Re: [ha-Safran]: Book fair author suggestion

2008-02-17 Thread Susan Dubin
Ann Stampler is a wonderful author and presents well for young children and
Susan Dubin

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Has anyone had any experience with Amazon library services?

2008-02-17 Thread Judy Weidman
Amazon has a service for libraries and I was wondering if anyone has
used it (for cataloging and processing) and what her/his opinions are?
Can respond off-line. Thanks.

Judy Weidman

Hyman Judah Schachtel Library
Congregation Beth Israel
5600 N. Braeswood Blvd.
Houston, TX 77096
(713)771-6221 X370

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[ha-Safran]: New Book: Lurianic Kabbalah

2008-02-17 Thread Benjamin Richler
I just received this notice.
Benjamin  Richler

Cherub Press
Academic Publisher of Studies and Editions of Jewish Mystical Literature
Celebrating forty volumes of scholarship
Lurianic Kabbalah
Collected Studies by Gershom Scholem
edited by Daniel Abrams
Lurianic Kabbalah (in Hebrew!!); (Sources and Studies in the 
Literature of Jewish Mysticism, volume 22; 2008, 440 pages; ISBN 
1-933379-09-X) This volume (all in Hebrew) celebrates the 
groundbreaking work of Gershom Scholem on Kabbalistic literary and 
mystical activity from the end of the fifteenth century, just prior 
to the Expulsion from Spain and until the rise of Sabbateanism. At 
the heart of this collection are all of Gershom Scholem's detailed 
studies on R. Isaac Luria, his teachers, students and the works that 
emerged from Safed, including numerous texts which he introduced and 
explained. All sixteen studies are reproduced here, re-typeset, along 
with a Hebrew translation of the chapter on Isaac Luria and his 
School, from his Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism - all updated with 
Scholem's post-publication handnotes from his personal library and 
annotated with full bibliographic references, manuscript 
identifications and followed by a complete bibliography in all 
languages of all studies about the forms of Kabbalah from the periods 
treated in this volume. The volume is introduced with a typological 
appreciation of the various methods and scholarship that emerged from 
Scholem's foundational work. This volume is an essential research 
tool for the serious study of Jewish mysticism.
* * *
Kabbalah 17 (2008) Now Available
Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts
Articles appearing in this volume
Studies in English
Moshe Idel: A Unique Manuscript of an Untitled Treatise of Abraham 
Abulafia in Biblioteca Laurentiana Medicea
Daniel Abrams: Hypostatic Wisdom and Imitatio Dei – Kabbalistic 
Traditions of Attaining Wisdom
Alan Brill: Maharal as an Early Modern Thinker
Morris M. Faierstein: Kotsk – Izbica Dispute: Theological or Personal?
Book Reviews in English
Shaul Magid: Mor Altshuler, The Messianic Secret of Hasidism, 
Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006
Zvi Mark: Jonathan Garb, The Chosen Will Become Herds: Studies in 
Twentieth Century Kabbalah, Jerusalem: Carmel, 2005 [Hebrew]
Studies in Hebrew
Yehuda Liebes: The Prophecy of the Sabbatean, R. Heshel Zoref of 
Vilna in the Writings of R. Menahem Mendel of Shklov, the Student of 
R. Elijah, the Gaon of Vilna and the Founder of the Ashkenazi Yishuv 
in Jerusalem
Tzahi Weiss: Three Traditions of the Creation of the World from Letters
Shalem Yahalom: Kabbalah (as Received Tradition) and Innovation in 
the Writings of Nahmanides and Related Scholarship: The Cases of the 
Joints of the Sinews and the 'Killer Wife'
Ron Wacks: The Technique of Guided Imagination in the Thought of R. 
Kalonymos Kalman Shapira of Piaseczno
Zeev Gries: Apostates and Maskilim as Censors in the Nineteenth Century
Asael Abelman: Collectanea of Esoterica – A Fantasy Narrative by 
Hillel Zeitlin on the Future and the Redemption of the Jews
Alon Dahan: The Last Redeemer without a Successor: Did R. Menahem 
Mendel Schneerson Choose Not to Appoint an Heir for Messianic Reasons
Amit Kula: Rabbi Hayyim Benvenisti's Sabbateanism – A New Inquiry
Book Reviews in Hebrew
Efraim Meir: Abraham Heschel's The Sabbath and its Hebrew Translation
* * *
"Sources and Studies in the Literature of Jewish Mysticism"
Analogy in Midrash and Kabbalah: Interpretive Projections of the 
Sanctuary and Ritual, by Maurizio Mottolese (Sources and Studies in 
the Literature of Jewish Mysticism 21; 2007, 398 pages, ISBN 
1-933379-07-3, in English). Found in most religious cultures, 
analogical discourse plays a decisive role in Judaism. This book 
offers a close inquiry into the peculiar features, the various forms 
and the broader developments of analogy within Jewish literature, 
focusing especially on late-antique and medieval contexts. Not 
surprisingly, Jewish authors always produced analogical maps of 
reality by means of an analogical interpretation of the Bible, seen 
as disclosing manifold, and often secret, correspondences. This study 
of analogy is thus based on a renewed exploration of midrashic and 
mystical hermeneutics. The thematic focus investigates interpretive 
projections of the ancient sanctuary and its worship, highlighting 
the tendency of Jewish exegetes to analogize (and thus double in 
heaven) sacred places and cultic practices. Exploring analogical 
exegesis is then also an opportunity, as well as a means, for 
offering a refreshing perspective on the mythical-ritual imagery of 
the Rabbis and the medieval kabbalists.
Mystical Interactions: Sociology, Jewish Mysticism and Education, by 
Philip Wexler. (Sources and Studies in the Literature of Jewish 
Mysticism 20, 2007, 197 pages ISBN 1-933379-06-5, in English). 
Mystical Interactions represents a dialogue a

