Salam Saudaraku Semua
Maaf atas ketidak nyamanan, karena menerima email berasal dari atas nama saya,
dengan subject: "Hey (email anda) ;)"
Mohon di abaikan emailnya.. karena tidak saya mengirimnya
Sekali lagi maaf atas ketidak nyamanan ini..
Salam Sejati
"Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh,
akan menemukan yang dicarinya"
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal
Energy **