SOMALIA   13800 C+USB   Puntland Radio One   After hearing it at home, waited 
until 1300 to make sure the freq was still clear and drove up to the remote 
site to listen.  Fairly decent w/same testing format of HoA mx and occas. 
canned Italian (M)/ EG (M) /Somali (W) ID/contact info after abt every 2 songs. 
 EG ID as “You are listening to Puntland Radio broadcasting on 49 meteband on 
the frequency 6160 kiloHertz, and 22 meterband on the frequency 13800 
kiloHertz. You may contact us at e-mail on  Or call 
at 00352-076037.  Ladies and gentlemen(??)”.  Thanks Ivo Ivanov tip.  Here’s 
the link to a video of the full ID/contact info routine during the test xmsn.  (28 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR and 315 foot BOG aimed at 55 degrees (Somalia)
during a micro-DXpedition.
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