[ha-Safran]: Digitization Meeting at AJL 2009 Convetion

2009-05-25 Thread Yakov Shafranovich
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Does anyone know what the agenda for the digitization committee
meeting at the upcoming convention going to be?



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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Trivia Quiz, Videos and Educational Resources

2009-05-25 Thread Jacob Richman
about Shavuot
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Hi Everyone!

Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving
of the Torah, the first harvest, and the ripening of the
first fruits. The two day festival (1 day in Israel) begins
on Thursday night, May 28, 2009.

The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has a selection of multiple choice questions about Shavuot.

What are the five names of Shavuot ?
On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments ?
How many letters are there in the Torah ?
In the days of the Temple what did people do on Shavuot ?
Who married Ruth ?
Who was Ruth the great-grandmother of ?
What is the connection between the number 7 and Shavuot ?

The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer
settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz
entertaining and educational.

To learn more about Shavuot, I have posted on my website
66 links, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish,
French, Portuguese and German.
All 66 links have been reviewed and checked this week.

The web address is:



This year I added a new Shavuot section to my YouTube Video
sections. Enjoy the videos at:

Please forward this message to relatives and friends,
so they may benefit from these holiday resources.

Have a Happy Shavuot!
Chag Sameach!


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran}: Saturday night roomate at conference

2009-05-25 Thread Nancy Poole
Hi all,
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I will be arriving in Chicago on Sat rather than Sun.  I already have 
arrangements for Sun - Weds - but would like to know if someone else 
is coming in early and would like to share a room at the Sheraton.




Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Surveys

2009-05-25 Thread Nancy Poole
Greetings Safranim:

I am going to volunteer at a library in a synagogue - there are no 
library-trained personnel currently and only one person who has been 
volunteering just to keep it open a few hours per week. So far - 
there is software to record catalog data - I don't know what it is 
yet - haven't seen it (it's new - but a lack of help means that not 
much is in the system).  The library is NOT well-publicized amongst 
the membership - it is a nice collection - but needs more materials.

Currently, as I understand, the teachers at the day school operating 
form the building would love to have resources for teaching (which 
are not there yet).

There is not a great deal of funding - but there is a current 
fund-raising effort elsewhere - and one of the heads of the committee 
wants funds to go to the library for new resources. She wants to see 
the library thrive - and have members use it.

I love the idea - but am concerned about spending resources in an 
area that might not get uch use.

What is it like at your synagogues?  We are a fairly large 
congregation - there is another synagogue in town that might also be 
interested - we don't have a huge Jewish community and there is a 
good possibility that the items the community would like to see 
cannot be found elsewhere - although the university has a Jewish 
reading room and has a Jewish Studies program. We also have one of 
the largest Jewish academies (maybe in the country?) right next door.

S - also - what sort of a survey did you do to find out what 
members wanted? What is a good starting place?  What SHOULD a good 
collection include ?

Do you have cooperative arrangements with other synagogues and 
schools in your area? Have any sort of inter-library loan system?




Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Just Released: Partners in Torah: Remarkable

2009-05-25 Thread Michal Eisikowitz
Stories of a Revolutionary Movement
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Book Release:  Partners in Torah, Partners in Eternity

The Personal Stories, the Life-Changing Encounters

Targum Press

22700 W. Eleven Mile, Southfield, MI 48034

Contact Israel Office: 02-651-3355

Allison Fried/Marketing Director


"He's more than my learning partner. He's my gateway to a meaningful life."

Jerusalem, Israel (May 2009) ­ Over one decade ago, a dedicated 
Jewish outreach rabbi set out on a mission: to connect Jewish souls 
to their heritage via a personal learning partner. His kernel of 
inspiration, so simple in theory, yet so complex in design, soon 
blossomed into Partners in Torah, the revolutionary Torah study program.

To date, this international organization has connected more than 
30,000 intellectually curious Jews ­ by phone or in person ­ with 
custom-picked partners to match their personalities and goals. A 
division of Torah Umesorah, Partners in Torah has made Jewish 
knowledge accessible to all Jews at no cost, and regardless of their 
location, background, or denomination.

