[ha-Safran]: RAND - new book on terrorism

2006-08-31 Thread David Elazar
A new book from the RAND corporation on terrorism.  254 pgs.   2006

Free download:  http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2006/RAND_MG454.pdf

Paperback  ~$20http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG454/

Unconquerable Nation
Knowing Our Enemy, Strengthening Ourselves

By: Brian Michael Jenkins
Brian Michael Jenkins presents a clear-sighted and sobering analysis of
where we are today in the struggle against terrorism. Jenkins, an
internationally renowned authority on terrorism, distills the jihadists'
operational code and suggests how they might assess their situation very
differently from how we might do so. He distills the jihadists' operational
code and outlines a ferociously pragmatic but principled approach that goes
beyond attacking terrorist networks and operational capabilities to
defeating their entire missionary enterprise by deterring recruitment and
encouraging defections. (from the RAND site)

David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
www.geocities.com/d_elazar (home page)
eVoicemail  (413) 581-4711(USA)
eFax   (801) 672-2976(USA)

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the
newspaper, you are misinformed. (Mark Twain)

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Re: Updated MARC record :-)

2006-08-31 Thread Stanley Nachamie
Steven Bernstein cataloged:
  260 __ $aNew York :$bMontefiore Medical

Daniel Stuhlman commented:
  The hospital is no more the publisher than a printer
  or book store is the publisher of a book.

Since in Hebrew the process of publication is called
motsi la-or, didn't the hospital staff bring the baby
out, into the light?

Chodesh Tov, Shabbat Shalom, and a happy 5767 to all!

-Stanley Nachamie

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[ha-Safran]: More Jewish and library podcasts

2006-08-31 Thread Heidi Estrin
Hello everyone - I am posting the message below on behalf of a fellow 
podcaster. Hope you'll enjoy his shows as much as I do. -- Heidi Estrin

Dear Colleagues,

I am a reference librarian at a public library in the Midwest, member of a
local congregation and even the brother of a rabbi.

I'm also a former radio personality and host of a two new podcasts
(Internet radio programs), which might be of interest to you::

JNewsLight: the lighter side of Jewish news (http://JNewsLight.com)
LibVibe: the library news podcast (http://LibVibe.com)

Each program is about five minutes long, upbeat, smart, fun and
professionally-produced. No ulterior motive. It's just my way of imparting
some information, making people smile, doing a little tikkun olam.

You don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts, just a computer with
Internet and sound. It's a promising new medium, offering personal,
on-demand content that goes far beyond the mass-appeal shows we're used to
on traditional TV and radio.

Please feel free to write if you have questions, let me know what you
think...and tell friends about the programs!

I admire the work you do.

Marv K.

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[ha-Safran]: Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 6:30 pm: YIVO Faculty Seminar on the SS St. Louis by Dr. Diane Afoumado of the CDJC Paris

2006-08-31 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Fruma Mohrer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 
6:30 pm: YIVO Faculty Seminar on the SS St. Louis 
by Dr. Diane Afoumado of  the CDJC Paris

From Fruma Mohrer, Chief Archivist, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Dear Colleagues in Jewish Studies,

I am pleased to invite you to the next YIVO 
Faculty and Graduate Seminar in Jewish Studies to 
be given on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at 6:30 pm 
in the Kovno Room, at the Center for Jewish 
History in New York, 15 West 16th Street.

The seminar will be given in English by Dr. Diane 
Afoumado, of the Centre de Documentation Juive 
Contemporaine in Paris and will be based on Dr. 
Afoumado’s recently published book, EXIL 
IMPOSSIBLE -  L’errance des Juifs du paquebot 
‘St-Louis’ (Paris, 2005, Introduction by Serge 
Klarsfeld).  The seminar will be moderated by Dr. 
Henry Feingold, Professor Emeritus of American 
Jewish History at Baruch College, City University of New York.

