I know I was away from the Apache Harmony project quite some time,
the reasons where mostly related to my work and University studies
but there where private reasons too. I hope my summaries of the dev
mailing list are still welcome in the project. At least I'm glad to
see I'm still on the committers-list ;)

In the first paragraph of this summary I want to cover the most
important events in January and the first two weeks of Febuary. I won't
summarize the discussions in this period because (unfortunately) I 
missed many of them - I'll only mention the major events like code
donations or votes. After that the summary for this week (Sun, 12 Feb
2006 - Sat, 18 Feb 2006) follows.

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 Geir Magnusson Jr. posted the Result to the
"[VOTE] Accept JIRA contribution HARMONY-16 (Intel's contrib of security
code for classlib)" which was accepted with 8x +1 (5 binding) and 1x 0.
JCHEVM has been moved out of the sandbox in January 2006.
On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 Andrey Chernyshev announced the "Contribution of
beans, math and regex libraries" on behalf of intel. The vote which
followed was accepted with 5 binding +1 votes.

Ok, now for this week's summary: almost 430 emails marked. That's
pretty much, so I'll make the summaries of the threads quite short. And
just for the stats: I started following this project in July 2005, and
in the time from July 2005 to December 2005 there where 1212 emails on
harmony-dev. From January 1st until Febuary 17th there where 1375
emails. Pretty impressive how this project develops, IMHO.

In the thread "[jchevm] porting harmony classlib to JCHEVM"
Weldon Washburn, Archie Cobbs, Geir Magnusson Jr. and Tim Ellison
discussed about how the harmony Classlib could be "glued" to GNU
Classpath compatible VM's. The idea is to provide a compatibility
layer between the two VM/classlibrary interfaces. Weldon is working
on a Thread kernel class to prove the concept.

The discussions in "Using Cairo for Harmony graphic stuff?" was
mostly about where cairo could be used for Harmony, but there was
also some more general discussion about how to do all the graphics
stuff (AWT, the Java2D part of AWT, Swint, ...). Anthony Green
suggested to use jogl (JSR231) instead of cairo.

Tim Ellison, Mikhail Loenko, Geir Magnusson Jr. and others
discussed about the proposed package naming convention for the
org.apache.harmony.* packages Tim posted on the website in the
thread "Location for API extensions" [3].

Geir Magnusson Jr. started the thread "[classlib] build / test
system" where he mentioned some issues with using the Eclipse
compiler in an integrated build/test system (especially for people
who don't have eclipse installed). It was suggested to either put
the nessessary jars into the SVN repository or get them from the
Maven repository at ibilio.org [4]. The thread "[tools] javac.exe"
is somewhat related here [5] - Geir asked if javac.exe should just
start the VM and then the eclipse compiler.

In "[classlib] proposal to revisit componentization for security"
Tim Ellison and Mikhail Loenko discussed about how to group security
packages into modules [6]. Tim Ellison wrote the email "[classlib]
using cpp" where he suggests not to use C++ for the jaasnix natives
since the changes are minimal [7]. There was some discussion if we
should or should not use C++ for implementing the classlib natives.

There was some more discussion about "compiling JCHEVM with
GCC/Cygwin" [8]. Weldon Washburn and others discussed about how
to implement String.intern(...) in the thread "[jchevm] native
method API for _jc_new_intern_string -- do you plan to add to
_jc_ilib_entry table?" [9]. In the thread "build fails - what
next?" build problems with the classlib where discussed [10]. In
the thread "[classlib] creating a new snapshot, and planned breakage
heads-up" Tim Ellison and others discussed about when and how to
make a new binary snapshot of the classlib [11]. Some more discussion
about build problems here: "error when using sun compiler" [12].

In the thread "newbie to project-where to start from" there were
several questions+answers about where to start when joining the Harmony
project. There was also some more discussion about test case naming
and other things (compatibility issues, licensing, ...) [13]. Andrey
Chernyshev re-opened the thread "repo layout again" (renamed to
"Platform dependent code placement" [14].

In the thread "[classlib] do we need a global exclude list?" the
organisation of test case exclude lists was discussed [15]. There was
some Java Performance discussions in "I welcome J2SE 6's faster-
splash...." [16]. Geir has moved the security2 module to security and
archived the old security module: "[classlib] security moved". Some
discussion about snapshots followed [17]. Tim Ellison announced a new
snapshot: "[classlib] Snapshot build 378478 available" [18].

In "CLA issues Was: java.sql.*" Tor-Einar Jarnbjo, Geir Magnusson
Jr. and Leo Simons discussed some details about German laws and the
Apache Licenses [19]. There was some more legal discussion (mostly
about NDAs) in "NDA issues and acceptable use of sun source" [20].

Regards, David.

-- Read the archive of this series at http://deltalabs.at/
-- RSS feed: http://deltalabs.at/?q=taxonomy/term/8/0/feed
-- Also aggregated at: http://planet.classpath.org/

David Tanzer, Haghofstr. 29, A-3352 St. Peter/Au, Austria/Europe
http://deltalabs.at -- http://dev.guglhupf.net -- http://guglhupf.net
My PGP Public Key: http://guglhupf.net/david/david.asc
"A fractal is by definition a set for which the Hausdorff Besicovitch
dimension strictly exceeds the topological dimension."
                -- Mandelbrot, "The Fractal Geometry of Nature"

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