[ha-Safran]: VHS to DVD of in-house productions

2007-02-05 Thread Ann Abrams
Dear safranim,

I'm looking into transferring about 500 videos of our rabbi's 
lectures, from vhs, to dvd. Since this is in-house, and our rabbi, 
there are no copyright issues.   Can anyone in the U.S.  recommend a 
company that does this?  I've gotten one quote from Video Transfer in 
Boston: $15 a DVD for 30 min programs;  $25 a dvd for 90 min 
programs, and would appreciate recommendations.


Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

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[ha-Safran]: Jewish Classics for Kids - New AJL Publication

2007-02-05 Thread Deborah Stern
Just a reminder that the new annotated bibliography by Linda Silver, 
Jewish Classics for Kids, is now available from AJL. This is a 
first-of-its-kind attempt to identify a Jewish canon of literature 
for children. The cost is $20 for members, $25 for non-members, and 
prepayment by check is required. The order form can be found on the 
AJL website and here is the link: 
I invite you to take this opportunity to check out all the other 
publications offered by AJL, including the recently-published 
Collection Development in Smaller Judaic Libraries, by Susan Freiband.

Debbie Stern, AJL VP for Publications
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095
phone: 215-576-0800 ext. 234 fax: 215 576-6143

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[ha-Safran]: New books about Yiddish culture

2007-02-05 Thread Gilles Rozier
dear librarians,

The Paris Yiddish Center — Medem Library published three new books
(two song books and a volume of short stories) :
1. Oyfn veg : yidishe folkslider harmonizirt far a khor fun Jean 
Golgevit (Oyfn veg : Yiddish folk songs hamonized for a choir by Jean Golgevit)
147 pages, 25 euros.
This anthology includes 34 songs in Yiddish, 2 in Djudezmo (Ladino), 
1 in Hebrew and 2 in French. Jean Golgevit is a professional choir 
director. Each song goes together with the partition for each voice, 
the Yiddish text with a translitteration in Latin letters and the 
translation in French. For some songs, there are 2 or 3 different 
harmonizations. All songs are famous flok songs.

2. Tshiriboym : naye yidishe lider (Tshiriboym : new Yiddish songs), 
by Jacques Grober.
162 pages, 25 euros.
Jacques Grober was a singer, a writer and a composer, born in France 
after WWII, a child of survivors of the Holocaust.He died recently in 
his 50ties. The anthologies includes 48 songs that he wrote during 
the last 20 years, with contemporan rhythms. each song goes together 
with the partition, the Yiddish text and its translitteration into 
Latin letters, and a translation into French. At the end of the 
volume, you can also find a translation into English.

3. Dovid Umru : A la croisée des chemins. Nouvelles traduites du 
yiddish (At the crossroads : short stories translated from English into French)
289 pages, 25 euros
Dovid Umru was born in 1910 in Lithania and assassinated in 1941. He 
was a painter and a Yiddish writer.
This volume includes 11 of his short stories, translated into French.

The catalog of the Medem Library publications includes 12 titles. You 
can find it at the following adress :


Gilles Rozier
Maison de la culture yiddish-Bibliothèque Medem
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot
75011 Paris
Tel. : 01 47 00 14 00
Fax : 01 47 00 14 47
site : www.yiddishweb.com

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: "Kol Bo L'Yahrzeit"

2007-02-05 Thread AARON LEVINE
To whom it may concern:
Mr. Joseph (Yossi) Galron emailed me that I can submit basic 
information re my 2 volumes "Kol Bo L'YAhrzeit" for distribution to 
Jewish and other Libraries in the world.

Both are HEBREW volumes. Volume 1 contains 5 chapters - Chap. 1 - 
Origin and 15 reasons for YAZT observance (75 pp); Ch 2 -
Who observes and for whom is YAZT observed (51 pp.); Ch 3 - 
Establishing a day of YAZT in various situations (38 pp);
Ch 4 - Laws and Customs of YAZT not related to Synagogue - (157 pp); 
Ch 5 - Obligations and observances related to Synagogue - (143 pp). 
In addition there are table of contents (5 pp.), introduction (6 pp), 
approbations and back index (27pp.).

