RE: [ha-Safran]: Psalms commentary

2003-09-12 Thread Rose Myers
--- "Janice Levine"
 > Rose-please share what you find out with the group!
 > Thanks! Janice Levine,
 > Atlanta
 > -Original Message-
 > Subject: [ha-Safran]: Psalms commentary
 > A teacher has asked me for commentary on Psalm 47,
 > recited before blowing the shofar.
 > Any suggestions of websites or books I should have
 > in the library?
 > Thanks,
 > Rose Myers
This is what I got:

Azriel Rosenfeld explained:
Psalm 47 begins with Kol ha-Amim Tik'u, and also
contains the verse
"Alah Elo-him bi-Teruah, Ha-Shem be-Kol Shofar", so it's a
very appropriate introduction to the blowing of the shofar.

Brendan Bell suggested the Soncino Psalms.

I found the Judaica Press' Tehillim
and Art Scroll's Rosh Hashanah, part of a set of
holiday books.
Also the Birnbaum Mahzor has a note at the bottom of
the page with Psalm 47.

And I asked a website, maybe OU, and should hear back
in a week or so.

May you all have a happy new year,

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[ha-Safran]: Donations to Scholarship Fund

2003-09-12 Thread Deborah Stern
Donations for the AJL Scholarship Fund have been received from Liza
Stabler, Libby White, and Rachel Glasser in memory of Roberta
Steinhardt-Ehrlich, sister of Cheryl Banks.  May her memory be a

Debbie Stern

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RE: [ha-Safran]: MLS courses on-line

2003-09-12 Thread Sukenic, Harvey

I am enrolled in the MLS program at Southern Connecticut State University.
It is an ALA accredited program and it is possible to fulfill all the
requirements of the program on-line.  For information look at their web
sites at and

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Harvey Sukenic
Hebrew College Library

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re: [ha-Safran]: Late return notification

2003-09-12 Thread Ted Koppel

Out of curiosity, what were the numbers?  That is, how large is the 
congregation?  How many letters did you have to send out?  How many books 
showed up?  How many people paid?  I wonder if your experience could be 
helpful to other congregational libraries in planning similar late notice 


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re: [ha-Safran]: Late return notification

2003-09-12 Thread Amy Wissoker Graham
We hadn't done any late notices in years. So, this year I went through
all of the checkout cards, confirmed that books were actually out, and
then used Microsoft Word to create a mail merge document letter listing
which books each family had checked out. I had similar feelings to yours
about the books, so I only sent notices to people whose materials were
more than 6 months overdue.  With the permission of the synagogue
Executive Committee, I wrote in the letter that if people could not find
the book(s), they should consider making a donation of $18 per book to
the library so that we may replace them.

Some people said they had returned things long ago, some returned what
they had, and others have sent checks.

We did run into an interesting problem: check-out cards with only a
child's first name in them. I will probably put an article into our
bulletin saying "If you have a child named Rachel, please check your
house for the following materials..."

Hope that helps.

Amy Wissoker Graham
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Wallingford, PA

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Hasafran Messages Archive

2003-09-12 Thread Ted Koppel
While I agree with Marcia about suppressing e-mail addresses, I am afraid 
that I must disagree about "the unscrupulous types who troll for our 
addresses and then spam us".  Of course, it depends on how you define "spam".

I kept an informal count for about a month of Hasafran messages.  I counted 
separately the number of messages where someone was trying to sell 
something (i.e. a publisher announcing a new title, a new catalog being 
released, and so on), and the number of messages where it was an individual 
asking a question, discussing an issue, or replying.

The fact is that (except for the months just ahead of an after the annual 
convention) commercial messages to Hasafran run somewhere between 60-65% of 
the messages.

Now, I am not saying this critically, because it's important to have 
publishers tell us what's coming out in our field.  But I want to point out 
that the spammers don't need to troll for us, we already get lots of 
commercial email from within our own mishpoche.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: School Librarian Job Description

2003-09-12 Thread Rose Myers
Here is what I proposed for the new position of
librarian at a day school; I am new to the world of
school libraries, but did run this by a retired school
media specialist.  I've deleted the name of the school
and my specific salary request.  If you have any
suggestions for alterations to this, please let me
know.  (The summer get-together with teachers never

Have fun,
Rose Myers


As librarian of the  Educational Resource Center,
my primary goal will be to make the library a vital
part of the school's Jewish education.  Therefore, I
make the following proposal.  All parts of it are open
to negotiation and I welcome discussion about them.

