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The following page has been changed by DaliborTopic:

New page:
One of the current generation of the Kaffe developers. Loud, clear, Free 
Software person. Enjoys implementing runtimes for fun from spare parts, and 
integrating those parts into a coherent whole. Has a healthy anti-NIH attitude. 
which he developed during co-maintaining [ Kaffe] for the 
last few years. Has merged almost anything worth merging on the class library 
side into Kaffe, and is now moving to merge VM components and good work done in 
the various forks of Kaffe on isolation, single system image, jits, embedded 
and realtime solutions into the main tree, harmonizing the Kaffe 
world. Blogs about the state of affairs ocassionally on 
[ Planet Classpath], but prefers to get things done, 
rather than talk lofty about them. Regards non-free software licenses as source 
of involuntary tragicomical entertainment.

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