Re: [ha-Safran]: Video on kashering

2006-02-23 Thread Steven M. Bergson
I've never seen it myself, but here's the information
I copied from


Directed by Bill Chayes
United States
40 minutes
Subjects:Family & Geneology, North American Jewish
Identity, Video Only
Demographics:Baby Boomers, Teens, Youth,
Food/Culinary, Seniors

Did you ever wonder to yourself, what makes a good
pastrami sandwich kosher? When standing at the deli
counter were you unsure of the contents of kishke and
other Jewish culinary delicacies? DIVINE FOOD is a
tell-all, behind-the-scenes expose of one family-
owned kosher food and meat production company. Founded
by Jewish immigrant Isaac Oscherwitz 125 years ago,
Best Foods prospered and was eventually sold to Sara
Lee where Will Oscherwitz, the last of the family
line, is still CEO. Made with love, this film is bound
to make you hungry!

Distributed by:

Chayes Productions
Bill Chayes
360 Grant Ave
Petaluma, CA, 94952
United States
tel: 707-782-9131
fax: 510-549-6941

Screened in the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

I tried the URL, but it wasn't working
at the time.


Steven M. Bergson, Librarian
Jewish Public Library of Toronto

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[ha-Safran]: Need help automating a library

2006-02-23 Thread Rachel Haus
Dear Hasafranim,

I just became part-time Library Director for a small one room 
synagogue library in Kalamazoo Michigan. The library has between 
2000-4000 books and no automation except for a donation of a couple 5 
yr old computers. The shelf list is in disarray and the collection is 
classified in a mishmash of Dewey and Weine.

There is a small pot of money collected over the years (out of which 
comes my salary), leaving very little for anything else (at least 
without a massive fight with the board). The synagogue itself has 
barely 100 families, though there is a small religious school, which 
would benefit greatly from a functioning library.

I would appreciate advice in the following areas:

1. Funding: Are there any grants appropriate to our situation? I've 
done some preliminary research without success.

2. Automation: Assuming funding is found, what library software would 
any of you recommend for a small synagogue library with limited 
resources? Right On Programs looks affordable, but I wonder if I 
could import MARC records. Some time back, someone mentioned Surpass, 
but there appear to be dozens of programs with similar features 
geared to small collections. I just need help cutting down the list 
and then I could order some demos.

Thanks for all your help.

Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses
Kalamazoo MI

Relax. Yahoo! Mail 
scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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[ha-Safran]: Young Jewish visitor to London

2006-02-23 Thread Susan Berson
Would anyone be interested in hosting a very fine 17-year-old young 
man from Denver who will be visiting London for four weekdays in 
March?  A religious family is preferred but not necessary.  I can 
vouch for his excellent character and charming personality.

Susan Berson
Congregation Emanuel
Denver, Colorado

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[ha-Safran]: New CD Release On SA

2006-02-23 Thread ha-Safran
  Cyco Publishing House/Yiddishland Records
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  212-505-8305

  Press Release


  The New CD Yiddish Songs for the Soul by actor/singer/director Hy Wolfe
  with all new arrangements by Herbert Kaplan,
  takes you on a voyage that spans 100 year of Yiddish music. You are
  transported through 15 songs, diverse in style and period,
  some never recorded until this CD! The journey sets sail from the Folk
  Shtetl of Eastern Europe, making a port of call on the Israeli kibbutz,
  the Yiddish theater stage, and arrives in the Catskill Mountain resorts
  in New York State.
  Yiddish culture continues today in large part due to the efforts of
  like Hy Wolfe who continue to champion,
  treasure and nurture it into the 21st century!
  Hy Wolfe is the Artistic Director of the Yiddish National Theater and
  the executive director of CYCO (Central Yiddish Culture Organization &
  Publishing House). His 25 year English performing career includes
  stage, film & daytime television. His Yiddish concert and stage
  appearances include leading roles in Folksbiene Yiddish Theater
  productions and Yiddish Public Theater productions.