Volume 2  contains Ch 6 - The Kaddish (156 pp.); Ch 7 - Torah, 
Mishnah and Zohar study (87 pp.); Ch 8 - At the cemetery; customs and 
etiquette (88 pp.); Ch 9 - Prayers and Supplications at the cemetery 
for each relative and friends (39 pp.). In addition
Table of contents (7pp.), Introduction (5 pp.), Bibliography for BOTH 
volumes (33 pp.), Memorial tablets for Family recording (7pp)'

The books may be ordered from: ISRAEL BOOK SHOP, 501 PROSPECT STREET 
TELEPHONE (888) 536-7427; (732) 901-5479; FAX (732) 901-4012;

Would it be possible for me to get an email of the final email that 
you send to the libraries? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 
ever so much for your cooperation in disseminating the information re 
these 2 volumes. Rabbi Aaron Levine

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[ha-Safran]: Seeking owner of video on Fez & Salonica

2007-02-05 Thread Deborah Klein
The library at Temple Beth Israel in Pomona, CA, has a video tape 
that appears to belong to a different Temple Beth Israel.  It was 
mailed to us last week by the Multnomah County Library in Portland, 
OR, is labeled "Jewish Communities of Fez and Salonica, Catalog #187, 
1995, Beth Hatsfutsoth and Ergo Media, Inc.", and has a second label 
saying only "Temple Beth Israel  103907  750(V)",.  We would like to 
return this interesting item to its real owners and are hoping 
someone on this listserv can point us to them.  If not, we will begin 
contacting all the Temple Beth Israels we can identify (13 at last count...).

Deborah Klein
Louis Family Library
Temple Beth Israel
3033 N. Towne Ave.
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 626-1277

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[ha-Safran]: Pay question

2007-02-05 Thread RColto1932
We would like to bring our Librarian's pay up to standard.

What is the going hourly rate for a Temple/Synagogue Librarian?

Our Librarian works 10 hours weekly and  has developed a volunteer 
group to supplement her work.

If you prefer, please feel free to contact me directly, rather than 
on the List-serv.

Thank you very much,
Janis Colton
Chair, Library Committee
Temple Sinai, DC

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Index to Jewish Periodicals asks your advice

2007-02-05 Thread Ted Koppel

I should have written that in my note yesterday -- clearly we would 
have no intention of repeating work that RAMBI is doing.


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Index to Jewish Periodicals asks your advice

2007-02-05 Thread Edith Lubetski
Dear Ted,
It is a wonderful idea to expand coverage, but since RAMBI is available free
online, it would be a good idea to choose those periodicals not covered by
RAMBI so that we get the broadest coverage using both tools.
Wishing you continued success,

Edith Lubetski  Phone:212-340-7720
Hedi Steinberg Library  Fax: 212-340-7808
Stern College for Women
Yeshiva University
245 Lexington Av.
NY NY 10016  USA

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Looking for a well hidden article

2007-02-05 Thread Miller, Philip
Dear Yaffa et al.

The issue may be v-e-r-y hard to find. I forwarded the message to a good
friend who knows of such matters, and below is his reply:

" I remember the incident.  The issue was removed.  The article should
not have been published.  I say this even as a liberal in favor of a
free press, etc.  This is, in the Supreme Court metaphor, shouting
"Fire!" in a crowded movie theater."

Shabbat shalom


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[ha-Safran]: Uncle Tom's Cabin in Hebrew

2007-02-05 Thread Joel Bresler

Recently reading the new annotated "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Prof. Henry 
Louis Gates Jr, he says that there have been 17 editions in Hebrew. 
This strikes me as a VERY large number for a relatively small reading 
population, especially considering that the number of Hebrew readers 
would likely have been small throughout the mid-19th century heyday 
of the book. Are any list'ers in a position to confirm or refute this 
claim? I count six in Worldcat:

Ohel Tom, o, ha-hayim bein `avde-`olam, sipur.
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896
Singer, Abraham,
Publication: Varsha, A. Tsukermanen, 1903

Ohel ha-dod Tom /
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.;
Ron-Lerer, Ya`el.
Publication: Tel Aviv : `Ofarim, 1995

Ohel ha-dod Tom : mesupar li-yeladim /
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.;
Barash, Asher,; Forrest, A. S.
Publication: Yerushalayim : Mitspah, 1920s, ?Reprinted Yosef Sreberk, 1972?

