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Here are the short messages of Bandwatch of DARC,
prepared by its director Ulrich Bihlmayer, DJ9KR

Radio Hargaisa from Somaliland will continue to send the 40-meter band.

The radio station was released on 13 September at 7120 kHz with morning
(0430-0530 UTC) and evening programs (1500 - 1900 UTC) with typical Arabic
music and program contributions in the Somali language. The Bandwatch of
DARC has led to the Federal Network Agency and foreign telecommunications
administrations international Interference messages to Somaliland.

The Russian Army station REA4, location Moscow has made frequency change.

The band intruder sent during the summer with a highly distorted signal
rapid shift keying in F1A with a shift of 1 kHz on the frequency 7117 kHz.
Now he has, following an appeal to the Federal Network Agency changed since
the beginning of November, the frequency and transmits on 7018 kHz.
Unfortunately, this is still in the amateur band!

It is really true that Russia, with its right not Military stations
consideration for Amateur radio bands.

The Sporadic-E openings in the 10-meter band make taxis audiable from the

In summer and autumn make the Sporadic-E openings audiable a large number of
taxis from Russia and the CIS countries, as in the CIS taxi services use for
years, the entire 10-meter band as a reliable contact in FM radio between
taxi companies and their taxis.

OM Hadel DK2OM listed with the Agency taxis from Russia (the majority),
Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. What is new is that these taxis were
recently even in the 15-meter band, frequency 21402 kHz, heard in FM.

Datawell-Waverider buoys in the 10-meter band.

After Wolf Hadel DK2OM already on 12th October belongs to 29525 kHz with a
strong signal a buoy the company "Datawell" location east coast of Brazil,
had to send in F1B with 82 baud, he took on 29500 or on 29525 kHz Datawell
buoys off Gibraltar and Casablanca. Wolf has the Dutch Bandwatch informed,
since the buoys are produced in Holland.

Over the horizon radars in Amateur radio bands from China, Turkey, Cyprus
and France !

They disturb by rattling and rumbling, which can be up to 50 kHz wide. Clips
are on the website of the DARC bandwatch. Disturb the radars in areas 10,
14, 18, 21 and 28 MHz, being always the MUF, the maximum usable frequency,

OM Mario DG0JBJ sent the Bandwatch 62 reports in the 15-meter band
and 126 in the 10-meter band. The evaluation made OM Bihlmayer DJ9KR.

New is an overview horizon radar at 7000, 14000, 14250 and 21000 kHz
with 6 sweeps per second and a bandwidth of 20 kHz.
It is located in France.

Wolf Hadel DK2OM has informed the Federal Frequency Agency.

Codar ocean wave radar from India.

This radar, it sends 14075 to 14125 kHz, with 50 kHz bandwidth comes from
the Bay of Bengal, India.

Ulrich Bihlmayer DJ9KR
Leader of the band watch the DARC
(German Amateur Radio society Bandwatch, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 14)

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