** ANTARCTICA. 15476, still zilch from LRA36 on the one day of the week it used 
to be active, Thursday Dec 22 at 1335. How about someone contacting Esperanza 
on what the prospects are for ever reactivating? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** BHUTAN [and non]. 6035, Dec 22 at 1312, with BFO I can tell there are two 
very weak carriers on slightly different frequencies, so must be BBS and Yunnan 
PBS; others are reporting Bhutan is 40-50 Hz on the high side. If I were to 
keep monitoring this carefully for the next two hours, I might detect when one 
of them goes off, and by matching that to reports from those who can really 
hear Bhutan, clinch a catch without hearing any modulation. 

Nothing at all detectable on 5030, which is still testing sporadically. Ron 
Howard in California was hearing it during this period. Alokesh Gupta, Cumbre 
DX, hears from BBS that when the 5030 transmitter is ready for regular service 
in January with a second program, they may put it on a good clean frequency --- 
but this one seems good enough to me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 15600, Dec 22 at 1335, strong open carrier, R. Bulgaria 
kilowasting kilowatts, long before its 1400 Bulgarian broadcast; with a ringing 
sound, perhaps beating against the WEWN 15610 spur on 15601 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CANADA. 1610, Dec 22 at 0050 UT on the caradio I am surprised to hear 
something in Spanish here vs the IBOC noise from KATZ-1600. Unfortunately, I am 
in no position to DF it. Woman speaking, seems to be giving local addresses, 
thought I heard Monterrey mentioned, then a few seconds of ``Jingle Bells 
Rock``, mentions 8 de la noche. I was hoping for XEUACH, R. Chapingo, but it`s 
not yet 7 pm there and here, if that was a partial before-the-hour timecheck. 
So was it from EST zone? That would be CHHA Toronto, Radio Voces Latinas, which 
is listed as Spanish + ethnic format. It`s more likely to be heard anyway, 
about same distance but much greater power, altho also a rarity here. Then it 
lost out to the IBOC.

Program grid at http://www.sanlorenzo.ca/espanol/Program_Schedule.html shows 
the weekday 7-8 pm program is `Panorama` which could be in any tongue! The have 
quite a lineup of languages, UT: 0100 English, 0200 Portuguese, 0300 Tagalog, 
0400 Italian, 0500+ Spanish. Also in the afternoons at 19-21 UT M-F there are 
20 half-hour shows each named for a different Ibero-American country, and they 
do webcast via http://www.voceslatinas.ca (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CANADA. 6160, Dec 22 at 1408, CKZU Vancouver with CBC news about  sexual 
harassment against a woman firefighter in Richmond BC, new poet laureate from 
Nelson BC; 1410 into `Early Edition`, more local news, weather and 12>6 
timecheck. Fair signal attaining R5 tnx to lack of QRM even from CKZN at this 
hour. I expect it`s pure luck, as major broadcasters don`t pay any attention to 
this unregistered 500-watt pipsqueak, even RCI, listed in HFCC via Korea during 
this hour, but unheard, and unlisted in Aoki, EiBi and RCI`s own website 
schedule. HFCC shows nothing else but Murmansk (a.k.a. Arkhangelsk, a.k.a. 
Monchegorsk) on 6160 between 0945 and 1800, and the Brazilians can be ignored 
in the daytime. Anomalies about the 6160 Canadians: Aoki claims CKZU is off the 
air on Sundays, surely not true. EiBi claims both CKZU and CKZN are off the air 
overnight, but surely they are both still 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 22, before 1400:
12980, poor at 1342. No others heard between 19 and 7 MHz. Not on 11980 either 
as heard 23.5 hours earlier

** CHINA. 5965, Dec 22 at 1355, Korean talk and then usual end-of-hour CRI 
music fill, 1400 reopening another hour of Korean after Chinese ID. Het from 
perpetually off-frequency Malaysia was JBA, weaker than usual. HFCC shows CRI 
Korean runs 11-15, 500 kW, 73 degrees from Xi`an. VOR Vladivostok also 
registered 10-14 westward on 5965, no sign of it, presumably yet another wooden 
one, lest there be a big collision in the area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 6050, Dec 22 at 0659, Spanish music here from RHC not // English 
closing on 6010 and 6060, then to open carrier on 6050 at 0700. Quickly checked 
the fourth ``English`` frequency, 6125, and it was still playing the same music 
in Spanish until it cut off at 0703* by when 6050 was also off the air. 
Apparently, RHC had just cut half of its English frequencies to Spanish feed 
just before closing down, typical slipshod operation (= slopperation).

13730-13770, Dec 22 at 1339, DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 13750 
against our Voice of America in Spanish, not even a Cuban service, but Cuba 
doesn`t want anyone in Latin America to hear it, is bleeding out this far 

** CZECHIA [non]. 9955, Dec 22 at 0706, R. Prague via WRMI, good signal now, 
tributes to Václav Havel altho the state funeral has not yet taken place. Good 
signal I was surprised to find as was not hearing much before 0700. Kept 
listening as long as I could stay awake until my 0715*. 

BTW, several ignorant American journalists keep mispronouncing his name, e.g. 
Charlie Rose, unaware that the c in Czech represents a ts sound, not a k. The 
least they could do in his honor would be to pronounce his name correctly 

** IRAN. 17720, Dec 22 at 1330, poor signal with unrecognized anthem, brief 
announcement in unrecognized language and off by 1331*. HFCC shows it`s IRIB in 
``Melau`` = Malay, 500 kW, 109 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** JAPAN. 6055, Dec 22 at 1349, R. Nikkei in American English lesson 
alternating with Japanese translations, about supersonic jets, light years, 
bank X and its non-performing assets, company A moving operations overseas. 
Probably regular on Thursdays, for those who would like to report them in 
English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9996, Dec 22 at 1309, RWM sent over and over in CW, during the 
ID-minute of Moskva`s timesignal station; 1310 back to time pips (Glenn Hauser, 

** TURKEY. 17755, Dec 22 at 1327, VOT is back on proper frequency for German at 
1230, still on air with IS alternating with English IDs, the first one of which 
heard skipped, ``Voi---ey``, but the next one was OK. I fervently hoped they 
would again neglect to change to 12035 for 1330 English, but 17755 cut off at 
1329:23*. Was that with enough time to get 12035 on the air by its start? 1344 
check, 12035 was very poor but recognizably the usual YL announcer in English 

** U S A. 15825, Dec 22 at 1337, for the second day in a row, WWCR-1 is 
managing to broadcast on the correct frequency, 48 hours after staying on 7465 
all morning, and perhaps all day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1596 monitoring: first webcast confirmed Thursday Dec 
22 at 1600 on WRMI. First SW broadcast will be Thu 2200 on WTWW 9479; check 
also WBCQ 7490 at 2200, when WOR appeared last week instead of 2230. Also on 
WWRB 3195 and 5050 at 0430+ UT Friday. First SW airing on WRMI 9955 UT Friday 
0600, plus the usual weekend times. Also on WTWW UT Sunday 0500 on 5755. Maybe 
on Area 51, WBCQ 5110v-CUSB UT Monday at 0330 if time is available. Check this 
weekend`s schedule of http://www.worldmicroscope.com once it is put up (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15280, Dec 22 at 1423, rapid clicking noise, but nothing known to 
be jammed here; maybe spur from Cuban jamming on 15330, tho sounds more like 
the OTH radar currently infesting 15100-15125, a spur from that? That`s 
bothering some broadcaster on 15120. Clicking still going on 15280 at 1518, 
when it`s QRMing Romania in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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