  To order Yiddish Songs for the Soul please send $15.00 plus $3.00 = $18.00
  postage and handling to CYCO, 25 E. 21st street. NY NY 10010.
  or write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 212-505-8305

International postage please send $15.00 plus $5.00 = $20.00 US currency.

Hy Wolfe
Executive Director
CYCO Publishing House
25 East 21st Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10010
212 505-8305
Located in the ATRAN CENTER for

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[ha-Safran]: Purim on the J Site and 95 Purim Hotsites

2006-02-23 Thread Jacob Richman
Hi Everyone!

Purim, the fun-filled Jewish holiday, falls on the
14th of the Hebrew month of Adar. This year Purim
begins Monday night March 13, 2006.
(In Jerusalem, it is usually celebrated one day later.)

The J Site - Jewish Education and Entertainment

has several entertaining features for Purim:

Purim Trivia
Why do people eat poppy seeds on Purim ?
 >From what tribe was Mordecai ?
Why was Haman angry at Mordechai ?
Who was queen of Persia before Esther ?
Esther had another name, what was it ?
How many times is Haman's name mentioned in the megillah ?
What did the king do when he couldn't sleep ?
What does the word "Esther" mean ?
How many advisors did king Achashverosh have ?

The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.

Purim Clipart
Whether you need a picture to attach to your "Mishloach Manot",
a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your
synagogue, Hillel or JCC Purim announcement, the Jewish Clipart
Database has the pictures for you.
You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.

Multilingual Hangman - Purim
It's the classic Hangman game recreated in an online Flash version.
If you expect your simple "hang the man by the rope" drawing then
you are in for a surprise. The game can be played in English or

Purim Word Search Game
Enter the Multilingual Word Search game and choose the
language you would like to play in: English, Hebrew or
Russian. There is an easy mode for the kids and a harder
mode for us big kids. Learning Purim words has never
been more fun. Each game is randomly generated from a
special list of Purim words. You can even print out a
blank game (and the solution page) for offline playing.

My Jewish Coloring Book - Purim Pictures
Young kids love to draw and this online coloring book
is made just for them. Three different size "brushes"
and 24 colors to choose from. You can print the completed
color pictures or print black and white outlines to color
offline. No need to go buy a coloring book this Purim.

Hebrew Purim Songs with Vowels (Nikud)
Enter My Hebrew Songbook and choose the category Purim.
You can view any song online or create a printed song sheet
with several songs together for a sing along. All Hebrew is
graphic so you do not need Hebrew support to view or print
the songs.

The J site has something for everyone, but if that is not
enough, there are now 95 Purim links on my holiday hotsites.
The sites have everything ranging from laws and customs to
games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew,
Russian, Spanish, French, Portugese and German.
All 95 links have been reviewed / checked over the past week.
The address is:


Please forward this message to relatives and friends,
so they may benefit from these holiday resources.

An early Happy Purim!

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[ha-Safran]: Recently published by Bar-Ilan University Press

2006-02-23 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
Subject: Recently published by Bar-Ilan University Press
February 23rd, 2006

Dear Sir / Madam,

We are happy to announce the recent publications of the following titles:

·A Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (Alef-Taw) 
(Osar Lešon Ha-Miqra me Alef’ ad Taw)

/ By Prof. Menachem Zevi Kaddari
ISBN 965-226-287-0
1194 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover, 2006.
List Price: $ 120.-

·Karl Jaspers – Frrom Selfhood to Being
/ By Dr. Ronny Miron
ISBN 965-226-300-1
338 pp. Hebrew. Soft-cover, 2006.
List Price: $ 35.-
Periodical :

·Hebrew Linguistics ,Vol. 57 – A Journal for 
Hebrew Descriptive, Computational and Applied Linguistics / Z. Livnat (ed.)

95 pp. Hebrew + XXI pp. English. Soft-cover. 2006
ISSN 0334 3472
List Price: $ 14.-

Orders can be sent to Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.
On-Line Catalogue

We look forward to serving you.

