[ha-Safran]: A great way to start the New Year with a video VHS sale!

2004-09-22 Thread Salkluger
Hello friends, 1. A Yiddish World Remembered [this is the TV special plus 20
etra bonus min.] 35.00,2.  The New Klezmorim,voices inside the revival of
Yiddish Music, 32.00.   3. Gefilte Fish,an endangered
spieces-the homemade gefilte fish  26.004. Avi 
Too Jewish, a hilarious live nostalgia 
revue  30.00
 5. The Eternal Road, a re staging of Kurt Weill jewish music epic. 45.00.
   thx sal [simcha sales 11 imbrook lane aberdeen, n.j. 07747]

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Re: [ha-Safran]: No clown simpler than a single hair

2004-09-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
Apparently, it is "no crown simpler than a single
hair" which comes up in a google search.  Poem by
Wallace Stephens.

Andrea Rapp

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[ha-Safran]: Re: contact info. and current status of "Israel Bulletin"

2004-09-22 Thread Rivka Schiller
Dear Safranim and Safraniyot,

I am trying to find out the current status of a publication that comes out
of England called, "Israel Bulletin."  If anyone has an email contact, I
would greatly appreciate it if you would please pass along that information
to me, as I am trying to contact the publisher and currently only have a
snail mail address.

Also, would anyone happen to know what the current status of this
publication is?  Specifically, is this still being published--and if
so--what is the latest volume/issue number?

Thank you, as always!
Rivka Schiller
Rivka Schiller
Serials Librarian
Asher Library
Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
618 S. Michigan
Chicago, IL 60605
Tel.: 312-322-1751
Fax: 312-922-0455

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Dewey and Holocaust books

2004-09-22 Thread Yossi Galron
--- Message requiring your approval --
From: "Reister, Maureen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Dewey and Holocaust books
Would like to talk to day school librarians who use Dewey…940.53 is too 
broad for all Holocaust materials…what are some of you doing with this 
section?  Also, are you dropping the “,Jewish” in your subject headings and 
using “Holocaust, 1939-1945?  What about personal narratives…are you using 
940.5318 or Biography or what?

Maureen Reister
Director of Libraries
Solomon Schechter Academy of Dallas
18011 Hillcreset Rd.
Dallas TX 75252
972-248-3032, ext. 111

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Help identify the edition

2004-09-22 Thread Yossi Galron
--- Message requiring your approval --
From: "Hayim Sheynin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Help identify the edition
I am cataloging now Sefer Menorat ha-Maor / by Itshak Aboav with the 
commentary Nefesh Yehuda. Our copy lacks t.p.,
But it seems to be edition Fyorda (Fuerth) 1762/3, because the printers 
mentioned in the the colophon are from Fyorda.
It also fits Vinograd description and probably OCLC record in Stanford.

Could somebody fax to me the title page and the colophon page of this edition.
Acording to Vinograd and my copy the number of leaves is 452
  OCLC:  56515532Rec stat:c
  Entered:20040830   Replaced:20040915   Used:20040915
Ü Type:  a ELvl:  M Srce:  d Audn:Ctrl:Lang:  heb
  BLvl:  m Form:Conf:  0 Biog:MRec:Ctry:  gw
   Cont:GPub:LitF:  0 Indx:  0
  Desc:  a Ills:Fest:  0 DtSt:  s Dates: 1763, Ý
Ü   1  040 STF ßc STF Ý
Ü   2  050  4  BJ1287 ßb .A15 1762a Ý
Ü   3  090 ßb  Ý
Ü   4  049 GRZA Ý
Ü   5  100 1   Aboab, Isaac, ßd 14th cent. Ý
Ü   6  240 10  Menorat ha-ma®or Ý
Ü   7  245 10  Sefer menorat ha-ma®or / ßc òhibero ... Yitsòhaòk Abohab ; ...
°im perush ... Nefesh Yehudah ... liòkeòto òve-hibero ... Mosheh Franòkfuròt. Ý
Ü   8  246 18  Menorat ha-ma®or : Fuerth 1762 Ý
Ü   9  260 Fiyorda : ßb Yosef Peòtshoi u-veno Mendel Ber, ßc 523 [1763] Ý
Ü  10  300 451 [i.e. 902] p. ; ßc 17 cm. Ý
Ü  11  510 4   Vinograd, Y., ßc Fiorda 295 Ý
Ü  12  650  0  Jewish ethics. Ý
Dr. Hayim Y. Sheynin
Adjunct Professor of Jewish Literature
Gratz College
7605 Old York Rd.
Melrose Park, PA 19027
Tel.: 215 635-7300 x 161
Fax: 215 635-7320

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: Holocaust Art, Photography, & Rarities Available

2004-09-22 Thread Dan Wyman
Dear Friends & Colleagues,

We have just posted online a short list of important Holocaust titles which
includes Holocaust Art, Holocaust Early Photography, and few other Rare
Holocaust titles, including the first printing of the first Dutch edition of
Anne Frank's Diary.

