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Today's Topics:

   1. Two hard rock radio stations reviewed in local FM with UPDATE
      (Zacharias LIangas)
   2. Fw: Fwd: Winter Shortwave Radio Broadcast Schedule of     Eternal
      Good News (Akbar Indra Gunawan)
   3. Radio City and RGI Relays this weekend (Tom Taylor)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs November 20-21, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:02:21 +0200
From: Zacharias LIangas <>
Subject: [HCDX] Two hard rock radio stations reviewed in local FM with
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Please reply to

You surely  know my interest in Malaysian  music. But you possibly  don’t kow  
on 80s I was a fan of hard music  .
How I got contained with hard rock is here out of the question but I will just 
little history of rock music stations  Thessaloniki in only one paragraph. .
The first radio  station  in town is Rock Radio  on 104.7 mHz  from ‘Joe  Joe’ 
Vaccaros. This station started in mid 90s  with light and easy rocks    Later   
to the  end of 90s 1055  rock has been started on the freq of 105.5 MHz . Tha 
station is   located opposite to FM 100 same street with ERA 958  (close  to 
International  Trade fair)
Since last year  1055  added a  ‘wild’  brother  on 106.5  under  the name 
or ‘1055 Extreme Edition’  . This station  airs  only hard  core music such as  
metal  hard rock , gothic death  speed  thrash  symphonic  etc
 This year with the closure   of Mythos FM 93.4 on Feb 13  a rock bar named 
Bar, in the western part of the city’s centre  , took the facilities of  Mythos 
(including  their live stream more recently  ) and  refurbished  it under the 
ProckA FM  (proka means big nail notice the capitals !). The new station  
many kinds of the  rock scene  as old hard rocks , heavy metal , etc  but still 
lighter  than Xtreme .
Below  you will read a lot of fun   due to the amateurish technical approach  
of both 
stations together with  program updates
Extreme in its start was with a very bad and muddy audio  (read: equalization 
curve ) 
comparing to  its brother  1055  and for a very lengthy time
This April ProckA was still experimenting  with their audio fidelity and 
modulation .
Their  volume  was  very low (more than 15 db sometimes comparing to other 
stations ) 
and very  very trebly .  And also during May /June  they had  connection 
(namely  loss of a channel !!)
On May Extreme   separated from  ProckA   due to their thrash program and added 
rock and some Greek alternative rocks and metals  . But also Extreme   had  
in their  transmissions . First  with some gaps in their  playbacks up to 1 
(!!) in June – July   And on mid August changing to monophonic audio . That 
means for 
me as ‘killing’ their music
And another funny now with ProckA FM. As noticed above ProckA  is held by  a 
bar and 
located inside this bar. Visiting them mid August  on the noon   I found the  
closed, As a neighbor told me  the bar opens on evenings / nights . That means  
ProckA uses play list  most of the day  Found that there is live program 
after 2000 till 0100 or 0200 . 
Procka meanwhile , was  very fast  on May top respond  to messages . IN just 2 
minutes they could reply . BUt more recently they could respond to music 
very late. I have two  examples . The first on the start of September was 45 
after the call (requested a song from their advert )and the second never (a 
song from  
two groups that possibly they dont have as KIz and Great Kat)! 
and the  audio gaps in ProckA  still continue . The bronlem seems tobe mainly 
their computers ...
As for Xtreme it is sure they do play listing
Both stations during late nights (as eg after 00 or 01 ) calm  their music . 
plays classical rocks  and ballads while Xtreme  plays  hard  rocks or hard 
Advertising in  both stations  is minimal
ProckA  has about 6  adverts played in between 2-3 songs which is for me  quite 
annoying. Two  self adverts and two  adverts  for the  bar.
Extreme  has only 4-5  adverts played  on 30 min intervals. One of them  is the 
craziest advert heard ever. There are two short ID s (ca 5 secs ) played 
between  1-2 
MY verdict : ProckA   gets a higher  rate than Xtreme   7.5 vs 5   for two 
reasons : 
The later killed stereophony and plays sometimes  too hard music   (thrash  
gothic  ) 
that gets  me quite tired  but ….not always!  I can add a third  reason as in 
house its signal is low and has strong QRM from  the western part of the city. 