[ha-Safran]: "Yiddish Given Names: A Lexicon"

2008-02-17 Thread Heidi Lerner
FYI - see below

- Original Message -
From: "Tsuguya Sasaki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 11:11 AM
Subject: [Jewish Languages] "Yiddish Given Names: A Lexicon"

  I thought that those of you with an onomastic orientation might be
  interested in the following forthcoming book on Yiddish given names.
  It seems to be based on the doctoral dissertation she submitted to
  the University of Chicago in 1995 under the same title.

  Cohn, R. I. 2008.
   Yiddish Given Names: A Lexicon.
   Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0810852616

  Ikh bin tshikave tsu khapn a kuk afn bukh.

  Tsuguya Sasaki / Tsvi Sadan
  Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages
  Bar-Ilan University

  Jewish Languages Mailing List
  To post: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Jewish Life in Smaller Town America

2008-02-17 Thread Dina Tanners
Thanks to Daniel Stuhlman and all the others that wrote about Jewish 
Life in Smaller Town America prior to 1950.  I'm sure my friend will 
be able to do a lot with the books and other items mentioned.

Dina Tanners
Seattle, WA

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[ha-Safran]: NEW BOOK Defending the Human Spirit

2008-02-17 Thread Stuart Schnee
NEW BOOK FROM FELDHEIM PUBLISHERS: Defending the Human Spirit: Jewish 
Law's Vision for a Moral Society

What does a 3000-year-old system of social justice
offer to an ever-changing, modern world? Plenty.

 For the most part, when people think of laws and legal 
systems, what often comes to mind is the severity and rigidity of 
rules and regulations.  People rarely associate "laws" with words 
such as heart, humanity, or compassion. Yet this is precisely what 
you'll discover in this fascinating analysis of the values, 
principles, ideas and ideals that lie at the heart of Jewish law.