Now, Targum Press joins Partners in Torah with the release of 
Partners in Torah: Partners in Eternity: The Personal Stories, the 
Life-Changing Encounters, a remarkable testimonial to the power of a 
study partner, and to the incredible bond that is created when two 
Jews learn together. Compiled by founder and director Rabbi Eli 
Gewirtz, it offers a glimpse into the lives of hundreds of partners 
as they find common ground in the Torah's timeless wisdom and jointly 
discover how their lives are immeasurably enriched by their Torah partnerships.

In this magnificent collection, you'll meet people from all over and 
from across the spectrum. You'll read of Jews who stumbled across 
their partners ­ and their heritage ­in the most unexpected places 
and ways. The conservative Rabbi whose worldview was revolutionized 
by a chasidic scholar, the young woman who found her way to Judaism 
through Catholic friends who met a nice Jewish guy in Home Depot ­ 
their fascinating individual odysseys ­ along with hundreds more ­ 
are all vividly portrayed, in a warm and personal way.

An inspiring journal of incredible journeys, Partners in Torah: 
Partners in Eternity is the voice of Jews reclaiming their heritage; 
it's the voice that shows how a weekly learning session can become a 
transformative dynamic of two Jewish souls learning and growing together.


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: New Memoir: A Vow Fulfilled - The Fran Laufer

2009-05-25 Thread Michal Eisikowitz

Book Release: A Vow Fulfilled ­ The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miracles

Targum Press

22700 W. Eleven Mile, Southfield, MI 48034

Contact Israel Office: 972-2-651-3355

Allison Fried, Marketing Director



 From barbed wire to antique brass; from the depths of degradation to 
a life of philanthropy and purpose.

Jerusalem, Israel (May 2009) ­ Targum Press is proud to present A Vow 
Fulfilled – The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miracles, a tale of 
the tenacity of the human spirit and its ability to hope and to love, 
to rebuild and to recreate.

"We, the survivors, can only hope that we are leaving a legacy of 
courage, determination, and heroism." These are the powerful and 
poignant words of Mrs. Fran Laufer, founder of the famed Fran Laufer 
Collection, words that characterize exactly the life that Fran and 
her husband Simon built for themselves after the hell of Hitler's 
death camps ­ a life of courage, determination, and heroism. 
Notwithstanding the tribulations of financial setbacks and a 
stillborn baby, a daughter's divorce and a son-in-law's untimely 
passing, and despite their ever-present haunting memories, the 
Laufers worked tirelessly and selflessly to fulfill the vow they had 
made to their martyred families: to raise a new generation of Jews in 
a Torah-true fashion.

They succeeded in doing more than just that. The financial empire 
they built facilitated the creation and support of numerous Jewish 
institutions: Rivkah Laufer Bikur Cholim, Young Israel of Hillcrest 
and Deerfield Beach, the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, the Chasidic 
dynasty of Bobov and Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem. Their dedicated 
support of yeshivos and synagogues enabled them to spearhead the 
resurgence of Jewish life in the post-war world.

A Vow Fulfilled is a story to inspire; it gives us hope and faith in 
the goodness of humanity and the opportunities that life has to 
offer. As Fran recounts her experiences, her gentle Polish lilt is 
virtually heard on each page, telling of pain, of a fierce to desire 
to live, and of the heartwarming adoration felt for the husband who 
was everything to her. Hers is the story of a woman who created, 
together with her husband, to forge a new life for themselves and 
fill it with profound love for and dedication to their family, their 
community, and the Jewish people.

A Vow Fulfilled is more than a Holocaust diary; it is a tribute to 
the human being's capacity to endure, to love, to dream, and to fulfill.


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: AJL Convention / LC Cataloging Update

2009-05-25 Thread Lenore Bell
Dear Colleagues:

At the LC Cataloging Update, representatives from the Library of
Congress, Israel and Judaica Section, will discuss developments in 
cataloging during the past year and will address cataloging questions 
submitted in advance by AJL members.

