Frequency coordination is a beautiful thing.

Broadcast engineers have formed a Frequency Coordination Committee, PolComm 
2012, to coordinate spectrum use at the Democratic and Republican conventions 
this summer.

Members formed the committee in an effort to head off radio and TV personnel 
who may show up at the conventions and then try to use their wireless mics and 
two-way radios without first going through the frequency coordination process, 
according to Ray Benedict, a member of the group. Benedict is also director of 
spectrum management for CBS.

Broadcast engineering consultant Louis Libin is the PolComm 2012 chairman.

Libin has chaired frequency coordination committees for past seven national 
political conventions.

The committee has asked the FCC to designate PolComm 2012 as the official 
frequency coordinator for this summer’s political conventions as is allowed per 
74.24 (g) (2) of the Communications Act.

The GOP convention is Aug. 27–30 in Tampa, Fla. and the Democratic convention 
is Sept. 3–6 in Charlotte, N.C.

The committee will seek a temporary rules waiver to allow TV Channels 14, 16 
and 17 to be used as communication channels in Tampa and TV Channels 14, 16, 
17, 18, 19 and 20 in Charlotte, N.C.

Coordination requests for 12.5 kHz channels within these TV channels will be 

Request coordination forms at The completed forms may 
be submitted to the same email address.
( 3/2)
Jaisakthivel, ADXC, India
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