 Often misunderstood, precisely because Jewish law is 
oftentimes presented as a dry listing of laws, here at last is a book 
to change all that. Defending the Human Spirit (Feldheim Publishers) 
brings to light the values and principles, the outlook and 
attitude…that serve as the driving force behind the outer framework 
known as Jewish law. Here is a text that clearly shows how Judaism 
upholds the individual human spirit and actively promotes a 
wholesome, harmonious society.

 The author discusses, both in theory and practice, a 
variety of social concerns – political tyranny,  the oppression of 
women, crime, poverty, protection of the poor and vulnerable, human 
freedom, and much more. Comparisons are made between the tenets of 
Jewish law and Western law as practiced in the United States, 
England, and South Africa. What emerges is a magnificent and glorious 
vision of what a moral and just society could and should look like.

 Any reader interested in that unique entity known as 
"the human condition" will be intrigued by this insightful text – and 
that includes lawyers, law students, scholar, and layman alike. 
Vibrant, relevant, and beautifully written, Defending the Human 
Spirit brings the wisdom of the ages into the twenty-first century.

About the Author:
Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, only 34 years old, is currently the Chief 
Rabbi of South Africa. He has a BA in law and philosophy, is a 
lawyer, and also has a PhD in constitutional law. Defending the Human 
Spirit is his first published work.

Title: Defending the Human Spirit: Jewish Law's Vision for a Moral Society
Author: Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
Pages: 485
ISBN: 1-58330-732-X   Price: $39.99

This book is available from Baker & Taylor and the publisher 
(Feldheim): 1-800-237-7149

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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Re: [ha-Safran]: EJ e-book

2008-02-17 Thread Karen Corrin
  I purchased both ebook and print EJ for the members of the JCCGV's 
Isaac Waldman Jewish Public Library and for the high school students 
at the school next door who are all members. Many of our users who 
are older like the print and the students prefer online so I 
purchased both. Yes, it's definitely cumbersome but it's better than 
having just print.
  Our cataloguer Anita, wrote instructions and we posted them on our 
website. So far I haven't had any complaints and i offered a helpline 
number. I had  a few people come up and tell me they have been using 
it and are very happy it is available. I'm not sure how many people 
are using it but i will try and get statistics for use if i can. It 
hasn't been heavily publicized because of ironing out the kinks at 
the beginning.
  Our instructions are at  Under JCC info, click on 
Waldman Library or go to

  If you buy ebook and print, the print is 75% off. As far as Ebooks, 
i think as a book it doesn't get updated so what you buy is what you 
get. but maybe i'm wrong.  hope this info helps Karen Corrin

  Feb 4,2008 at 9:00 PM, Andrea Rapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone purchased the new Encyclopedia Judaica as an e-book, with
access for all congregants/members?
If so, please write and let me know how it is working out.
Andrea Rapp

Karen Corrin
Isaac Waldman Jewish Public Library
Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver

Phone 604-257-5111 ext 249

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[ha-Safran]: Upcoming IFLA Conference in Ramallah

2008-02-17 Thread Librarians for Fairness
IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations) will be 
holding a conference in late March-early April at the so-called 
Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies. As you are well aware, 
there are those within our profession who are much-interested in 
unfairly demonizing Israel. The forthcoming conference will likely do that.

We need help. Please inform your members about this. We are 
especially interested in documenting incidents in which Israeli 
libraries, archives, and information centers have been damaged by 
attacks from Palestinian terrorists.
Please help us compile the list of such events and please stay in 
touch so that we can ameliorate the damage. We are also very open to 
your ideas and suggestions.
Advocacy Committee of LfF

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[ha-Safran]: Medieval Jewish Art

2008-02-17 Thread Randi Scott
I am a student at the University of Rhode Island doing a research
project on Medieval Jewish Art and was wondering if you could suggest
any literature that may be available, or volumes that contain any
images, I realize that Jewish art from this period may  be scarce but
I would appreciate any help I can get.

Thank you in advance.

