Here are my November 19-20 logs.

Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna: Long wire (30 m)
Location: St.Petersburg, Russia
Time: UTC


Mikhail Timofeyev
DSWCI member no. 2987

6249.6 1506-1521 PIR Delta Radio (tentative), 20/11, Dutch, OM talk with mention of Modern Talking songs, folk music and songs, 1518 pop song - very strong signal, and almost good due to local noise and fading, also some other pirate stations were noted at this time on 5814.5, 6295, 6299.7, 6305.15v, 6325, 6400.7 and 6970

4830 1443-1501'40* MNG Mongolian Radio, Altay, 20/11, Mongolian, YL talk, Mongolian song, OM talk and orchestral national anthem - almost fair at the beginning, then poor due to local noise and RTTY QRM, // 7260 poor under VOR

12759U 1222-1239* USA Arm Forces Network, Diego Garcia, 20/11, English, OM talk - strong signal, but almost unintelligible muffled audio (just sent them an email about this problem)

5995 1152-1200 AUS Radio Australia, Brandon, 20/11, English, OM/YL dialogues about Australian society - poor with local noise and slight QRM from 5990 (CRI), switching over to DRM mode at 1159'10

9330U 1128-1148 USA WBCQ, Monticello, 20/11, English, non stop pop songs, 1129'58-1131'17 OM talk with postal address of Good Friends Radio Association in Canada (P.O. Box 456, Orangeville, Ontario, L9W 5G2) and their site and e-mail addresses - mostly fair with local noise, // via IHEAR stream

9765 0950-1010 NZL Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, 20/11, English, OM talk aboout US rock'n'roll music with some songs of the 50s and 60s, 0959'55 time pips and "Radio New Zealand news..." with final weather report, then rock'n'roll program again - good with slight local noise, fading and muffled audio due to the long distance

9760 0748-0800'00* J Radio Nikkei, Chiba-Nagara (tentative), 20/11, Japanese, YL/OM talks - very weak under local noise, but I hope to catch them during the next DXpedition near St.Petersburg

9665.1 0728-0740 B Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, 20/11, Portuguese, YL/OM shorts talks wiyj mention of "onda curtas", Brazilian songs - poor under local noise, but without any heterodyne thanks to Pyongyang

5980 0713-0723 USA Radio Marti, Greenville, 20/11, Spanish, OM/YL dialogues about Cuba, Cuban songs - fair and even better with local noise and periodical CW QRM during 13 seconds (each minute), //6030 weak under Cuban noise jamming

5446.5U 0635-0647 USA Arm Forces Network, Key West, 20/11, English, CBS news format program (tentative) with OM talks - strong for this low frequency this morning, but poor-weak under very strong CW signals (each second) and sligjt local noise, //7811U poor-fair with local noise

11765.00 0613-0625 B Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 20/11, Portuguese, OM homily with mentios of 'Amor" and "Deus e Amor" - strong and almost good with slight local noise and QRM from 11760 (BBC), //9564.85 fair

11760 0536-0600'00* J Radio Japan, Yamata, 20/11, Russian, OM news, info about their MW relays, interview with one Japanese writer about Kyrgystan, etc. - almost good with local noise, blocked by BBC at 0559'52, //11715 weak

5940 0459'55-0521 RUS Radio Rossii, Magadan, 20/11, Russian, time pips, ID, OM news and weather report, YL sport news, Yury Loza song called Zima (Winter) and then Mezhdunarodnaya panorama - poor-almost fair with slight heterodyne, //6075 fair and even better till 0519 when CVA came on the frequency

5915 1828-1844 ZMB Zambia NBC, Lusaka, 19/11, Vernacular, mostly OM talks with some short fragments of local music, 1841'35 local YL song - poor-fair with local noise

15349.14 1808-1822 MRC RTV Marocaine, Nador, 19/11, Arabic, OM sport talks including fragments of some football reportage - fair with local noise

17695 1307-1321 ZMB Christian Voice, Lusaka, 19/11, English, OM talks, pop songs - poor under powerful utility station on 17693-17694 and best in USB to avoid it

6075 1232-1300* RUS Radio Rossii, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 19/11, Russian, OM talk about baroque music with some musical fragments, ID at 1257'39 and sign off after final time pips - poor with local noise, QRM from 6070 (BLR), then almost fair starting from 1252 and poor-weak again starting from 1258'04 under CVA interval signals

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