** CHINA. Firedrake August 6, not full scans, just noticed:
15500, poor with flutter until 1340*
15610, poor with flutter at 1416 with ACI from 15615 WEWN, but not as bad as it 
would have been on 15605 vs the WEWN 15606 spur
17570, JBA at 1418, mixing with V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR, on this frequency 
today instead of alternating 17560 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6125, August 6 at 0500, no signal from RHC English which is supposed 
to start now; 0508 finally has reached open-carrier status, while the other 
three are modulating on 6010, 6050, 6060. I don`t keep listening as that would 
run into CO2KK. Just another night of SNAFU from RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, August 6 at 0603, ``In the Sweet Bye `n` Bye``, 
harmonious hymn with fiddle, good signal but lofi audio, 0605 into YL gospel 
huxter. More music, please, from R. Africa! Was not hearing it in the previous 
hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. 9410, August 6 at 0530, BBCWS via SOUTH AFRICA, 
news headlines that Curiosity was about to have landed on Mars, my cue to turn 
on CNN immediately, to witness the jubilation at JPL as the first low-res shots 
appeared. As a funder and space exploration enthusiast, I too am jubilant, 
altho somewhat less overtly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Sunday August 5 at 1900, R. Kuwait opening `Pioneers & 
Personalities of Kuwait`s Cultural Awakening`, i.e. the 24th episode about Emir 
al-Sabah, at the time of the Iraqi invasion, support from Pres. Mubarak of 
Egypt with whom he met on 7 August 1990 to thank him. Program must be about 
three times as long as necessary due to musical interludes between each 
sentence, but makes it more palatable for SWLs with ADD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MAURITANIA. 7245, August 6 at 0458, IGIM is on in very undermodulated 
Arabish, consistently for Ramadan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, Monday August 6 at 1329, RNZI playing music, as 
fortnightly `Mailbox` has started early as usual; poor signal and even worse at 
1333 about to outfade as Kevin Hand is starting his utility DX report; back to 
the audio on demand via 
Has lots of tips about information sources. Toward the end, Mike Bird in 
Australia, ex-Media Network, discusses propagation, having taken over from 
Adrian Sainsbury for this. Both of them are to return in two weeks. Opening 
music occupying more than a quarter of the program is a nice pro-peace anthem, 
``No More Fighting, No More Dying`` altho rather off-topic. Hmmm, no letters at 
all in this ``mailbox`` either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 9665, Sunday August 5 at 2211, poor signal in Russian, must 
be Radio PMR as scheduled. I was noticing that there haven`t been any logs of 
this reaching my desk for many weeks and wondered if it had vanished without 
notice. First checked it Friday August 3 at 2201, but that was too late, as 
their broadcast week concludes at 2100 Fridays, resumes at 2100 UT Sundays. 
Best chance for us to hear English is at 2230 Sun-Fri, unchecked. Lack of 
reports must be due to absolutely boring programming and poor summer reception 
over here, intended only for Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 13765, August 6 at 0452, surprised to find good signal in 
Arabic here. Since Vatican via MADAGASCAR is in English from 0500, wondered if 
this too were Vatican, during the semihour when they used to relay V. of 
Charity from Lebanon --- but no, soon IDs flew by for R. Dabanga, and yes, // 
and synchronized with usual 15400.

HFCC shows VR via MDC starting at 0455, but they turned it on even earlier with 
the wrong program feed! Then I also checked 11650 which is Dabanga via Vatican 
itself and found this always weaker signal was way out of synch with 
13765/15400, 26 seconds ahead of them, i.e. just enough time for MDC to be 
getting a buffer-delayed internet feed, which would account for its substandard 
audio quality (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 15725, August 6 at 0517, V. of South Sudan Revolutionary 
Radio, good in Arabish speech, better signal than usual. Not in English at this 
time as alleged by Aoki. But 0551 recheck now a speech in English about South 
Sudan and its problems, 0556 into spirited singing and talk in unknown 
language, unseems Arabish. 

I was trying hard to understand the English, to get a feel for where this 
station is coming from politically, but unable to. I am beginning to wonder if 
it`s really anti-South-Sudan, as the `revolutionary` bit could be construed as 
pro-South, anti-north. 

Some reports say the site is Tajikistan, which I continue to doubt. If it is, 
that might mean it`s not on the side of the genocidal [north] Sudanese 
government, and brokered thru usual channels which leads to various pro-Western 
overt and clandestine broadcasts also from Orzu, e.g. Voice of Tibet (Glenn 

** TAIWAN [non]. 7570, August 6 at 0458 checking RTI via WYFR just in time to 
see whether it`s still in correct language, Spanish for the 04-05 hour: yes, 
but with disclaimer that regular program has been suspended due to ``problemas 
técnicos``, plus music fill.

I then tune in 5950, the frequency which goes from Chinese to English at 0500, 
and on another receiver just before 0500, the music fill on 7570 starts to 
match and then 7570 cuts off the air.

5950 has just finished Chinese talk, another apology? Music continues instead 
of opening English; 0503-0504 dead air; 0504 YL says the ``60-minute English 
program is canceled due to technical difficulties``, and more music fill, later 
an OM ID; 0510 repeating the YL cancel notice. I suppose this is standby 
material played from Okeechobee when they can`t get the feed from Taibei (Glenn 

** U S A. 12105, Aug 5 at 1857, WTWW-3 is still missing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. 9955, UT Monday August 6 at 0511, no signal detectable from 
WRMI during scheduled WORLD OF RADIO broadcast, despite only lite pulse jamming 
from Cuba. Off the air? Propagation has tended to be `long` lately with 
weakened US signals, strengthened further ones, a nighttime generalization 

** VATICAN [and non]. 13765, August 6 at 0513 VR via MADAGASCAR in English now, 
with signs of squeals on the transmission; see SUDAN [non] for mistaken 
broadcast a few minutes earlier.

9645, August 6 at 0546, VR in Latin again has that motorboating noise on the 
modulation, and also unstable frequency. One of the SMG transmitters is about 
to blow? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11776, August 6 at 1320, close to 1-kHz het upon ANGUILLA, 
between B5 and C6 on the keyboard. Computers not on and never heard such before 
in almost daily bandscans around this time. No modulation detectable. Maybe AIR 
Goa in Tibetan off-frequency, and/or ChiCom jamming.

11751.5, August 6 at 1320, another new het, this one upon RHC 11750, slightly 
above F#6 which is 1480 Hz. Of the 11750 stations, Brasil would be the one most 
likely off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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