ProckA   can be  heard in the intenet  via  this link
(the  stream from Mythos  FM  )
There is also  a web page (only for sending messages ) and a page in Facebook
Unfortunately  Extreme  has not a stream.

Unfortunate update:  Since 17th of November ProckA  has been  replaced  by the  
Synaspismos (left party) station ‘IN red’ with mostly political content. But 
continues to transmit via internet only in the above link  

my radio shack: (all my pages )


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:04:28 +0800 (SGT)
From: Akbar Indra Gunawan <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fw: Fwd: Winter Shortwave Radio Broadcast Schedule of
        Eternal Good News
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On Thursday, November 21, 2013 12:05 AM, "" <> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:41:29 -0500
> From:? <>
> To:
> Subject: Winter Shortwave Radio Broadcast Schedule of Eternal Good News
> All DXers, I appreciate your good deed of monitoring our shortwave radio 
> broadcasts and reporting on the reception. Here is the winter schedule.? 
> Thanks for your help.? Sincerely, George Bryan, speaker on EGN
> Fri, 15,525 kHz, 19 m, 11:30 UTC, Babcock Communications. Abu Dhabi, UAE
> Sat, 9,715 kHz, 31 m, 17:00 UTC, Bible Voice, Wertachtal, Germany
> Sat, 21,630 kHz, 13 m, 17:30 UTC, WHR, T#1, Cypress Creek, S Carolina, USA
> Sat, 6,030 kHz, 49 m, 19:30 UTC, Bible Voice, Nauen, Germany
> Sun, 9,830 kHz, 49 m, 04:45 UTC, WHR, T#2, Cypress Creek, S Carolina, USA
> Sun, 21,480 kHz, 13 m, 11:15 UTC, Bible Voice, Madagascar
> Sun, 9,930 kHz, 31 m, 12:30 UTC, WHR, T#3, Palau
> Sun, 7,365 kHz, 41 m, 18:15, UTC, Bible Voice, Nauen, Germany
> Sun, 9,505 kHz, 31 m, 21:00 UTC, WHR, T#2, Cypress Creek, S Carolina, USA
> Sun, 7,315 kHz, 41 m, 23:45 UTC, WHR, T#1, Cypress Creek, S Carolina, USA
> Mon, 7,385 kHz, 31 m, 02:00 UTC, WHR, T#6, Cypress Creek, S Carolina, USA


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:14:23 +0000
From: Tom Taylor <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Radio City and RGI Relays this weekend
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Radio City and RGI Relays this weekend

Radio City will be on the air on Friday November 22nd at 19.00 to 20.00
UTC via IRRS on 7290 kHz and on 1368 KHz via Challenger Radio in Italy,
with a repeat on Saturday November 23rd at 09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 9510 kHz.

Please send all reports to:   Thank you!

Radio Gloria International Schedule for 24th November 2013

06.00 - 08.00 UTC on  7265 kHz

08.00 - 10.00 UTC on  9480 kHz
10.00 - 11.00 UTC on  6005/7310 kHz
12.00 - 14.00 UTC on  7265 kHz

Internet:   16.00 -18.00 UTC  via ? and

Repeat: on Dec 9th:  16.00 - 18.00 UTC via

Repeat: on Dec.12th:10.00 - 12.00 UTC  on 6190 kHz

Please send all reports to:    Thank you!

Good Listening!




Message: 4
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:27:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 20-21, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH [non]. 15505, Nov 20 at 1358, checking for BB, but a JBA carrier 
at best, and some scratching sounds like some equally weak SSB, probably an 
intruder (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13680, Nov 20 at 2048 check, RHC European service is open carrier/dead 
air, during the semihour supposed to be in Arabic.

