** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13720, OK in English at 1535 Dec 27, but gone at 1552 
recheck, before sign-off time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BIAFRA [non]. For the record, Voice of Biafra International reconfirmed 
Friday Dec 26 at 2029 still on WHRI 15665, tho just barely audible with 
backscatter echo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CBCNQ transmitter out of whack again, Dec 27 at 1326 when 9625 was 
quite distorted, and also putting out almost constant spurs matching modulation 
peaks, ranging 9645 to 9660 or so, worst at 9650, this time also bothering IRAN 
9660, q.v. At 1333 CBC mentioned Hydro-Québec; 1516 in French and still 
spurring 9645 now up to 9665; see GUAM [non]. I don`t understand why this stays 
on the air, unlistenable on fundamental and QRMing other stations (Glenn 

** CHINA. 7220, Dec 27 at 1534, best signal on 41m band with music, Japanese 
talk, mentioned ``Peking Hoso``. Is PWBR `2009` any help? Of course not! During 
this hour only has misleading bars for CAR, RFE/RL, Vietnam and Zambia. EiBi 
B-08 has the answer, CRI Japanese service, 95 degrees from Jinhua at 1500-1557 

** CUBA [and non]. Quite a clash on 11760, Sat Dec 27 at 1343, with Cuban music 
on top of RHC talk in Spanish! This turned out to be BBCWS which is now on a 
Cuba-binge celebrating the Revolution`s L anniversary; or as they put it, Cuba 
Season. This being Charlie Gillett`s World of Music, including Ernesto Lecuona, 
Pérez Prado and at 1353 BBC had Watermelon Man by Mongo Santamaría, 1962 

But whence? It`s the OMAN relay until 1400, putting a better signal than usual 
into here far from its target area, but favorable at 310 or 320 degrees. RHC 
might want to consider abandoning 11760 in the mornings, like it did 9550 due 
to interference. Fortunately, RHC was mostly talk, but when they too played 
music it was a royal mess. BBC off at 1359:30 leaving RHC almost in the clear 
with something weaker under with timesignal, China?

Here`s the BBCWS page for the show, where I went to listen to the whole thing 
without CubaRM:

** CUBA [non]. WRMI, 9955, Sat Dec 27 at 1335 in Spanish with rambling speaker, 
long pauses, talking about trabajadores. No jamming audible for a change, and 
listening for a couple minutes, I could not decide if it was political, but 
probably so. Sked looked up later shows Radio Cuba Libre at 13-15. Weak signal 
subject to fadeouts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM [non]. 9665, Dec 27 at 1516 with S Asian music, QRM from CBCNQ 9625 
spur, and also weak het from perpetually off-frequency N Korea. At 1530, 
giveaway AWR theme and Voice of Hope ID in English, barely audible. 

Is PWBR `2009` any help? Of course not! Only thing listed during this hour is 
an alleged 24-hour Brazilian. Aoki and EiBi have the answer: AWR via 
Wertachtal, 1500-1530 in Punjabi, 1530-1600 in Hindi. 

CBC shouldn`t bother way over there, but the P`yongyang het must be worse in 
the target area; could it be that AWR picked this frequency unaware that NK is 
on it (or rather off it), since that is not in HFCC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA. AIR GOS, 9690, Dec 27 at 1337 with news in English, 1340 ID and 
commentary. Has continuous hum/buzz but not so annoying that one must tune away 

** IRAN. 9660, Dec 27 at 1326 in a language with both Turkic and Slavic 
elements, talking about Ukraine and at 1330 about Palestine. It`s VOIRI, 
scheduled 13-14 in Kazakh, 30 degrees from Sirjan. With splatter/spur QRM from 

** LAOS [non]. WHRI, 11785, with Hmong Lao Radio Sat Dec 27 until 1459, 
including rustic music we always enjoy, then off the air for a semiminute, 
foregoing any ID or OCS, back on at 1500 for Hmong World Christian Radio, 
http://www.hwcr.us  Unclear why there would be any break between these two 
closely related shows from and for Hminnesota; one of them pays for 250 kW and 
the other for 100 kW? But 11785 is FCC-authorized only for 100 kW at 315 
degrees any time between 1300 and 2300. I could not detect any difference in 
strength before and after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Looking for Guinea on 7125, Dec 26 at 2330, heard music, but hopes 
dashed by Russian announcement at 2333. Most references show Russia starting at 
0000. But the B-08 VOR sked from Vadim Alexeyev,
VOR Russian world service DX program editor via Michael Bethge, wwdxc BC-DX 
TopNews via Wolfgang Büschel shows:
Russian-IRR 2300-0000 7125 Grigoriopol MDA 500 EUR from 01 Nov

IRR is International Russian Radio, ex Russian International Radio.
No trace of Guinea underneath tho it has been reported sporadically active at 
various times since the coup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Area 51 on WBCQ, 5110, Friday Dec 26 at 2350 had R. Timtron Worldwide 
during the first hour; 0001:30 Dec 27 into latest WORLD OF RADIO 1440; axually 
on about 5109.8-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1290, Dec 27 at 0638 UT with delayed Jim Bohannon Show, guest 
discussing Africa. Dominant for a few minutes, then fading. 

The show abandoned its old website in August, but left it up: 
Now it`s http://www.jimbohannonshow.com/ with useful info on scheduled guests, 
plus this station finder page 

Unfortunately, you have to click on each and every state, not including GUAM, 
to see what`s listed, and trying about 25 of the closest ones, did not find a 
single affiliate on 1290. In order to make an `ID`, I would have had to check 
every single state on the off-chance that there is only one 1290 on the whole 
roster, and then could not be sure if it were up-to-date (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11532.0, variety of digital noise bursts at 0630 Dec 27 but then 
just huge open carrier, way over WYFR 11530 with Camping trying to talk thru 
the big het. Probably same transmitter that does spy numbers, CUBA? Maybe not, 
as RHC was just barely audible on 11760, while WEWN was VG on 11870, CVC Chile 
G on 11805. Could have been some winter sporadic E confusing us about which 
areas could be propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15315, 15345, Dec 27 at 1511 heard weak pulses peaking around 
these frequencies, like OTH radar heard elsewhere, mostly out of band but 
previously reported around here inmidst 19m. Strong DentroCuban jamming against 
Martí 15330 might have been bleeding out, but if so, indistinguishable to the 
ear from OTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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