Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-23 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Wayne Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 06:00:48 -0500

Even the most learned psychologists  psychiatrists who btw are usually 
atheists agree that story telling to the young is one of the best way to 
communicate ideas to them. I also strongly disagree that humans have a 
morality code built in. Try making a study of morality in our prison system 
some time. Many inmates turn to religion as easy way to chalk up points 
with the parole board but you'll find that the ones that actually reform 
enough not to be a nuisance to society after they get out are predominantly 
religious in their private lives. All of us have demons within that we must 
keep in the background. Sure the demons aren't usually a bright red man 
with pointy ears  a pitch fork but that doesn't mean an evil doesn't lurk 
within us either after all humans are animals. Have you heard the one about 
the 3 monkeys in a tree discussing humans?

You seem to have very little confidence in what a normal, non-deranged, 
non-psycho human mind is capable of. The fact we are wired to fall in love 
with a mate, protect the family and normally do not go around killing 
innocent people is an elementary example of a sense of morality built in. 
Books and the government do not need to instill this in most people. I 
suggest you find a better example to counter with than incarcerated felons.

RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-23 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Thane Sherrington (S) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 07:31:05 -0400

At 03:13 AM 23/12/2005, Neil Atwood wrote:
We are dealing with matters of truth here. Either something is true or it 
is not. There is discoverable truth about Jesus, because he was a real 
historical figure, and therefore we can employ the same approach to 
examining him and his claims as we do any historical figure.

Ok, I find this direction interesting.  Is there any proof of the existance 
of Jesus other than the Bible?

The evidence is very sparse. The gospels actually hint that he may be a 
mythical figure. But really - who *WAS* documented extensively in those days 
other than Roman leaders? Josephus mentions his life but also mentions he 
had a brother (forget the name).

RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-23 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Mark Dodge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: 'The Hardware List'
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:16:21 -0800

 What do you mean worshipped the wrong God?
There is only one

According to you.

Many other religious people outside of judeo-chirstianity have quite a few.

RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-23 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Thane Sherrington (S) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 12:00:24 -0400

While it's true that very few people were carefully documented in those 
times, there is a fair bit of correspondence available from the time, and 
one would think that someone who raised the dead and walked on water would 
have attracted some level of attention. :)

Well his story spread just like any other event through the have-not class, 
word of mouth. It's not like Rabbi Jesus could afford his own biographer or 
that Rome Publishing (TM) would issue a cash advance on a book deal 
concerning the musing of a petty jewish carpenter.

Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-23 Thread Pat Robertson

Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 10:26:00 -0800

A great example is President Bush. We would not be in the terrible 
situation we find ourselves in if he was a real CHRISTIAN that he claims 
he is. A person who lived Jesus teachings could not slaughter innocent 
people. And he would not have a foe.

The human race has not evolved enough or Intelligent Design was a failure.


Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-22 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Gary VanderMolen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:39:16 -0800

It's difficult for humans to understand an entity like God and all that 

It's pretty easy to understand as the idea spawned from the mind of feeble 
dolts over 5,000 years ago who turn to fairy tales about cloud men rather 
than investigation for life's answers. God - the world's longest running 
chain-letter troll. Should have been the first entry on I can't 
believe humanity still clings to such an ass-backward ignorant view of the 

For a century or so since Nietzsche, popular culture in the West has 
operated according to an uneasy truce, in which God both is and is not dead. 
We teach our children the evidence-based materialism of science and tell 
them they can believe in God and a faith-based morality in their spare time 
if they like.

And in some parts of the country, we celebrate Scopes as a victory over 
ignorance, while still insisting that we do not also celebrate it as a 
victory over religion. What these endless Scopes sequels tell us is that 
somewhere many years from now we're going to hit a fork in the road, beyond 
which this have-it-both-ways philosophy isn't going to fly anymore.

[H] ATA has come a LOOOOOOONG way

2005-12-22 Thread Pat Robertson
Just had the pleasure of experiencing what it was like to have an IDE system 
in 1993. My cable modem was crapping out and it messed up a bunch of 
downloads to the point that the rar files (from a massive 1080P feed sample) 
had enough CRC errors that it flagged Windows XP to downgrade the PATA disk 
to PIO mode!!! It was set so that the option to revert it back to DMA mode 
was greyed out in the device manager and only a registry change will fix. 
For a while I thought it must have been some clever vileware or virus as 
opening any file on this disk took forever and transfering a CD image from a 
74GB raptor to the PATA took hours and over 80% CPU utilization, lol.

I wonder when windows downgrades to PIO, if it is PIO mode 0 or if it uses 
whatever max PIO a disk is tagged to use.

This normally happens to CD/DVD drives with a scratched disk that will 
generate enough CRC errors. First time I've seen it on a disk that wasnt 
physically damaged.

On a side note - those with cable modems should make sure you have something 
recent. I thought all DOCIS2 were the same until I replaced my RCA freebie 
from Cox with a motorola 5000 series surfboard. My download speeds jumped 
x5. My downstream is over 15Mb/s with 2.5Mb up. Cox is litterally giving 
away fractional T3 speeds for pennies.

Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-22 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Gary VanderMolen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 18:38:05 -0800

If (as you indicate) people are turning less  religious over
time, why do you suppose that Roe V. Wade may actually be overturned
soon, for the first time in 33 years?

Gary VanderMolen

Because abortion has absolutely nothing to do with fairy tales? Since when 
do you need to worship cloud men in order to determine if you personally 
find aborting fetuses to be immoral? I really have disgust for those who 
assume that only by instilling fairy tales does one have moral guidance. It 
is a real undermining of the human mind to overlook the sense of morality 
built in at the genetic level. I don't need a book to tell me that killing 
is wrong.

RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-22 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Neil Atwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],The Hardware List

To: 'The Hardware List'
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 17:02:18 +1100

You really are a rude and arrogant person Mr Robertson. Sad to think that 
one day you will awake to realise that much of what you write off as 'fairy 
tales' is true.

True would mean factual, and facts are not a part of faith. But lets not 
have logic, facts, and truth get in the way of your reasoning, after all 
it's just religion.

Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-21 Thread Pat Robertson

From: Thane Sherrington (S) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 07:44:23 -0400

All these questions simply show that you haven't thought Darwinism through 
completely.  The idea that Darwinism requires continuous improvement 
based on what mankind thinks is better shows a total lack of 
understanding of his theory.

It's also important to understand that the scientific method is like the US 
constitution. It's a living, breathing set of foundations that allows us to 
challenge and refine theories or laws to get a better understanding of our 
universe. Religious dogma is absolute, it can not be corrected, and many 
have died when pointing out the blatent stupidity of said dogma. Those who 
suggest compromising the scientific method in wake of certain people's 
belief in delusional frameworks based ancient superstitions is an insult to 
all of mankind's progress as a result of science. Just sickening.

Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-21 Thread Pat Robertson

Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],The Hardware List

To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 08:40:23 -0500

Instead of blaming the Creator in intelligent design for sickness and 
death, why not hope for the day he fixes the hindrance to the human body 
remaining well and regenerating thus not wearing out and dying, as we know 
it has the basic design to do? But then there are those who do not believe 
it required intelligent design to build something as complex as the 
universe and the human body.

Why do all whales have useless hip bones? Not very intelligent in design I'd 

RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-21 Thread Pat Robertson

God Shamgod

2nd round pick by the Washington Wizards.

It's his birth given name though.

Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 13:44:22 -0500

I thought that someone had recently changed their name to GOD in a


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Thane
Sherrington (S)
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:38 PM
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

At 12:57 PM 21/12/2005, 007 wrote:
The real answer is somewhere in the middle.  It is like a well kept 

like the formula for Coke.
If we could scientifically prove the origin of human beings, then most
religions (believing in the unseen) would
not be necessary.  All the people would go to Churches, Synagogues and
Mosques all the time).  And we would not have
atheists or agnostics.

Assuming there is a god.


RE: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-20 Thread Pat Robertson Elkins
That town is invoking the wrath of God. Rabbi Jesus will not be mocked by 
such blasphemous diatribe.

Only communists and deviants believe that man and monkey are related. PROOF:

Pat Robertson,
I'm not an ape but I play one on TV.

From: Brian Weeden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: hwg
Subject: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:59:08 -0700

(1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking
and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible
complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical
contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3)
ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific

Chalk one up for the good guys.


Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-20 Thread Pat Robertson

Reply-To: The Hardware List
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:22:52 -

Their children will simply grow up ignorant then won't they !  If Darwin 
could prove just 1% of the natural world then it might be worth listening 
to . . . but why are Dogs no more intelligent than they were years ago, why 
are there still Monkeys, why have they not evolved like us ?  Where did 
flowers come from ?  How come there are still single cell organisms after 
all these milions of years ?

One thing is for sure, they did not come from fairy tales about cloud men 
from 5,000 years ago (which are rehashed in every new cult inception, the 
cult of Rabbi Jesus is no exception).

Darwinism doesn't prove anything, all it does it suggest a possible 
solution to the questions man has been asking for years.

Actually it is a scientific theory. People who use Cletus McRedstate pablum 
such as it's only a theory perhaps should go prove how weak and unfounded 
scientific theories are by testing the theory of gravity and go leap off a 
tall building.

If you read the Bible and compare the rock strata with the events in the 
Bible, like the great flood, you see the rocks match with the Bible.  
Darwin couldn't explain why the rocks are how they are.  Have a look at

Some people have lost grasp of what faith is. Faith is defined as something 
that can never be proven yet is believed nonetheless. God archeologists 
are missing the point. Trying to fuse unprovable fairy tales with actual 
reality is a fruitless endeavor. Everybody has their own superstitions, I'm 
just as guilty. I have faith that the Redskins will make the Super Bowl this 
year but I have no proof to show for it (logic suggests that they will be 
lucky if they make the playoffs). The world's greatest novel was written to 
inspire it's readership with it's interpretation of how to live a moral life 
- not inspire wackos to hunt down wood debris claiming it's from Noah. I'm 
sure the authors would be laughing their asses off.