Sincerely yours,

Dina Kupperberg
Distribution Dept.
Fax no. 972-3-5353446

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[ha-Safran]: Free Shipping and Handling on Harry Potter Books

2006-02-23 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: "Israbook Gefen Publishing House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Free Shipping and Handling on Harry Potter Books

Dear Librarian (ha-safran)

The Israbook February 2006 Israeli Bestsellers 
Catalogues includes an offer of free shipping and 
handling on any of the Harry Potter books in 
Hebrew with every order from our February Israeli Bestsellers Catalogs.

The following library discount catalogues have 
been sent by email and postal mail to librarians on our distribution list.

Hebrew Bestsellers
Translated Bestsellers
Hebrew Children’s Bestsellers
Harry Potter Series in Hebrew Translation 
including the newest book, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”

If you did not receive these catalogues and would 
like these discount catalogues sent to you by 
email or postal mail please request by email to me at;


To automatically receive the quarterly updated 
catalogues by email send a blank email message to:


Gefen Publishing House Updates
To subscribe to this free monthly email newsletter, send a blank email to:

In addition to the most up-to-date bestsellers in 
Israel we can provide you with any title 
published in Israel. We also maintain a warehouse 
in the United States. This means that in many 
cases you can get shipping and handling prices 
based on local domestic UPS shipping costs.

Israbook Supplies:
•   Best-selling Hebrew paperbacks
•   Children’s books in Hebrew
•   Hebrew-English English Hebrew Dictionaries
•   Hebrew Studies Textbooks (Hebrew From Scratch)
•   Easy Hebrew Publications
•   Sifrey Kodesh
•   Archeology Research
•   Holocaust Literature
•   Academic publications
•   Much more…

Avraham (Andy) Kohlenberg
Israbook Special Orders and Marketing
Gefen Publishing House
Jerusalem / New York

tel: 972 2 538 0247
fax: 972 2 538 8423
Hatzvi 6, Jerusalem, 94386

Gefen Books
600 Broadway, Lynbrook, NY, 11563
tel: 1 800 477 5257
fax: 516 295 2739

New Title at Gefen Publishing House
The Most Ancient Translation / Commentary
The Most Modern Scholarship
For Your Home, For Your Synagogue, For Your Library
Onkelos on the Torah: Understanding the Biblical Text. Exodus

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[ha-Safran]: Video on kashering

2006-02-23 Thread Ann Abrams
Ergo Media distributes it:

Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel, Boston

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrea Rapp
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:15 AM
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Video on kashering

Can anyone give information on purchase of a video called "Divine
Food" which covers the kashering process for meat?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple Library

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[ha-Safran]: Prague Bible online

2006-02-23 Thread Pearl Berger
Yeshiva University is pleased to announce that a digital version of 
its Prague Bible manuscript in now up on the web.  To view the Prague 
Bible click on the Digital Projects link at

One of the finest examples of a complete Hebrew manuscript Bible, the 
three-volume manuscript completed in Prague in 1489, includes 84 
leaves with illuminated panels and Rashi's commentary in a version of 
interest to scholars due to its textual variants. The Bible was 
recently on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City 
as part of its "Prague, The Crown of Bohemia" exhibition.

The manuscript was photographed by Bar-Hama Blumenthal Digital Photography.
A grant from the Metropolitan New York Library Council's Digital 
Metro New York helped support the publication project.


Pearl Berger  Phone:  (212) 960-5363
Dean of LibrariesFax:  (212) 960-0066
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th StreetE-mail:  [EMAIL 
New York, NY 10033

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[ha-Safran]: Article in Middle Eastern Studies.

