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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. SWLDXBulgaria News, January 17-18 (Ivo Observer)
   2. 40 MHz experimental band (Bill Smith)
   3. WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1529 (Michael Bethge (WWDXC))
   4. Glenn Hauser logs January +17-18, 2023 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Glenn Hauser log roundup January 12-18, 2023 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 10:01:11 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
To: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News, January 17-18
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

SWLDXBulgaria News, January 17-18 (publications ?34325-?34360)
CUBA   Reception of Radio Habana Cuba RHC in Spanish on 11760 kHz via
Bauta, January 17
from 2158 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Fair/good via
SDR Frostburg 

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers Hybride mode HM01 on
11435 kHz via Bejucal, January 17
from 1600 on 11435 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Am/Eu Spanish Daily. Very
good signal via SDR Boca Raton FL.
from 1605 on 11435 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Am/Eu OFF THE AIR AND NO
SIGNAL via sma SDR in Boca Raton

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers Hybride mode HM01 on
11635 kHz via Bejucal, January 17
from 1700 on 11530 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Am/Eu Spanish Daily several
seconds dead air and off the air
from 1815 on 11635 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Am/Eu Spanish Daily. Very
good signal via SDR Boca Raton

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on wrong QRG
11760 kHz via Bauta, January 17
from 2150 on 11760*BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Good signal
via SDR Frostburg, MD in USA.
* instead of 16180 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Am/Eu Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat
Cuban Spy Numbers Hybride

NUMBERS STATION   Very good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on 10860
kHz via Bejucal, January 18:
from 0530 on 10860 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish
Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri via SDR Frostburg MD,

NUMBERS STATION   Very good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 on 10345
kHz via Bejucal, January 18:
from 0555 on 10345 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish
Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri via SDR Frostburg MD,

NUMBERS STATION   Cuban Spy HM01 on 9330 Bejucal & WLCRadio on 9330v
kHz Monticello, January 17:
from 0655 on  9330*BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish
Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri via SDR Frostburg, MD.
* co-channel  9330vBCQ 250 kW / 253 deg to CNAm English World's Last
Chance Radio via

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 17378
kHz USB via Warsaw, January 18:
0745-0748 on 17378 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Weak
signal via SDR Albertirsa,

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 12067
kHz USB via Warsaw, January 18:
0845-0848 on 12067 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Very
good via SDR Albertirsa in

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of Numbers station E11 Oblique on 7469 kHz
USB via Warsaw, January 18
0930-0939 on  7469 WWA ??? kW / unknown to Eu English USB mode. Very
good via SDR Albertirsa

U.K.(non)   Radio Ndarason International in French on 9535 kHz via
ENC-DMS Woofferton, January 18:
from 0615 on  9535 WOF 250 kW / 152 deg to WeAf French. Weak/fair
signal via SDR Frostburg MD,

USA   Good signal of WRMI Legends on 15770 kHz via WRMI-09 Okeechobee,
January 18:
0500-0600 on 15770*RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Daily via SDR
Frostburg MD
* instead of 15770 RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Daily KAN
Israel Public 

USA(non)   Reception of Voice of Indonesia in English on 7780 kHz via
WRMI#13 Okeechobee, January 18:
0800-0900 on  7780 RMI 100 kW / 222 deg to CeAm English Sun-Thu. Fair
to good via SDRHalf Moon Bay

USA(non)   Frequency change of USAGM Voice of America VOA via Pinheira:
1030-1100 NF 17775 SAO 100 kW / 076 deg to EaAf Somali  Daily, ex 15710
1400-1500 NF 17530 SAO 100 kW / 100 deg to SoAf Kirundi Sat/Sun, x

USA(non)    Frequency change of USAGM Voice of America VOA in

USA(non)   Frequency changes of USAGM Radio Liberty RL and Voice of
America VOA via

USA(non)   Additional frequencies of USAGM Radio

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Recetion of Voice of Martyrs on 7520 kHz via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent, January 17
1530-1600 on  7520 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Weak/fair via
SDR Heimiswil, 

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Radio Free North Korea in Korean on 7610 kHz via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 17
2000-2100 on  7610 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair signal
via SDR Heimiswil in

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Recetion of Voice of Martyrs on 7550 kHz via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent, January 17
2100-2130 on  7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good+jamming
via SDR So Phisal,


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 12:00:33 +0000
From: Bill Smith <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] 40 MHz experimental band
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Canadian experimental station VA2CY , Orleans Island, Quebec heard on 40.860 
FT8  January 16th at 1603UTC. Orleans Island is just below Quebec City in the 
St. Lawrence River and is designated NA-128 for the Islands on the Air (IOTA) 
awards.  Bill Smith, W1OW,Douglas, MA Yaesu FT847 and 2 phased 5 element 6M 
Sent from Mail<> for Windows


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:29:59 +0100
From: "Michael Bethge \(WWDXC\)" <>
To: <>,    <>
Cc: "Bedanta Das" <>,   "Faustino Prado Moreira"
        <>,     "Fernando Luiz de Souza" <>,
        "Richard Lemke" <>, "Wolfgang Bueschel"
Subject: [HCDX] WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1529
Message-ID: <F7B002A7FCA346598D5E11D9EECED575@BETHGEZUHAUSE>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

The latest edition (18 January 2023) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:

(or /

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at:

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117

Datenschutzerkl?rung: Sie k?nnen dem Erhalt weiterer Nachrichten jederzeit
schriftlich oder elektronisch widersprechen.