Dr. Afoumado’s book is the first serious academic 
study, based on new archival sources in the U.S. 
and Germany,  to appear in France on the history 
of the SS St. Louis, the steamship carrying more 
than 900 refugees which was refused entry in 1939 
by the United States and forced to return to Europe.

Dr. Afoumado received her PhD in Modern History 
from the University of Paris X (Nanterre) in 
1997. She is an historian at the CDJC in Paris 
and on the editorial board at the BDIC 
(Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale et 
Contemporaine). She is the author of many 
articles on Jews in France during the Holocaust. 
For her book Dr. Afoumado used documents in the 
YIVO Archives as well as new sources in the United States and Germany.

Dr. Feingold’s publications include The Politics 
of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the 
Holocaust, 1938-1945 (1971) and Bearing Witness, 
How America and Its Jews Responded to the 
Holocaust(1995). Dr. Feingold is also the General 
Editor of the five volume series published by 
Johns Hopkins University, The Jewish People in America (1992).

From 6:00 to 6:30 pm, participants will have 
the opportunity to meet with Dr. Afoumado and 
with faculty and graduate students. At 6:30 pm, the seminar will begin.

Because of limited seating in the Kovno Room, 
advance registration is required. Please RSVP in 
writing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 212-294-6143.

I hope that we will have the honor of your 
presence at this and other YIVO seminars.

With best wishes,

Fruma Mohrer
Chief Archivist
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
fax: 212-292-1892

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[ha-Safran]: Library jobs in Israel - Shoshana Hurwitz

2006-08-31 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Asmi-Semel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Library jobs in Israel - Shoshana Hurwitz

Dear Shoshana,

Your mail has reached our offices, and we hope it 
came to the right place and we will be able to help you.
We are the ASMI association – the Israeli 
Association of Librarians and Information 
Professionals – an independent, non-profitable organization which
consists of  members coming from various 
libraries and information centers -  academic, 
public, government, medical, Hi-tech and religious.
We would like to wish you luck at your studies, 
and hope to have you here in Israel with us in the year 2008 as you plan.
In general, in the public sector in Israel, one 
can find tables of positions and salary levels, 
but in the private market there is no uniformity 
and the salaries situation is more complex.
You can find more information on our web-site 
www.asmi.org.il, but, the site is in Hebrew and 
caters mostly to Hebrew speaking people (even 
though there is one page in English). When you 
are here, we will be happy to assist you with our 
contacts and vast information of this field, and in any other possible way.

You will be more than welcome to join us as a member.

Sincerely yours,

ASMI – Israeli Association of Librarians and Information Professionals
Mally Balot
Association Secretary
Tel: 972-3-5472644
Fax: 972-3-5472649

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[ha-Safran]: Good literature for religious children

2006-08-31 Thread joan hillel
I work in an Israeli public library with a good collection of english 
language books.
We have many requests from religious children/parents for good secular reading
appropriate for this population.
Are there any lists available?
   Joan Hillel, Ramat 
Hasharon Public Library

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[ha-Safran]: ALA

2006-08-31 Thread Yael Penkower
Dear friends,
The Israeli organization of librarians ASMI, printed this letter in 
its newsletter. It was sent to Dr. Avishag Gordon (I think from the 
Technion). In response to the recent Anti Israel activities in ALA, 
during the Lebanon war. She left ALA in protest. She wrote to their 
newsletter why she did so, and got many replies, including this one. 
I hope AJL will respond too.

Yael Penkower
Beit Morasha of Jerusalem

   - Original Message -

  From: Steve Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED]


- 4 -

  Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:43 AM
  Subject: Librarians for Fairness Supports Israel

  Dear Dr. Gordon:

I  entirely agree with the sentiments  expressed in your posting on

  the ALAWORLD list.  I commend you for standing up for Israel against

  those who hate her within the American Library Association.  It is

  precisely because of the anti-Israel activities by members of the ALA

  Council and various  ALA  subgroups (particularly the SRRT and the 
International Relations Task

  Force) that Librarians for Fairness was formed.  A growing number of

  librarians and archivists have been joining our 
organization...especially in recent

  weeks and we hope you will join it too.  There are no membership

  dues.  We are simply looking for librarians and archivists who love


 Very recently, a number of websites, among them the Jewish Virtual

  Library, have linked to our website.  Please visit it: 
../../../Local Settings/Temporary Internet 
(or simply Google search the words Librarians for Fairness).  I am 
one of the founders of LfF and if you have any

  questions or want to help us in our much-needed campaign to support

  Israel within the profession, please e-mail me.  We especially want

  more Israeli librarians and archivists to join.