2006-02-23 Thread llibbylib
If Bev Geller has not yet received the article from Middle Eastern 
Studies requested last week, she should contact us at Baltimore 
Hebrew University with full details. We have the volume and will be 
happy to mail or fax the article. Libby 

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[ha-Safran]: Bogus websites

2006-02-23 Thread Yeshivah Secondary Library
Can anyone suggest bogus websites to use for teaching purposes please.
Thank you
Kitty Ross

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[ha-Safran]: Press Release: National Jewish Book Award Winners

2006-02-23 Thread Lisa Silverman

Top Award Goes to Amos Oz for Tales of Love and Darkness
Michael Chabon Wins Fiction Prize for The Final Solution
  55th Annual Award Ceremony Planned for April 26, 2006

For Immediate Release Contact:
Shira Dicker


New York, NY. February 21, 2006 - A prominent father and his newly-famous
daughter are among the nineteen winners of the 2005 National Jewish Book
Awards, the largest number of winners in the award's 55-year history.

David Ellenson, the president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion, garners the top award in the category of Modern Jewish Thought and
Experience with his work, After Emancipation (HUC Press), which documents
how modernism revitalized Judaism. Grabbing the top honor in the category of
Women's Studies is Dr. Ellenson's daughter, Ruth Andrew Ellenson, for her
compelling work, The Modern Jewish Girls' Guide to Guilt (Dutton), a
collection of essays by prominent Jewish women on the existential issues
that preoccupy them.

For his elegant and haunting memoir, A Tale of Love and Darkness (Harcourt),
Israeli author Amos Oz merits this year's top prize -- the Everett Family
Foundation Jewish Book of the Year Award. The leading award for Fiction goes
to Michael Chabon for his riveting and imaginative work, The Final Solution
(Fourth Estate).

Administered by the Jewish Book Council, the literary arm of the American
Jewish community, the National Jewish Book Award is the most prestigious -
and oldest -- of its kind. This year's awards include a stellar array of
works on such fascinating and relevant subjects as the hidden history of
exclusion at Ivy League universities to the glory of Salonica as a center of
Jewish life and culture to Holocaust denial to a children's book that
confronts Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians to the travels of
the legendary 12th century Jewish explorer, Benjamin of Tudela, to the
salons of prominent Jewish women to the erotic aspects of Kabbalah...and

This year's awards ceremony also features a first-ever category for Jewish
Family Literature, endowed by the Kripke Foundation, in memory of the late,
great author Dorothy Kripke, in addition to a number of occasional honors,
such as Sephardic Culture. The vast number of winners and finalists attests
to the extraordinary profusion of creative and scholarly literary output on
Jewish topics.

The 55th Annual National Jewish Book Awards will be held on Wednesday, April
26th at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. As in years past,
acclaimed authors Ari L. Goldman and Samuel G. Freedman will serve as
masters of ceremonies. Scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m, the event is free and
open to the public.

2005 National Jewish Book Award Winners

Everett Family Foundation
Jewish Book of the Year Award

A Tale of Love and Darkness
Amos Oz


The Final Solution
Michael Chabon
(Fourth Estate)

Runners up:
Heir to the Glimmering World
Cynthia Ozick
(Houghton Mifflin)

The Plot Against America
Philip Roth
(Houghton Mifflin)

Dorot Foundation Award in Memory of
Joy Ungerleider Mayerson

After Emancipation
David Ellenson
(HUC Press)

Runners up:
Autobiographical Jews
Michael Stanislawski
(Univ. of Washington Press)

The Way into Tikkun Olam
Elliot Dorff
(Jewish Lights)


The Chosen: The Hidden History of Exclusion at Harvard, Yale and Princeton
Jerome Karabel
(Houghton Mifflin)

Runners up:
Jews and the American Soul
Andrew R. Heinze
(Princeton University Press)

Jews and Gentiles in Early America, 1654-1800
William Pencak
(University of Michigan Press)


Who We Are: On Being (and Not Being) A Jewish American Writer
Derek Rubin, ed.

Runners up:
Classic Yiddish Stories of SY Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem and IL Peretz
Ken Frieden, ed.
(Syracuse University Press)

Old Demons, New Debates: Anti-Semitism and the West
David I. Kertzer, ed.
(Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc.)