The session is listed in the Convention 2009 Preliminary Program as 
Session V.2 (Tues., July 7, 8:30 am-10:00 am).

Please address questions regarding descriptive cataloging and romanization to:
Joan Biella
email: j...@loc.gov
fax: (202) 252-3182
phone: (202) 707-0982

Please address questions regarding subject cataloging and LC classification to:
Lenore Bell
email: l...@loc.gov
fax: (202) 252-3182
phone: (202) 707-7313

We would appreciate receiving your questions by June 15, 2009.

See you in Chicago!

Lenore Bell
Israel & Judaica Section / Asian & Middle Eastern Division / Library 
of Congress
(202) 707-7313 / l...@loc.gov


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Press Release: Jewish Author Luncheon at AJL Convention

2009-05-25 Thread Rachel Kamin
Below is the press release that the AJL will be circulating to 
publicize the special authors' luncheon during the Convention on July 
7.  Please post it on your website and/or blog and forward it along 
to anyone you know who might be interested.  A list of participating 
authors is appended.  As you can see it is quite a diverse and 
impressive list – we hope you will join us!

Rachel Kamin, Past Chair

Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee

The Association of Jewish Libraries

847/432-8903 x242 (work)

248/444-3292 (mobile)


For more information, contact:

Rachel Kamin, Planning Committee

Association of Jewish Libraries Annual Convention

(847) 432-8903 x242



May 2009

For immediate release



Association of Jewish Libraries Serves Up Authors at Sheraton Chicago on July 7

(Chicago – May 20, 2009) Teachers, librarians, educators and 
booklovers are invited to attend a gala Jewish Author Luncheon on 
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers at 
12:00 noon. The event will feature over thirty-five authors and 
illustrators who create books for adults and children. A book signing 
and reception will follow the luncheon, which is being held in 
conjunction with the annual Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) 
national convention.

During the luncheon and reception, authors and illustrators will 
circulate among the attendees to highlight their works, ranging from 
children's picture books, adult fiction and non-fiction, poetry, and 
short stories to cookbooks and scholarly works.  Several of these 
authors will also present sessions during the AJL convention.  On 
Monday, July 6, Esme Codell (Vive La Paris, Hanukkah Shmanukkah), 
Ilene Cooper (Sam I Am, Jewish Holidays All Year Round), Brenda 
Ferber (Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinaire, Julia's Kitchen), and 
Esther Hershenhorn (Chicken Soup By Heart) will explore "Writing the 
Jewish Children's Book" and Simone Elkeles (Perfect Chemistry, How to 
Ruin My Teenage Life) will discuss "Bat Mitzvah & Beyond: Jewish 
Girls Coming of Age in Fiction."  On Tuesday, July 7, Peter Ascoli 
will speak about his book about his grandfather, Julius Rosenwald: 
The Man Who Built Sears, Roebuck and Advanced the Cause of Black 
Education in the American South.

Local authors will be joined by authors and illustrators from across 
the United States and Israel.  Richard Michelson (Northampton, 
Massachusetts) and Raul Colon (New City, New York), author and 
illustrator of As Good As Anybody: Martin Luther King, Jr. and 
Abraham Joshua Heschel's Amazing March Toward Freedom, the 2009 
Sydney Taylor Book Award Winner for Younger Reader, Aranka Siegal 
(Williams Island, Florida), author of Memories of Babi, the 2009 
Sydney Taylor Honor Award Winner for Older Readers, and Anna Levine 
(Jerusalem, Israel), author of Freefall, the 2009 Sydney Taylor Honor 
Award Winner for Teen Readers, will all present during sessions on 
Tuesday, July 7 and will also be recognized during the awards banquet 
on Tuesday evening.  Pearl Sofaer (San Francisco, California), author 
of Baghdad to Bombay: In the Kitchens of My Cousins, will speak about 
the gems of Mizrahi liturgy on Monday, July 6.

