[ha-Safran]: Yiddish is a language in and of itself

2010-03-11 Thread Congress for Jewish Culture
To cavalierly state that Judeo-German [...] is German... but then 
again, so is Yiddish throws out over a hundred years of scholarship, 
and a lotta books! Try telling it to the Yiddish teachers and chairs 
in universities all across the country -- not to mention the many 
librarians specializing in Yiddish.

For further information on the thousand year old language, and the 
keys to Jewish history and identity it contains, please look into the 
Encyclopedia Judaica or even the Encyclopedia Britannica for basic 
articles. Then check out (or even buy for your library!) the recent 
YIVO publications the Encyclopedia of Eastern European Jewry and the 
newly completed translation of Max Weinreich's History of the Yiddish 
Language (in two volumes).

Best regards,

Shane Baker
Congress for Jewish Culture
1133 Broadway
Suite 1019
New York, NY  10010


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[ha-Safran]: Re: Dialect vs. language

2010-03-11 Thread Zachary M Baker
Max Weinreich, late research director of the YIVO Institute (the 
Academy of the Yiddish Language) and author of the History of the 
Yiddish Language (4 vols., Yiddish [YIVO], 1973; 2 vols., English 
[Yale U. Press], 2008), once made the following distinction between 
dialect and language. Quoting from memory: A language is a dialect 
with an army and a navy.

As to the argument that Yiddish is a dialect of High German - that is 
akin to saying that English is a dialect of Frisian (the Germanic 
language that is most closely related to English).


Zachary M. Baker
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6004

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[ha-Safran]: New History of Jews who fought on the side of the Boers

2010-03-11 Thread Donald Sandra Hirschhorn
A New History of Jews who fought on the side of the Boers, 1899-1902
has just been published.

During the Anglo-Boer war of 1899-1902, an estimated 300 Jews served
in the Boer armed forces. These ranged from those fighting in the
commandos through to medical officers, POW guards, commissariat
officers and town guard members. Individual Jews were involved in
nearly all of the war's best-known incidents, including the famous
battles of Magersfontein, Colenso and Spioenkop, the sieges of
Mafeking, Ladysmith and Kimberley, the capture and escape of Winston
Churchill and throughout the guerilla campaign. Many were interned for
lengthy periods in POW camps on St Helena, Bermuda and elsewhere.

While a number of shorter articles on this subject have appeared over
the years, no attempt to date has been made to write a full history of
this still little-known aspect of South African Jewish and Anglo-Boer
War historiography. A new book, entitled Boerejode -- Jews in the
Afrikaner Freedom Struggle, 1899-1902 by South African journalist and
historian David Saks, has now filled this gap.

  Boerejode is based on original research conducted by the author in
the State Archives, the archives of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies
and the library of the SA Museum of Military History. It further
builds on the extensive original research conducted by Rabbi L I
Rabinowitz and well-known authors like Eric Rosenthal and SA Rochlin
in the 1930s and 1940s.  These include the reminiscences of some of
the Jewish Oudstryders (veterans), which provide compelling and
unique perspectives of the war from Jews who devoted themselves to
fighting for the Boer cause.

An appendix provides an annotated Nominal Roll of all Jewish
participants in the Boer military. Photographs and documents from the
SAJBD Archives are included.

About the Author

David Sacks is a writer, historian and Jewish communal professional. He
has written extensively on South African Jewish, political and
military history for a wide range of local and international
publications. He is editor of the journal Jewish Affairs and the
Associate Director of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies.

The ISBN is 978-0-620-46112-2. Softcover, 166 pages. The U.S. price 
including postage is $25.00 from David Sacks, P.O. Box 87557, 
Houghton 2041 South Africa. His email is: da...@beyachad.co.za.
Donald Hirschhorn
Boca Raton, FL


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Cataloguing Judaeo-German

2010-03-11 Thread Haim Levy
Yiddish is certainly not a dialect of German.
If a dialect is defined (among others) by mutual intelligibility the 
it's certainly not a dialect. Most Yiddish speakers don't understand 
German. I, as a speaker of Yiddish can say that I don't understand 
German and I know that Germans don't understand Yiddish.
Maybe in the past when there was a Western Yiddish it was more mutual 
intelligible and even then Germans did not understand all the Hebrew 
words which are common in Yiddish. A few yeas ago I read a text in 
Western Yiddish to a German. She understood most of it but not the 
many Hebrew words.
Today when people speak or write Eastern Yiddish it is certainly not 
mutual intelligible.
In the 19th century there was a debate whether Yiddish is a language 
or zhargon (dialect) and it was decided on a language.
Mendelssohn wrote his Beur in German not Yiddish. He used Hebrew 
letters only to facilitate the reading to the Jews of his time who 
did not know how to read Latin letters.


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[ha-Safran]: Cataloguing Judaeo-German

2010-03-11 Thread Aviva Astrinsky
Paul Glasser, Ph.D., a Yiddish Linguist at YIVO, had this to say about
Margo Gutstein's
post in Ha-Safran:

...she's absolutely wrong about mutual intelligibility - if that were
true, Czech and Slovak would be one language, Mandarin and Cantonese
would be two!

Aviva E. Astrinsky
Head Librarian
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011


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[ha-Safran]: Book sale @ JCC of Greater Washington

2010-03-11 Thread Jonina Duker
  The JCC of Greater Washington is selling books from its Kass Judaic 
Library.  The JCC is located at 6125 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD, 
20852-4860, and the main phone number is (301) 881-0100.
  The sale is Sunday 14 March 2010  (28 Adar 5770) from 9:00 AM to 
3:00 PM.  For more information please call or email Jodi Shulimson 
(301) 348-3769 jshulim...@jccgw.org .


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[ha-Safran]: Photos of the A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony

2010-03-11 Thread Jacob Richman
Hi Everyone!

Today I attended the A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
at Eshkol Hapayis in Ma'ale Adumim.

You can view the photos at:

When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the
top of your keyboard for a full page view.
Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.

Congratulations to everyone that participated in the readathon.

Shabbat Shalom,


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[ha-Safran]: Edith Geiger [in Hebrew]

2010-03-11 Thread Yossi Galron

I was asked to post the following link to YouTube:  A video about a 
librarian and her special books  This is really inspiring! What a 
fantastic person. Please watch it and enjoy. [in Hebrew]



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