Weitere Informationen zum WWDXC-Datenschutz finden Sie unter:

Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren gepr?ft.


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 00:18:56 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January +17-18, 2023
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Wed Jan 18 at 1608, not up to check
earlier, but as expected no signal from LRA36 into Argentine SDR. Also
checked after 1600 Sat Jan 14, nothing to log, presumably still in
mid-summer hiatus. HOWEVER, it`s coming back Sat Jan 21 as Horacio
Nigro informs the WOR iog:

[WOR] Special broadcast of 15476 LRA 36 announced for next Jan 21.

("Joining voices", would be a possible translation from the original
name in Spanish). This is a special program produced together with RAE
(Radiodifusi?n Argentina al Exterior) and dedicated to shortwave
listeners, DXers and radio amateurs from all over the world.

The broadcast will take place on SATURDAY JANUARY 21 at 15 UTC with a
repeat at 19 UTC on the frequency of 15476 KHz (USB) in the 19 meter
band and will count on the participation of Adri?n Korol, Director of
RAE and Juan Benavente, member of the Antarctic Joint Command,
together with Marcelo Ayala, journalist of Radio Nacional who conducts
during January from LRA36 the morning "Panorama Informativo" for all
the stations of the network of the Argentine Public Radio.

The contents include live interviews, interesting material from the
sound archive of LRA36 such as audios of its first transmission,
different IDs, audios of listenings of DXers in different times, and
material from LA ROSA DE TOKIO, the program of Omar Somma and Arnaldo
Slaen, who is the DX Editor of RAE.

This year is very important for LRA36. During the month of February,
the shortwave transmission and radiating system will be evaluated and
measured in order to provide a NEW SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER to the
beloved Antarctic transmitter, and the 10 KW CCA transmitter will also
be returned to the mainland for repair.

A new antenna will also be installed for the FM signal on 96.7 MHz,
which will broadcast with a power of 250 watts (currently it runs with

As always we look forward to your comments and reception reports at
IG: lra36radionacional
FB: Arcangel San Gabriel - Antarctica
We appreciate the further diffusion of this information".

Signed by Adri?n Korol, RAE, Argentina, via Facebook and Whatsapp
group messages, translated and slightly edited from original writing
in Spanish, by Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay, CX3BZ, Jan. 18,
2023).`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Jan 18 at 0725, JBA carrier from R. Kiribati
and no other 9/kHz splits (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 18, 62-6, Jan 18 at 1933 UT check, SCRIPPS is the
PSIP, ex-NEWSY: the non-cable news network has changed name, available
here via subchannel of KOPX. Explained:
Tnx to Ken Zichi for outpointing this: proves I had not looked at it
lately, which I really should have (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU. 4810, Jan 18 at 0721, considerable JBA carrier, presumed R.
Logos, but can`t pull any audio even by LSB tuning to avoid STANAG;
then there is CODAR. Ron Howard has observed sometimes overnight it`s
unmodulated anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ROMANIA. 11615-11625, Jan 18 at 0712, DRM noise S5/S7. Aoki shows
it`s RRI Ziganeschti in German at 0700-0727 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 13800, Jan 18 at 0713, SSOB at S6/S8 is
TOMBS, per Aoki at 0500-0800 via BULGARIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Jan 18 at 2305, token English from REE, after
news, H?lena Rigobert interviewing somebody about `El camino del
anillo``, some trek in Spain inspired by Tolkien. 2329 conclusion said
would continue next week. Sufficient, while other frequencies unusable
or inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960.016, Jan 18 at 2305, VOT English is not off the air
today, S9+40 into UTwente; during news 2308 however, audio is cutting
out or hitting mod peaks only: wiggle that patchcord! I guess they did
for soon corrected. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. *2310 the
CCCCCCI from East Turkistan, std denunciation, hits; carrier probably
on earlier. 2311-2313.5 `Review of the Turkish Press`. 2317 `Gripping
Files` [?], avoid sedentary life leading to obesity, diabetes. Ideally
150-300 minutes of exercise per week. 2321 song break. 2325-2332
`Weekly Commentary`, always written by an outsider, it seems; can
never understand the names and spelling them out is unthinkable: EU
leaders are losing confidence in Russian sanxions. 2337 `Feeling
Supreme` :: that is what the segment title sounds like on the recorded
intro = outro over theme music. However, `new` segment starting really
does sound like `The Healing Spring`. Of course ``the`` would never
make sense preceding `Feeling Supreme`. It`s about increasing
children`s immunity. 2344 music. 2352 s/off. 2354 IS played one
sesquitime, before cutoff, uncovering the CCCCCCI (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 13563.5 CW, beacon PCO in Pine, Colorado: always nice to
receive a real QSL in the Pmail; even more so when I had not yet
explicitly requested one. He heard me on WOR mention hearing PCO. Tnx,
Bill! See:

Or Nos. 137 & 138 via:
WILLIAM A HENSEL, 28307 Grove St., Pine, CO 80470, USA

Much more about his equipment and interests, mainly QRP and fly
fishing, and toward the bottom: ``HIFER = HIGH FREQUENCY EXPERIMENTAL
RADIO --- I have a Hifer Beacon running on 13563.45 Khz. The ID is
PCO. Preceeding the IDs of PCO there is a 5 second carrier. It is a
Part 15 unlicensed transmitter. The measured output is around 3.6 MW
into a half wave dipole. The  beacon is solar powered. I do QSL SWL
reports on my Hifer Beacon. Stalking the Hifers on the 22 meter band
while out Hiking and taking with you a small short wave receiver can
be very rewarding.`` MW = milliwatts

So far have logged PCO five more times before/since (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 12070, Jan 18 at 0710, African language talking about T****,
S9+20/30! the SSOB by far, only 11735 Korea North approaching it. Aoki
shows VOA Hausa 0700-0730 via SMG CVA, i.e. VATICAN: violating
Separation of Church and State. Another example of that site`s
[dis]ability to provide bigsigs way off the alleged target (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2173 monitoring: confirmed UT Wednesday
January 18 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, VG S9+10/20 direct but unusually
fluttery for such a bigsig. This time a few notes of music intrude
between ID and WOR, which I think I recognize as the RAE theme from

Not checked Wed Jan 18 at 1030 on 5850, and had already eliminated it
from my skeds, since WRMI sked showed it replaced by `Music &
Medicine` hour at 1000. But Richard Lemke still heard WOR!

``From: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of
Richard?s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long
wires in the trees. Dear  Glenn: Confirming World of Radio #2173,
Happy New Year 2023. WRMI Facebook page is not being kept updated and
current, WRMI:
9395, 0130, 0144,  0159 (45543), (45433), 0158, January 17 [Tue]
9395, 0030, 0049, 0058 (55433), 0058, January 18 UTC 2023 [Wed]
5850, 1030 (55433), confirmed, 1029, January 18 UTC 2023 [Wed]
(Lemke, Richard -AB)`` 

Also confirmed Wednesday January 18 at 2202 the 2200 on WBCQ 7489.9v,
S9+10 direct vs HNL. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

{about the first 5045 Norfolk test, I hear myself giving the date as
November 11 instead of January 11, geez! 15+ minutes into program} 

{too late to fix on WOR, Ken Zichi corrects his frequency range for
CODAR including Morse code IDs: 4450-4475 like the other reporter, not

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated. Thanks this week to Benn Kobb, DC for a contribution
via PayPal to: woradio at - in US funds but not

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9330.00, Jan 18 at 1649, WLCR/WBCQ-6 is within a few Hz of
on-frequency! in English. Compared to 9395.00 WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. Sometime Jan 17, I think it was on MSNBC, the Albuquerque
shoot-em-up Republican loser felon story, graphic failed to spell its
county, Bernalillo correctly, rather ``Illiberallo`` o algo tal. A
misspellchecker? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 7890, Jan 18 at 0715, JBA carrier from R. Vanuatu X2; not
audible on X3, 11835 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VIETNAM. 11885, Jan 18 at 1643 music, then talk in Russian. Yes,
VOV this semihour is scheduled. It`s extremely wobbly, at first
suspecting two signals beating, but this would not be jammed. Rather
it`s Doppler flutter as evident on many other weaker Asian signals on
25m. WWV:

``Solar-terrestrial indices for 17 January follow.
Solar flux 222 and estimated planetary A-index 6.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1500 UTC on 18 January was 2.67.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor. Radio blackouts
reaching the R1 level occurred.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11770.92, Jan 18 at 1646, considerable carrier, seems to
fade a bit so maybe not local birdie? Brings to mind V of Nigeria
trying to come back, but used to be on minus side of 11770. At 1803
check into a Canary SDR, nothing around 11770, but something on 7255,
in Russian & Chinese, CRI. Is VON ever attempting 7255- anymore in
local evenings, like 1630-1900 English? Pointless due to CRI & Tibet
co-channel. VON really ought to be on 11770 for that, original
frequency with no QRM, but may be impossible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 0018 UT January 19


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 02:25:39 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser log roundup January 12-18, 2023
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Please note and spread the word - for those not on a list where my almost-daily 
all-band but mainly SW log reports appear -- or for those who are but find this 
a more convenient archive, weekly merged roundups of all these reports in their 
original form are posted early every UT Thursday via:

The latest one direct:

73, Glenn Hauser

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 241, Issue 19

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