Randi Scott

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[ha-Safran]: On self-hatred

2008-02-17 Thread Andrea Rapp
Aside from David Mamet's The Wicked Son, can anyone suggest any other 
non-fiction books that deal with Jewish self-hatred?  I mean in an 
academic way. (My patron is not looking for personal stories of 
people who had gone astray and then found Judaism again through the 
intervention of a charismatic rabbi, etc.)
Thank you in advance,

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[ha-Safran]: Talk on Jacob Gordin at the 92nd Street Y

2008-02-17 Thread Amanda_Seigel
Dear Safranim,

Of possible interest: Talk on Jacob Gordin at the 92nd Street Y

Please see details below.


Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel
Dorot Jewish Division, Room 84
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018

Phone: 212-930-0971
Fax: 212- 642-0141

- Forwarded by Amanda Beth Seigel/MHT/Nypl on 02/14/2008 01:28 PM -

Dear scholars and friends:

This is to inform you that I will be coming to New York to give a talk
about my book "Finding the Jewish Shakespeare: the Life and Legacy of Jacob

I've been invited to speak at the 92nd Street Y on Tuesday April 8th at 8
p.m. - about Gordin's life, and also about my journey of discovery through
family members and my own history.

If you know anyone who would be interested, please let them know.

Many thanks.

Beth Kaplan

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[ha-Safran]: I thought this piece form Artuz Sheva might be

2008-02-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
of interest to some
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7. Largest Book Fairs in France and Italy to Honor Israel
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

In recognition of its 60th year of independence, the State of Israel 
will be the "guest of honor" at two of Europe's largest book fairs 
this year. Dozens of Israeli authors have been invited to France and 
Italy for the events. The two fairs, each of which regularly draws 
upwards of 200,000 people, will feature displays and activities about Hebrew
39 Israeli authors have been invited to France.
literature and the culture of the Jewish State.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert are 
expected to open the five-day Paris Book Fair on March 14. According 
to organizers, 39 Israeli authors have been invited to France by the 
National Book Center and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 
central Pavilion of Honor at the book festival is to be draped in the 
colors of Israel's national flag - blue and white. Within the 
pavilion, there will be debates, panel discussions, lectures, 
activities for youth, musical and theatrical performances, and film 
screenings. Of course, the fair will also feature a wide range of 
books for sale in French and Hebrew.

Recognition of Israel at the Paris Book Fair was long in coming. The 
State of Israel first offered itself and its Hebrew literature for 
consideration by the French organizers in 1998. After a decade of 
rejections, this year's decision was apparently reached both in 
recognition of Israeli literature, which has earned a positive global 
reputation, and in honor of Israel's 60th year.

Italy's largest book exhibition, the Turin International Book Fair, 
will also be honoring Israel this year. The event will open in the 
northern Italian city on May 8, which is the equivalent of the Hebrew 
date of Israel's Independence Day (Iyar 5).

In the promotional material for the fair, Israeli literature is 
described as having been received with "high favor" for many years. 
Specifically, the organizers cite four well-known Israeli novelists - 
David Grossman, Amos Oz, A. B. Yehoshua and Etgar Keret - for their 
contributions to contemporary culture. "But the cultural background 
of the country is obviously much more rich" than any selection of 
its authors, they note.

"The 2008 fair will be an opportunity to get to know the culture of 
this country through historians, essayists, artists, musicians and 
scientists," according to the Turin Book Fair's promotional material. 
It will be "an opportunity for dialogue with the contribution of 
disparate voices to discuss and to focus on a possible model of coexistence."

During the fair, the Italian National Cinema Museum will be showing 
ten films about Israel and hosting
Israeli literature is described as having been received with "high 
favor" for many years.
musical performances of traditional klezmer music. "Do not miss 
events related to [Israeli] culinary traditions and kosher cuisine, 
its rituals and its symbols," the Turin Book Fair website concludes.