Ester and Ruzya
Masha Gessen
(Bantam Dell Publishing Group)

Runners up:
A Story of a Life
Aharon Appelfeld
(Schocken Books)


Real Time
Pnina Moed Kass
(Clarion Books)

Runners up:
Daniel Half-Human And The Good Nazi
David Chotiewitz
(Simon and Schuster)

Double Crossing
Eve Tal
(Cinco Puntos)


The Book of Customs
Scott-Martin Kosofsky
(HarperSan Francisco)

Runners up:
  Love Letters: A Celebration of Jewish Love and Marriage in Words and Images
David Moss, Quotations selected and translated by Michael Swirsky
(Bet Alpha Divisions)

Dignity Beyond Death: The Jewish Preparation for Burial
Rochel U. Berman

Second Chances
Levi Meier

How To Keep Kosher
Lise Stern
(Wm. Morrow)


[ha-Safran]: Access to Judaic Library from VardaBooks

2006-02-23 Thread Sue Batzdorff
Dear Colleagues:

Our rabbi just forwarded to me an offer from VardaBooks of a new 
Digital Judaica program available by subscription. I am attaching the 
description of this program here.  I wonder whether anyone has 
received this offer and what your thoughts about it are. This offer 
has a narrow time limit.

Susanne M. Batzdorff, Librarian, Congregation Beth Ami, Santa Rosa, CA
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Dan Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Now give your congregation access to a Judaic Library from home
Reply-To: Dan Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 21 Feb 2006 10:53:52 -0600

Dear Rabbi George Schlesinger,

I am excited to announce a brand new Digital Judaica program from 
VardaBooks that lets you bring Torah and Judaic studies books 
directly into your member's homes and offices to encourage their 
engagement in your congregation. When your synagogue pays for one or 
more book bundles, your congregants will gain free online access to 
these books for six full months.

After six months, your synagogue will have the option to continue 
offering online access to your already purchased Digital Judaica 
Library titles. The price for continued access per member is only 
$18.00 per year. We also have "academic" accounts available for just 
$36 per year, which allows users to copy, paste, print, annotate, and 
search within an online library identified with your synagogue's 
name.  "Academic" accounts are perfect for members of Torah study 
groups, B'nai Mitzvot, staff, teachers and others.

Giving your congregation this wonderful membership service is 
easy.  It requires no technical knowledge whatsoever.  You just 
purchase one of more of these book bundles and then communicate to 
your members the simple access instructions that we will supply.

Our current roster of nearly 200 books continues to grow, so you can 
build your digital library for years to come.  The cost per user 
remains fixed no matter how many books you add.

To start, just preview these book bundles and make your purchase online.
* $249 - 
Digital Torah Library The collection includes: JPS Hebrew-English 
Tanakh & JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, 
Deuteronomy (special code DTorahLib+OnlineDK)

* $495 - 
Bookshelf The collection includes: JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh & JPS 
Torah Commentary: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 
Esther, Jonah, and Haftarot; plus, these Midrashic works: Legends of 
the Jews, Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael (3 vols.), Pesikta de-Rab Kahana, 
Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer, Tanna Debe Eliyyahu: The Lore of the School 
of Elijah and Treatise Ta`anit of the Babylonian Talmud (special code 

* $695 - 
Scholar Digital Reference Library The world's largest library of 
English-language digital Judaica; an unprecedented collection of 101, 
many award winning, titles (special code JSDigRefLib+OnlineDK)

You will also receive an offline PDF version of each book on a CD to 
place directly on a single computer in your office or library.  The 
off-line version is a tremendous resource for the preparation of all 
kinds of documents, for services, sermons and classes.

If I can answer any questions, don't hesitate to be in touch with 
me.  We'd like to make you one of our first synagogues to add this 
resource, so sign up today!  This offer is subject to change at 
anytime after this Friday, February 24, 2006


Dan Kaplan
Marketing Director

Publishers Row & VardaGraphics < 847-568-0593
VardaBooks & < 847-568-0594

Toll Free U.S. < 888-81-EBOOKS
9001 Keating Avenue < Skokie, IL 60076

Proud Sponsor of the 2006 BookExpo Press Center - Washington D.C., May 19-21

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