 
usually missed by .01 at 4954.99 kHz.  (Perry - Illinois)

PERU - 5039.19,  Radio Libertad de Junin, good signal at 1051 check on 9/11 
after noting likely Amauta, a favorite and first time heard in a little while.  
Local sunrise finally getting late enough so that LA stations signing on later 
than *1000 have a chance to be hrd in IL.  Interesting selections of modern, 
mellow Andes fusion instrumentals, featuring deeply reverbed  fiddles, 
pinkillos, quenas and arpa, in a familiar huayno-type melody.  Segued to 
another 1055 and OM ID at the top of the hour.   Very happy this station keeps 
hanging in there, one of our most beloved old-timers from OA Land, along with 
the likes of R Tawantinsuyu 6175a and a few others . . .  Evidently Junin is 
quite an unattractive town, though, at least as described in the new 
travel+history book "ANDES" by Michael Jacobs.  Sure is pretty on the 60 meter 
band, however!  (Perry - Illinois)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 3385, Radio East New Britain, Rabaul, well heard 9/10 
1115-1130 and again 9/11 at 1125.  Other 90 meter PNGs not noted, however.  PNG 
island style choral pops, some selections of syncopated dance mx, OM pidgin 
anmts.  On 9/11 hrd with lush island chorals.  Always fun to listen to Rabaul, 
takes me back to the 1960s!  (Perry - Illinois)

ECUADOR - 4814.98, R. El Buen Pastor, 1030 with HC pasillos, weak signal and 
bad static.  1042 t/ck by OM and then into sermon in SS.  (Perry - Illinois)

ETHIOPIA - 9705.01, tent R. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, noted weakly at the close of 
transmission on 8/31 at 2055, closing anmts in progress and into a choral NA at 
2059.  Carrier cut at 2101.45.  No ID but a nice fit with Ethiopia's 
schedule/fqy profile.  Still a bit early for decent propagation on 31 meters, 
give this a few more weeks for much more enjoyable tuning. (Perry - Illinois)

BRAZIL - 4925.24, presumably R. Educacao Rural, Tefe, now heard many mornings 
with best signal in the band but IDs elusive.   On 9/7 heard with telephone-in 
show, YL in studio and callers weaker.  On 9/8 routine morning musical 
programming with polka-like instls and OM PP anmts. 9/11 at 1009 tune in, again 
telephone show with listeners.  Can't catch an ID yet but is sure to come as 
signal is there almost every morning lately, vying with 4885 as champion of the 
Brazilians, hi.  (Perry - Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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