Please view this list online on our website, www.danwymanbooks.com


Dan Wyman, Books http://www.DanWymanBooks.com
47 Dartmouth St. Springfield, MA 01109 USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: 413.846.6357 e-fax: 208.567.8926
 >>>  We Find Good Homes For Nice Jewish Books  <<<

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: Israel HighWay Launch: September 9th

2004-09-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought some of you might be interested in this "e-zine" on Israel.

  Shana tova.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

From: Deborah Laufer
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: [v'dibarta] Israel HighWay Launch: September 9th

To: High School Principals

Dear Chaverim,

 All of us are concerned that our students' knowledge of modern
Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict is not what it should be. As a
member of the Advisory Board of the Israel HighWay, a new electronic
publication on Israel for high school students, I am pleased to notify
you of its launch this Thursday (please see below). Please take a look
at this new "e-zine."  A lot of effort has gone into it, and we hope you
will like it. Please bring it to the attention of the students in your
schools and have them subscribe (free!) to it.

 Kol tuv,


Rabbi Jeremiah Unterman, Ph.D.
Association of Modern Orthodox Day Schools and Yeshiva High Schools
MSDCS-RIETS, Yeshiva University
500 W. 185th Street, Suite 413
New York, NY 10033
fax: 212-960-5228

Israel HighWay Launch Date:

Thursday, September 9th

The Conference of Presidents will be launching its new email
publication, the Israel HighWay, on Thursday, September 9, 2004. The
Israel HighWay is a weekly email publication that will reach out to
high-school-age youth with an engaging, informative and exciting format.

Following the success of the Daily Alert (www.dailyalert.org ) and
Israel Campus Beat (www.israelcampusbeat.org ), we recognized a need for
a publication for students at the high school level.  Students, even
those in Jewish day schools, were found not to know the history or
contemporary situation in Israel.  It is often too late to wait until
they get to campus to educate them.  As a result, consultations were
held with a wide variety of educators, various teen groups, individual
schools and students.  All agreed that this is a vital undertaking for a
much-neglected yet important sector of our community. In addition, the
discussion with the Jewish Community Center Association (JCCA) led to a
request that the publication be continued during the summer months so it
could be used by day and overnight camps.  The Israel HighWay is
sponsored by a grant from the Avi Chai Foundation.

Our goal is to educate students and to prepare them for the challenges
they will likely face on campus. Some of the features of the Israel
HighWay include an in-depth examination of an issue in each edition, a
project of the month, interactive components, articles by American and
Israeli students describing activities in their schools relevant to
Israel as well as their experiences on Israel programs, and sections on
Jewish or Israeli sports, music, arts and technology. We want to impress
upon Israel HighWay readers the importance of Israel on many levels, and
to instill in them a love for Israel and pride in its accomplishments
over the years. In addition to exploring the context of today's
important issues, we will highlight Israel's many and diverse
contributions to society.

Based on the feedback of our Advisory Board and Student Advisory
Committee we have gone through several drafts and designs, making
adjustments and improvements with each issue.  A current sample issue is
located at www.conferenceofpresidents.org/highway.html .

In conjunction with the Israel HighWay, we will establish a website
together with the Israel Advocacy High School Coalition which will serve
as a repository of all resources, including materials, publications and
programmatic information for high school students, information on Israel
programs, as well as sample curricula that teachers can adapt for their
use. An important feature will be a discussion guide related to the
Israel HighWay that can be used by teachers or parents to engage
students in meaningful discussion.

The Israel HighWay will be launched on Thursday, September 9, 2004. It
will be sent out via email on Thursday mornings so that schools and
organizations can forward it to their membership either by email or fax
over the course of the day. When a holiday begins on a Wednesday or
Thursday, we will send out the Israel HighWay on Tuesday mornings.

We are now preparing our initial email distribution list. To ensure that
your membership receives the Israel HighWay, please send all email
addresses to us immediately. Either send us the individual addresses of
your members, or send us one designated recipient who will then forward
the Israel HighWay to your internal lists. Once launched, the Israel
HighWay will have a subscription management page so that individuals can
subscribe directly or update their email information.

Please submit all email addresses to receive the Israel HighWay to Malky
Tannenbaum at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . If you have any
questions, pleas

Re: [ha-Safran]: No clown simpler than a single hair

2004-09-22 Thread Rose Myers
If you search for "Stevens" and "No crown is simpler
than the simple hair" you will find the below.  Is
this what you're looking for?

 >From this site:

containing this header:
Selected Poems
Stevens, Wallace

By the University of Virginia American Studies Program

Tagged in HTML October, 2003.

Copy-edited and overall design and construction:
Morgan Saxby, October, 2003. This version available
from American studies at the University of Virginia.
Charlottesville, Va.

