4840khz 0455utc WWCR Nasville TN Mix talks by two guys about some states in the USA very strong and clear 4885khz 04:59utc Radio Club de Para Brazil Portugueze talks by male following with full ID good recp. 4940khz 05:05utc Spanish station by male and music but never heard any ID here fair signal and audio 4985khz 05:10utc Radio Brazil Central ,Goiana Brazil Portugueze songs at 05:14 ID Radio Nacional de Brazil fair 6185khz 05:33utc Radio Educacion ,Mexico City Mexico Spanish music with most local music at 06:02utc a woman say something like This is ? probalt the ID but weak and splatter 6180khz German weather station 9665khz +- 06:23utc Radio Voz Missionaria ,Florianpolis-Combori Many IDs and music strong signal and good audio 9700khz 06:29utc Radio New Zealand Rangitaiki English news about the part of the world ,water in the parks very strong on the meter last days 9+20db
Siemens  E410   deltaloop and dipole
Maurits Van Driessche
73,  ON3MK
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