  We are also interested in documenting any incidents of damage or

  destruction done to Israeli libraries, archives and information as a

  result of the Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist  rocket/missile attacks against


Sadly, I fully expect that there will be attempts to pass


Israel at the next ALA convention and that data will help us stand  up

  for Israel.

Sincerely yours,

  Steven Mills, M.A., M.L.S.

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[ha-Safran]: Simkhes Toyre Lid le-Rivkah Tiktiner

2006-08-31 Thread Yael Levine
Simkhes Toyre Lid le-Rivkah Tiktiner,  by Yael Levine (Jerusalem 
2005, 32 pp.) [=Simchas Torah Song by Rivkah Tiktiner].

Rivkah bat Meir Tiktiner (d. 1605) was the first Jewish woman to 
compose a book, the Yiddish musar work for women Meineket Rivkah 
[=Rebeka's Nursemaid]. This book was published in two editions, the 
first was issued in Prague in 1609. Rivkah Tiktiner is buried in the 
ancient Jewish cemetery in Prague, though she arrived in Prague at an 
unknown date from Poland.

Rivkah Tiktiner also composed a Yiddish song, Simkhes Toyre Lid. 
This song, consisting of eighty lines, is a hymn of praise to The 
Creator. The motif of the future redemption, including the banquet of 
the righteous, figures prominently in the second part of the song. 
The dates of the composition of both Simkhes Toyre Lid and 
Meineket Rivkah are unknown.

The Yiddish version of Simkhes Toyre Lid was published in a 
critical edition by Chone Shmeruk, first in an article on Rivkah 
Tiktiner which appeared in 1978, and subsequently in an updated 
version in his book Sifrut Yiddish be-Polin, published by Magnes 
Press in 1981. In Simkhes Toyre Lid le-Rivkah Tiktiner, the Yiddish 
critical edition by Shmeruk is reproduced. This is followed by a 
Hebrew translation, carried out in conjunction with Dr. Boris 
Kotlerman. References to the motifs appearing in the song are also included.

The Yiddish text of Simkhes Toyre Lid and its Hebrew translation 
appearing in Simkhes Toyre Lid le-Rivkah Tiktiner, are prefaced 
with a scholarly introduction concerning Rivkah Tiktiner and her 
works. The introduction commences with the biographical information 
known about Tiktiner. A Yizkor prayer in her memory is published for 
the first time from the manuscript Kuntress Beit Knesset Altneushul 
bi-Prague (Jewish Museum of Prague, ms. 113). This prayer is the 
only known source which makes mention of her husband. His personal 
name appears in the prayer. However, the manuscript is defective in 
this place, and it is not possible to discern it.

The introductory chapter also compiles for the first time the 
evidence concerning learned women in Prague. Most interestingly, on 
several inscriptions in the ancient Jewish cemetery there is 
reference to women who devoted their time to the Torah study.

Simkhes Toyre Lid le-Rivkah Tiktiner is available at the following 
locations in Jerusalem: Lichtenstein bookstore on Straus St. near 
Kikar ha-Shabbat; Hevruta Book Store on 16 ha-Lamed Hey St. in Old 
Katamon; Ludwig Mayer Bookstore on Shlomzion ha-Malka St; Nissan Levi 
Store on Keren ha-Kayyemet St., Jerusalem. The price of the booklet is NIS 20.

Mail orders within Israel are accepted directly from myself at NIS20 
+ NIS 5 for postage.

