** EGYPT. 9799.6, May 20 at 2216, dead air at S8, or maybe JBM, no doubt R. 
Cairo in ``English`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HAWAII. 6501-USB, May 20 at 0625, robotic marine weather with Pacific 
coordinates, distorted modulation. No self-respecting ham would allow his 
transmission to be so out of whack, but the USCG would: EiBi lists as NMO 
Honolulu at 0600-0635, time-shared with other USCG in Kodiak, Guam, Chesapeake 
(and not so shared with XSL Fuzhou Radio) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** NEW ZEALAND. RE: 5995 usurped by Korean radio war

Hi Glen[n], Thank you for the info, it is not good news for us. I have had a 
listen to reception in Cairns and Guam and the co-channel is serious. Keep a 
look out for us we may move to 6170 1300-1650 UTC. Regards (Adrian Sainsbury, 

As I noted later May 19 at 1310, RNZI was still on 5995, but May 20 at 1340 
check, it has indeed moved to 6170, in the clear. Aoki shows no problem there, 
only Romania at other times, and imaginary Philippines station, altho first Sat 
of month might appear minuscule Scandinavian Weekend Radio from Finland in the 
daytime. RNZI sked now includes:

12:59 - 18:58 6170 AM from 20 May Pacific Sat
12:59 - 16:50 6170 AM from 20 May Pacific Sun - Fri

I replied: ``Adrian, Good and clear on 6170 today at 1340 check. A few days ago 
your schedule implied two transmitters, one in DRM, one for cyclone warnings at 
certain hours. Was this correct, second transmitter temporarily reactivated? 
Carrying different programming??
Glenn`` And he replies May 20 at 2017 UT:

Hello Glen[n], Yes indeed 6170 sounded fine today. We still have the original 
Thomson transmitter which was retired last year. However it is useful to use it 
to cover maintenance down time on the newer main transmitter. It was also used 
recently to provide an AM service to the Cyclone hit Islands during the period 
we need the main TX for our DRM service. Regards, Adrian, RNZI Wellington`` 

** OKLAHOMA. 1020, May 20 at 1817 UT, KOKP Perry, semi-local ``Triple Play 
Sports Radio`` is off, while its usually // sibling 1580 KOKB Blackwell is 
fine. If it keeps off, that will clear the way for KCKN Roswell at night with 
WWRV 1330 NYC relay. During my bandscan at the kite field, rest filed under USA 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 27185, May 20 at 1839 UT, some lofi CBer is relaying ``KJ103`` 
with Rianna, and // hifi 102.7 KJYO OKC. It`s strong and steady, likely local. 
On the BST-1 caradio which has a few major CB frequencies programmed in (which 
have also been stopping on short-skip openings full of hets and nonsense).

27184.65-AM, May 20 at 2233 on the home NRD-545, extremely strong S9+70? 
pinning the meter open carrier. Likely from a nearby neighbor, maybe the same 
one relaying KJYO earlier (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 88.3, May 20 at 1810 UT, KOSR Stillwater fill-in for // 91.7 KOSU, 
is audible with the BST-1 caradio turned off its feeder frequency, as Family 
Radio satellator in Enid is off again, K202BY. It has a lot of outages (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, KUCO, Edmond transmission back to normal signal levels later 
May 19 and 20. Saturday May 20 at 1345 UT during `Performance Oklahoma`, the 
OKC Philharmonic, Joel Levine conducting, is performing Chaikofsky`s Symphony 
No. 5 in e, Op. 64, recorded at the Civic Center Music Hall on April 15. I have 
heard countless recorded performances of that opus by major world orchestras, 
and this performance is also world-class. Non-Okies might never know how good 
the OKC Phil is, if it has no recording contract nor any regular radio 
broadcasts beyond KUCO, its satellites and Public Radio Tulsa (KWTU 88.7 
playing PerfOkla UT Sunday 01-03; however at 0145 May 21, a playback mixup 
restarts the opening Roman Carnival Overture instead of Chai-5) (Glenn Hauser, 