11880, Nov 20 at 2143, once again RHC in French instead of scheduled 
Portuguese, to Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1696, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 5004.5-USB, Nov 21 at 0103 as I am checking the WWV offset on my 
BFO, I find a Navy MARS net here with good signals, including NNN0YCJ, and at 
0110 talking about NWS Norman OK predicting ice storm here on Friday, says 
NNN0RKS, with NNN0QNN, calls given fonetikaly. Must be Oklahomans. 

Searching on NNN0YCJ leads to this treasure trove of ``Oklahoma Broadcasts`` 
right up to last week:
NNN0YCJ is Mike P. Baker and had a birthday October 22.
NNN0QNN is Rodney, birthday April 29.
NNN0RKS is WADE P. NORRIS K5WFN DUNCAN OK 73533, birthday November 22.
Frequencies it seems are never mentioned in this document, but nets/frequencies 
are always referred to by code numbers. ``REMEMBER WE ARE OKLAHOMA, REGION SIX 

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Nov 20 at 0059, R. Chaski is back after being unheard 
since Nov 13. Music spans the hourtop past 0101; at 0102.5, I recognize a 
jingle heard before at this time in the Red Radio Integridad programming being 
relayed, and cut off at 0104:26*, which is close to my projexion of the 
precession during the missed week. 

5980, Nov 21 at 0057, I find a big het here, or is it a tone, from a carrier 
much stronger than R. Chaski. It`s not exactly centered on 5980.0, but about 

This carrier goes off at 0100:36* but comes right back on at *0100:46.

Nevertheless, with BFO I can still detect the much weaker carrier from R. 
Chaski which goes off at 0104:32*, six seconds later than last night, in the 
margin of error. 

But what`s the new signal? I don`t detect any modulation on it other than tone. 
Unseems either side of the China Radio War, too strong and steady. Suppose it 
could be another form of Cuban jamming against nothing rather than the usual 
pulsing which periodically infests this frequency unused by R. Mart? at all in 
the evenings (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1696, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21630, Nov 20 at 1345, for a third day, REE is back on the clasher 
instead of 21640; and at 1355 no announcement whatever about this (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1695: first airing confirmed on WRMI 
webcast, UT Thursday Nov 21 at 0430, which now follows Studio DX with Roberto 
Scaglione in Italian. Too weak/too much noise to hear it on 9955. Repeats are 
still Saturday 1600, Tuesday 1200. Next:

On WTWW: Thursday 2201 on WTWW-1 9475; UT Sunday 0030 on WTWW-2 5085; UT Sunday 
0501 on WTWW-1 5830. 

On WWRB: UT Friday 0429v on 3195, and maybe 5050-USB like last week.

On Area 51 via WBCQ: UT Saturday 0300v on 5110v-CUSB.

On Hamburger Lokalradio, Saturday & Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on 7265-CUSB

Full schedule including many webcasters:

** U S A. 5050-USB, Nov 20 at 0058, WWRB with big band music, // 3215-AM. But 
Nov 21 at 0109, no WWRB on 5050-USB tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 960, Nov 20 I did not check at 0600-0605 UT for the KGWA Fox-Hole, 
but at 0656 find KGWA is now in dead air, which lasts until  non-Fox hole news 
cuts back on at 0700, and just before that I get a clear ID for KMA 960 and 
KMA-FM 99.1, Shenandoah IA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1200, Nov 20 at 0105 UT, with WOAI nulled, I am getting 
somestation in Spanish, mentions ``La Raza``, which hints it is US, not 
Mexican, YL announcer for a while, before WOAI fades back up. I continue to 
check this most nights in hopes of hearing the Brazilian Portuguesish as once 
before, but which was probably not all the way from ZYland (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

This report dispatched at 0527 UT November 21

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 131, Issue 20

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