Far-Leftist and Islamic Groups Plan to Boycott
An event honoring Israel in Europe can apparently not go by without a 
boycott, however. Calls to boycott the Turin Book Fair have been 
issued by far-left Italian and Arab political activists, as well as 
by prominent Italian intellectuals and Arab authors. Calls have  come 
from European Arab activists to boycott the Paris Book Fair as well.

In January, the Union of Arab Writers wrote a letter of protest to 
the event organizers over Israel's invitation as "guest of honor," 
which was termed a "provocation" by the union's chairman. The 
organization also demanded that the Union of Italian Writers take an 
explicit position on the matter.

In response to the mounting criticism, the Director of the Turin Book 
Fair, Ernesto Ferrero said, "This is a book fair, this is not the 
United Nations... The Israeli writers that we invited are usually 
critical toward their government." He also expressed his exasperation 
that "other writers are talking about their freedom of expression," 
calling it "incredible."

The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, also commented on the 
growing calls for a boycott of the fair. "I am very concerned that 
this is a genuine process of systematic delegitimization of the State 
of Israel, which goes beyond any political criticism and that is part 
of a broader effort," he said, adding that it appears to be "a new 
aspect of an ancient hatred and it is very disturbing." The problem, 
as explained by Rabbi Di Segni, is that anything done in the name of 
Israel engenders a reaction of hate.

Grossman, one of the

[ha-Safran]: Thinking ahead to Hanukkah requests

2008-02-17 Thread Andrea Rapp
As Hanukkah approaches, parents often come in for storybooks to read 
to their children's public school class, to teach the children about 
the holiday.
  I'm thinking of assembling a packet, or at least a page of ideas, 
for books and activities for these parents, for various grade levels.
Has anyone done this, and/or does anyone have any thoughts about what 
would be included in such a kit?

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[ha-Safran]: Models of Moral Leadership: Abraham and Moses

2008-02-17 Thread Sergiu S . Simmel

 A No-Cost Interactive Tele-Webinar with
Professor Reuven Kimelman

Dear Friends,

Have you ever wondered whether the stories of Abraham
and Moses represent models we could apply today, in our
own world of scarce moral leadership?

* Did Abraham succeed or fail in his argument with
  God to save the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?
* Why did God inform Abraham of His intentions?
* Did God really want to destroy the people of
  Israel after the Golden Calf incident?
* Why did Moses argue against God's initial offer?
* Who was the greater leader: Abraham or Moses?
* Who was testing who in each of the two stories?

If you're struggling with these and other questions
about these two well known yet little understood
stories, we invite you to an interactive, live session
with Brandeis Professor and Master Teacher Reuven

Date:   Tuesday 19 February, 2008
Time:   9 PM Eastern | 6 PM Pacific
Where:  Your telephone OR your Internet computer

In 90 minutes, you will not only participate in a live
class on this material, but also get the what, why and
how to explore Biblical narratives, such as these two,
using driving questions, dramatized Biblical text, and
mindmaps. You will even get the chance to ask your own

All you need participate is either a telephone OR a
computer. Period. No charge, no travel. To reserve your
seat (yes, there is a limit on the number of attendees
we can accommodate), simply...


-->>  <<-- REGISTER

When you arrive at the registration page by clicking
the Register Now button above, you will be asked to
simply enter your first name, your email address, and
what is YOUR most puzzling question about either of
these stories and their moral meaning. Once you entered
all three, simply click on the "Here is My Question,
Reuven" button and you'll be guided through the rest of
the registration.

If you've ever had the pleasure to attend any of Dr.
Kimelman's live teaching, you already know how fun and
rich they are. If you haven't, you are in for a real
treat. Either way, give it a try!

See you there!

Our Learning Company LLC
-->>  <<-- REGISTER
-->> <<-- MORE INFO

P.S. If this is not for you, or you think a colleague
or friend can also benefit from it, feel free to pass
this along. Thank you for spreading the word.

