Please reply to
11750  SLBC  192x Sinhala with song  S20
9390 R Thailand 1924 ‘this is R Thailand news  S9
11725 RNZI 0656  discussions S7
9690  Tatarstan Awazy 0655 talks in Tatar S4 mentioning  Moscow
15120 Nigeria 0701  news in French S9
15390 CNR 1027 phone ins
11775  Sedaye Zindagi 1517 songs  short  talks YL in slow talks S10
7340 AIR Baluchi ? two  signals co QRMed  with signal S30
5964.7 RTM Klassik FM 1526 with marginal signal . Just audible talks . Old 
songs on 
15150  Dabanga 1534 with  talks by OM in  lang with many mentions of Dabanga 
15725 is 
QRMed  by a carrier  with 1 kHz  tone (jammer?)
9295  TRT  spur 1543  with Turkish songs in //9765 but with only A1 signal
4750 Bangladesh 1556  with talks by OM & YL  in Bangla
4835  Australia 1557 with talks in Eng & pop songs max S4 over S1 QRN
4930  VoA (S Tome )1601 with news Just S1
4920 Australia 1602 is mixed with PBS Xizang (ext service )
4765  Tajik R 1607 seems a speech  with some background noise from people  S5
6675  Volmet in English 1616 with weather news in Eng max S6  Karachi??
6693 Samara (by Eibi ) meteo with temps. Noise from the inside of the room  . 
6518 & 6600  V o People Korea 1620 both at S5 mixed with nose from Pyongyang at 
rater severe level
6400  Pyongyg Pangsong 1623 with typical  Korean operettas S9 . 6250 is off
9835 RTM is today mixed  with NHK but RTM  wins by 60% in  signals . S7 33423
1566 AWR 2220 tals in Afro lang S3 in the 16 H antenna (all my pages )

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