I will report directly to the principal and work
closely with the chair of the Library Advisory
Committee.  Based on regular reports and meetings, the
principal will evaluate my performance annually.  The
committee will report on the status of the
Educational Resource Center to the school's Board of
Directors on a regular basis.  The board will approve
an annual budget for the center.

I will work approximately 20 hours a week, from 12
noon to 4:00 p.m. on a typical school day; on
early-dismissal days, I will leave when school is
dismissed.  I further recommend that I work ten hours
a week during the summer to meet with the principal
and faculty to prepare the library aspect of the
Judaic Studies curriculum, improve the collection and
organize the room for the coming school year.  Changes
to this schedule may be made on an ad hoc basis for
events such as morning programs for students or
seminars and coursework in Library Science for me.

Professional library associations recommend that
school librarians be paid the same salary as teachers
and that (Connecticut) librarians with new MLS degrees
receive more than $36,000 annually.  ... The inclusion
of benefits, such as vacation, sick leave, tuition
reimbursement, access to health insurance, would lower
the suggested rate.  Payment for offsite attendance at
professional meetings will be determined in future

My activities will include the following:

Work with the principal and Library Advisory
Committee chair

Determine which books and other material
should be included in the SERC collection

Develop programming and lesson plans to
ensure the use of the library as part of the school's
Judaic Studies curriculum at different grade levels

Prepare a budget for the Educational
Resource Center
Do other jointly agreed upon supervisory

Cooperate with the faculty  and principal in
pedagogical pursuits

Prepare book lists on requested topics for

Find and set aside material for specific

Suggest books to students on requested

Run story hours in the library

Teach library skills

Teach how to use the library, including
the online catalogue and the Dewey Decimal
Classification system, to students, teachers and other
interested parties

Work with teachers to show students how to
use reference material such as encyclopedias, atlases,
dictionaries, book indices


Write articles for the school's weekly
newsletter about the library and its contents on a
regular basis

Publicize special events in newspapers and
other media within bounds of budget

Rotate book displays in and near the SERC


Reading clubs with small rewards

Speakers on book-related topics

Administrative tasks

Catalogue books and other library media

Prepare budget proposal for books,
supplies, equipment, library service contracts,
professional membership, etc.

Build and maintain collection

Order books and other library media

Repair damaged books

Weed books

Order supplies and equipment

Circulation (check in/out books)

Maintain patron and book records in
catalog and circulation systems

Supervise thank-you letters, bookplates,
shelf plaques for donations

Shelve books and "read" shelves (to make
sure books are in their correct locations)

Meet with Library Advisory Committee

Establish policies

Recruit volunteers


Supervise and train volunteers to perform
above administrative tasks

Keep current and improve my library skills

Active membership in the Association of
Jewish Libraries and its local chapter

Take courses in Library Science

Research best practices by local and
Judaic and school libraries for categorization,
cataloguing, and circulation systems, equipment,

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Hasafran Messages Archive

2003-09-12 Thread Marcia Goldberg
Kol ha-kavod!! This is a long-overdue and wonderful thing. I especially
like the fact that the emails are clustered by question/response so that
if someone needs help with a previously discussed topic they are all
together if you are just browsing. This is especially helpful for the
frequent requests for help on computer systems for small libraries, or
help in programming etc. for schools/synagogues, or any of the many
topics that return to discussion.

I don't see the suppression of email addresses as a drawback. There are
way too many unscrupulous types out there who will troll for our
addresses and then spam us. If you need to get in touch there is always
the AJL CD-ROM for members. I keep mine at home but one could always
keep the current one at work and older versions at home, if necessary.

My heartfelt thanks to all who worked on it.


Marcia Goldberg
Hebrew/Yiddish Cataloger
2200 McKeldin Library
University of Maryland Libraries
College Park, Maryland 20742
Voice: (301) 405-9350
Fax: (301) 314-9971

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Hasafran Messages Archive

2003-09-12 Thread I. Oppenheim
Given the fact that professional spammers continuously
"harvest" the internet for fresh e-mail addresses, I
think it's a major advantage that the e-mail addresses
are concealed.

However, there's still a possibility to reach the
author of an e-mail: just click the gray button at the
bottom of the page.

Shabbat Shalom.

  Irwin Oppenheim

  Chazzanut Online:

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