** CUBA. 6165, Feb 3 at 0619, RHC back to normal after much weaker signal the 
past two or three nights on this frequency. FRG-7 meter shows about equal to 
6125 at S9+25, but as usual 6165 has much louder, i.e. normal modulation level. 
No 12 MHz harmonix audible.

Night would not be complete without some anomaly, and here it is: 6060 at 0619 
is in Spanish instead of English which remained on the other four fundamentals.

9512, Feb 3 at 1255 approx. center of spurblob with some modulation matchable 
to 9540 RHC, as frequently happens. 9550 and 9850 also on but the spur remained 
after 1300 when 9550 and 9850 were off. At 1328, 9512 blob with fair signal and 
louder modulation than 9540 source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 13855, Feb 3 at 1341, poor signal but nice lite western 
violin showpieces by virtuosa/o; 1346 announcement overcome by surging splatter 
and overload from 13845 WWCR Dead Gene Scott. Thought it might be Russia, but 
HFCC shows CRI Chinese service, 500 kW, 308 degrees from Ürümqi to Europe 

** GREECE. 9420, Feb 3 at 0624, VOG with usual Sunday morning Greek Orthodox 
cantors producing their peculiar ``harmony``, continued good signal past 0700 
without a news break, I think as I was falling asleep. At the outset, 7475 was 
weaker and not //, so maintaining separate R. Philia program during this hour 

** INDIA. 9470, Feb 3 at 1326, AIR National Channel manages to stick to proper 
frequency, but not to modulate, just open carrier with flutter; how about // 
9425? At 1327 it`s weaker but no modulation either, so maybe a studio/feed 
problem to two different sites, Aligarh and Bengaluru respectively (Glenn 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Feb 3 at 1308, VOI audible only as a JBA carrier on its 
signature off-off-frequency, as usual for months, and I have ceased to try to 
hear it or log it even during this English hour. Tried again this time because 
of recent reports from elsewhere that their modulation has been repaired, but 
no way to tell on this terribly weak signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Feb 3 at 1330, Shiokaze is still here, Japanese 
this Sunday with big het from MYANMAR q.v. 5985.3. Any day now, Sea Breeze will 
surely QSY to an alternate 49 mb frequency, which it will take a while for the 
ineffective and here inaudible Juche jammers to refind. Strangely, WRTH 2013 
page 505 does not list them, tho they are pretty well known, just 5910 which 
must have been on at presstime. EiBi shows only current 5985. In between was 
6135, those three properly mentioned by Aoki, altho there are a couple of 
others we can find only as wooden HFCC registrations under JIC MIC at 100 kW, 
290 degrees from Yamata, JAPAN altho available for longer timespans: 6015, 6140 

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 15575, Feb 3 at 1337, just for giggles, check for KBS 
World Radio ``North American`` service in English hour axually aimed at deep 
South America across the darkside on too high a frequency: Yes, something poor 
in English, but seems // to 5875 tho not synchronized, i.e. on 15575 BBC due 
east from CYPRUS. 

So I am forced to go to the website, but: where is anything about `Worldwide 
Friendship`, surely their most k-popular program? Which has supposedly just 
started including additional DX info? Several shows are on the homepage but not 
this, nor on a listing of programs; only find it on the schedule grid. Even at 
the listen again page
it`s blank for Saturday Feb 2, and not all the shows on Feb 1 have listen linx; 
first defaults to another blank day which it already is by KST at 17 UT Feb 3: 
Monday Feb 4. What a mess. O, the January 26 WWF audio does have an audio link, 
so press it --- and nothing! The AOD player doesn`t start, altho it does play 
for another show `Seoul Calling`. One must conclude they don`t really care to 
be heard on SW, or internet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, Feb 3 at 0615, not only is the XEPPM carrier still on, not 
unusual, but so is some modulation, very unusual! Song with guitar, 0616 
announcement, acknowledging someone in Los Ángeles, California. Probably just a 
mistake; quite overshadowed by ACI from much stronger BRAZIL 6180 (Glenn 

** MYANMAR. 5985.3, Feb 3 at 1315, Burmese talk, i.e. Myanmar Radio on its 
always-off frequency, which normally here is audible only as a het to Shiokaze 
after 1330. Aoki shows at 0930-1630 this is 25 kW at 176/356 degrees from 
Yangon, hardly favorable angles for us, and no English until too late even in 
our winter, 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 810, Feb 3 at 1357 UT, nice instrumental version of `Hallelujah 
Chorus`, clear in NW/SE null of WHB Kansas City, presumably KLVZ Brighton CO, 
in the service of religion rather than Art; faded just in time for any hourtop 

** U S A. 2670-USB, Feb 3 at 1258 UT, numerous ``Broadcast Notices to 
Mariners`` with numbers such as 0095-2013, apparently in reverse order, and 
``break`` between them. One mentions 504 AC number for Army Corps of Engineers 
contact, later mentioned Lake Charles, about damaged bridges, blocked channels, 
etc. Background noise thruout in noisy radio room. Concludes just before 1303 
switching to YL for ID, ``. . .Texas, out`` all I could catch, but NOY 
Galveston is scheduled at 1250, to be followed at 1303 by NMC/NMQ9 Long Beach 
CA, per http://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/Maritime_Weather_Transmissions

UNIDENTIFIED. 780, Feb 3 at 1406 UT, groundwave KSPI Stillwater OK can be 
sharply nulled, revealing weak Spanish music, fast SAH, and no WBBM, fading by 
1408 when a possible ID came as ``Radio Zeta``? Probably not as no such Mexican 
slogan mentioned anywhere and there are zero US SS stations on 780 per NRC AM 
Log. It`s a bit late for the two Tamaulipans or the one Coahuilan, but there 
are none further west. As for ``Zeta``, maybe no station would call itself that 
now with unfortunate connotations? No, Cantú does show a couple on AM, 1260 and 
1340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2250, Feb 3 at 1303, some JBA music on an apparent third harmonic 
of 750; first time at least some modulation audible, but need to monitor during 
previous hour. Too late for anything on 2240, and 2660 is JBA carrier now too 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7415, Feb 3 at 1321, humroar mixed with weaker Chinesish? so is 
it jamming or a spurblob? Nothing at all scheduled here in Aoki, HFCC or EiBi. 
Roar and language cut off at same time 1329:47*, so what in the neighborhood is 
scheduled to close at 1330? 

7185.7 & 7200.1, Myanmar
7220, Vietnam in Chinese/Russian, but which is often around 7216v.
7345, Thazin Radio, Myanmar

7420, CNR1 jammer per Aoki only
7420, AIR changing from Tibetan to Nepali 
Most likely the above pair, I think;

7435, Sirjan, Iran in Pushto
7460, NBT Thailand is changing from Mandarin to Thai, maybe with break

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