Re: [H] Server died again #5

2008-10-04 Thread DHSinclair

I would be like to answer. Fact is I do not know what my rebuild rate is. 
Old records I have for 2004 show that a rebuild took about 5hrs and change 
for about 23GB.

ATM, I think I now see a complete meltdown. While the bios level SMOR shows 
me that the 2 old drives are optimal and that the new Quantum drive is 
also optimal, the bios SMOR command Rebuild does not seem to do anything. 
(yes, thinking bad A-3200S controller!)

The controller, 3200S, does not seem to add the new drive to the current 
array. Perhaps because it reads the new drive as 'smaller' than the 
remaining 2 drives of the old array. When Post gets to the I20 portion 
(raid), I now see what looks suspiciously like 2 separate arrays.?

Controller: 0xFA00 IRQ7 3200S FW320P

Drive: 0 (0,5,0) QuantumAtlas10k3_18_SCA  fw=120P
c:2213 h:255 s:63  16.96GB

Drive: 1 (0,6,0) Adaptec COSMO (the name I assigned to the array!) fw=320P
c:4462 h:255 s:63  34.18GB {this equates to the 2x IBM 18.4GB old drives}

If I let POST complete, I now get the black screen w/blinking cursor and 
msg: Operating System not found.  {I read this to confirm that NO Rebuild 
has taken place in the past 22hrs! And/or the 3200S is truly dead!}

I have tried to do a Repair W2KServer install 3 times now. Each fails 
indicating Repair can not find a hard drive/volume to use.

I accept this as I may be Toast; as you suggested before! No harm, no foul.

I have been to the Repair Console. I have tried both FixBoot and FixMbr. 
While both seem to work and may be trying to do something, I see no 
improvement. Suspect this is because the array is still not whole/back 

I am now ready to just spend Saturday afternoon putting my original U160 
cable back in, and, using Create to start all over at square 
one. :)

unless there may some last test to try.?

..I do have enough new Quantum drives to just replace all the drives 
and just try and Create/Build a new array to prove this 3200S actually can 
do this task. If not, it is clear that the 3200S is indeed Toast!

And then, I can lick my wounds, and, plan for a new server case, SATA 
controller, and, cheaper drives. :)

Is this a good test?  Time is not an issue; I have lots of time! LOL!

I have confirmed which data I will loose. Bummer, but not life-threatening.
Thank you,

At 00:49 10/04/2008 -0500, you wrote:

What's your rebuild rate? Most cards I've seen default to 20%, which will
take about 40 billion years to complete.

Even at 80% rebuild rate, my Areca 12x500GB RAID6 array takes about 8 or 9
hours to complete a rebuild. However, during the rebuild, you should be able
to use the drive as normal.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hardware-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DHSinclair
 Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 7:34 PM
 To: Hardware Group
 Subject: [H] Server died again #5

 New drives in hand. One installed in the failed position.
 Server booted and held at the bios prompt (ctrl+A) for the raid
 All 3 drives NOW read optimal.
 In bios, I gave the RAID REBUID command. (at ~1400hrs, my time).

 It is now ~2020 my time. All I have witnessed (seen, heard) since is
 that the Activity LEDs (yellow) of all three drives of the RAID array
 blink ON
 every ~10 seconds. It is just a 'blink.'
 I do accept that my raid card only has 32MB of SODIMM RAM. But

 Greg, you may just win this hand!  OK, if I leave this machine alone
 will I have coffee in the AM with a re-built array, maybe?

 I can accept even a RAID controller that is toast! (if so, the next
 question is:
 does anyone have a cheap A-3200S for sale) LOL!

 Sometimes, this hobby is just way too much fun! Yagotztaluvitsometimes!

 Pull no punches here, please. I can always just start over.
 I still have the bios-level command of CREATE :)
 Thank you,

[H] Server died #6-last

2008-10-04 Thread DHSinclair

I will now move to SATA. Please get ready for many more questions...

Status: 2 of the 5 drives I rcvd are DOA.
Just based on trying to get the pricks to spin up and say HI in the current
place of business  (Buss 0).

SCSI cables are all OK.
SCSI terminators are all OK.
The whole RAID cage is OK.

-Good News- I did manage to get  3 drives recognized and accepted by my 
current controller.

-Bad news- It seem that my 3200S WILL NOT BUILT a new array even when IT 
knows IT has 3 good drives connected.
OR: I just do not know how to tell it to do the do. (ATM, I only have 
DOS-speak to the RAID card!)

OR: Perhaps my psu is weak! But I have unplugged everything except the m/b 
and the FD. No change..

And: I admit to stupidity (well OK, I do not need to be here!) when it 
comes to really OLD DOS business while trying to speak to my RAID 
controller. I never did care for Adaptec's desire to drive their card's 
with DOS level tools long past when others have moved on to other root 
level tools. JMHO.

The Docs I have do not even come close to what I see on the screens that I see.
SCSI is now dead at my location. Painful. Maybe? But, for me, it is now 

I give in to the SATA god!

Greg, I think you nailed this one 2 days ago!
I now plan to gut the server :)
Tuesday is trash-day here... LOL!
It is now October, so I can not do fires anymore!

Perhaps before I go to sleep, the old server m/b will be burning trons in 
another case!
It will have to wait until the AM to have any 'new' smarts, 

I have given up on OS intall for the moment... :)
Thank you,

The old 'server' is now toast. I will recover whatever hdw I can.
The current plan is to test the server m/b in a new case. I still really do 
like having a dual-P3 object operational.