"The AJL convention will draw over 200 Judaica librarians from 
synagogues, day schools, community centers, seminaries, universities, 
and research institutions from across North America and around the 
world," explains Rachel Kamin, a member of the local planning 
committee and chair of the Jewish Author Luncheon. "We want to 
showcase and celebrate the wealth of Jewish literary talent in the 
metropolitan Chicago community during the convention."

Tickets for the Jewish Author Luncheon and Reception are available 
for $75.00 and include an elegant kosher meal and delicious dessert 
reception.  Copies of the participating authors' works will be 
available for sale.  To purchase tickets, or for more information 
about the Association of Jewish Libraries and its Chicago convention, 
contact Marcie Eskin atmjes...@comcast.net or (847) 676-1480, or 
visit www.jewishlibraries.org.

# # #


at the Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Libraries

Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 12:00

Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers


Peter Ascoli (Julius Rosenwald)

Marlene Brill (Annie Walks Out)

Rosalind Charney Kaye (Sophie and the Shofar, Chanukah on the Prairie)

Esme Codell (Vive La Paris, Hanukkah Shmanukkah)

Raul Colon (As Good As Anybody)

Ilene Cooper (Sam I Am, Jewish Holidays All Year Round)

Julia Durango (The Walls of Cartagena, Pest Fest, Yum Yuck)

Simone Elkeles (Perfect Chemistry, How to Ruin My Teenage Life)

Aaron Elster (I Still See Her Haunting Eyes)

Brenda Ferber (Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinaire, Julia's Kitchen)

Laura Frankel (Jewish 

Re: [ha-Safran]: Boys & immigration

2009-05-25 Thread Kathe Pinchuck
The Notorious Izzy Fink by Don Brown:

 From School Library Journal
Grade 4-8–Gang wars, pickpockets, pushcarts, and tenements best 
describe New York Citys Lower East Side in the 1890s, home to 
13-year-old Sam Glodsky, the half-Irish, half-Russian Jewish 
protagonist. He and his buddy Manny hawk newspapers for pennies to 
help put food on their tables. Sam gets involved with the Chief 
Inspector of the Health Department, who enlists his help in tracking 
down a cholera victim who has escaped a quarantined ship and may be 
inadvertently spreading the disease. In order to gain access to the 
ship, the boy takes a job with notorious gangster/animal lover Monk 
Eastman, who pays him and another boy to rescue a prized carrier 
pigeon from the ship. The other boy turns out to be Sams archenemy, 
and when Fink mishandles the bird and breaks its wing, Eastman is out 
to get him. Expletives and coarse language are a natural part of the 
characters dialogue. Though there is some mention of Boss Tweed and 
Tammany Hall, the main focus is on the immigrant factions; an 
afterword refers to the long-held prejudices of the various ethnic 
groups that heightened as they competed for jobs and housing. Even 
reluctant readers will enjoy this engaging, action-packed novel, and 
the period will spring to life.–Barbara Auerbach, New York City Public Schools
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier 
Inc. All rights reserved.


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

RE: [ha-Safran] Evaluating old books

2009-05-25 Thread Beila Organic
If you can get online access to the catalog of a major Judaica library (JTS,
Yeshiva University, Baltimore Hebrew University, not to mention the
collections of the secular universities) you can check an author or title
list of the books against that library's holdings, which would give you a
rough idea of the titles' value. Or you could check the books against one of
the AJL's lists of recommended holdings for synagogue libraries.  Or you
could send an author/title list to a friendly Judaica librarian or rabbi,
teacher or other maven, for evaluation.  A fee for such service would be
small compared to importing someone.  You mention your synagogue library,
but  not "librarian."   Do you  have one?

Beila Organic


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Convention Refunds

2009-05-25 Thread Susan Dubin
I apologize for sending some incorrect information about Convention 
refunds. Although we do not wish to encourage refunds, in cases where 
a refund is necessary, here is the correct information:

Refund requests must be submitted in a signed letter prior to June 1, 2009,
and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Refunds will be processed and
mailed after July 10, 2009. Please send refund requests to Marcie Eskin,
9454 Lincolnwood Dr., Evanston, IL 60203.
Susan Dubin
AJL President


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org