** CUBA. 9565, Oct 23 at 0611, the Beepers are back. These appear only on 
jammed Radio Martí frequencies, but always at hours far beyond when RM is on 
them. Normally we only hear residual pulse noise jamming, but occasionally 
strings of beeps appear when monitored with BFO. There are a variety of 
pitches, indicating a set of slightly offset frequencies, as in CW. This time 
most are strings of dah-dit, as if sending N over and over, but periodically 
some much longer strings of continuous beeps. Here`s what they sound like now 
as I am on 9565.000-USB with no changes in my tuning, but used Cyberlink Audio 
Editor to boost signal and reduce noise:

Originally I could also hear a slight het from the off-frequency minus 
Brazilian. I conjexure that the DentroCuban Jamming Command operators are 
having a bit of fun, perhaps axually ``talking`` to each other. AFAIK, no one 
else has reported on these, least of all Arnie Coro.

I have previously caught Beepers on e.g. 11930. March 16, 2015, I posted this 
recording from 11930:

** KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Oct 23 at 1320, romantic song, 1322 M&W in Korean with 
some SAH. Must be Voice of Freedom on one of its alternative frequencies. No 
jamming audible here, but at 1347 noise jamming only on 6135, the original and 
sometimes VOF channel. It`s a 10 kW ND transmitter at Hwaseong. Aoki tries to 
keep up with the changes, but hasn`t got to this one yet: says the active dates 
for 5920 in different timespans were:
``0300-0800 Jun 1-6, 20-Aug 9
  0900-1500 Sep 7-Oct 18
  1600-2000 Oct 23`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5980, Oct 23 at 1328, RNZP has finally done it, moved from 
6170; 5980 had been registered with HFCC a month ago, but stayed on 6170 after 
1259. 6170 is now vacant, but remains unclear why such a change is necessary; 
perhaps getting a head start on B-17, when 6170 may well have QRM from North 
Korea? But NZ may not stay on 49m all summer. 

Programming now is narration by some guy with music. Stronger than weak 
adjacents on 5975 & 5985, and no 5980 CCI. However, deliberately picking a 
frequency which is jammed at any hour is risky as Cuba isn`t too careful to 
turn off jammers beyond Radio Martí hours. At least any residual jamming here 
will be mostly into Cuban daytime. Sked at 
has now been amended to show 5980 at 1259-1650 Sun-Fri and 1259-1758 on Sat. 
Rest of it looks about same as before, tho not checked hour by hour. Now added 
to it is the B-17 sked, from Oct 29, and indeed 5980 is gone again, so only 
very temporary; and lots of other changes:

``29 Oct 2017-24 Mar 2018
   UTC      kHz   Target Days
0000-0458  15720  Pacific  Daily
0459-0758  11725  Pacific  Daily
0759-1058   9765  Pacific  Daily
1059-1258  11610  Solomon Islands PNG  Daily
1259-1650   7355  Pacific  Daily
1651-1750   5975 (DRM)  Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga  Sun-Fri
1651-1758   7355  Pacific  Sat
1751-1950  11690 (DRM)  Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga  Daily
1759-1958  11725  Pacific  Sat
1951-2050  13840 (DRM)  Pacific  Sun-Fri
1959-2058  13840  Pacific  Sat
2051-2359  15720  Pacific  Daily`` 

** OKLAHOMA. 9534.00-USB, Oct 23 at 0619, very surprised to hear VOLMET, soon 
IDed at 0620 as Trenton Military; also some other talk QRM. This has got to be 
some kind of image, // loud and clear 6754-USB, which is 2780 kHz below. 9534 
is next to a weak Algeria/France on 9535. Aha! 2780 is where I get the second 
harmonic of my strongest local, 1390 KCRC a few miles away. Lately 2780 has not 
been very strong, but it is now, and the modulation is always distorted. 
Perhaps there is an anomaly with my longwire antenna connexion to the R75, or 
KCRC is more out of whack than usual. KCRC customarily shows up at other +1390 
additions to strong AM SW frequencies like WRMI from 7 MHz in the low 9 MHz 
band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. 11850.039, Oct 23 at 1402, weak M&W in tonal Asian language, 
Cambodian? No, must be Vietnamese as scheduled from RFA at 1400-1500, 100 kW, 
270 degrees from Agignan Point. Note, the previous hour on 11850 is also 
Vietnamese, but from Radio Veritas Asia via Palauig-Zambales, Philippines, no 
doubt on a different precise frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15528, Oct 23 at 1327, JBA carrier, surely V. of Tibet via 
TAJIKISTAN on signature split frequency: NDXC/Aoki almost has it as of today:
`15527*VOICE OF TIBET 1236-1305 1234567 Tibetan 131 Dushanbe-Yangiyul 
 15528*VOICE OF TIBET 1346-1400 1234567 Tibetan 131 Dushanbe-Yangiyul` 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1900 monitoring: confirmed Sunday October 22 
at 2330 on WBCQ, 9330.06v-CUSB, fair. Also confirmed UT Monday Oct 23 from 0301 
on Area 51 webcast (and WBCQ 5130.35 confirmed on air during HRI at 0334, 
poor). Also confirmed UT Mon Oct 23 at 0334 on WRMI webcast, while 9955 is a 
JBA carrier equal to the JBA jamming. Next:
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW

** U S A. 7730, Monday October 23 at 0626, WRMI is S9+30 with World Music fill, 
during an hour occupied Tue-Sat by Argentine relay. It`s the latin jazz tune 
with sax solos, really neat and one I never tire of hearing; followed by a 
rendition of Ave Maria for contrast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775.023, Oct 23 at 1426, KVOH is S9+20, off-frequency and wobbling 
slightly, but still no spurs or noise field (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Oct 23 at 1423, Arabic discussion from Republic of Yemen 
Radio, good S+10 to S8, via SAUDI ARABIA? 

Hans Johnson has published a research paper about SA SW, via the shortwavesites 
yg, indicating that they are known to have 4 transmitters near Riyadh and 4 
near Jeddah, but at certain hours like this, 10 frequencies are in use, so how 
to explain that? See 

This report despatched at 1653 UT October 23
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