** OKLAHOMA. 92.1, May 20 at 1842 UT, KAMG-LP, Enid, remains totally 
overmodulated/distorted, and furthermore is splattering at least out to 91.8 
and 92.4 on the PL-880 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, May 20 at 2329, I`m having my first go at trying to hear R. 
Chaski at its sesquihour-earlier closedown time, and yes, there it is, a JBA 
carrier in the noise level, even more JBA than it usually was circa 0100. I 
stay with it, until it finally autocuts off at 2335:22* or so (with fading the 
timing is not so sharp). Next project is whether it recess ~6.7 seconds per 
noctem in a proximate recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9830, May 20 at 2215, VOT English opening a talk about 
culture, ruined by the exactly co-channel RTTY station. Sometimes it quits 
circa 2200, but not today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 28289.90, May 20 at 2227, a CW propagation beacon by sporadic E 
repeating IDs as WJ5O/B AL. Searching out a beacon list, guess what, he`s the 
guy providing a huge roster by frequency updated 19 May 2017:
including himself, a.k.a. William H. Hays, SMSgt, USAF, Ret.:
28.2893 WJ5O C TROY ALABAMA # 2W, VERTICAL New Frequency 25 Jan 14
The C means continuous. The # means confirmed active. But I am not hearing much 
else on 10m, just a weak and Es-deep-fading unID USB on 28409.90 (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1878 CONTENTS: *DX and station news about: 
Argentina non, Australia, Bougainville, Burundi non, China, Cuba, Fiji, Kashmir 
non, Korea North, Korea South, Kosovo, Morocco, North America, PerĂº, Russia, 
Slovakia non, Taiwan, USA

WORLD OF RADIO 1878 monitoring: confirmed Friday May 19 at 2330 on WBCQ, 
9330.20v-CUSB, fair. Also confirmed Saturday May 20 at 0630-0700 on HLR 
6190-CUSB, fair in Bulgaria, says Ivo Ivanov. Also confirmed Saturday May 20 at 
1445 the 1431 broadcast on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, via UTwente SDR, 
good vs noise level and no CCI; ends at 1500 sharp when the ChiCom timesignal 
is JBA. Also confirmed Saturday May 20 at 2230 on WBCQ 9330.34v-CUSB, fair. 
Also confirmed UT Sunday May 21 after 0200 on WRMI 11580, fair. Next:

Sun 0310v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030   HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW [to be canceled]
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE, 9455 to WNW [to be canceled]
Tue 1300   WRMI 11580 to NE [NEW; to be canceled]
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE, 9455 to WNW
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 9455 to WNW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 15825, May 20 at 1841, WWCR is VG tnx to a sporadic E opening, rather 
than usual barely audible signal in the longer skip zone. 13845 WWCR also much 
better than usual here. A pilot for possible opening into VHF (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 9930, May 20 at 1848, WTWW-2 is OFF, instead of Amateur Radio 
Newsline, so was presumably also off for `Theater Organ from the Ozarx` 
preceding it (however, 5085 on with organ at 0132 check May 21). 12105, WTWW-3 
is also off at 1848. But 9475, WTWW-1 is on, ham talk presumably live(?) from 
Dayton Hamvention (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. At the kite field of northern Enid, far from powerlines, a quick 
midday bandscan May 20 on the caradio finds:

560, May 20 at 1814 UT, fast SAH, One is certainly KWTO Springfield MO on its 
groundwave periphery, and only two possibilities for the other, KLVI Beaumont 
TX and KLZ Denver CO. More likely KLZ, slightly closer despite its tight N-S 
pattern. KLTT 670 Denver is weakly audible as always on daytime groundwave, 
with 10x the power of 560, but not KHOW 630, at least not with 640 OK splatter, 
but not IBOC.

760, May 20 at 1815 UT, KCCV Kansas City has a SAH from a second station. Here 
we have three possibilities by proximity: 50 kW KDSP Denver, 50 kW KTKR San 
Antonio, both with patterns bad for us, and 10 kW KMTL Sherwood AR, 
non-direxional and closer, but poor conductivity from AR, so I again have to 
prefer Denver. (KOA 850 BTW is not making it now, but maybe would if there were 
something to SAH). 

Axually there is, KJON The Metroplex TX, but all very weak signals seem to be 
weaker than usual. I suspect there is some desensitization across the dial due 
to proximity of my two locals 960 KGWA and 1390 KCRC, whose splatter and spurs 
are also worse:

1040, May 20 at 1817 UT, KGWA talk audible here // fundamental 960.

1130, May 20 at 1818 UT, KLEY Wellington KS is OFF, audiblizing a very weak 
trace of something, maybe remnant of KWKH Shreveport. Also see OKLAHOMA for 
another OFF. 

1190, May 20 at 1819 UT, fast SAH between two very weak stations, probably KFXR 
The Metroplex TX and KDMR Kansas City MO, tho there are also stations in KS and 

1610+, some lite line noise is still detectable on the vacant part of the 
X-band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0230 UT May 21
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