Orders from abroad may be placed with Sifrei Yerushalayim. For 
further details email: 

Yael Levine


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[ha-Safran]: Baby Shai Bernstein

2006-08-31 Thread Andrea Rapp
Mazel tov.  That was wonderful.
But I thought you would name him Marc. :)


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[ha-Safran]: Shoot: 1973 World Book Encyclopedia

2006-08-31 Thread Marga Hirsch
Sh'eilah:  What does one do w/ a 1973 edition of World Book?

Use volumes as doorstops?
Press leaves?
Use instead of bricks in a bricks  boards bookshelf?
Use pages for collage or rolled paper beads?
Any other suggestions?

Selling on eBay does not appear to be a viable option. There's a 1971 
edition for sale now w/ no bids, and shipping would be $40.


Marga Hirsch
Library/Media Center Specialist
Perelman Jewish Day School


Stern Center
49 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096
Forman Center
 7601 Old York Rd, Melrose Park, PA 19027

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[HaSafran] Are there any new videos/DVD's out there for

2006-08-31 Thread Levine, Janice
children for the Tishrei holidays?
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Well, it is time for the Tishrei holidays and I noticed that I have 
no recent videos or DVD's for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur or Sukkot for 
children preschool-Grade 8. Does anyone have any suggestions of any 
new AV materials that have come out for this time of year for 
children preschool-Grade 8 other than the Alef Bet BlastOff video, 
 A Whale of a New year.? Thanks for your help! Janice Levine

Janice R. Levine
Judaics Media Specialist
The Epstein School Media Center
335 Colewood Way
Atlanta, GA 30328

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[ha-Safran]: Soul Journey

2006-08-31 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Avraham Tzvi Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Soul Journey


Soul Journey: This heartwarming and 
thought-provoking novel takes you on the 
spiritual travels of a soul reincarnated through 
five periods of Jewish history from the birth of 
the Jewish nation to the present. As it refines 
itself, the soul attains loftier levels as it 
strives to achieve perfection and find its way 
back Home With an approbation by Rabbi Zev Leff. Melech Publications.

This novel has a lot of merit as a literary work.  Miriam Zakon

So marvelous, so poignant, so well-written   Sheindel Weinbach

A masterful exhilarating read...  Darla Stone (New York)

Wonderfully written, imaginative, insightful and 
thought- provoking.   Maureen Azimov (Montreal)

Couldn't put it down until I'd finished. The 
concept is intriguing and the stories, captivating.  Ruth Fogelman (Jerusalem)

Myself and my two daughters read it and we 
actually enjoyed it very much. It was well 
written.   Betty Goldberg (Boca Raton)

Couldn't put it down… A masterpiece… was very 
inspired.  Tzivie Tabak (Jerusalem)

Buy with PayPal

To pay by check: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]

Visit my website


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: YIVO presents: Jewish Cabaret in Exile

2006-08-31 Thread Aviva Astrinsky
YIVO Presents:
Inaugural Sidney Krum Annual Concert
New Budapest Orpheum Society (NBOS)

DATE: Thursday, September 14, 2006
VENUE: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, NYC
TICKETS: $20/$10 students -
Box Office: 917-606-8200 www.ticketweb.com

Experience the musical tradition of the European Jewish cabaret,
which thrived from the 1880s through the mid 20th century;
from Eastern Europe to Central Europe; from the rural shtetl
to the cosmopolitan ghetto.  The NBOS, an eight-member ensemble,
revives hauntingly beautiful songs from these troupes and
from composers and lyricists in exile.  The performance
will mix skits, comedy, and songs in German, Hebrew,
Yiddish and English with scholarly commentary.

