Dear Mr. Akbar Indra Gunawan :

The Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress (NPC) and the Third 
Session of the Twelfth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political 
Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will be held in Beijing in March 2015.

In order to learn more about your concerns regarding the hot topics at the 
upcoming sessions, China Radio International (CRI) created a questionnaire at Your participation is 
highly appreciated.

For your convenience, we also attach the survey below. You can underline or 
color your choices. And you are also welcome to tell us what else are you 
interested in the two sessions.

A, Personal Information

1. Age:




2. Education:

High School and Below

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree


3. Email:

B. Questionare

1. Do you know about China's NPC and CPPCC?

Yes, Very Much

Yes, a Bit


Never Heard of

2. How do you know about China's NPC and CPPCC? (You can choose more than one)

Media in Your Own Country

Media in China

Chinese friends


3. What topics interest you the most about this year's NPC and CPPCC sessions 
through China Radio International ? (You can choose more than one)


Reform and Innovation

China's Economy and International Cooperation

The Rule of Law

Honest Governance

Income Inequality

Environmental Protection

Food and Medicine Safety


Education System Reform

Control of Housing Prices

Social Security

Endowment Insurance

Social Morality

Social Stability

Traffic Management

Commodity Price Levels

Agricultural Development

Online Culture and Management

National Religion

Income Distribution

International Relations


4. In your opinion, what measures should China take to combat corruption? (You 
can choose more than one)

Establish Anti-Corruption System

Establish Property Declaration System

Deepen Civil Service Reform

Encourage Public Reports of Corruption

Promote International Legal Cooperation to Combat Transnational Corruption

5. In your opinion, what measures should China take to protect the environment? 
(You can choose more than one)

Strengthen Pollutant Emission Management of Enterprises

Control the Number of Private Cars

Limit Investments on Heavy-Polluting Projects

Enforce Pubic Awareness of Environmental Protection

6. What do you think about the most suitable retirement age?

50-55 years old

55-60 years old

60-65 years old

This should be based on individual circumstances

7. What's your impression of China's economy? (You can choose more than one)

It drives economic development of the world

It has made great strides in economic development

It makes advances for the welfare of the Chinese people

Countries in the world pay a lot of attention to economic cooperation with China

8. In your opinion, what measures should China take to safeguard food and 
medicine safety? (You can choose more than one)

Enforce Food and Medicine Safety Management

Establish Legal System of Food and Medicine Safety

Increase Punishments for violations

Strengthen Public Supervision

9. What do you expect of China's foreign affairs? (You can choose more than one)

Strengthen cultural exchanges

Enhance economic cooperation to promote "One Belt and One Road" project

Promote world peace and development

Participate in international forums and treaties on global issues such as 
climate change, nuclear safety and anti-terrorism

10. How would you evaluate Xi Jinping's Style? (You can choose more than one)


Tough on corruption and other crimes

Reformer and innovator

Focused on diplomacy

C, Suggestion on hot issues

1, How do you see China punish criminals severely for corruption?

2, What do you think of the measures in environmental protection China has 
adopted, do you have other good suggestions?

3, What do you think about China's economic development and its impact on the 
global economy?

4, What's your impression of China's diplomatic efforts last year?

5, Thanks for your participation. Please write down your suggestions to the two 
sessions and tell us what else interests 

6.Name:___________ Gender:___________ Nationality:___________

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