Ohel ha-dod Tom /
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896
Elgad, Refael.; Katz, Avi.
Publication: Yerushalayim : Keter, 1986

Ohel ha-dod Tom /
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.;
Tsarfati, `Adah.; G'yu-Pen.
Publication: Kiryat Gat : Dani sefarim, 2002

Biktato shel ha-dod Tom /
Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.;
Meitus, Eliyahu,
Publication: Tel Aviv : Tevel, 1952

Many thanks, and shabbat shalom,


Joel Bresler
Independent Researcher
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420

781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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Tu B'Shvat (The New Year for Trees) on the J Site and 55

2007-02-05 Thread Jacob Richman
Hi Everyone!

Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, falls on the 15th of the
Hebrew month of Shvat, February 3 this year (5767 / 2007).
This Jewish mini-holiday is of major importance to our
appreciation of Nature and our relationship to it.
It is customary to plant trees and partake of the fruits of
the land of Israel to mark the occasion. This year Tu B'Shvat
falls on Shabbat - therefore many of the holiday activities this
year will take place on Thursday, February 1.

The J Site - Jewish Education and Entertainment

has several entertaining features to celebrate Tu B'Shvat:

Jewish Trivia Quiz: Tu B'Shvat

Which fruit is used to make wine ?
When did Kabbalists originate the Tu B'shvat Seder ?
How many glasses of wine are drunk at the Tu B'Shvat seder ?
What branch of a tree did the dove bring back after the flood ?
How many days does the Hebrew month of Shvat have ?
What is associated with both Chanukah and Tu B'Shvat ?
In Israel, what happens to trees starting on the 15th of Shvat ?
Since 1901, how many trees has the Jewish National Fund
planted in Israel ?
According to the Torah, which fruits did the spies bring to the
children of  Israel in the wilderness ?

The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.

Tu B'Shvat Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Tu B'Shvat
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes.

Multilingual Word Search Game: Tu B'Shvat
Enter the Multilingual Word Search game and choose the
language you would like to play in: English, Hebrew or
Russian. There is an easy mode for the kids and a harder
mode for us big kids. Each game is randomly generated.
You can even print out a blank game (and the solution page) for
offline playing.

Multilingual Hangman - Tu B'Shvat
It's the classic Hangman game recreated in an online Flash version.
If you expect your simple "hang the man by the rope" drawing then
you are in for a surprise. The game can be played in English or

My Hebrew Song Book - Tu B'Shvat Hebrew songs (with vowels)
for viewing and printing. All songs are in graphic format so you
do not need Hebrew installed to view or print them.

The J site has something for everyone, but if that is not
enough, I posted on my website 55 links about Tu B'Shvat,
from history and customs to graphics and recipes.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish,
French, Portuguese and German
The web address is:


Please forward this message to relatives and friends,
so they may benefit from these holiday resources.


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[ha-Safran]: Books no longer needed

2007-02-05 Thread Louise & Dan Brown
My synagogue library at Congregation Beth El, Sudbury River 
Valley,Sudbury,  MA. has the following two sets of Talmud 
available.  Do they have any special value or desirability? Is anyone 
interested?   Thank you, Louise R. Brown

Beth El e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Jewish Encyclopedia . Funk & Wagnalls, c1901,1912,1916

 12  volumes, Isidore Singer, ed.  Pref. dated 1901.

The Jewish Encyclopedia, Isidore Singer, ed.  Ktav Publishing 
Co.  Preface is dated 1901.

 12 volumes, good condition   This set seems newer. Dates 
not clear.

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