** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 18: at 1341, poor on 8400, much better to good level on 
9000, but not // each other so 5-6 minutes offset; at 1349 found that 10210 was 
much better yet, VG inbooming at S9+20 and // JBA 8400, not 9000 (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. RHC check Oct 18 at 0527: 6140 in English this time, Alex Silva 
outroing a report, phone ringing just barely audible in background. 0534 
starting DXers Unlimited; Arnie, answer the phone on 6140! But on 6010 no phone 
ringing; on 6060 maybe a trace of that but hard to tell with splash from Spain 
6055 --- these two should really get farther apart, and age-old near-collision. 
One Coro topic this week is using copper foil tape from art suppliers to make 
antennas; it is of course conductive, second only to silver, and looks nice too.

Spur search Oct 18 at 1351 found 11760 still irradiating the spectrum, such as 
11504, 11657.4; 11708.4 or so hetting VOK 11710 as it was closing English at 
1354, Commies vs Commies! The usual 51.2 kHz displacement is varying slightly 
and anyhow hard to downpin with no sharp carrier, but distorted blobs at each 
landing so I won`t attempt to be any more precise either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA [and non]. The AIR Aligarh blob varies its frequencies, however 
unintentionally, and so varies its victims. After centering on nominal 9470 for 
a while, on Oct 18 at 1318 with AIR IS it ranged 9490-9515, strongest around 
9500. Now RA 9475 escapes the mess, but by 1344 not something on 9480 nor BBCWS 
Burmese with B-B-C- chimes at 1344 on 9500, 1345 timesignal one second later 
than WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Unusual on Oct 18 to find more of a signal on 4925 than 4750, at 
1326, slow ballad singing on 4925, presumably RRI Jambi, bothered by OTH radar 
pulses up to 4930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. V. of the People, clandestine to the North, doing equally well 
on 6518 and // 6600, Oct 18 at 1337 music atop jamming noise; likewise 6348, 
Echo of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINIG DIGST)

** MIDWAY ISLAND [non]. Have yet to get a definite log of the K4M DX-pedition, 
tho with nothing to prove, I have not been tearing my hair out trying to nab 
it. 7078 is the publicized SSB frequency on 40m, but nothing going on around 
there when I check. Oct 18 at 0619 I do find a pileup on 7092-LSB, lots and 
lots of ham stations giving their callsigns over and over, and little else, 
hoping they will luck out and override everyone else momentarily for some DX 
station to establish contact, however fleeting. What a circus.

I never could hear anyone say K4M in any phonetic form, but the DX targets 
typically don`t want to waste time giving their own callsign in each contact. 
You have to recognize their voice or style instead and assume it`s not a 
pirate. Among many Europeans calling was one callsign I copied: I1HJR, and 
enough of that for me after a few sesquiminutes. Could be that this was 
listen-only frequency for K4M, and they were really transmitting somewhere 
else, as certainly makes sense in such pileup circumstances (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** RUSSIA. 15605, VOR with Jew`s harp (excuse me) music, twang-twang, Oct 18 at 
1436, then interviewing someone in Russian about it. The Russian clips go on 
too long before the English voiceover starts. Found the audio file of Folk Box 
show which is scheduled at 1430 Sundays: 
mms://media.ruvr.ru/English/MUSIC/Folk_Box.mp3 but it`s not the same one, kept 
referring to harvest festivals in August! tho equally enjoyable. What about all 
the shows since then? BTW, Kraig Krist warns that VOR website has a trojan if 
you allow pdf files to open (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. RTI Japanese service on 9730 was spurry today, Oct 18 at 1322, 
narrow blobs against CRI 9730 and BBC 9740, almost but not exactly same pitch 
hets, indicating RTI is also very slightly off frequency from 9730.00 (Glenn 

** VATICAN. 9850, surprised to hear Bells of St. Peter`s at 0614 Oct 18; a 
relay from somewhere? Only in the sense of extraterritoriality; no wonder had 
not noticed before as this is scheduled Sundays only, Santa Maria di Galeria in 
Latin per HFCC; 0615 opening with catch-phrase slogan ``Laudetur Jesus 
Christus`` but they say that in all language services. Poor reception and hard 
to tell which; EiBi lists Ukrainian, and WRTH A09 update says this is Ukrainian 
liturgy at 0610-0745 // 11740 and 1611 on Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** VENEZUELA [non]. No sign of any activity on alleged Aló, Presidente 
frequencies via CUBA, Sunday Oct 18 at 1600 check: 12010, 13680, 13750, 17750 

UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar, presumably China in approx. 50-kHz wide pulsing 
segments, Oct 18: at 1326 on 4870-4930 bothering Jambi 4925; at 1332, 
5190-5240, vs some 2-way Spanish SSB around 5215, and also overlapping with 
CODAR above 5225. At 1336 on 6850-6900 and 6960-7000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


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