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[ha-Safran]: Resourcemate on-line catalog

2008-02-17 Thread Kathy Merkin
We're looking forward to putting our Resourcemate Catalog on-line 
soon.  Two questions for those who have done so:

Was it straightforward, or require help from them?

Do you have it on your own website, or on some free website.  If 
free, where and how is it working?

Thanks in advance.

Kathy Merkin

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[ha-Safran]: FW: Feher Jewish Music at the Diaspora Museum

2008-02-17 Thread Miller, Philip
(Tel Aviv) endangered
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Dear Colleagues -

This was forwarded to me by a friend. I found it most troubling and 
felt you ought to know as well.

I do not know what, if anything, can be done ... It is very sad that 
the Feher Jewish Music Center must be closed down like this.

Please share with your cantors and other such interested friends and 

Philip E Miller

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, lovers of music and of Jewish music -

A few days ago, the Director of Beth Hatefutsoth (The Nahum Goldmann 
Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, Tel Aviv) gave me a letter announcing 
that my work at the Museum will be terminated on March 31, 2008 "due 
to budgetary constraints", of course. The true story is yet to be 
fully told. The Feher Jewish Music Center has been a one-man 
department since its establishment some 25 years ago by musicologist 
Dr. Avner Bahat. Therefore, firing me has obvious implications. The 
continuation of the Center's activity is acutely endangered.

There is obviously no need to list the achievements of the FJMC - the 
range of its activities, the richness and uniqueness of its 
collection, its collecting capacity, the CDs it released over the 
years, the concerts it produced, the cooperation and links it is 
engaged in with partner institutions and archives, the funds it 
managed to raise etc. The outcomes of the Center's work speak for 
themselves and many around the world appreciate their value. The 
termination of my work at Beth Hatefutsoth promptly halts the 
following series of endeavors, to mention but a few:

· Production of a CD presenting the Passover Haggadah of Kibbutz Yagur

· Release of a CD featuring chamber works by Theodor W. 
Adorno and Artur Schnabel

· Production of a CD featuring the Jewish musical tradition 
of Alexandria

· Production of a CD featuring the Jewish musical tradition 
of Copenhagen

· Production of a CD including works by Arnold Schoenberg

· Digitization of analogue recordings preserved at the FJMC 
and some of which had been donated recently

· Enhancing the functionality of the new software launched 
recently, correction of the wrong and missing data it displays and 
archiving the numerous recordings still to be registered, etc.

Over the last two years I had to cope with ceaseless harassment by 
the management of Beth Hatefutsoth toward the FJMC and with hostility 
towards me personally:

· Attempts to prevent the Center from pursuing and 
accomplishing projects in progress, the funds for which had 
completely raised by the Center itself (for instance, the CD album 
Kamti Lehallel, the concert of the Leipzig Synagogal Chor, the 
concert presenting the Passover Haggadah of Kibbutz Yagur)

· Violation of valid agreements with institutions and persons 
and sabotage of productive and useful working relations with them

· Rejection of any idea or initiative springing from the Center, etc.

Personally, I might find some tranquility now. This essential 
venture, though - the Feher Jewish Music Center - is being destroyed 
by decision makers, who see themselves as the sole possessors of 
wisdom and determiners of justice.

· I warmly thank you, wonderful people, who have assisted, 
supported, trusted, donated, cooperated and encouraged me over the years

· I am grateful for the opportunity I've had to work for the 
goals for which the FJMC had been established

· I regret that the absence of the Center will pretty soon be 
felt, yet resonate - as it happens in our places - but weakly and briefly.

If any of you would like to discuss this further, please don't 
hesitate to contact me any time. I really value my relationship with 
all of you and I sincerely hope that we will continue to work 
together for the cause we all cherish.

With best regards,

Yuval Shaked

Yuval Shaked

Feher Jewish Music Center

Beth Hatefutsoth

P.O.Box 39359

Tel Aviv 61392


Tel. +972-3-7457861

Fax. +972-3-7457832

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