ZANZIBAR - 6015, Voice of Tanzania - Zanzibar, aka the former RTZ, well heard 
0300-0340+  1/30, thanks to Ron Howard's tip! Decent African propagation this 
nite  but more importantly, fqy nice and clear other than the awful splatter  
from 6020.  Sig fair to occasionally fading-in to good level.  Checked fqy  
and could detect carrier but not hear anything -- missed any IS --  but 
about 0300 YL anmts  suddenly there, in progress, very muffled.  Signal faded 
so that at 0301.20 Islamic call to  prayer very well heard, muzzein sadly 
chanting for about 5 minutes with long pauses between verses. 0306  thru bottom 
of the hour, OM giving speech or narrative, excited at times, either a 
or  religious exhortation.  Quick mx interlude 0316 broke in, and then OM 
resuming. YL with possible news at bottom of hour, also hearing  echoey, 
man, possible taped sports report or the like.  0341  orch mx with YL, probably 
ad.   Gotta hand it to the R8B on this one, rig did well: the AM sync  
mode seemed to really pull this out of the mud at times.    Never heard 
on this fqy before and, in fact, had not heard Zanzibar in  30 years, since the 
days when RTZ hung out on 3339 kHz and Mr. Omar M.  Omar delighted in teasing 
DXers with letters that explicitly  non-verified.  Again, thanks again for the 
tip to Ron Howard, the Nomad DXer of the Asilomar Beach State Park!  (R Perry, 

BOLIVIA - 6134.77, R. Santa Cruz, 1009-1045+ 1/30, good time to tune as usual 
6135 QRM (initially) absent early morning.  Sounded like remote newsfeed at 
tune-in, 1018 brief musica folklorica break and then OM ancr 1019 and into 
romantic guitar ballad. 1021 local time ck and mentions of ". . . boliviano . . 
.La Paz" and "musica del campo" and then into extremely rustic musica 
segment.  Yelling/singing women a capella with only percussion accompaniment. 
1027 taped ID by OM & YL, clear mention ". . . Radio Santa Cruz . . . onda 
. . ."  1029 ads and another ID 1029.46, into slow huayno-type ballad by OM 
accordianlike instrument.  QRM coming up at this point and big het, but still 
able to follow until 1045 tune out. (R Perry, Illinois)

MEXICO - 6010, Radio Mil, daily visitor morning and night, heard 1/30 booming 
1035 with OA pops, DJ wishing folks muy buenos dias and formula ID as "Esta 
escuchando . . . Radio Mil, desde Mexico!".  Signal holds up well after 
locally, heard still hanging in there past 1300 GMT. (R Perry, Illinois)

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - 6025.06, tent. Radio Amanecer, Santo Domingo, 1202-1240+ 
1/29, OM SS at tune-in talking about "La Familia . . . nuestro salud . . . 
Republica Dominicana . . ."  Fair to good sig, very deep fades and lots of side 
splatter.  1211 mx breaker by OM with t/ck.  Sig fading by 1215 when OM 
mentioned "iglesia" and "Dominicana". 1222 thot caught the ID for R Amanecer 
not 100% sure.  Still going at 1240 with piano mx poss hymn.  This one needs 
more work. (R Perry, Illinois)

UNID LA (HONDURAS?) - 3250.1, Unid. fading up at 1130 on 1/29, YL and OM in 
dialogue, weak and hard to tell lang but cadence could have been SS.  
R. Luz Y Vida, Honduras and will keep at this fqy. (R Perry, Illinois)

UNID LA (DOM REPUBLIC?) - 5954.24, "La Voz de ____ " ID heard at 0055 1/29 with 
terrible het and slop.  Back at 0427 recheck with LA romantic vocals and again, 
at 0430, YL ID as "La Voz de ____".  Can't make it out.  There are some reports 
of a "Radio Republica" on this precise off-fqy, too, from Costa Rica but too 
early to say. (R Perry, Illinois)

UNID (AFRICAN?) - 4780, 0445-0510, Unid African?   Boomy audio.  OM anmts at 
of hr for 3 mins, then into mainly nondescript instrumental music, but there 
one chantlike, very ethnic selection interspersed -- almost sounded like Thai 
hilltribe type stringed instrument with vocalist.  Fair sig at times but rather 
muffled and couldn't read the lang.  Could have even been EE.  Interesting one 
to retry.  (R Perry, Illinois)
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