Freely available for non-commercial use provided
that this header is included in its entirety with any
copy distributed
I have copied the following poem:

To the One of Fictive Music

Sister and mother and diviner love,
And of the sisterhood of the living dead
Most near, most clear, and of the clearest bloom,
And of the fragrant mothers the most dear
And queen, and of diviner love the day
And flame and summer and sweet fire, no thread
Of cloudy silver sprinkles in your gown
Its venom of renown, and on your head
No crown is simpler than the simple hair.

Now, of the music summoned by the birth
That separates us from the wind and sea,
Yet leaves us in them, until earth becomes,
By being so much of the things we are,
Gross effigy and simulacrum, none
Gives motion to perfection more serene
Than yours, out of our own imperfections wrought,
Most rare, or ever of more kindred air
In the laborious weaving that you wear.

For so retentive of themselves are men
That music is intensest which proclaims
The near, the clear, and vaunts the clearest bloom,
And of all the vigils musing the obscure,
That apprehends the most which sees and names,
As in your name, an image that is sure,
Among the arrant spices of the sun,
O bough and bush and scented vine, in whom
We give ourselves our likest issuance.

Yet not too like, yet not so like to be
Too near, too clear, saving a little to endow
Our feigning with the strange unlike, whence springs
The difference that heavenly pity brings.
For this, musician, in your girdle fixed
Bear other perfumes. On your pale head wear
A band entwining, set with fatal stones.
Unreal, give back to us what once you gave:
The imagination that we spurned and crave.

Hope this helps,

Rose Myers
Edith Scheinberg Library
Hillel Academy
Fairfield, CT

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[ha-Safran]: Thanks to everyone for the American Jewish Yearbook

2004-09-22 Thread Cheryl Banks
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My dear friends and colleagues:

Once again, you have come through.  Many, many of you offered to send me 
the article that my rabbi requested, and I did receive one by fax 
today.  Thanks to all of you for your offers!! You're great!

Shanah Tovah!

Cheryl Banks

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: No clown simpler than a single hair

2004-09-22 Thread Weisbarth, Bracha
Dear friends, one of our teachers needs the full text of the above title. 
It is either a poem or an assay by Wallace Stephens, published a couple of 
years ago. If you have the text or can direct me to where I can find it, it 
will be a great help. As always I know that my fellow librarians will come 
up with the answer! Thanks and Gmar Chatima Tovah, Bracha.

Bracha Weisbarth
Director of Library services
Waldor Memorial Library of the JEA
Tel:973 929-2973

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu

Ha-Safran Archives:

AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Looking for an article from 1923 American Jewish Yearbook

2004-09-22 Thread Cheryl Banks
Hello friends:

My rabbi is interested in the article "Kol Nidre" by Israel Davidson, found 
in the American Jewish Yearbook, vol. 25, 1923, pp. 180-194.  If you have 
it and can copy and fax it to me, please let me know at this email address.

Many thanks.

Gmar Hatimah Tovah.

Cheryl Banks
Highland Park, IL 60035

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu

Ha-Safran Archives:

AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Zohar set for sale

2004-09-22 Thread Liza Stabler
Merritt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 718 657-3222; 212

Ms Merritt, of the Association for Research & Enlightenment
is offering the 24 volume 1994-1995 Sefer HaZohar published
by the Press of the Yeshivat Kol Yehuda..., Old City,
Jerusalem and Richmond Hill, NY.  The title page includes
the following information:

Sefer ha-Zohar 'al hamishah humshe Torah 'im perush Rabi
Shim'on ben Yohai; 'im perush Derech Emet; ve-'im
ha-bi'urim ha-nifla'im ha'sulam...Mesoret haZohar...Chalufi

Please refer all inquiries to Ms. Merritt.  Please also be
advised that the telephone and fax seem to be better

Best wishes,

Elizabeth F. Stabler

Elizabeth F. Stabler, Librarian
Congregation Emanu-El
1 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021
212 744-1400
Fax: 212 570 0826

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu

Ha-Safran Archives:

AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: New curriculum from Jewish Women's Archive

2004-09-22 Thread Judith Rosenbaum
The Jewish Women's Archive proudly presents Making Our Wilderness Bloom, a 
new curriculum developed in honor of the 350th anniversary of Jewish life 
in America.

Making Our Wilderness Bloom is a creative and flexible curriculum that 
engages middle- and high-school students in American Jewish history through 
the lens of Jewish women's contributions to the American Jewish community 
and to American society more broadly. The curriculum consists of a 
comprehensive Teacher's Guide and more than 200 pages of student resources, 
including rich primary sources such as photographs, newspaper articles, and 
letters, as well as topical Jewish value lessons, and biographies and 
historical background on the featured women. This is a resource every 
library should have.

In honor of the 350th anniversary, this year we are offering the Making Our 
Wilderness Bloom curriculum at the subsidized price of $55, including 
shipping and handling.

To learn more or order, go to: 
Or call: (617) 232-2258, ext. 212

Thank you.

Judith Rosenbaum, Ph.D.
Director of Education
Jewish Women's Archive
138 Harvard Street
Brookline, MA 02446
(617) 232-2258, x212

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