Since "hardware" users will no doubt use the following,
I hope the following is not too far OT.
I have lots of different versions of Acronis TrueImage,
and different computers.

I use ATI2009(Home) on Win-XP-Pro-SP3.
I keep up on new build releases (patches), (and am current).

There is a feature I USE:  "Try & Decide."
I "think" it stores the "phony virtual differencing stuff"
in the Acronis Security Partition. (I was never given a choice, IIRC.).
That is what matches the sizes given, and fills as the "virtual environment"
is used, (causing all changes to be saved there no doubt).
Hopefully you already understand how all that works and what the
program does and what it is for.

The program works GREAT, and throws out ALL the changes just like
it is supposed to.
BUT the program never frees up the used space in the Acronis Security Partition.
I have to go in and clean that myself, after the fact, after the program has
finished and I've re-booted and "everything" (else)  is back to normal.

This is a minor inconvenience, and if it is "normal" or SOP Ill live with it.
BUT, I think it should clean itself, right?

How does this work for others?

TIA,  Rick Glazier

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