Pre-concert talk (free to ticket holders): 6:15-6:45 p.m.
  Jewish Cabaret: The Stories Behind the Stereotypes
Philip Bohlman, Artistic Director, New Budapest Orpheum Society;
Mary Werkman, Professor of the Humanities and of Music,
University of Chicago

For more information:

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Large print books of Jewish content

2006-08-31 Thread Susan Berman
Dear Francine,

Our sisterhood has an ongoing large print project. They transcribe books of
Jewish content.  One copy is added to our library and one copy is donated to
the Jewish Braille Institute in New York. So far we have about twenty
titles. Perhaps there are other chapters of Women of Reform Judaism that
also do this.  I do not think we publish more than 2 copies of each title,
but the Braille Institute loans the books for free.

Susan Berman
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Fallout

2006-08-31 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Weisman, Yaffa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Fallout

Dear Colleagues

A recent item in ALA's AL Direct advertises a 
combined effort by French  Lebanese librarians 
to publicize the damage and disruption to 
libraries and cultural institutes caused by Israeli bombing.

(Librarians in Lebanon and France have launched 
a blog to disseminate information on damage and 
disruptions to cultural institutions, 
particularly libraries, since the 
Hezbollah-Israeli conflict that began July 12. 
Recent postings include a summary of damages to 
the Lebanese publishing industry, an expression 
of concern by the International Committee of the 
Blue Shield, and a statement on the effects of 
the conflict on public libraries in southern 
Lebanon by Minister of Culture Imad Hashem


Perhaps we should join forces with our Israeli 
colleagues to tell the stories of public and 
school libraries, as well as cultural centers, 
that were damaged or destroyed by Hezzbollah 
rockets in the north and Kassam rockets in the 
south of Israel? We may even succeed in getting 
the International Committee of the Blue Shield to 
express some concern about it…

Dr. Yaffa Weisman


The Frances-Henry Library

Hebrew Union College-JIR

Los Angeles, California



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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Spectrum/Athena/Infocentre Sagebrush

2006-08-31 Thread Helene or Maurice Tuchman
maintenance group contract
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Even though Sagebrush Corp. has been acquired by Follett, I have been 
advised by our Sales Rep that the 15% discount 
GroupMaintenance  Contact will go forward this year as before.  I 
will be sending in the list of participants in September. If you 
would like to join this group of 50+ Jewish libraries and receive a 
15% discount on your yearly maintenance fee, an average savings of
about $50 per library depending on the number of modules you are 
running,  then please contact me for the details of  how the group works.

Helene Tuchman
Rabbi Marshall R Lifson Library
Temple Emanuel of Newton

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Shmuel Leiter's dissertation

2006-08-31 Thread Yisrael Dubitsky
Does anyone -- institution or individual -- have, or know of others 
who may have, a copy of R. Shmuel Leiter's DHL dissertation (JTS, 
1962) on the subject of Midrash and Psalms?
We have checked all the usual suspects and have come up empty.

We would appreciate any leads.

Yisrael Dubitsky
Public Services Librarian
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Katrina

2006-08-31 Thread Amanda_Seigel
Dear Colleagues,

For those who were asking about donations to libraries affected by
Hurricaine Katrina, please see below.

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel
Dorot Jewish Division, Room 84
The New York Public Library

  The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools Katrina Project
  partners with community based organizations, service agencies and
  universities in the Cleveland, Columbia and Jackson, MS areas to
  provide after-school programming each day public schools are in
  session for children in families affected by Hurricanes Katrina and

  The CDF Freedom Schools Katrina Project is currently requesting aid in
  the form of donated books.
  Book donations may be sent to:
  Cathy Drane
   CDF Freedom Schools Site Coordinator
   1452 N. Broad St.
   New Orleans, LA 70119
  For more information, please visit the CDF Katrina Project website.

  Dottie Hiebing
   Executive Director
   Metropolitan New York Library Council
   57 E11th Street
   New York, NY 10003-4605
   phone: 212-228-2320 ext. 10
  fax: 212-228.2598

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Dead Sea Scrolls on casette or audio CD in English?

2006-08-31 Thread Dina Tanners
 Do any of you know of the existence of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 
English on an audio CD or casette.  We have someone interested in 
having such a thing and I have not heard of it.

Thanking you in advance,
Dina Tanners
Seattle, WA

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org